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Proceedings of the


B A R C E L O N A , S P A I N , JULY 1 - 5 , 1 9 9 7
- Sponsored by

J u l y 1 - 5 , 1997 - Barcelona - Spain

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On behalf of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers,

its Neural Network Council, and the Organizing Committee of the
Sixth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, it is my ple-
asure to welcome the participants of the FUZZ-IEEE'97 to this beau-
tiful city of Barcelona.

I felt most honored when, in March 1995, Jim Bezdek recom-

mended to the IEEE Neural Networks Council my appointment to
head the major conference in the field, particulary because this
important event was going to be held in Europe for the first time.

Now that the Conference has been successfully planned and

organized, I want to thank all the persons who have assisted me.
In particular the Organizing Committee headed by Francesc
Esteva, the Finances and Proceedings Chair Pere Garcia, the
Program Chairs Lluis Godo and Joan Jacas, our secretary Maria
del Mar Cutiado for their very hard and excellent work and to the
IllA Administration for their help. I am also most thankful to the
Honorary Chairs Enric Trillas and Lotfi Zadeh for their encourage-
ment and support.

I have received invaluable advice from Hamid Berenji, Jim

Bezdek, Piero Bonissone and Enrique Ruspini, their experience in
past FUZZ-IEEE Conferences has been extremely helpful. I want to
specially acknowledge Karen Haines for her help in dealing with the
student travel grants, a very good initiative of the IEEE Neural
Networks Council that started in FUZZ-IEEE'96 and that, I hope, will
continue in future conferences. I also hope that you will find the time
to erjoy the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Barcelona and the friends-
hip of Catalan people: Benvinguts a Barcelona!

Ramon Lopez de Mantaras

General Chair FUZZ-IEEE'97

Since 1992 the IEEE International Conferences on Fuzzy

Systems have been held either in USA or in Japan (1992 San Diego,
1993 San Franscico, 1994 Yokohama, 1995 Orlando, 1996 New
Orleans). When, for the first time the IEEE Neural Network Council
decided that the conference would travel to Europe, the Barcelona
group, represented by the lllA Research Institute, accepted enthou-
siastically this challenge but we were also aware that we had to
compete with some previous oustanding conferences. Nevertheless,
when asked by the General Chair Ramon L6pez de Mgntaras to
become co-chairs of the program committee we accepted the risk
with pleasure. The conducting idea has been to achieve a balanced
high quality program. Balanced in the sense that could incorporate
the main advanced aplications based in fuzzy-logic and hybrid tech-
niques, and the most notable and recent theoretical results. We
think that there is a need of a forum that aims to be a meeting point
of both aspects in Fuzzy Set Theory. We hope that Barcelona, exam-
ple of blending between all Mediterranean cultures and civilizations,
can translate this feeling to all participants.
On the other hand, we have been specially careful to maintain the
high scientific standards held in previous conferences. This year we
have received 376 papers. Of these, 184 will be presented in regu-
lar sessions and 92 in poster sessions. Four additional papers will
be presented in plenary talks.
As general features of the program, we can emphasize the outs-
tanding number of control applications, an increasing interest in the
theoretical aspects and a general area of hybrid techniques included
in the subject of Soft-Computing.
The number of persons that have made this conference possible
is "high", the possibility of not missing any of them is "low" but the
set is "crisp" in our mind. We would like to thank to all of them. We
also extend our recognition to all members of the program commit-
tee, as well as all other additional reviewers, that with their effort
have contributed to enhance the quality of the accepted papers.
Finally we are particularly grateful to Maria del Mar CuAado and
lmma Moros for their excellent secretarial work, to Juan Antonio
Rodriguez and Francisco Martin for their help with the web pages of
the conference, and to Gemma Sales for her excellent work in pre-
paring these proceedings volumes.

Lluis Godo and Joan Jacas

Program Chairs FUZZ-IEEE'97
Enric Trillas (Technical Univ. of Madrid, Spain)
Lotfi A. Zadeh (University of California, USA)

Ramon Lbpez de Mgntaras (IIIA - CSIC, Spain)

Francesc Esteva (IIIA -CSIC, Spain)
C. von Altrock
H. Berenji (Advisor)
J. Bezdek (Advisor)
P.P. Bonissone (Advisor)
M. Delgado
R. Felix (Exhibits Chair)
P. Garcia-Calves (Finance Chair)
K.G. Haines (Students Support Chair)
M.T. Lamata
E. Plaza (Publicity Chair)
E. Ruspini (Advisor)
A. Sobrino
L. Valverde (Tutorials Chair)
J.L. Verdegay
A. Vila

Lluis Godo (IIIA - CSIC, Spain)

Joan Jacas (Technical Univ. of Catalonia, Spain)

~ ~ ~ A T ~ O N A L

K.P. Adlassnig M.K. Chakraborty

J. Aguilar M. Delgado
C. Alsina A. Di Nola
J. Aracil D. Driankov
K. Asai D. Dubois
J.F. Baldwin G. Escalada-Imaz
S. Barro A.O. Esogbue
H. Berenji F. Esteva
J. Bezdek R. Felix
Z. Bien C. Freksa
P.P. Bonissone T. Fukuda
P. Bosc P. Garcia-Calves
B. Bouchon-Meunier G. Gerla
J.J. Buckley M.A. Gil
C. Carlsson E Gomide
J.L. Castro S. Gottwald
V.B. Guisin S. Ovchinnikov
J. Gutierrez-Rios S.K. Pal
P. H6jek M. Park
L.O. Hall W. Pedrycz
H. Hellendoorn E E. Petry
K. Hirota H. Prade
U. Hohle J. Quevedo
G. Irazoki A. Ralescu
J. Kacprzyk D. Ralescu
A. Kandel M. Roubens
J.M. Keller E.H. Ruspini
L. Kitainik E. Sanchez
E.P. Klement P. Smets
G.J. Klir M. Sugeno
L.T. K6czy T. Takagi
V. Kreinovich H. Tanaka
R. Kruse T. Terano
R.N. Lea A. Titli
Liu Xihui E. Trillas
Y.M. Liu M. Umano
J. Lbpez-Coronado L. Valverde
E.H. Mamdani J.L. Verdegay
R. Marin A. Vila
G. Mayor P.P. Wang
R. Mesiar P.Z. Wang
M. Mizumoto T. Whalen
C. Moraga R.R. Yager
S.Moral T. Yamakawa
M. Mukaidono S. Yasunobu
C.V. Negoita J. Yen
H.T. Nguyen L.A. Zadeh
V. Nbvak M. Zemankova
A. Ollero H.J. Zimmermann
S.A. Orlovski

