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A Systematic Review on Quarrying and its Environmental and Public Health Risk in Guinobatan, Albay

Ante, Nasheer Andrei

Arcangel, Jon Kendrick
Castuera, Andrei N.
De Lumen, Adolf Z.
Nacion, Hans Patrick O.
Pasobillo, Earl Francis


1. The title must be specific or must have a focus. The topic is timely and relevant, but I suggest that the
group may focus more on its environmental effects since quarrying is a man-made activity that is done
through a land area and related to mining like open pit mining.
*The group may focus on one environmental effect like soil erosion that can result to land

2. In the introduction part, change the Typhoon Goni to Typhoon Rolly. Avoid using the international
name and local name of a typhoon to avoid confusion.

3. The paper may also contain: how does quarrying create a channel or passage for lahar? Especially in
Guinobatan compared to other land areas near Mayon Volcano.

4. The intro is focused on the environmental effects; it is lacking on related studies on the public health
risk brought by quarrying. If you are going to include this, answer the following: can it lead to respiratory
illnesses? Hearing problems? Contamination of water supply? Lack of resources like vegetation?

5. Lack of discussion on objectives.

*Verify circulating issues like?

6. The paper is focused on the effect of quarrying during Typhoon Rolly. Do not include or insert this as
the main cause because Typhoon Rolly has brought factors like heavy rainfall that cause the landforms
especially in Albay to erode like in Malilipot. Aside from this, the heavy rainfall provoked the lahar in
Mayon Volcano.

Improve more on the focus of the topic or title, which is about the environmental effects, not just the
effect of quarrying on Typhoon Rolly but more.

How does quarrying affects the quality of soil in Guinobatan, Albay? or

*Pros- economy, resources, employment
*Cons- environment
Analyzing the Efficacy of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) as a Home Remedy to Relieve Symptoms for
COVID-19: A Literature Review
Patricia Louise P. Barnuevo
Jenica B. Basallote
Ysabelle D. Capile
Angela Nicole M. Fercol
Maria Leia Feliza R. Imperial
Nathalia L. Sambajon


1. “The popularity of these drugs has grown because of their ease of availability and low prices,
especially in underdeveloped nations.”
“The popularity of these medicinal plants has grown because of their ease of availability and low prices,
especially to some people who cannot afford medicines or medical services.”

2. *ARDS- provide the meaning in the introduction ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)

3. Be organize in giving information in the introduction part. The CoViD-19 symptoms in the discussion
of the remedy must be removed since it is already discussed in the first part.

4. The related studies or information must jive in the title or topic to avoid confusion. No need to include
info about compounds of garlic and black pepper.

5. Find more sources on the antiviral properties/chemical constituents of ginger aside from rhizome and

6. The research design is not properly discussed. Use of lit review first, then grounded theory and
descriptive analysis (statistical analysis)

7. Focus on the title. Include quantitative analysis on the efficacy of ginger:

*Number of people who use ginger as a remedy to respiratory illnesses or number of people who were

8. The group may revise the title to be more specific like “Analysis on the (Antiviral/Antibacterial)
properties of Ginger as a Remedy for CoViD-19 Symptoms”.

9. Revise the 3rd objective

10. Is ginger safe and effective? More sources in this part to support your objective.

11. The third phase in the data collection presented is almost the same as the second phase. Do not
forget the quantitative analysis part since you want to use a mixed-method approach.

The chosen topic is relevant and timely.

Comparative Analysis between Salt Curing and Freezing in Prolonging Livestock’s Shelf life: A Literature
Gabrielle Ann C. Calayag
Maria Juliana R. Calleja
Ma. Angelica Jullianne S. Chan
Ma. Joanne Frances A. Gimenez
Esther Joyce I. Naldo
Ben-Gen Matthew A. Vergara

1. The group may improve the introduction. For each paragraph, have at least a certain topic to avoid
confusion. You may use deductive approach, general to specific.

2. The title is confusing. Are you going to have a comparative analysis or just a review coming from
different sources? If both, please revise the title.

3. Please focus giving infos about freezing and salt curing because the intro is too long for other infos
like canning, fermentation, and others. You may give a little info about food preservation but not too
long since you have a specific topic.

4. The objectives did not jive with the title specifically, the first and second objectives are almost the
same. The third objective is not clear/SMART. Kindly, revise the objectives.

5. Remove restaurants in your significance of the study. Not only restaurants will benefit food
preservation. What about others? What about people who doesn’t have refrigerator or living in rural
areas? How do they manage to preserve their food? What about culture? Be specific.

