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J Nanopart Res (2012) 14:1263

DOI 10.1007/s11051-012-1263-0


Adsorption and dissociation of molecular hydrogen

on the edges of graphene nanoribbons
Cecilia Bores • Iván Cabria • Julio A. Alonso •

Marı́a J. López

Received: 20 January 2012 / Accepted: 22 October 2012 / Published online: 9 November 2012
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012

Abstract The dissociation and adsorption of molec- therefore, the edges do not contribute to the reversible
ular hydrogen on the edges of graphene nanoribbons of storage capacity of the material. The magnetic prop-
widths of 1.14 and 1.36 nm, is investigated within the erties of saturated and unsaturated ribbons are also
density functional formalism. Here, graphene nano- discussed.
ribbons are used as models for the pore walls of some
nanoporous carbons (carbide-derived carbons among Keywords Graphene  Hydrogen dissociation 
others) which have been shown to be formed by one- Ribbons  Hydrogen storage  Theory,
atom thick graphene layers interconnected among modeling, and simulation
them and exhibiting exposed edges (López et al. in J
Chem Phys 135:104706, 2011). The aim of this study is
to shed some light on the contribution of the edges of Introduction
the pore walls to the hydrogen storage capacity of
nanoporous carbons. Nanoribbons with zigzag and Hydrogen is a promising alternative to fossil fuels for
armchair edge terminations have been considered. automotive applications. However, the on-board stor-
Molecular hydrogen dissociates and adsorbs atomi- age of hydrogen remains as a challenging technolog-
cally at the nanoribbon edges with no or small ical problem. Hydrogen storage on nanoporous carbon
activation barrier. The adsorption energies per hydro- materials stands out as one of the best options. The
gen molecule are quite large, 2.5 and 5.7 eV for storage capacity of carbide-derived carbons (CDC)
armchair and zigzag edges, respectively. This indicates (Gogotsi et al. 2005) and activated carbons (AC)
that the graphene edges are very reactive and will be (Linares-Solano et al. 2008) is about 6 wt% of hydro-
saturated with hydrogen whenever available. How- gen at low temperatures (77 K). However, at room
ever, under mild conditions of pressure and tempera- temperature these materials exhibit a much smaller
ture hydrogen cannot be desorbed from the edges and, capacity of about 1 wt% of hydrogen which is far to
comply with the technological requirements of
5.5 wt% hydrogen (DOE 2009). Hydrogen storage on
This article is part of the topical collection on nanomaterials in nanoporous carbons, is driven by the adsorption
energy, health and environment (physisorption) of molecular hydrogen on the pore
walls of the material. Many studies have investigated
C. Bores  I. Cabria  J. A. Alonso  M. J. López (&) the adsorption of molecular hydrogen on graphitic
Departamento de Fı́sica Teórica, Universidad de
Valladolid, 47011 Valladolid, Spain walls (Arellano et al. 2000; Alonso et al. 2004;
e-mail: Pradhan et al. 2002; Froudakis 2002). The main result