Armando Blanco T. Miki

Dionis Boixader Eduard Montseny
C. Borgelt Hiroyuki Nagasawa
Albert Celaya D. Nauck
Yu-To Chen K. Pal
Matt Clark Olivier Pivert
J.C. Cubero Olga Pons
Laurent Dubois Jordi Recasens
H6lPne Fargier Antonio Ruiz
Rambn Fuentes T. Runkler
Ashish Ghosh Antonia Salas
Michael Grabish Luis de Salvador
Francisco Herrera Lucian0 Sanchez-Ramos
Haekwan Lee Thomas Schiex
Ludovic Lietard Carles Sierra
Ludmila Kuncheva Appolo Tankeh
Thomas Feuring Vicenq Torra
Jacek Malek Eiji Uchino
Chrispophe Marsala Julio Valdes
Ana Ma Martinez Jordi Vitria
Pedro Meseguer Zhenyuan Wang

ANALOGICAL REASONING .............. 31

APPLICATIONS OF FUZZY CONTROL (I) .............................................. 99
APPLICATIONS OF FUZZY CONTROL (11) ............................................ 199
APPLICATIONS OF FUZZY CONTROL (111) .................... 609
APPLICATIONS OF FUZZY CONTROL (IV) ............................................ 607
AUTONOMOUS ROBOTICS .................................................................... 573
CLUSTERING (I) ...................................................................................... 125
CLUSTERING (11) ........................................ ............ 225
DATA ANALYSIS (I) .................................................................................. 823
DATA ANALYSIS (11) ................................................................................ 1115
DATABASES ............................................ ........................................... 707
DECISION SUPPORT ........................................................ 1191
DESIGN OF FUZZY CONTROLLERS .................................................... 483
DYNAMIC SYSTEMS ............................................................ 1133
FUZZY CONTROL ..... ................................................................... 737
FUZZY MEASURES ................................................................................ 845
FUZZY MODELLING ................................................................................ 515
FUZZY REASONING................................................................................ 543
FUZZY STATISTICS ................................................................................ 51
FUZZY SYSTEMS THAT CAN LEARN .................................................... 659
FUZZY TECHNIQUES IN PROCESS CONTROL.................................... 1239
GENETIC ALGORITHMS ..... .............. ........... 1639
HARDWARE (I) ........................................................................................ 635
HARDWARE (11) ................... ................................. 767
HARDWARE FOR FUZZY SYSTEMS ................................. ....... 869
IMAGE PROCESSING ............................................................................ 1393
INDUCTIVE LEARNING .......................................................................... 1289
INFORMATION AGGREGATION ............................................................ 1671
INVITED LECTURES .............................................................................. 1
........ 1153
LEARNING (11) ................................................. 1411
LOGICAL CONNECTIVES ...................................................................... 149
MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS.................................................................... 1315
MOBILE ROBOTS .................................................................................... 1339
MODEL-BASED CONTROL .................................................................... 895
NEURO FUZZY TECHNIQUES ................................................................ 1369
PATTERN RECOGNITION ...................................................................... 69
POSTER PRESENTATIONS (I)................................................................ 293
POSTER PRESENTATIONS (11) .............................................................. 921
POSTER PRESENTATIONS (Ill) .............................................................. 1429
SCHEDULING .......................................................................................... 1265
STABILITY ANALYSIS (I) ........................................................................ 83
STABILITY ANALYSIS (11) ........................................................................ 171
STABILITY ANALYSIS (Ill) ............... 271
SUBSYMBOLIC LEARNING .................................................................... 1701
THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS (I) ........................................................ 683
THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS (11) . ........... .................... 801
VISION & IMAGE PROCESSING ............................................................ 1173

The Roles of Soft Computing and Fuzzy Logic in the Conception, Design and Deployment of Intelligent Systems ...... 1
Zadeh, L.A.
On a Mathematical Model for Indicative Conditionals ...................................................................................................... 3
Trillas, E.
A Mixed c-Means Clustering Model ................................................................................................................................... 11
Pal, N.R.; Pal, K.; Bezdek, J. C.
Constraint Satisfaction and Decision IJnder Uncertainty Based on Qualitative Possibility Theory .................................. 23
Dubois, D.; Prade, H.


Analogical Reasoning to Answer Null Queries in Fuzzy Object-Oriented Data Model .................................................... 31
Wang, S.L.; Huang, %J.
Financial Applications of Fuzzy CaseBased Reasoning to Residential Property Valuation ............................................ 37
Bonissone, P P ; Cheetham, MI.
Several Forms of Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning ................................................................................................................ 45
Bouchon-Meunier, B.; Delechamp, J.; Marsala, C.; Rifqi, M.


Fuzzy Regression Analysis Using RLIFN and Its Application .......................................................................................... 51
Zhang, X.; Omachi, S.;Aso, h!
Extension of an inequality index for fuzzy-valued attributes ............................................................................................ 57
Gil, M.A.;Ldpez-Diaz, M.; Ldpez-Garcia, H.; Lubiano, A.
Fuzzy Linear Regression Combining 'Central Tendency and Possibilistic Properties ...................................................... 63
Tanaka, H.; Lee, H.


A Fuzzy Approach to Edge Detection and Representation .............................................................................................. 69
Kim, T: Y ; Han, J.H.
A Genetic Fuzzy Neural Network for Pattern Recognition .............................................................................................. 75
Kandel, A.; Zhang, KQ.; Bunke, H.
3D-Curve Similarity Using Fuzzy String Matching............................................................................................................ 79
Rodriguez, W ; Kandel, A.; Bunke, H.


