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Visayas State University

hVisca, Babay City, Leyte

College of Education

Department of Teacher Education

Name: Lina, Kim Brian M.

Course & Year: BSEd-I

I am Sam

(Reaction Paper)

Being a father is a big responsibility and a challenging role for every man. Some people will
always question ones ability and capacity to fullfill that kind of duty. That's the few things I
realized after watching the movie entitled, "I am Sam".

The movie was inspirational and heart-touching masterpiece that was acted by exceptional
talents. I was amazed by how the artists portrayed the characters. They effectively performed
their roles making my eyes filled by tears. I was really moved by the story especially to the fact
that it was unusual making it more interesting. The character of Sam portrayed the
characteristic of every father as loving, caring, and hardworking despite of having such
condition. He's a very good example to all fathers and serve as inspiration to take care and love
their children. The character of Lucy also shows the reality that sometimes children feel
ashamed about their parents condition and tend to lie about their relationship to avoid getting
bullied but then, they will still realize how wonderful it is to be loved by a father.

Despite the fact that Sam was mentally low, he proved that he can be a good father capable of
caring his daughter. He shows that nothing is impossible for love and that his condition won't
affect him in fullfilling his obligation and responsibility to his daughter. He's maybe not a perfect
father but he's one of a kind man that will always there for his daughter.

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