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is that the adsorption energy is quite small, about available. However, this adsorbed hydrogen would not
100 meV, what explains the small hydrogen storage contribute to the reversible storage capacity of nano-
capacity of nanoporous carbons at room temperature porous carbons, since it cannot be released at room
(Gogotsi et al. 2005; Linares-Solano et al. 2008). temperature.
Moreover, it has been shown (Arellano et al. 2002) Tight binding (TB) calculations have revealed the
that the dissociative adsorption (chemisorption) of existence of electronic states localized on the zigzag
hydrogen on graphitic surfaces is an endothermic edges of graphene nanoribbons (Kobayashi 1993;
process with high (higher than 3 eV) activation Fujita et al. 1996; Nakada et al. 1996). These edge
barriers and, therefore, this process does not contribute states have been confirmed through density functional
to the storage capacity of nanoporous carbons. In calculations for both, bare (Barone et al. 2006; Okada
contrast, some metal surfaces are able to catalyze the 2008) and saturated edges (Son et al. 2006a, b), and
dissociation of molecular hydrogen (Hammer and have been demonstrated experimentally in STM
Nørskov 1995). Hydrogen dissociation has activation measurements (Kobayashi et al. 2005; Tao et al.
barriers in Al and Cu surfaces. However, there is no 2011). The edge states at each edge have different
activation for the dissociation of H2 on Pt(111) or on Pt spin polarizations giving rise to an antiferromagnetic
at the Cu3Pt surface. The dissociation barriers are not ordering between the edges and a total spin of the
determined exclusively by the density of states, DOS, ribbon S=0. Armchair edges (saturated with hydro-
of the d-band at the Fermi level and the number of gen), however, do not exhibit such edge states.
empty d states above the Fermi energy. The dissoci- Moreover, it has been shown that the edges of zigzag
ation barriers can be understood in terms of the carbon nanotubes of finite length do also exhibit spin-
hybridization energy between the bonding and anti- polarized edge states (Mañanes et al. 2008). Interest-
bonding adsorbate states and the metal d bands (when ingly, it has been shown in the literature that carbon/
present). The optimal size and shape of the pores for graphene-based materials may exhibit magnetic
hydrogen storage in nanoporous carbon materials, moments (Shibayama et al. 2000; Rode et al. 2004).
have been also investigated (Cabria et al. 2007, 2011). The non-compensated spins giving rise to a net
Recently, some of the authors have unraveled magnetic moment originate from the graphene edge
(López et al. 2011) the atomistic and pore structure of states. Here, we compare the magnetic behavior of
some nanoporous carbons (CDCs and similar porous zigzag and armchair nanoribbons with exposed edges
carbons). The pore walls are one-atom thick graphene and with hydrogen-saturated edges. We also show a
layers interconnected among them and exhibiting novel effect on the ribbons: the adsorption of hydrogen
exposed graphene edges. The role played by the on only one edge of zigzag nanoribbons induces a
graphene edges of the pore walls on the adsorption of magnetic moment on the ribbon of 2 lB per adsorbed
hydrogen on nanoporous carbons has not been inves- molecule. This suggests a possible pathway to tailor
tigated so far. Our aim is to get some insight on the the magnetic moment in carbon materials. The struc-
contribution of the edges to the hydrogen storage ture of the paper is as follows: in ‘‘Theoretical model’’
capacity of nanoporous carbons. As models for the section, we present the methodology and computa-
exposed edges of the pore walls, we have considered tional details. In ‘‘Results’’ section gives the results on
graphene nanoribbons with armchair and zigzag the adsorption of hydrogen on zigzag and armchair
terminations. Using the density functional formalism nanoribbons and on the magnetic properties of the
(DFT), we have studied the possible adsorption and ribbons. Finally, in ‘‘Summary’’ section, we present
dissociation of molecular hydrogen on the ribbon the summary and conclusions.
edges. Our calculations show that the molecular
hydrogen dissociates without or with small activation
barriers on the proximity of both, zigzag and armchair Theoretical model
edges, and binds atomically on the edges with energies
of 2.5 and 5.7 eV/molecule in the armchair and zigzag As models for the graphitic walls of nanoporous
edges, respectively. Clearly, the unsaturated carbon carbon materials, we have considered graphene nano-
edges of the nanoribbons are very active chemically ribbons. The ribbons are obtained by cutting a
and therefore, adsorb hydrogen readily, whenever graphene layer along two parallel lines. Ribbons with

J Nanopart Res (2012) 14:1263 Page 3 of 9

Fig. 1 Structure of a a (a) (b)

zigzag terminated ribbon
(infinite length in the
X direction) consisting on
six zigzag chains (Nz labels
the chains) and b an
armchair-terminated ribbon
(infinite length in the
Y direction) consisting on
six armchair chains (Na
labels the chains). The
ribbon widths are 1.14 and
1.36 nm, respectively. The
relaxed C–C bond lengths
(calculated using the PW91
functional) are indicated in
the figure in units of 100 pm