Stability Design of TS Model Based Fuzzy Systems ...................................................................................................... 83
Wong, L. K.; Leung, EH.E; Yam, P K.S.
Stable and Robust Fuzzy Control for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Based on a Grid-Point Approach .......................... 87
.. Lam, H.K.; Leung, EH.E; Tam, P.K.S.
Stability of Interpolative Fuzzy KH-Controllers ................................................................................................................ 93
Jod, 1.; K o c ~ L.T:
, Tikk, D.; Varlaki, P


An Approach to the Obtention of Knowledge Bases for MlMO Fuzzy Control:
Application to a Non Linear Thermal !System Control ...................................................................................................... 99
Vidolov, 6.;Melin, C.
Contribution of Fuzzy Logic to Control and Industrial Process ........................................................................................ 105
Martins, A.P.; Carvalho, A S .
Flight Control Reconfiguration Using Multiple Fuzzy Controllers .................................................................................... 111
Schram, G.; Verschoor, B.; Sousa, J.M.; Verbruggen, H. B.
An Antislipping Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Railway Traction System ....................... ............................................ 11 9
Garcia-Rivera, M.; Sanz, R.; Perez, J.A.


A Tabu Search Approach to the Fuzzy Clustering Problem ..........................................................................
Delgado, M.; Gomez, A.; Martinez, H.
A Characterization of Arbitrary RUSPlNl Partitions by Fuzzy Similarity Relations .......................................................... 131
Thiele, H.
Computing a Concept Lattice from Structured and Fuzzy Data ...................................................................................... 135
Girard, R.; Ralambondrainy, H.
On the use of Probability and Possibility Measures in Fuzzy Clustering ........................................................................ 143
Vila, M.A .; Delgado, M.; Gdmez-Skarmeta, A.E


On Connectives in Fuzzy Logic Satisfying the Condition S(T, (x,y),T,(x,N(y))) = x ...... ........................................... 149
Alsina, C.
A Few Remarks on Some T-Conditional Functions.. ..................... ...................... 153
Trillas, E.; Cubillo, S.; del Campo, C.
Group Transformation of Systems of Logic Connectives ........................................................
Kohout, L.J.; Kim, E.
Approximate Reasoning with Non-Commutative and Non-Associative Conjunctions ...................... 163
Ka waguchi, M. E; Miyakoshi, M.


An LMI Approach to Fuzzy Controller Designs Based on Relaxed Stability Conditions ................... 171
Tanaka, K.; lkeda, 1;Wang, H.
Stability of Fuzzy Gain-Schedulers: Sliding-mode based analysis .................................................................................. 177
Palm, R.; Driankov, D.
Robust Quadratic stabilizability on Non-homogeneous Sugeno's systems ensuring
completness of the closed-loop system ............. .............. ............ .......................... 185
Marin, J.P.; Titli, A.
Determining Limit Cycles in Fuzzy Control Systems ........................................................................................................ 193
Gordillo, E; Aracil, J.; Alamo, T


Application of Fuzzy Intelligence to Elebike Control Design ............................................................................................ 199
Chen, PH.
Internal Model Control with a Fuzzy Model: Application to an Air-conditioning System .................................................. 207
Sousa, J.M.;Babuska, R.; Verbruggen, H.B.
Fuzzy Logic-Based Supervisory Control of Household Appliances ................................................................................ 213
Badami, KK; Stephanou, H.
Fuzzy logic based Improvements in Efficiency Optimization of Induction Motor Drives .................................................. 21 9
Moreno, J,; Cipolla, M.; Peracaula, J.; da Costa, P J.


On Generating Solid Models of Mechanical Parts through Fuzzy Clustering .................................................................. 225
Phansalkar, G.; Dave, R.N.
Clustering Veri, Adjective, Adjectival-Verb Concepts using Proximity Relation .............................................................. 231
Fujimoto, T.; Sugeno, M.
Fuzzy Clustering of Aggregated Flows for Traffic Control in ATM Networks ...................... ... 235
Murgu, A.
The Use of Fuzzy Techniques in the Study of Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation Therapies. .................................... 241
Nebot, A.; Valdes, J.


Generating and Tuning Fuzzy Rules using Hybrid Systems ............................................................................................ 247
Gomez-Skarmeta, A.; Jimenez, E

Simplification of Fuzzy Rule Based Systems Using Orthogonal Transformation ............................................................ 253
Yen, J,; Wang, L.
Minimizing the Fuzzy Rule Base and Maximizing Its Performance by a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm .................. 259
Ishibuchi, U.; Murata, T:
Singular Value-Based Approximation with Takagi-Sugeno Type Fuzzy Rule Base ........................................................ 265
Baranyi, P ; Yam,Y


A Design Method for Stable Fuzzy LClR Controllers ........................................................................................................ 271
Concha, J.; Cipriano, A.
L2 Robust Stability Analysis for the Fuzzy Feedback Linearization Regulator ................................................................ 277
Kang, U.J.; Kwon, C.; Yee, Y.H.; Park, M.
Lyapunov Function Based Design of Heuristic Fuzzy Logic Controllers .......................................................................... 281
Wong, L.K.; Leung, E H X ; Tam, PKS.
Stable Adaptive Fuzzy Control of an EIlectric Drive System .............................................................................................. 287
Fischle, K.; Schroder, D.


