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New Method For Teeth Whitening Vital Hyperoxidant by Natural Gas

The commercial houses seek economic gain. This has led some, mainly in the U.S.,
promotions gels aside solely for the clinician-patient procedure.
Dentists lose control of whitening treatments in such cases, a sensitive issue given the
potential toxicity of some compounds and the necessary specialist advice on oral health.
Dental hypersensitivity, mucosal changes, occasional lack of effectiveness and necessity of
enhancing the clinical part of the procedure for control by a specialist, have encouraged us
to investigate the extent possible to improve the technique of vital tooth bleaching.
We propose the use of medical oxygen and ozone as the center of a new vital bleaching
technique in the office supported by the outpatient maintenance gels, as circumstances
In fact after using the laser in treating many clinical cases of periodontal disease, I have
considered its use for this because it takes several advantages to traditional methods
among which I note the following:
In 50% of the case does not require anesthesia.
We never cut and peel the gum.
We can try by arcades and even throughout the mouth.
It requires no stitches.
Sterilization has power which is not true with the traditional method.
Bleeding zero.
Remodeled gingival better prognosis.
Shorter recovery time than the traditional.

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