zigzag or armchair edges are produced when the distance from the center, for the armchair (zigzag)
cutting lines form an angle of 0° or 30°, respectively, ribbons. The GGA-PW91 (Perdew and Wang 1992)
with a unit vector of the graphene lattice. We consider exchange–correlation functional is employed. Calcu-
ribbons formed by six zigzag or six armchair chains as lations using the local density approximation (LDA) to
shown in Fig. 1. These ribbons have similar widths of the exchange–correlation potential as parametrized by
1.14 and 1.36 nm, respectively. Vosko–Wilk–Nusair (VWN) (Vosko et al. 1980) have
We have used the DFT to investigate the electronic also been performed. These two exchange–correlation
and magnetic properties of graphene nanoribbons and functionals do not include dispersion forces. However,
the adsorption of molecular hydrogen on the ribbon the long range interaction between a hydrogen mol-
edges. The DFT calculations have been performed with ecule (a closed shell system) and graphene is mainly
the DACAPO code (DACAPO 2009). The code due to dispersion forces. For this reason, we have
implements the supercell methodology. Supercells added an empirical correction (EvdW) (Wu and Yang
containing 36 and 48 carbon atoms have been used for 2002) to the PW91 energies, to include the dispersion
the zigzag and the armchair nanoribbons, respectively (Van der Waals type) interactions between the hydro-
(as shown in Fig. 1). The supercell dimensions in the gen molecules and the graphene nanoribbons. We use
nonperiodic directions of the ribbons are taken large the so called C6 correction term (Wu and Yang 2002)
enough (3.1 nm in the Y direction for zigzag ribbons, which has the form
3.3 nm in the X direction for the armchair ribbons and
1.4 nm in the Z direction) to avoid interactions between C6
EvdW ¼ fd ðRÞ ; ð1Þ
the images of the ribbon in different supercells. R6
Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudopotentials (Vanderbilt where R is the distance between each pair of atoms, the
1990) are used and a basis set of plane waves. The coefficient C6 gives the asymptotic form of the Van
energy cutoff is set to 350–400 eV for good conver- der Waals attraction and fd is a Fermi type damping
gence. Since the supercells used in the calculations are function
quite large, a single k-point (the C-point) in the
reciprocal lattice is sufficient to guarantee conver- 1
fd ðRÞ ¼    ð2Þ
gence in the cohesive energies within 10 meV. 1 þ exp b RRm  1
However, to calculate the electronic density of states,
DOS, and the band gaps we have considered 16 or 32 which is one at large values of the interatomic
k-points in the first Brillouin zone following the distances and zero at small values. The values of the
Monkhorst–Pack scheme (Monkhorst and Pack 1976), parameters, adjusted to represent the H–C interaction,
plus three additional k points: the center and the edge are C6 = 3.139 9 106 eV/nm6, b = 23, and Rm =
of the first Brillouin zone, and the point at 1/2 (2/3) 0.16 nm.

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Results atomically at the edges. We define the interaction energy

between the hydrogen molecule and the ribbon edge as
We have investigated graphene nanoribbons termi-
nated in zigzag and armchair edges. The structure of Einteraction ¼ Eðribbon þ 2HÞ  EðribbonÞ  EðH2 Þ:
the ribbons has been fully relaxed. Relaxation does not
change the zigzag or armchair character of the edge
termination of the ribbons. The relaxed structural Figure 2 shows the interaction energy between a
parameters of the ribbons are given in Fig. 1. The C–C hydrogen molecule and a zigzag edge along a pathway
bond lengths at the edges experience a substantial leading to the dissociation of the molecule without (or
contraction of about 13 % with respect to the infinite with negligible small) activation barrier. First, the
graphene layer for the armchair edges, whereas for molecule approaches the ribbon and becomes slightly
zigzag edges only a small contraction of about a 3 % activated (H–H distance of 0.089 nm). At a given
in the C–C bond lengths is produced. These results are distance from the ribbon (0.18 nm), the molecule
in agreement with previous LDA calculations (Okada begins to dissociate and finally each H atom of the
2008). Other possible edge reconstructions (Koskinen molecule attaches to a C atom of the edge (adjacent
et al. 2008) have not been considered here since recent one to another). Several reaction coordinates are
experiments (Kobayashi et al. 2005) show that edge considered along this path: at long distances, right
terminations upon annealing are only the zigzag and hand side panel, the reaction coordinate is the distance
armchair terminations. between the molecule and the ribbon, all the other
Clearly, the ribbons are metastable carbon struc- coordinates are optimized; at intermediate distances,
tures. The ribbon energy above the energy of the middle panel, the reaction coordinate is the H–H
perfect graphene layer, i.e., the ribbon formation distance, and all the other coordinates are optimized
energy, Eformation, per unit length of ribbon is given by except the distance between the molecule and the
ribbon, that is fixed; at shorter distances, left hand side
Eformation ¼ ðEðribbonÞ  nEðgrapheneÞÞ=L; ð3Þ
panel, the reaction coordinate is the distance between
where E(ribbon) is the energy of a ribbon supercell of each H atom and the corresponding edge C atom,
length L that contains n carbon atoms and E(graphene) being all the other coordinates optimized. Similarly,
is the energy of the perfect graphene layer per carbon Fig. 3 shows the interaction energy between a hydro-
atom. Since a ribbon has two edges, the formation gen molecule and an armchair edge along a dissocia-
energy of one edge, Eedge, is half the formation energy tive pathway without (or with negligible small)
of the ribbon. Notice that with this definition, the activation barrier. The molecule dissociates at a
formation energy of a given edge depends on the width distance of 0.13 nm from the edge along this path.
of the ribbon used to compute it. The formation Both the LDA and the PW91-GGA exchange–
energies of the zigzag and armchair edges are 11.9 and correlation functionals have been used to calculate the
10.1 eV/nm, respectively, as calculated from the interaction energies given in Figs. 2 and 3. The LDA
ribbons containing six zigzag or six armchair chains. curves lie below the GGA curves since, as for many
Therefore, the armchair edges are more stable than the physical systems, the LDA overestimates the cohesive
zigzag edges (Okada 2008). However, simulations of energy (negative value of the interaction energy),
the formation of nanoporous carbons (López et al. whereas the GGA tends to underestimate it. The GGA
2011) produce more zigzag than armchair edges in the curves exhibit a small dissociation barrier at distances
final structures, what indicates that the formation of of 0.20 and 0.15 nm, for hydrogen adsorption on the
edges is a kinetically controlled process. zigzag and armchair edges, respectively. No barrier is
We have investigated the adsorption mechanism of present in the LDA curves. It is worth noticing that at
molecular hydrogen on unsaturated zigzag and armchair large distances, when there is no overlap between the
edges of graphene nanoribbons. In contrast, with the electronic densities, the interaction between the hydro-
weak hydrogen adsorption (physisorption) on a graph- gen molecules and the ribbon edges is mainly due to
ene layer or on the surface of carbon nanotubes, dispersion forces of the Van der Waals type. Neither
molecular hydrogen interacts strongly with the unsatu- the LDA nor the GGA of the DFT formalism captures
rated edges of the ribbons, dissociates and chemisorbs those forces. Therefore, we have corrected the GGA