Diagnosis fo Fuzzy System Character: System Identification of Composite
Operation and fuzzy relation by Genetic Algorithms ........................................................................................................ 293
Ohtani, S.; Kikuchi, H.; Yager, R.R.; Nakanishi, S.
Systems Identification with Fuzzy Spline Wavelets.......................................................................................................... 299
Shmilovici, A.; Maimon, 0.
Match'em: Using fuzzy logic to profile criminals .............................................................................................................. 305
Lefley, M.; Austin, V:
Modelling and Solving a Class of Fuzzy Multicommodity Transportation Problem.......................................................... 313
Mendes, R. R.; Yamakami, A.; Alves, 1. C.
A Fuzzy Hierarchical Approach to Medical Diagnosis ...................................................................................................... 319
Zahan, S.; Michael, C.; Nikolakeas, S.
An Unsupervised Fuzzy Vessel Tracking Algorithm for Retinal Images .......................................................................... 325
Tolias, YA,; Panas, S.M.
Evaluation of School Building Energy Consumption Using Fuzzy Assstant Operating Uncertain Knowledge .............. 331
Stanislaw, K.; Czogala, E.; Marek, E.
Contexts obtained from several expert opinions .............................................................................................................. 339
Burusco, A.; Fuentes, R.
Model-based Fuzzy Control for Two Trailers Problem: Stabillity analysis and Design via Linear Matrix Inequalities .... 343
Tanaka, K.; Taniguchi, %; Wang, H.O.
Fuzzy Indirect Adaptive Control and robustness analysis for Unknown Multivariable Nonlinear Systems ...................... 349
Shaocheng, T ; Qingguo, L.; Tianyou, C.
Direct Adaptive Control of Unknown lvlultivariable Nonlinear Systems with Fuzzy Logic ................................................ 355
Shaocheng, T ; Qingguo, L.; Tianyou, C.
Cascade PI-Controllers with Fuzzy Tuning ...................................................................................................................... 361
Ha, Q.P.; Negnevitsb, M.; Palis, F:
A Passivity framework for Fuzzy Contlrol System Stability: Case of Two-Input-Single-Output Fuzzy Controllers .......... 367
Melin, C,; Ruiz, F:
A Contribution for Elaboration of Self-Organizing Fuzzy Controllers .............................................................................. 371
Vasconcelos, C.A.; Rodrigues de Azevedo, H.
Design of a SMC-Based Fuzzy Controller for Nonlinear Systems .................................................................................. 377
Chen, J. Y
Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Linear-Like Fuzzy PI and PID Controllers ...................................................... 383
Mann, G.; Hu, E.G.; Gosine, R.G.
Application of the Coevolutionary System to the Fuzzy Model Design ............................................................................ 391
Wloszek, A.; Domanski, PD.
A Self-Tuning Method of Fuzzy Modeling with Learning Vector Quantization.................................................................. 397
Kishida, K.; Maeda, M.; Miyajirna, H.; Murashima, S.
Fuzzy Bounded Least Squares Method for the Identification of Fuzzy Systems ............................................................ 403
Zeng, X.;Shing, M. G.

Engine Control-Oriented Fuzzy Modeling ........................................................................................................................ 409
Bortolet, P.; Boverie, S.; Tifli,A.
Fuzzy Modeling and Similarity Analysis Applied to Ecological Data ................................................................................ 415
Setnes, M.; Babuska, R.; Verbruggen, H.B.; Sanchez, M.; van den Boogaard, H.Et?
Fuzzy Number Ordering Methods Applied to Workpiece Scheduling Problem with Imprecise Parameters .................... 421
Reumay, t?; Yamakami,A.
Distributed Fuzzy Rules for Preprocessing of Speech Segmentation with Genetic Algorithm ........................................ 427
Hsieh, C.T; Lai, E.; Wang, YC.
Sequential Self-reorganization Method of Symptom Parameters and Identification Method of Membership
Function for Fuzzy Diagnosis .......................................................................................................................................... 433
Chen, t?; Nasu, M.; Toyofa, 7:
Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Approach to Feature Selection Problem .................................................................................. 441
Fung, G.S.K.; Liu, J.N.K.; Chan, K.H.; Lau, R.W.H.
Reformulation of Various Non-Fuzzy Scheduling Problems Using the Concept of Fuzzy Due-Date .............................. 447
Murafa, Ti; Ishibuchi, H.; Lee, K.H.
Design of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Combustion Control of Stoker-Fired Boilers Based on Behavior Modeling .......... 453
Li, W ; Chang, X.G.; Wang, YQ.; Ma, C. Y
Constructive Algorithm for Neuro-Fuzzy Networks .......................................................................................................... 459
Fraftale, EM.; Varazi, G.M.; Martinelli, G.
A Neuron-Inspired Fuzzy Relation Model of Dynamical Systems And Its Learning Algorithms ...................................... 465
Yingwu, C.
Fuzzy-based Texture Retrieval ........................................................................................................................................ 471
Koppen, M.; Ruiz del Solar, J.
On the Applicability of the NetFAN-Approach to Function Approximation ........................................................................ 477
Huwendiek, 0.; Brockmann, W.
Practical Aspects of Self-Organising Fuzzy Controller (SOC) Implementation ................................................................ 483
Ylen, J.P
Theoretic and Genetic Designs of a Three-Rule Fuzzy PI Controller .............................................................................. 489
Hu, B.G.; Mann, G.K.I.; Gosine, R.G.
More on Designing Fuzzy Controllers using Genetic Algorithms: Guided Constrained Optimisation .............................. 497
Tan, G.K; Hu, X.
Evolution of Fuzzy Controller Design .............................................................................................................................. 503
Reznik, L.
Evolutionary Design of TSK Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems Using (p, -)-Evolution Strategies .......................................... 509
Cordon, 0.; Herrera, F:
Identification, Modeling and Control by Means of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems .......................................................... 515
Bortolet, P.; Palm, R.
Modeling a Fuzzy System by the Integrated Virtual and Genetic Algorithms .................................................................. 521
Huang, YP.; Chen, YR.
Interactive Approach to Fuzzy Structural Modeling based on FISMlfuuy ...................................................................... 527
Mifamura, 7:; Ohuchi, A.
An approach to structure identification of fuzzy models .................................................................................................. 531
Castellano, G.; Fanelli, A.M.
Parameter identification in a fuzzy system with insufficient data .................................................................................... 537
Benmakrouha, E


Firing condition of fuzzy rules, generalised possibility and necessity measures ............................................................ 543
Villar, J.
On Normal Fuzzy Reasoning and Fuzzy Moves .............................................................................................................. 549
Zhang, YQ.;Kandel, A.; Henne, M.
A Fuzzy Expert System for Vibration Cause Identification in Rotating Machines ............................................................ 555
Siu, C.; Shen, Q.; Milne, R.
A General Revision Principle Method as a Way Between
the Revision Principle and the Rule Interpolation Techniques ........................................................................................ 561
Baranyi, t?; Koczy, L.7

Efficient Inference Procedures with Fuzzy Inputs ............................................................................................................ 567
Ughetto, L.; Dubok, D.; Pradet, U.


