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a) A message is the first point of contact and your opportunity to make a good first
impression on them. If your profile is of a high standard, it will increase your chance of
being replied to. If you have sent messages to other members but don’t seem to get
replies to your messages, then there are numerous reasons that could explain why. Here
is why they do not respond to your message.

The possible communication problems here is messages containing bad spelling

and grammar can also result in no response. It angers some if it’s obvious a message
hasn’t been written properly. They don’t want to spend their time trying to decipher your
messages therefore they might not want to reply to you. Second, there are too much
information in my text/message that can cause the superior not responding to me. When
there are too much information in the text, they cannot get what is the main point that you
are going to ask them and what they are supposed to answer. Sometime, they might be so
busy and have no time to think your complicated questions and that’s why they just leave
a question marks to you.

Besides, wrong choice of delivery channel also wont make you receive any
reply from your superior. For example, the bad connection of the third party’s internet
that can cause they don’t get any message from you. The barriers between the sender and
receiver also could be the possible communication problems here. For example, they
simply aren’t interested in getting to know you and believe that not responding to a
message makes you aware of this. Not responding is the easy way to turn someone down.
You might also not match their search criteria, therefore they don’t feel the need to
respond. They might feel you shoudn’t contacted them knowing that you don’t fall within
their criteria.

b) There are a few solutions that I can propose to overcome those problems. One of
them is the message should be a clear indication of my purpose. As a questioner, the
purpose of the question should be clear and precise so that the recipient can espond as
quickly as possible. For example, you just can type ‘ Hello sir, I want to ask you some
tips on how I could improve my work performance? Thank you sir’. That’s’s all. The,
they just answer base on what the purpose of the question and reply them as they can.
The second is, I can use a suitable order of information in the text so that the recipient
can easily understand what I’m trying to say and they can respond to my message

Besides, if you are using an email as your delivery channel, you must use an
appropriate headings and sub-headings and you must check the order of the
information before you send it to the receipent. Then, if your email do not been
responded, you have to follow up the email by sending it another one just to make sure
the email is sent and received successfully by the receipant. in case there is a connection
problem of something wrong somewhere then you can troubleshoot it as fast as you can.
Otherswise, desired action clearly spelled out also can overcome the problems in
communication. What do you need and what is your expecting answers from the
receipant must be tally. So that, your text must be clear and precised also use the
language that easily to understand.


a) The three stages of writing an essay are the following:

Stage 1 – Planning

To write a good report, you need to plan what you want to say. After you have
decided on what you want to say, list down all the points and arrange them in a logical
and suitable sequence. This approach will ensure the clarity of your message and help
you to avoid omitting relevant details. You also should spend some time planning what
you want to write before starting to compose. Consider your audience when thinking
about preparation. Who will be reading your paper? What do they need to know? Will a
lot of detail help them understand your topic? The more you can think about up front, the
easier it will be to write clearly and concisely.
After you have an idea for a paper, the next step is to organize your notes. You
should try to find connections between topics that might not be obvious from just reading
through your notes. For example, if one section of your paper discusses how immigrants
adopted American customs, then other sections could discuss why this is important for
understanding immigration today. Make sure to follow any links you find in your notes.
This will help you develop your argument and ensure that you cover all relevant topics.

Next, you should start drafting a rough version of your paper. Start with a simple outline
to help you stay on track as you write.

Stage 2 – Writing

The writing stage requires careful planning. It includes a pre-writing stage where
you gather all the information necessary to ensure that there is substance to your writing.
Start writing in simple and plain English and move from something concrete to
something more abstract and expressive.

Pre-writing is the first step in the writing process. It involves thinking about your
topic, determining what kind of article it will be, and deciding where to place the focus of
the article. You need to do this pre-writing so that you don't put words on the page that
have no relationship to each other or that don't serve the purpose of the article. For
example, if you are writing an article on how children can help with home repairs, you
would want to think about ways that kids can contribute in the kitchen (cooking recipes,
helping out with chores) as well as in the garage (by giving old equipment a new life).

In order to improve your writing skills, you need to practise writing in the target
language everyday until you are able to express yourself clearly and meet the needs of
your reader. Once you start writing, the words, sentences, paragraphs and lay-outs
become writing tools which you can use to convey your message concisely, courteously,
and confidently.
Stage 3 – Editing

The third stage in the writing process is editing. The final step of the three-step
writing process involves completing your message. After you have composed your
writing, revise its content by checking its readability. Then focus on using elements like
bullet points or bold/italicized words to make it look professional. Once you have
finished editing its layout, it is crucial to check for grammatical errors and ensure that
there is smooth language flow. The longer the report, the more editing is usually required.
It is always a good idea to have someone else proofread your work as well. Finally, when
you are ready to distribute your message, deliver it through the appropriate medium, and
make sure any necessary attachments are grouped with your message.


Going through all the stages of the writing process helps writers produce better
pieces. The writing process consists of a series of steps an author takes to compose text.
While each writer has their own process that often comes naturally to them, there are a
few steps that are universally referred to and followed while writing. For me as a student,
writing is tough, always has been and always will be. But if you’ll break my writing time
up into steps, you will write better, easier and faster. In my opinion, why is each of the
stages significant to me when I’m writing an essay is because, first it can develop a good
writing process. Process is important because the way you write affects how well you
write. The writing process makes a huge difference in the quality of our copy. Problem is,
most of us were taught a lousy writing process.