J Nanopart Res (2012) 14:1263 Page 5 of 9

Fig. 2 Interaction energy of a hydrogen molecule with a zigzag

edge. The selected pathway leads to the dissociation of the
molecule without (or with negligible small) activation barrier. Fig. 4 Density of states (in arbitrary units) of a zigzag ribbon
The reaction coordinate is a the distance between the molecule with unsaturated edges (blue line) and with one adsorbed
and the ribbon on the righthand side panel, all the other hydrogen molecule in one edge (red line). The discrete
coordinates being optimized; b the H–H distance in the middle eigenvalues obtained in the supercell calculation are broaden
panel, all the other coordinates being optimized except the with a Lorentzian function of width 0.05 eV. (Color figure
distance between the molecule and the ribbon; c the distance online)
between each H atom and the corresponding edge C atom in the
lefthand side panel, being all the other coordinates optimized
edges of the ribbons are very reactive and exhibit a
strong tendency to saturate with hydrogen, whenever
available. The edges act as catalysts for the dissocia-
tion of the hydrogen molecule. Upon dissociation, each
hydrogen atom of the molecule saturates a dangling
bond of a C atom of the edge. Since the C atoms of the
edges exhibit sp2 hybridization, the C–H bonds follow
the directions corresponding to the honeycomb struc-
ture of graphene. As a result, the distance between the
two chemisorbed H atoms is smaller in the armchair
edge, 0.194 nm, than in the zigzag edge, 0.241 nm.
The proximity of the two chemisorbed hydrogen atoms
in the armchair edge weakens the C–H bond yielding to
a smaller binding energy than in the case of the zigzag
Fig. 3 Interaction energy of a hydrogen molecule with an edge. The higher binding energy of hydrogen to the
armchair edge. The selected pathway leads to the dissociation of zigzag edge is also consistent with the density of states
the molecule without (or with negligible small) activation
barrier. The reaction coordinates are the same as in Fig. 2
shown in Fig. 4. The clean zigzag edge has an
electronic gap at the Fermi level which is not destroyed
by adsorption of a hydrogen molecule. An electronic
energies by adding the C6 correction (Wu and Yang gap is taken as the signature of a stable system. In
2002) that represents the Van der Waals interaction. As contrast, as it is shown in Fig. 5, the adsorption of a
the hydrogen molecule approaches the ribbon edge, the hydrogen molecule in an armchair edge introduces an
electronic densities of these two systems begin to occupied band at the Fermi level, what is the signature
overlap and the dispersion forces become only a small of a weaker C–H bond.
fraction of the total interaction energy. The adsorption As it is well known, the infinite graphene layer is a
energy (negative of the interaction energy given in zero gap semiconductor. By applying the zone-folding
Eq. 4 calculated at the minimum) per hydrogen model to the graphene electronic bands, it has been
molecule is 5.65 eV in the zigzag edge and 2.53 eV predicted that all the zigzag ribbons are metallic and
in the armchair edge. This shows that the unsaturated one out of three (as a function of width) armchair

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opposite to that of the edge states at the adsorbing edge.