Fuzzy Logic in Autonomous Robotics: behavior coordination .......................................................................................... 573
Saffiotti, A.
Multi-Layered Fuzzy Behavior Fusion for Reactive Control of an Autonomous Mobile Robot ........................................ 579
Goodridge, S.G.; Kay, M.G.; L.uo, R.C.
Selecting Behaviors using Fuzzy Logic ............................................................................................................................ 585
Michaud, E
Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Automatic: Path Tracking of Outdoor Mobile Robots. Application to Romeo 3R .................. 593
Sanchez, 0.; Ollero, A.; Heredia, G.
The Transferable Belief Model in Ultrasonic Map Building .............................................................................................. 601
Gambino, E; Ulivi, G.; Vandittelli, M.



Trajectory Tracking Control of Uncomtrained Objects Based on the SlRMs
Dynamically Connected Fuzzy Inference Model .............................................................................................................. 609
Yubazaki, N.; Vi, J.; Otani, M.; Unemura, N.; Hirota, K.
Multi Criteria Robot Control based on1 Fuzzy Behavioral Algorithms .............................................................................. 61 5
Hausler, K.; Khachatouri-Yeghiazarians, V:
Traking Control of Nonlinear Systems by F u u y Model-Based Controller ...................................................................... 623
Kung, C.C.; Li, H.H.
Hierarchical and Heuristical Fuzzy Model Based Control of Drum-Boiler Power Plant .................................................. 629
Cheng, C.M.; Rees, N.W


A Pipe-line Fuzzy Controller in FPGA .............................................................................................................................. 635
Aranguren, G.; Barron, M.; Arroyabe, J. L.; Garcia-Carreira, G.
A Synthesis of Fuzzy Control Surfaces in CMOS Technology ........................................................................................ 641
Matas, J.; Garcia de Vicufia, L..; Castilla, M.
A Modular CMOS Analog Fuzzy Controller ...................................................................................................................... 647
Vidal-Verd4 E; Navas, R,; Rodriguez-Vkzquez,A.
Pipeline Integration of Neuro and Fuz:zy Cache Management Techniques .................................................................... 653
Hammami, 0.


Fuzzy Q-Learning ............................................................................................................................................................ 659
Glorennec, P Y ; Jouffe L.
Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing for Speaker Recognition ............................................................................................ 663
Jang, J. S.R.; Chen J.J.
Evaluation Measures for Learning Probabilistic and Possibilistic Networks .................................................................... 669
Borgelt, C.;Kruse, R.
Refining the Shuttle Training Aircraft Controller .............................................................................................................. 677
Berenji, U. R.; Chang, P W.; Swanson, S.R.


On the Compactness and Separability of E(X) ................................................................................................................ 683
Roman, H.; Flores, A.; Rojas, M.; Bassanezi, R.
Identification Methods for Exponential Possibility Distributions........................................................................................ 687
Tanaka, H.; Guo, P.
On Logical and Algebraic Foundationis of Approximate Reasoning ................................................................................ 693
Novak, U ;Perfilieva, 1.

Algebraic Structures of Interval Truth Values in Fuzzy Logic .......................................................................................... 699
Mukaidono, M.

On the Comparison of Imprecise Values in Fuzzy Databases ........................................................................... ... 707
Bosc, I?; fiver?, 0.
Updating under Integrity Constraints in Fuzzy Databases .............................................................................................. 713
Nakata, M.; Murai, T
A Perspective from the Fuzzy Object Data Management Group (FODMG) .................................................................... 721
Cross, V ; Caluwe, R. de.; VanGyseghem, N.;
Applying Fuzzy Events to Approximate Reasoning in Active Databases ...................................... ............................. 729
Bouaziz, T;Wolski, A.


Non-translation-invariant Defuzzification ....................................................................................................... ........ 737
Kiendl, H.
Measure of Inconsistency and its Application to Multi-Objective Control ........................................................................ 743
Lim, %; Chang, K.H.; Yu,W ; Bien, Z.
How many rules are necessary to get a "good" fuzzy controller for a control problem? ................................................ 749
Castro, J.L.
Fuzzy Criterion Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control of Multi-Dimensional Open Inventory Networks .............. 755
Esogbue, A.: Liu, B.
Similarity-based approach to defuzzification .................................................................................................................... 761
Boixader, D.; Jacas, J.; Recasens, J.


Maximum-Throughput Implementation of Piecewise-Linear Fuzzy Systems .................................................................. 767
Rovatti, R.; Borgatii, M.
A Built-in Rule Scan Structure for Analog Fuzzy Processors Test and Fault Diagnosis ........................ 773
Bellini, A.; Rovatti, R.; Franchi, E.; Baccarani, G.
VLSl Design and Realisation of a 4 Input High Speed Fuzzy Processor ........................................................................ 779
Gabrielli, A.; Gandolfi, E.; Masetti, M.; Ruo Roch, M.
A Dedicated Parallel Processor for Fuzzy Computation .................................................................................................. 787
Ascia, G.; Cafania, V
Statistical Features and Robustness of Chaotic Fuzzy Maps ..................................................... .............................. 793
Rovatfi, R.; Setti, G.


On multidimensional evaluation lattices .......................................................................................................................... 801
Gisin, V
Fuzzy Types and Their Lattices ......................................................................................... .......................................... 805
Cao, TH.; Creasy, PN.; Wuwongse, V:
Some Properties of Fuzzy Ideals on a Lattice.. .......................................................................................................... 813
Lehmke, S.
T-S-Fuzzy Primary Ideals .. ................................................................................................ 819
Garmendia, L.; Molero, M.; Salvador, A.


Fuzzy Rule Encoding Techniques .................................................................................................................................... 823
Roychowdhury, S.; Shenoi, S.
Mean-Absolute-Deviation-Based Fuzzy Linear Regression Analysis by Level Sets Automatic Deduction from Data _._.829
Inuiguchi, M.; Sakawa, M.; Ushiro, S.
Fuzzy Logic Data Analysis of Environmental Data for Traffic Control .............................................................
Krause, €3.; von Altrock, C.; Pozybill, M.
User-Driven Summarization of Data Based on Gradual Rules .......................................................................
Dubois, D.; Prade, H.; Rannou, E.

