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How to deal with sts misbehavor in the classroom?

Education is an area of special importance in each country, which determines the

development of a country in the future. Education is about training a person to be a good
citizen, useful to the country. However, in teaching there will often be students who make
mistakes, in that situation, the teacher's problem-solving is very important. To deal with
students when they make mistakes, teachers need to remind students in a timely manner
and understand the student's psychological problems.
First, teachers need to remind when students make mistakes such as talking
privately, not concentrating, or working separately during school hours. This helps
students realize that their work is not right and focus more on their teachers. After
prompting, the teacher should ask the student to reread the lesson, answer the question, or
repeat the teacher's sentence so that the student can keep up with the other students. Next,
teachers need to ask students to focus on the lesson.
Second, Teachers need to talk to the student who made the mistake. This helps the
teacher know why the student is misbehaving. Then find a way to solve the problem. This
is important because the student's psychology is very susceptible to external influences
and has no experience to solve the problem. If the teacher does not know the difficulties
that students punish, the student will learn to decline, become opposed, depressed and
affect the personality of the student.
However, many people think that reminding and understanding birth is not enough
deterrence. This idea is also true because if the teacher forgives the student, the student
may not know his or her behavior is wrong and easily make the mistake again. However,
teachers will take other measures to deal with repeated violations such as reporting to
parents, conducting or suspending practice. That's how students won't dare to violate it
In summary, reminding and understanding students is the best way teachers deal
with student behaviors. It's all about the student's personality and intelligence
development. Be like a friend to understand the students, which will help students believe
and love the teacher.

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