6. Replace the word determination in the scope because your research is a comparative analysis.

7. The methodology is not discussed properly. Cite your sample research design, data collection, data
analysis, etc.

The chosen topic is very common.

Literature review on Efficiency of Redox-targeting, Carbon, and Electrode materials for energy storage
and conversion

Bonanza, Loreta Mikaela B.

Chavez, Alvirsone Riv V.
Chua, Kenneth Martin A.
Ovenson, Emiriza Mae B.
Thomas, Justin A.

1. There is no specific title. Choose at least one focus among redox targeting, carbon, or electrode
materials so that you’ll have a focus. Kindly, revise the title.

2. There is a misleading information on the introduction. It’s too confusing. Kindly use the deductive
approach, from general to specific:
a. Energy storage and conversion
b. Why people start to use redox targeting/carbon/electrode materials? Where did it started?
c. Use of redox targeting/carbon/electrode materials. Pros and cons
d. Give sources about the effectiveness of redox targeting/carbon/electrode materials
e. discussion of objectives
f. discussion of scope

3. The objectives did not match the title. You have the efficiency in your title and then you have to
compare in your objectives? Revise the objectives.

4. Revise the significance of the study. It is not properly discussed. Discuss the impact of using these
devices especially to people and environment.

5. Have a clear discussion on the methodology especially how are you going to use the quantitative and
qualitative approach in the topic? Like for gathering and analyzing the data. The properties of redox
targeting/carbon/electrode materials may be discussed and the effectiveness of these properties.

6. I suggest to the group to revise the paper. Have at least one focus only to be specific since your title is
beneficial to people and environment.
A Literary Review on Human Activities Contributing to Climate Change
Ian G. Agao
Alessandra P. Berlon
Austin Clyde E. Cope
Amyr Kevin M. Pasibe
Xavier Anthony R. Sampal


1. Follow the format specifically the font style in writing a research paper.
2. The chosen topic is relevant, but it is common. The title is not specific. The group can choose at least
one human activity that contributes to climate change.
3. Proper citation or references especially in the introduction.
4. The introduction must be revised since the given infos are not reliable or the sources are not reliable.
You cannot state a source coming from national news. You have to write the introduction from general
to specific.
5. The objectives are not properly discussed. Kindly revise.
6. The scope and limitations must be discussed properly also. Check the articles that you have gathered
if it is reliable, the content, the brand, the date published, evidences also in the articles?
7. The facts about climate change must be discussed. What really contributes to climate change? What
is the connection between global warming and climate change? How can you say that the world/the
Philippines is affected?
8. If you are going to focus on the effects of climate change in the Philippines, then you must choose a
specific human activity that really affects this country. What about solid waste management? You didn’t
include this, because proper waste disposal is a major problem in the country that leads to
contamination or pollution and affects our environment.
9. You have stated those 5 human activities based on national news? Evidences? Data?
10. The methodology is confusing, the research design, data collection and data analysis are not
properly discussed. Why do you have to perform experimentation if this is only a literature review?
11. Please do search for more reliable resources compared to what you have given in the paper.
12. Improve more your research paper.
A Scoping Review on Pharmacology of Different Orally Taken Beta-Blockers for
Coronary Artery Disease 

Apuli, Marybiel Samantha, B. 

Banta, Leonna, E. 
Camay, Quennie Joy, P. 
Ortile, Lex Evan, C. 
Ruivivar, John Theodore, P. 
Salalima, Katrina, L. 


1. Be specific with your title. Scoping review or literature review or comparative analysis for beta-
2. Choose at least one focus only specifically, you can choose at least 1 Beta-Blocker for Coronary Artery
Disease where you can provide its efficiency, or you may compare 2 beta blockers.
3. Provide more information or related sources on the cause of the illness.
4. Too much information on the classification of beta-blockers. At least provide what is the common
prescribed by doctors or the most effective beta-blockers?
5. The objectives are not properly discussed. The objectives did not match the title. The first and third
objectives are almost the same.
6. Find more reliable sources for the topic.
7. Revise the last part of the research design.
8. The research design is different to the research method. In your research design, you stated that your
research will fall under a non-experimental or qualitative approach but in your research method, you
stated a mixed-method approach.
9. The location for the research is too broad.
10. What is the use of critical appraisal? It is like questions for analysis or results.

Overall, the chosen topic is unique but needs improvement.

A Literature Review on the Most Effective Wound Care in Luzon, Philippines 

Astrid Kate T. Bachiller 

Eadward Andrei D. Lladoc 
Jan Andrei A. Ingua 
Jose Reden B. Basaysay 
Nicole L. Valencia 

1. The topic is interesting, but the scope or location is too broad.

2. The objectives did not match the title. Is this a comparative analysis?
3. The introduction part lacks information on the different types of wound care treatments. Find reliable
sources in this part since it is your focus so it must be included in the intro.
4. The group may use a deductive approach (general to specific) in the intro.
5. The research design is not properly discussed.
6. The related studies must come from reliable sources.