The comonotonically additive functional on the class of continuous functions with compact support ............................ 845
Narukawa, Y ; Murofushi, %; Sugeno, M.
Entropy Measure of Fuzziness in Detection of QRS Complex in Noisy ECG Signal ...................................................... 853
Czogala, E.; Leski, J.; Rozentryt, F!; Zembala, M.
Information Measure of Type R Under Similarity Relations.............................................................................................. 857
Arora, G.; Petm E ; Beaubouef, %
Entropy Measures Associated with a Fuzzy Basic Probability Assignment .................................................................... 863
Herencia, J.A.; Lamata, M. T


Design and Application of Digital Fuzzy Controllers ........................................................................................................ 869
Sanchez, S.; Barriga, A.; Jimenez, C.J.; Huertas, J.L.
Flexible Fuzzy Controllers Using Mixed-Signal Current-Mode Techniques...................................................................... 875
Baturone, I.; Sanchez, S.; Barriga,A.; Huertas J.L.
The Use of Modifiers In Fuzzy Systems and their Hardware Implementation ................................................................ 881
Gutierrez-Rios, J.; de Salvador, L.
An Analog Defuzzifier Based on Current Mirror Technique.............................................................................................. 889
Miki, %; Yamakawa, %


Model-Based Fuzzy Control System Design for Magnetic Bearings............................................................................... 895
Kosaki, %; Sano, M.; Tanaka, K.
Analysis and Design of Model Based Fuzzy Control Systems ........................................................................................ 901
Feng, G.; Cao, S.G.; Rees, N. W.; Cheng, C.M.
A Comparative Study of Fuzzy and Conventional Criteria in Model-Based Predictive Control ...................................... 907
Kaymak, U.; Sousa, J.M.; Verb,ruggen,H.B.
Design of Fuzzy Model based Predictive Controllers and its Application to an Inverted Pendulum.. ............................. 915
Saez, D.; Cipriano, A.


Fuzzy Logic Supervisory Control for Coal Power Plant .................................................................................................. 921
Pruessmann, D.; Krause, B.; von Altrock, C,
Detecting Inverse Responses in Chemical Reaction Processes with Fuzzy Qualitative Simulation .............................. 927
Case, S.; Shen, Q.
A Study on Facial Caricature Drawing by Fuzzy Theory .................................................................................................. 933
lwashita, S.; Onisawa, %
Scenario-based analysis on the game of GO .................................................................................................................. 939
Nishino, J.; Sugeno, M.
Generation of Fuzzy Rules from a European Ozone Model ............................................................................................ 945
Ryoke, M.; Tamura, H.; Nakamori, Y
A Fuzzy Approach for the Performance Evaluation of Manufacturing Processes............................................................ 951
Berrah, L.; Mauris, G.; Foulloy, L.; Haura, A.
Implementation Issues in the Fuzzy c-Medians Clustering Algorithm .............................................................................. 957
Kersten, i? R.
Fuzzy Clustering Model for Asymmetry and Self-similarity .............................................................................................. 963
Sato, M.; Sato, Y
Contouring Blood Pool Myocardial Gated SPECT Images with a Neural Network
Leader Segmentation and a Decision-Based Fuzzy Logic .............................................................................................. 969
Patino, L.; Mertz, L.; Hirsch, E.; Dumitresco, B.; Constantinesco, A.
An Optimised Fuzzy Logic Controller .............................................................................................................................. 975
Chan, i? T ; Rad, AB.; Tsang, K’. M,
Real-time Control via an Adaptive Hierarchical Fuzzy Controller .... ........................................................................ 981
Tsang, M. W.; Rad, A B .
Application of Fuzzy Logic Control to the Design of Semi-Active Suspension Systems ................................................ 987
Nicolas, C.E; Landaluze, J.; C;istrillo, E.; Gastdn, M.; Reyero, R.
Control of a Distillation Column Using Fuzzy Inference Systems .................................................................................... 995
Margaglio, E.; Lamanna, R.; Glorennec, P Y

A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Estimation and Control In Automotive Prepaint Process .................................................... 1001
Filev, D,P;Huff, J.
Integration of Fuzzy Control and Model Based Concepts for Disturbed Industrial Plants with Large Dead-Times ........ 1007
Sajidman, M.; Kuntze, H.B.
Dynamical Multi-Rule Generation for Self-organizing Adaptive Fuzzy Controller .......................................................... 1015
Hwang, M.C.; Hu, X.
Adaptive Scaling Factors Algorithm for the Fuzzy Logic Controller ................................................................................ 1021
Victor, J.; Dourado, A.
A Fuzzy Control based Algorithm to train Perceptrons .................................................................................................... 1027
Delgado, M.; Mantas, C.J.; Pegalajar, M.C.
Stability Analysis and Controller Design for Dynamic Fuzzy Systems based on a New Fuzzy Inference Approach ...... 1033
Shafers, E.; Krebs, K
Hardware Fuzzy Logic Kit Design .................................................................................................................................... 1039
Gharieb. W,
A priori minimization in Pattern Recognition. Application to industrial fish sorting
and face recognition by computer vision .......................................................................................................................... 1045
Menard, M.; Loonis, P; Shahin, A.
A FIRE Filter for Detail-Preserving Smoothing of Images Corrupted by Mixed Noise .................................................... 1051
Russo, E
Cooperation of Two Fuzzy Segmentation Operators for Digital Substract Angiograms Analysis .................................... 1057
Bombardier, V ; Jaulent, M.C.; Bubel, A.; Bremont, J.
Edge Detection and Image Segmentation: Two sides of the same coin .......................................................................... 1063
Boskovitz, V ; Guterman, H.
A New Fuzzy Edge Detection Method for Image Enhancement ...................................................................................... 1069
Kuo, YH.; Lee, C.S.; Liu, C.C.
A Connectionist Approach to Reorganization of Knowledge Structures in Fuzzy Systems ............................................ 1075
Aiya, A.; Badie, K.
A Fuzzy System for Rose Recognition ............................................................................................................................ 1083
Zhenjiang, M.; Gandelin, M.H.
A six Legged Robot Controlled by ARS ............................................................................................................................ 1089
Sanz, A.
Signed 7-Measures and Its Decompositions .................................................................................................................... 1095
Qiang, Z.; Wen, D.
Can Neural Nets Be Universal Aproximators for Fuzzy Functions? ................................................................................ 1101
Buckley, J. J.; Hayashi, Y
New Fuzzy Concepts ........................................................................................................................................................ 1105
Karbou, F:


