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The doctor said, “You need to take this

medicine twice a day.”

102. You said to them, “Have you seen the girl who
came to me this morning?”

103. The teacher said, “The Earth revolves around

the Sun.”

104. I said to him, “By God! I never meant you any

105. “What a fool you are!” said the teacher.

106. The monk said, “May God pardon the sinner.”

107. She said, “How dirty the house is!”

108. I said to him, “What a nice fellow your friend


109. “We’re planning a surprise for you,” they

110. “Alas! Child,” said the mother, “I have a bit of
bread to give you.”

111. “So, help me, Heaven!” she said, “I will never


112. “I won’t be able to attend the meeting,” she

told him.

113. The spectators shouted, “Bravo! Well played.”

114. “We have been working on this project for
months,” they exclaimed.

115. He said to me, “How obliged we are to you!”

116. She said, “What a pity you did not come!”

117. He said, “Goodbye my friends!”

118. The dentist said, “Your father doesn’t need an

119. He said, “What a stupid fellow you are!”

120. Mother said to me,” May you have peace and

prosperity in life.”

121. They said, “Long live the leader.”

122. Mother said to her, “may your dreams come


123. She said to me, “May you be ruined.”

124. I said to him, “May you all succeed.”

125. He said, “May your soul rest in peace.”

126. The saint said to her, “May you live long.”

127. She said to the boys, “Don’t go there.”

128. I said to them, “Please speak to your officer

about my prayer.

129. He said, “May your children live in plenty.”

130. She said, “Let me have some milk.”

131. Kristi said to me, “May you be happy.”

132. He said to me, “What a nice thing it is!”

133. I said to him, “I once saw you ago.”

134. She said, “I have a dream tonight.”

135. He said to me, “You will obey your parents.”

136. Amal said to Bilal, “I gave you, my pen.”

137. She said, “It is money that matters.”

138. I said to him, “You will get it today or


139. Ana said, “I have been writing a novel.”

140. He said. “This life is not an empty dream.”

141. He said to her, “You were a mere child when I
saw you last.”

142. You said to me, “As I do not know you, I cannot

help you”

143. Fatima said to her father, “I shall be happy if

you will put me to a college.”

144. He said to me, “You are honest, so I shall play

with you from tomorrow.”
145. He said to her, “Do you have a good guitar?”

146. “How did you get here, child?” asked the lady.

147. “Will you help me to move the piano? My aunt


148. “What does it matter if we do miss the train?”

said he.
149. He said to us, “Are you coming to the meeting

150. “Who was the first man to land on the moon?”

said the examiner.

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