The second is, we were tought how to write by following these all three stages
during writing an essay. Writing is hard because we weren’t taught to write, says Richard
Andersen, author of Writing That Works. Instead, we were taught how to edit — how to
spell, punctuate and use the right grammar. The third one is it can reduce our anxiety
and stress. By knowing that you have a series of separate steps you can follow that break
the intimidating task of "WRITING" down into manageable parts, you will feel much less
anxiety and struggle in writing. For example, if you have already generated ideas (Step 1)
thoroughly and then organized them well (Step 2) into a logical outline, actually writing
your first draft will be much easier.

Besides, by following these all three stages when I’m writing an essay, it can
increase the quality of my essay. By focusing on each distinct step individually, you can
do each better, increasing the ultimate quality of your final product.  The sum will be
greater than the parts. (And reducing your anxiety can also only help with quality, right?
Or maybe you think some anxiety is good; it means you care, after all, and maybe you
see yourself has a person who performs better under pressure. Don't worry, your anxiety
when writing will probably never completely disappear; we just want to keep it at a
manageable and less inhibitive level.)


Collaborative working relationships have many benefits to offer, regardless of whether

your career focuses on research, teaching, clinical practice, consultation, or any of the myriad
other opportunities available to psychological scientists. From my point of view, why is it
important for me to engage in collaborative research writing is because it helps researches from
different disciplines share knowledge and resources. Furthermore, the government has specifically
created grants for collaborate research as an incentive to collaborate research (Collaborative
Institutional Training Initiative). Besides the many benefits, there are also countless problems that

may rise from collaborative research that must be dealt with at a very diplomatic level. These
problems greatly increase when research is done overseas. Many discoveries have risen from the
collaborate work of peers that hold different cultural and ethical backgrounds.
Additionally, such collaborations will keep my research interests fresh and give me new
angles for approaching your studies. Working with others outside of your academic comfort zone
can also provide you with novel skills, theories, and methods that enrich your research and make
you a more unique, innovative, and marketable professional. Another benefit of collaborating
with individuals outside of your lab is the opportunity to develop as a scholarly author. Writing
with different collaborators and for different audiences requires you to communicate your ideas
and methods more effectively than you might when writing for your peers and close colleagues.
Collaborating with others, even within your own field, is therefore an opportunity to learn
alternative ways of doing things. Often in graduate school, students become miniature versions
of their advisors. Over time, they internalize and anticipate the feedback they will receive from
their advisors and begin to make those adjustments automatically. This is a core learning
experience and enables students to benefit from advisors’ years of experience in a field.

However, there may be other ways to frame a question, measure a construct, and conduct
the thousand other scientific tasks that are just as good or even better than what you are already
doing. Besides, by engage in collaborative research writing also can expand your network.
Working collaboratively can help you meet potential future employers, mentors, and
collaborators and can make new friends.


‘Working from home makes people lazy’

The 21st Century is an exciting time where the advancement of technology makes
working from home possible for almost any job that is desk-bound, and this has opened a whole
new world of new opportunities to anyone who has a computer and access to the internet. There
are many benefits of working from home instead of saying working home makes people lazy.
Also known as homeworking, remote working or telecommuting, this lifestyle has quickly grown
in popularity. It's become a reality for many employees because you may easily work from home
as long as you have a laptop and reliable internet connection. It involves using the support of
technology and a home office to complete your normal workload.

While working from home is not for everyone, it's definitely worth it for some people.
The best thing about homeworking depends on the individual, their priorities and their
personality. However, many people often cite the flexibility it brings as one of its greatest
advantages. Working outside an office can make you a more effective employee. Avoiding the
daily commute allows you more time to prepare for your workday. Furthermore, being in a
setting where you have the freedom to create a schedule that works for you can increase your
productivity. Here are some advantages of working from home. Firstly, you have a flexible
schedule One of the great benefits of homeworking is the flexibility it brings. It often gives you
the freedom to customise your own schedule to better suit your personal needs. This is
advantageous because it means you're able to increase your productivity by deciding when to
take breaks and when to work.

Next is environmental friendliness. Working at home is more environmentally friendly. It

causes you to lower your carbon footprint because remote working eliminates your daily
commute. This way, you may drive less to get from place to place. Additionally, running a
home's air conditioning and lighting consumes significantly less energy than in an office.
Besides, telecommuting allows you to customise your own work environment. This way, you can
make adjustments to cater to your own personal productivity. For example, you can customise
the noise level in your home office, change your location or choose the type of desk or chair you
have. Working from home also can significantly lower your stress levels. This is because it takes
away the anxiety and hassle associated with your daily commute to work. Furthermore, since
you're no longer surrounded by coworkers every day, it's much easier to avoid office politics and

The conclusion is that many benefits and advantages of working at home that you can
applicable in your daily life. Just take this opportunity to make your work life getting better than
before. Many people start their healthy lifestyle during the pandemic because they have so much
time to motivate and handle their activities. However when you work from home, it's important
to take full advantage of your breaks. Taking small breaks while working can boost your
productivity. Sometime, you just leaving your home at least once during the day is highly
beneficial to your mental and physical health. Stepping outside and getting some fresh air can
lower your stress levels and boost your motivation. You can go for a walk at the nearby park or
water your plants. The important thing is you get outside and move your body.

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