Thus, the net spin at the adsorbing edge is reduced in
2 U of spin, whereas it does not experience any change
at the other edge. As a consequence, the ribbon
acquires a magnetic moment of 2 lB per hydrogen
molecule adsorbed on the same edge. Other pathways
for generating magnetism in graphene systems have
been suggested previously in the literature, e.g., in
small nanographene flakes (Fernández-Rosier and
Palacios 2007; Hod et al. 2008), through vacancies or
nanohole superlattices in graphene (Ma et al. 2004; Yu
et al. 2008), and by selective addition of H atoms at one
edge of of H-terminated graphene nanoribbons (Ku-
sakabe and Maruyama 2003). Figure 6 shows the
Fig. 5 Density of states (in arbitrary units) of the armchair difference between the spin up and spin down
ribbon with unsaturated edges (blue line) and with one adsorbed
hydrogen molecule in one edge (red line). (Color figure online)
electronic densities for the zigzag terminated ribbon
(a) with non-saturated edges, (b) with a hydrogen
molecule in the proximity of the edge, and (c) with one
ribbons is also metallic (Fujita et al. 1996; Nakada dissociated/adsorbed hydrogen molecule at the edge.
et al. 1996). However, within the more accurate DFT In all cases, the two edges of the ribbon exhibit opposite
formalism it is found that all the nanoribbons are small spin polarizations, which are compensated in cases
gap semiconductors. The ribbon formed by six zigzag (a) and (b) but is not compensated in case (c) because
chains has a bandgap of 0.82 eV and the ribbon the C–H bonds are non-spin-polarized.
formed by six armchair chains has a bandgap of Armchair nanoribbons do not exhibit occupied
0.29 eV, as calculated using the PW91-GGA func- localized edge states (Son et al. 2006a). However, our
tional. Upon adsorption of a hydrogen molecule the PW91-GGA calculations show that in the proximity
zigzag ribbon remains semiconductor, although with a but above the Fermi level there are some empty
smaller gap of 0.75 eV, whereas the armchair ribbon localized edge states (see Fig. 7). In contrast with the
closes up the gap. Figures 4 and 5 show the density of zigzag ribbons, these edge states are non-spin-polar-
states of zigzag and armchair-terminated ribbons, ized and each state localizes at both edges. Thus, the
respectively, with unsaturated edges and with one ground state electronic structure of the armchair
adsorbed hydrogen molecule at one edge. ribbons is spin non-polarized. The presence of
Our PW91-GGA calculations show that the zigzag molecular hydrogen in the proximity of the armchair
ribbons exhibit electronic states around the Fermi level edge or the dissociation/adsorption of hydrogen at the
which are localized at one edge of the ribbon, in edge does not change the non-polarized state of the
agreement with previous LDA studies (Son et al. ribbon. However, upon hydrogen adsorption the edge
2006a). These localized edge states have opposite spin states become localized at only one edge, and some of
orientations at each ribbon edge, giving rise to a total them become occupied edge states (see Fig. 8).
spin S = 0, that is, there is an antiferromagnetic, AF, Given the strong tendency of graphene edges to
ordering between the net spins at the two edges. The saturate with hydrogen, whenever available, we have
nonmagnetic (spin non-polarized) state of the ribbon is also investigated the zigzag and armchair ribbons with
2.9 eV/nm higher in energy than the AF ground state. fully hydrogen-saturated edges. The saturated zigzag
The presence of molecular hydrogen in the vicinity of a ribbons exhibit edge states and an AF magnetic ground
zigzag edge does not modify the AF magnetic ordering state of spin S = 0 similar to the ribbons with exposed
of the ribbon edges. However, upon hydrogen disso- edges. Figure 9 presents the difference between the
ciation/adsorption on the zigzag edge, the spin state of spin up and spin down electronic densities of the ribbon
the ribbon changes to a magnetic state with non- showing clearly the opposite spin polarization of the
compensated spins. The two electrons supplied by the two edges. On the other hand, the saturated armchair
two hydrogen atoms get the same spin orientation and ribbons are nonmagnetic as the unsaturated ones.