Factor Analysis for Fuzzy Data ........................................................................................................................................ 1115
Nakamori, Y ; Watada, J.
Factor Selection of a Fuzzy System ................................................................................................................................ 1121
Wang, H.E; Lin, L.S.
Fuzzy Principal Component Analysis for Fuzzy Data ...................................................................................................... 1127
Yabuuchi, Y ; Watada, J,; Nakamori, Y:


Convex Fuzzy controller: neuro-fuzzy and convex optimisation ...................................................................................... 1133
Tankeh, A.: Mamdani, E.H.
He Control of Continuous Time Fuzzy Dynamic Systems................................................................................................ 1141
Feng, G.; Cao, S. G.; Rees, N.W.; Cheng, C.M.; Ma, J.
Orthogonal Least Squares based Fuzzy Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems .................................................... 1147
Mastorocostas, P.; Theocharis, J.
Multi-stage Inference Fuzzy Logic Control ...................................................................................................................... 1153
Yeh, Z.M.; Chen, H.P.
Fusion and Hierarchy can Help Fuzzy Logic controller Designers .................................................................................. 1159
Lacrose, V ; Titli, A.

Learning Linguistic Context for Linguistic Oriented Fuzzy Control .................................................................................. 1167
Belohlavek, R.; Novak, V:


Fuzzy Surroundedness ..................................................................................................................................................... 1173
Wang, X.; Keller, J.M.
Fuzzy Spatial Relations based on Fuzzy Morphology .................................................................................................... 1179
Gader, P.D.
Randomized Fuzzy Cell Hough Transform ...................................................................................................................... 1185
Chatzis, C.; Pitas, 1.



Hasofer-Lind's Reliability Based Optimization for Multiobjective Fuzzy and Stochastic Design Problem ...................... 1191
Shih, C.J.; Wang, C.S.; Lin, Y.Y.
Constructive and destructive fuzzy decision support system (FDSS) processing uncertain information ........................ 1197
Balazinski, M.; Boyer, H.; Czogala, E.; Drwal, G.
Analysis of Variability in the Design of Wood Products under Imprecision...................................................................... 1203
Giachetti, R E ; Young, R E .
Equivalent Representations of a set function with application to decision making .......................................................... 1209
Grabisch, M.; Roubens, M.


Impact Analysis of Design Alternatives; on Imprecise Requirements .............................................................................. 1215
Yen, J.; Tiao, W.A.
A Relevance Feedback Model Based on Soft Consensus Dynamics .............................................................................. 1221
Marques-Pereira, RA.; Pasi, G.
An Approach to an adaptive information retrieval agent using genetic algorithms with fuzzy set genes ........................ 1227
Martin-Bautista, M.J.; Larsen, H.L.; Nicolaisen, J.; Svendsen, %
Solving Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction Problems .............................................................................................................. 1233
Meseguer, P.; Larrosa, J.


Fuzzy Behaviours Combination to Control a Non-Holonomic Mobile Robot Using Virtual Perception Memory .............. 1239
Arrue, B.C.; Cuesta, E; Braunstingl, R.; Ollero, A.
Fuzzy Control of an Aerobic Digestion Process for the Treatment of an Industrial Wastewater ...................................... 1245
Steyer, J.P.; Estaben, M.; Polit M.
Identification of Distillation Column Operating Conditions with Orthogonal Matching Pursuit ........................................ 1251
Neves, E; Shniilovici, A.; Aguilar-Martin, J.
Hybrid manufacturing line supervision and diagnosis by means of fuzzy rules connected with a causal graph ............ 1259
Chevallier, E.; Aguilar-Martin, J.; Blanch, G.; Mesas, J.L.

Imprecise Task Schedule Optimizatiori ............................................................................................................................ 1265
Chantrapornchai, C.; Tongsima, S.; Sha, E.H.M.
On the Role of Fuzzy Logic in Production Planning ........................................................................................................ 1271
Gerstorfer, E.; Hellendoorn, H.
Fuzzy project scheduling with multiple criteria ................................................................................................................ 1277
Hapke, M.; Jaszkiewicz, A.; Slowinski, R.
Fuzzy Manufacturing Scheduling by Virus-Evolutionary Genetic Algorithm in Self-organizing Manufacturing System .. 1283
Kubota, N.; Arakawa, %; Fukuda, %; Shimojima, K.


FILSMR: A Fuzzy Inductive Learning !Strategy for Modular Rules .................................................................................. 1289
Wang, C.H.; Liu, Ji?; Hong, %P; Tseng, S.S.
Modelling with Words using Cartesian Granule Features ................................................................................................ 1295
Baldwin, J.E; Martin, TP.; Shanahan, J.G.
Fuzzy Projection Pursuit ID3 .......................................................... ............................................. ......................... 1301
Miyoshi, T ; Ichihashi, H.; Tanaka, E
Inductive Learning using Similarity Measures on Latice-fuzzy set .................................................................................. 1307
Loutchmia, D.; Ralambondrainy, U.


Data Structure for a Fuzzy Machine Learning Algorithm .................................................................................................. 1315
Hong, TP.; Lee, C.%
Elicitation of Membership Functions: How Far can theory take us? .........................................................
BilgiF, T ; Turksen, 1.6.
Empirical Determination of Membership Functions for Stimuli Comparison .................................................................... 1327
Verdegay, J.L.; Sancho, A.
Fuzzy sets as the aggregation of weighted observations ................ ....................................... ....... . 1333
Torra. Y


Fuzzy Modelling Operator Navigation Behaviors ................................................. ........................... 1339
Garcia-Cerezo, A.; Mandow, A.; Ldpez-Baldan, M.J.
An Intelligent Robot Vision for Autonomous Navigation .......................................
Hammon, E.P.; Ashenayi, K.
Behavior Learning and Group Evolution for Autonomous Multi-Agent Robot .................................................................. 1355
Maeda, %
Fuzzy controller for wall-following with a non-holonomous mobile robot ........................................................................ 1361
Urzelai, J.; UIYbe, J.P.; Ezkerra, M.


