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3rd Quarter/Unit in Physical Education:


At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

• Identify the different dance styles of street dance and hiphop

• Share the contribution of street dance and hip-hop dance to
• Execute some of the hip-hop dance styles in a short dance

Refers to dance styles that have evolved outside dance studios. It is performed in
streets, dance parties, parks, school yards, or in aby available spaces. It is often
improvisational and social in nature, ecouraging interaction and contact with spectators
and other dances.


is a cultural movement best known for its impact on music in the form of musical genre
of the same name. It has its origins in the Bronx, in New York City, during 1970s,
mostly among African Americans and some influence of Latin Americans. Hip-hop
culture is composed of the pillars such as DJ-ing, RApping, Breakdancing, and Graffiti

Hip-hop dance is a unique and exciting style of street

dance that is most commonly performed to hip-hop
music. Hip-hop dance is a vibrant form of dance that
combines a variety of freestyle movements to create a
cultural piece of art. Through its three main styles of
popping, locking, and breaking, hip-hop dance has
evolved into one of the most popular and influential
styles of dance.
Four pillars of hip hop:

• MCing (Oral)
Manifested from the social conditions of the time.
This form of poetic and “verbal acrobatics” was
derived from ancient African culture and oral
tradition. Also known as “rapping” this element
removed the veil that isolated the wider culture from
the social conditions of many underserved urban
communities. The rapid fire wordplay, spoke the
truth of stories that weren’t being told and gave rise
to a new urban narrative. Artist: The Crazy Plate
Five pillars of hip hop:

• DJing (Aural)
This was a new found manipulation of sounds that
was used to create music. The innovative breaks and
isolation of the percussive beat was what gave hip
hop its initial rise. This new form of DJing was
started by Kool DJ Herc who created hip hop in the
1970’s. In the early days, the DJs were the stars
and later rappers such as Kurtis Blow and Grand
Master Flash with their ingenious rhymes gained
prominence in the spotlight.
• Breakdance (Physical)
Groups such as Shaka Zulu Kings, Zulu Queens and
the Rock Steady Crew gave rise to B-Boying/B-
Girling. Breaking can be described as “poetry in
motion”. Its acrobatics style with influences of
gymnastics, Capoeria, martial arts and other cultural
influences speaks to the innovative wave ushered in
by hip hop culture.
• Graffiti (Visual)
This is one of the most controversial of the
elements. As most graffiti artist leave their artwork
in public places and “tag” it by leaving their names.
TAKI 183, made this form of artistic representation
famous and in neighborhood such as Wynwood, Little
Haiti and Opa-locka we can see this art form’s
widespread integration with bursts of energy and
vibrancy on buildings throughout the cities.
Different styles in hip hop dance

• Popping is a street dance and one of the original funk

styles that came from California during the 1960s-70s.
It is based on the technique of quickly contracting and
relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer's body,
referred to as a pop or a hit. This is done continuously
to the rhythm of a song in combination with various
movements and poses.
Different styles in hip hop dance

• Popping is also used as an umbrella term to refer to a

group of closely related illusionary dance styles and
techniques that are often integrated with popping to
create a more varied performance, such as the robot,
waving and tutting. However, it is distinct from
breaking and locking, with which popping is often
confused. A popping dancer is commonly referred to as
a popper.
Different styles in hip hop dance

• Locking is a style of funk dance, which is today also

associated with hip hop. The name is based on the
concept of locking movements, which means freezing
from a fast movement and "locking" in a certain
position, holding that position for a short while and
then continuing at the same speed as before.
• It relies on fast and distinct arm and hand
movements combined with more relaxed hips and legs.
The movements are generally large and exaggerated,
and often very rhythmic and tightly synced with the
music. Locking is performance oriented, often
interacting with the audience by smiling or giving them
a high five, and some moves are quite comical.
Different styles in hip hop dance

• Breaking or Bboying, sometimes called “breakdancing” in

mainstream circles, is a dance that originated in New
York in the 1970s and was a cornerstone of the
original Hip Hop Culture. It was brought to media
attention in the 1980s with films such as Beat Street
and Wild style. Since then, the dance has spread
around the world, continually developing new moves
due to its competitive nature.
Different styles in hip hop dance

• Breaking is a freestyle dance which developed from

social dancing to the high energy breaks of funk songs.
This made dancers want to “go off” or “get on the
good foot” and led to the explosive, high energy
movements which characterize the dance. Influences
include Salsa and Meringue, the lesser-known Rock
dance, and popular culture such as Kung Fu movies and
comic books.
Different styles in hip hop dance

• Krumping- is one of the many flavors of street dancing.

What sets it apart from all others is that it is probably
one of the most energetic and aggressive styles out
there. A dancer has to constantly be on the move and
execute a series of tricky, high-speed maneuvers.

• Originally, krump was a freestyle dance. Choreographed

performances were very rare. However, these days, krump
performances are being increasingly choreographed.
Different styles in hip hop dance

• Tutting- This street dance style is also said to be

interpretative in nature and some movements, especially
those of the arms, are taken from hieroglyphics, or
ancient Egyptian wall writings. The movements involved in
tutting are done to mimic various angles and shapes and
these are done along with the specific music beat or
rhythm, making the whole dance routine somewhat
robotic. On a viewer’s point of view, it will seem like the
one doing the tutting move is showcasing different shapes
and angles. Some moves of tutting are called “King Tut”,
which probably evolved from the dance’s reference to
Egyptian art and the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen.
Different styles in hip hop dance

• Shuffling is mostly for the feet and the arms just

compliment whatever foot motions are taking place. This
dance style is very high paced, intense cardio, and is usually
to done to music with a constant beat such as electro, hard
style, and/or techno.

• A dance style originating in the 1980's characterized by fast

heel and toe twisting and stepping, running man variations,
stomping with the beat, foot swiveling from side to side,
and having feet that appear to be gliding on and off the
Different styles in hip hop dance

• Waacking-  Waacking is an extremely expressive, free

and musical form of dance that is characterised by arm
movements and posing with a strong emphasis on
musicality and improvised performance. 
• Waacking is a style associated with street and hip-hop
dance that is characterized by intricate fast arm
movements and vogues or freezes. Much of the
movement originates in the shoulders and some moves
look similar to a person dancing with invisible nun
1. ____________ activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and considered to be "fun".
2.____________ the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the
purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself.
3. _______________ is a vibrant form of dance that combines a variety of freestyle movements to create a cultural
piece of art.
4. _______________ This is one of the most controversial of the elements. These artists leave their artwork in public
places and “tag” it by leaving their names.
5. _______________ Also known as “rapping” this element removed the veil that isolated the wider culture from the
social conditions of many underserved urban communities.
6. ______________ can be described as “poetry in motion”. Its acrobatics style with influences of gymnastics,
Capoeria, martial arts and other cultural influences speaks to the innovative wave ushered in by hip hop culture.
7. ______________ This was a newfound manipulation of sounds that was used to create music. The innovative breaks
and isolation of the percussive beat was what gave hip hop its initial rise.
8. ______________ Where did hiphop dance originated?
9. ______________ When did Hip hop dance started?

10-15. Give at least 6 different styles of hiphop dance…

8. Bronx, in New York City
9. 1970’s
10-15. Popping, Locking, Krumping, Waacking, Tutting,
Shuffling, Breaking/Bboying

 On one whole sheet of paper,write an essay about the

importance of hip hop dance in our body especially by

maintaining a healthy lifestyle through dancing.

 You will be graded according the criteria presented below:

Total: 100%

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