Overall, the chosen topic is interesting but needs improvement.

A comparative study of the side effects of various covid-19 vaccines 
Ador. Jonah Paolo T. 
Bandales, Jillian Marie G. 
Betito, Sofia Maxine M. 
Celestial, Emmanuel Dale C. 
Sampal, Chloe Nicolette M. 
San Jose, Jose Bernard E. 

1. The title or topic is not specific and not feasible. Choose at least one CoViD-19 vaccine and its adverse
2. Do not include the Spanish flu outbreak in the first paragraph in the introduction part. Focus on
problem which is the CoViD-19.
3. Some of the information in the introduction part did not match the topic like the efficiency of the
vaccines because your topic is about its side effects.
4. Are there positive effects of the vaccines aside from negative effects?
5. The objectives are not properly discussed.
6. The research design is not properly discussed.
7. provide more related studies about the side effects of the vaccines.
8. provide statistical analysis on the side effects for example, no. of people who experienced side effects
after getting vaccine shots.

Overall, the chosen topic is timely and relevant. It needs improvement.

A Literature Review of Rice Farmer Pest Management and Its Effects
on Anurans in Luzon Island 
Sarah Mae Mago 
Nica Angela Mendoza 
Angela Mina 
Franchesca Lausingo 
Lawrence Regondola 
Norman Yu 

1. The chosen topic is not feasible. Search for pests in the rice field like bugs, rice skipper or mole cricket.
How do they destroy the rice field? Since this is the problem in your research.
2. The title or topic is confusing. Please be specific.
3. Revise the introduction. Use deductive approach, from general to specific in discussing your topic.
4. Please do follow the proper citation especially in your review of related studies. Include the
5. The objectives are not properly discussed. It is not SMART (Specific, measurable, attainable, reliable,
time bounded)

Overall, the chosen topic is relevant especially to agriculture, but it needs improvement.
Treatment and Medication for Serotonin and Cortisol Hormone Imbalance leading
to Depression: A Literature Review 

Kraven Yzrha Y. Santillan 

Mark Emmanuel A. Marbella 
Niño Allen Bo 
Pole Aries Micha-El N. Ogayon 
Queen Mia Ira C. Gamboa 
Shyri Louise R. Sayco 

1. Be specific with your title. Choose at least one focus only for your research.
2. The abstract must be included in your capsule proposal, not in your research proposal.
3. Why choose serotonin and cortisol? What about the other hormones like endorphin, dopamine,
4. The first objective is almost the same as the third objective. The objectives must jive with the title.
5. The sample proper treatment and medication for the imbalance are not properly discussed.
6. How will you do this quantitively? Please state more info/evidences.
7. The introduction can be revise using the use of deductive approach.

Overall, the research paper needs improvement especially to the focus of research.
Feasibility of Climate-controlled Storages in Preserving and Protecting Artifacts in
Museum: A Systematic Review 

Bryan Jelo F. Calupit 

Ephraim Joshua D. Suarez 
Gerlene Shiney E. Pavia 
Hanna Salve L. Tiotangco 
Ken Chaddeus P. Oliquino 
Leonardo Miguel D. Villahermosa 

1. The abstract must be removed since it is already part of your capsule proposal.
2. Be specific with your title. It is too confusing.
3. The chosen topic is not feasible. It is not timely and relevant.
4. Provide more sources on the climate-controlled storage. Find reliable sources also.
5. Revise some parts in the introduction. You can use a deductive approach like for example from
general to specific.
6. The objectives, scope and delimitation are not properly discussed
7. Provide info why did you choose this topic.

Overall, please do focus on one topic only.

Long and short-term efficacy of melatonin in enhancing sleep quality: a literature
Rianna Kristyn B. Cadiz 
Ysabella Lei T. Climaco 
Ysabela Miguielle C. Dacoco 
Angelo Gerard J. Pecson 
Atheena Chantel L. Sioson 

1. The chosen topic is interesting. Just change the format of the title to “Long-term and Short-term
Efficacy of Melatonin in Sleep Quality”
2. The group may use deductive approach (general to specific) in writing the introduction.
3. The objectives are not properly discussed. It must jive with the title.
4. Provide more sources on the long-term and short-term effectiveness of melatonin.
5. Explain more if you are going to have a comparative analysis or a lit review only.

Overall, the research topic is timely and relevant, but needs some minor revision.

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