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College of Computer Studies

Database Management 1

Name: Irish Shane B. Bascos Date: March 13, 2023

Prelim Activity 1

Database and DBMS became an important part of our modern society. Most business
organizations and government agencies are being driven by technology, specifically, database
systems. We are being surrounded by these database systems wherever we go. From bank
transactions, groceries, department stores, convenient stores, booking of tickets, deliveries,
hospitals and a lot more.

Please take time to read the different examples of database systems and their corresponding
backgrounds and answer the following questions below:

1. Why do we have to use DBMS instead of manual transactions? Please include a

concrete example. Cite the source of your answer.

For me, by using a DBMS, the information we collect and add to its database is no longer
subject to accidental disorganization. It becomes more accessible and integrated with the
rest of our work. Managing information using a database allows us to become strategic
users of the data we have.

Easy access to data – Database systems manages data in such a way so that the data is
easily accessible with fast response times. Even if the database size is huge, the DBMS can
still provide faster access and updating of data.

Database management systems help users share data quickly, effectively, and securely
across an organization. By providing quick solutions to database queries, a data
management system enables faster access to more accurate data. End users, like
salespeople, can speed up sales cycles and get more accurate in their sales prospecting.

2. Enumerate at least five examples of database systems and include a one sentence

Database Access Language,Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL: Oracle
has been selling enterprise databases since the 1980s and has a reputation for smooth
integration of its hardware and software, as week reports. The Unix-based Oracle SQL is noted
for its flexibility, reliability, and security.

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