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Group 6

During World War 2, the Japanese took the Philippines from the control of
the United States. This happened between 1941 and 1945, when the United
States was able to take back possession of the country. After regaining
possession, the United States relinquished its control, fulfilling its promise of
granting full independence to the Philippines Because the Japanese were there
for such a short period, they didn’t leave much that was permanently adopted
into the Filipino culture. But they definitely did change the way things were
done during their time in the Philippines.

How things changed during the Japanese rule over the Philippines:

- A strict curfew was enforced

- Japanese currency was introduced

- Baranggays (neighborhood government systems) were cut in half

- A military government was implemented (as it was during a time of war)

From what I’ve heard, this wasn’t a particularly happy time. But Japan left
no permanent mark on the Filipino way of life. Once the Japanese left, the
Filipinos reverted back to life pretty much the way it was before they had even
come. It would be years later before the Japanese would start to influence
Filipino culture. Today their influence in the Philippines is quite prevalent.
But it wasn’t so back then. Today, the most notable Japanese influence on
Filipino culture has been in technology – such as karaoke, videoke, cameras,

More recently, Japan has influenced the Philippines by bringing similar

cultural additions to the country, similar to its influence on the rest of the
world. Karaoke is a pastime practiced in parts of the Philippines, and many
Filipino children watch Anime shows on television just as they do elsewhere.
The long-term Japanese influence on the Philippines due to the occupation is
minimal compared to its short-term implications.

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