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You are the future, bright and bold,

A generation of promise, yet to unfold,

With minds that are curious, and hearts that are pure,

You are the ones that we all adore.

You are the leaders of tomorrow,

The ones who will bring change and growth,

With knowledge and passion in your hearts,

You will make the world a better place to start.

You inspire us with your energy,

And your eagerness to learn,

Your creativity and imagination,

Make us proud at every turn.

We see the potential in each of you,

And we know that you will go far,

With hard work and dedication,

You will reach for the stars.

So keep your heads up high,

And never lose sight of your dreams,

For with your determination and drive,

You'll achieve anything it seems.

Remember that we believe in you,

And we're here to help you in every way,

So go out into the world and shine,

And make the most of every day.

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