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Saving Private Ryan

Film was about the group of U.S. soldiers. The captain was John Miller.
This group had mission to save the soldier. The soldier’s surname was
Ryan. The group must save him because he had 3 brothers and they died in
battle. The members of the group disagreed why they have to risk their
lives because of one soldier. In the middle of the film the Millers group of
soldiers found the team where Ryan was supposed to be. Well Ryan wasn’t
there. So they decided to asked the members of the his teams if they don´t
know where he could be. The members of the team told them where he is.
He was in little group of soldiers which defended the bridge. Across this
bridge had to go through the German army. When they finally found the
soldier Ryan they told him he must go home but he told them he didn’t go
because it would be cowardly. The group of captain John Miller decided to
stay whit Soldier Ryan and his group. When the German army came the
battle can start. At the end of film the captain Miller dies when he cover
retreat of soldiers.

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