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BSHM 603


Is this even a question? What is a woman? For months, Matt Walsh devoted nearly every
waking hour to answering this simple question. Honestly, it’s a question he never thought he’d
have to ask. But, all of a sudden, way too many people don’t seem to know the answer. Is a
woman a woman just by feeling or acting a particular way? Aren’t gender roles just a “social
construct”? Can a woman be “trapped in a man’s body”? Does being a woman mean anything
at all? We used to think that being a woman had something to do with biology, but the nation’s
top experts keep assuring us that is definitely not the case. So, Matt decided to do what no man
(whatever that means) had done before. He sat down with the experts and asked them directly.
In What Is a Woman?, our hero:• Discovers that no one—not doctors, therapists, psychiatrists,
politicians, transgender people, nor San Franciscans—can actually define the word “woman”•
Hilariously convinces a non-binary therapist that Matt is questioning his own gender identity•
Uncovers the shocking and horrifying roots of gender theory• Learns exactly how activists and
ideologues are trying to take over the minds of our kids• Reveals a strategy to defeat the
collective insanity that has taken over our society Join Matt on his often comical yet deeply
disturbing journey as he answers the question generations before us never knew they needed
to ask: What is a woman?
I saw the documentary and it covered much of the stuff in this Movie. This movie covers many
important details including with the interviews of various persons and history of transgenderism
in America and Europe. It was very thought provoking, clear and compelling. A great watch
100% must watch, it opens the people eyes to the insane notions and claims trans-activists
depict in schools and kindergartens. This is the proof that their ideology is detached from reality
and dangerous to the stability of the social fabric.
Walsh interviews a variety of people for the documentary, including politicians, a pediatrician, a
gender studies professor, a psychiatrist, a gender-affirming family and marriage therapist, a
transgender person opposed to medical transitions for minors, a surgeon who specializes in sex
reassignment surgery, the father of a transgender boy, age 14, and psychologist Jordan
Peterson. Walsh also speaks with a Maasai tribe in Kenya about the concepts of "non-binary"
and "transgender," and he interviews a gay man who was in public nudity in San Francisco.
Transgender youth, puberty blockers, sex reassignment surgery, and trans athletes competing in
women's sports are among topics covered in the documentary.
It includes a speech made by Walsh at a Loudoun County School Board meeting that was
convened to hear in out on Policy 8040. which would permit transcended students to use their
chosen names and
pronouns as well as access restrooms and locker facilities that correspond to their gender
In his remarks, Walsh stated: "You all assault children. You take advantage of naive kids and
brainwash them into joining your zealous ideological cult, which contains many extreme beliefs,
but none as absurd as the notion that boys are girls and girls are boys."
At the conclusion of the film, Walsh's wife hands him a jar and says, "A woman is an adult
human female who requires help opening this.'
Matt Walsh, although a bit edgy, takes transgender ideology and turns it on its head. By asking
simple direct questions, he exposes the absurdity of “gender identity” and how shallow their
arguments really are. This movie serves as a great resource.
Gets to the heart of the problem in the T community when they refuse to face reality and
instead substitute a fantasy as fact and drag the LGB people into the void with them. The LGB
community fought for equality valiantly but in an effort to gain more numbers they lumped
their real issues with the imaginary issues of the T people, therefore diluting their fight for rights
with a cause that is not based in the real physical world and thus can never be won. Shedding
the yoke placed on themselves by absorbing the T’s the LGB people would have already seen
their cause victorious but instead they will forever regret what could have been because reality
cannot be changed.
What Is a Woman by best-selling LGBT, women’s rights, and children’s movie Matt Walsh will be
used in the future to reference the turning point in which conservatives took back a major part
of the culture. Sanity and common sense have been entirely lost, and this book (and movie) lays
out exactly what lies at the core of this rotten ideology. Matt was not once confrontational,
incendiary, or rude. Instead, he stoically let the activist spew their nonsensical rhetoric, and
truly let the LGBT community ‘be heard’.
Logical. Concise. Particularly insightful to step outside of biases and interview a tribe (any tribe)
of people who had not been exposed to daily brainwashing. Most human beings, and creatures
in general, know what a woman is — one has to be an ideologue not to have a ready, accurate

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