J Nanopart Res (2012) 14:1263 Page 7 of 9

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6 Difference between spin up and spin down electronic and c with one dissociated/adsorbed hydrogen molecule at one
densities of the zigzag terminated ribbon a with unsaturated edge. Blue and red represent the positive and negative
edges, b with a hydrogen molecule in the proximity of the edge, isosurfaces, respectively, of value 0.01 e/au3

Fig. 7 Electronic wave functions of the armchair nanoribbon 0.4375, k2 = 0.3125, k3 = 0.1875, and k4 = 0.0625, all in
with unsaturated edges. HOMO and LUMO states are shown units of p/a, where a = 1.709 nm is the length of the armchair
for several k points of the first Brillouin zone: k1 = supercell used in the calculation

Fig. 8 Electronic wave functions of the armchair nanoribbon at one k-point of the first Brillouin zone, k = 0.21875 p/a,
with one dissociated/adsorbed hydrogen molecule at one edge. where a = 1.709 nm is the length of the armchair supercell used
HOMO - 1, HOMO, LUMO, and LUMO ? 1 states are shown in the calculation

Page 8 of 9 J Nanopart Res (2012) 14:1263

molecular hydrogen interacts strongly with the edges of

graphene nanoribbons. Hydrogen dissociates without or
with small activation barriers in the proximity of both
zigzag and armchair edges and adsorbs, as atomic
hydrogen, in two adjacent, unsaturated C atoms of the
edge. The adsorption energy is 2.5 and 5.7 eV/molecule
on armchair and zigzag edges, respectively. The strong
binding of hydrogen with the exposed edges of graphene
indicates that the edges readily adsorb hydrogen
whenever available. However, this hydrogen cannot
Fig. 9 Difference between spin up and spin down electronic
densities of the zigzag ribbon with hydrogen-saturated edges.
be released under mild conditions of pressure and
Blue and red represent the positive and negative isosurfaces, temperature. Therefore, we can conclude that although
respectively, of value 0.01 e/au3. (Color figure online) the edges of the pore walls of nanoporous carbons will
adsorb hydrogen very easily, they do not contribute to
However, in contrast with the unsaturated ribbons, all enhance the reversible hydrogen storage capacity of the
the states of the hydrogen-saturated ribbons including material at room temperature because the adsorbed
the states around the Fermi level are delocalized across hydrogen cannot be released at that temperature.
the whole ribbon, there are no states localized at the We have also studied the magnetic properties of
edges. This result is in agreement with previous LDA graphene nanoribbons. Zigzag ribbons, both unsaturated
calculations (Son et al. 2006a). Hydrogen saturation of and with hydrogen saturated edges, exhibit edge states
the ribbon edges reduces by almost a factor of two the with opposite spin orientation at each edge, antiferro-
bandgap of the zigzag edges to a value of 0.42 eV, magnetic ordering, being the net spin of the ribbon
whereas the bandgap of the armchair edges increases S = 0. Hydrogen adsorption on only one edge breaks the
by almost a factor of two to the value of 0.53 eV. These compensation of spins between the two edges yielding a
values are in fair agreement with the values of 0.35 and net magnetic moment of the ribbon of 2 lB per adsorbed
0.6 eV, respectively, reported using the LDA (Son hydrogen molecule. This suggests the possibility of
et al. 2006a). It is worth noticing that STM images tailoring the magnetic moments in graphitic carbons. On
(Kobayashi et al. 2005) show the edge states in zigzag the other hand, armchair nanoribbons do not exhibit
edges. However, on the light of the same experiments it occupied edge states. The unsaturated ribbons, however,
is concluded that the armchair edges do not exhibit exhibit some empty states (above the Fermi level) which
edge states. Most probably in the experiments the are localized at both edges. Localization at a single edge
edges are saturated either with hydrogen or with other of occupied and empty states around the Fermi level is
species. Our results then fully agree with the STM induced by hydrogen adsorption in one edge.
Acknowledgments This study was supported by MICINN of
Spain (Grants MAT2008-06483-C02-01 and MAT2011-22781)
and Junta de Castilla y León (Grant VA158A11-2). IC
Summary acknowledges support from MEC of Spain through the Ramón
y Cajal Program. CB acknowledges support from University of
We have investigated the adsorption mechanism of Valladolid through a Research Starting Program.
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