A Recurrent Self-organizing Neural Fuzzy Inference Network ........................................................................................ 1369
Juang, C.E; Lin, C.T
Type 2 Fuzzy Sets and Neuro-Fuzzy Clustering of Radiographic Tibia Images ................... .................................... 1375
John, R.I.; Innocent, ER.; Barnes, M.R.
Demand Forecast by Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques .............................................................................................................. 1381
Escoda, I.; Ortega, A.; Sanz, A.; Herms, A.
Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Neurofuzzy Geotomography ............................................................................ 1387
Miyoshi, T ; Tabuchi, H.;Ichihashi, H.


Image Segmentation using Fuzzy Clustering with Fractal Features ................................................................................ 1393
Runkler, TA.; Bezdek, J.C.
On fuzzy Enhancement of Megavoltage Images in Radiation Therapy .......................................................................... 1398
Tizhoosh, H.R.; Krell, G.; Michaelis, B.
Industrial Application of Fuzzy Image Comparison in Quality Control ............................................................................ 1405
Felix, R.; Albersmann, R.; Reddig, S.


A Knowledge Acquisition Method for Fuzzy Expert Systems in Diagnosis Problems ...................................................... 1411
Evsukoff, A.; Gentil, S.; Branco A.C.S.
Using Incremental Learning Algorithms in the Search for Minimal and Effective Fuzzy Models .................................... 1417
Bersini, H.; Duchateau, A.; Bradshaw, N.
Using information measures for determining the relevance of the predicitve variables in learning problems ................ 1423
Gonzalez, A.;Perez, R.


Improving Precision of Interval Estimations of Voltage Deviations in General-purpose Electrical Networks .................. 1429
Patrushev, S.
Orthogonal Fuzzy Model of the Solder Paste Printing Stage of Surface Mount Technology .......................................... 1433
Lotfi, A.; Howarth, M.; Thomas, PD.

Fuzzy Set Theory Application to the Total Quality Management: National Brazilian Quality Award ................................ 1439
Paladini, E.P.
A Fuzzy Basis Function Network for Generator Excitation Control .................................................................................... 1445
Abido, M.A.; Abdel-Magid, YL.
Continous Compounding in Capital Budgeting Using Fuzzy Concept ............................................................................. 1451
Kahraman, C.; Ulukan, Z.
Input Selection in Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems ........................................................................................... 1457
Nakashima, T ; Morisawa, T;Ishibuchi, H.
Real-time Recognition System of Korean Sign Language based on Elementary Components ...................................... 1463
Lee, C.S.; Park, G.T; Kim, JS.; Bien, Z.; Jang, W.; Kim, S.K.
A Corner Matching Algorithm with Uncertainty Handling Capability ................................................................................ 1469
Lee, K.J.; Kim, Y T ; Myung, H.C..; Kim, J.M.; Bien, Z.
A Fuzzy Advisory System for Estimating the Waiting Period after Traffic Accidents ........................................................ 1475
Hollatz, J.
Fuzzy information retrieval for decision support .............................................................................................................. 1481
Maia, L.F:J.; Costa, 1.
General Interface for the WARP1 .O Fuz;zy Processor....................................................................................................... 1487
Alsaleh, H.; foul lo^ L.
Excitation Control of a Synchronous Generator Using an On-Line Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller Structure .............. 1493
Ghanayem, 0.;Reznik, L.
Statistical Fuzzy PID Controller Design............................................................................................................................ 1499
Li, H.H.; Vaidhyanathan, 6.; Sun, S.
A New approach to fuzzy controller designing and coding via genetic algorithms .......................................................... 1505
Rojas, 1.; Merelo, J.J.; Bernier, J.L.; Prieto, A.
Fuzzy Adaptive Guard Channel Assignment Strategy for Handoff in PCS System ........................................................ 1511
Cho, C.H.; KO, YC.; Lee-Kwang, H.
A Fuzzy Logic Control Simulator for Adaptive Traffic Management ................................................................................ 1519
Kim, J.
A Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Dry Rotary Cement Kiln ... .............................................................................................. 1525
Tayel, M.; Rizk, M.; Hagras, H.A..
A Fuzzy Logic Based Phase Sequencer for Traffic Control ............................................................................................ 1533
Beauchamp-Baez, G.; Rodriguez-Morales, E.; Mufiiz-Marrero, E.L.
Analysis and Electronic Implementation of a Fuzzy System for the Control of a Liquid Tank ........................................ 1541
Rojas, 1.; Anguita, M.; Pomares, H.; Prieto, A.
Fuzzy Feature Analysis for Unsupervised Knowledge Discovery in Narrative Texts ....................................................... 1549
Perrin, I?; Perry, F:
Fuzzy metaqueries for guiding the Discovery Process in KDD........................................................................................ 1555
Cerquides, J.; Lopez de Mantaras, R.
FasBack: Matching-Error Based Learning for Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Logic Systems ...................................... 1561
Cano, J.M.; Dimitriadis, YA,; Coronado, J.L.
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Modeling ...................................................................................................................................... 1567
Figueiredo, M.; Gomide, E
Fuzzy Q-Learning for a Multi-player Non-Cooperative Repeated Game ........................................................................ 1573
Ishibuchi, H.; Nakashima, T;Miyamoto, H.; Oh, C.H.
On the Learning of Min-Max Fuzzy Systems .................................................................................................................. 1581
Tan, S.; Zhang, L.; Vandewalle, ,J.
XFL: A Language for the Definition of FUZZYSystems .................................................................................................... 1585
Lopez, D.; Moreno, EJ,; Barriga, A.; Sanchez-Solano, S.
Filtering and Fusing Compass and Gyrometer Data Using Guess Filter ......................................................................... 1593
Strauss, 0.
A new Representation Framework for Fuzzy Sets .......................................................................................................... 1601
Subasic, I?; Nakatsuyama, M.


A Proposal for a Dynamic Rating Systein Based on the Method of Fuzzy Successive
Categories -In the Case of Phychological Impression Caused by Noise Stimulus- ........................................................ 1607
Kato, Y.; Yamaguchi, S.; Oimatsu, K.
A Fuzzy Logic based Decision Support System for Low-flow / Closed-loop Anaesthesia ............................................... 1615
Hooper, 0.;Jaros, G.; Hu, X.; Baker, B.

Swing up Fuzzy Controller for Inverted Pendulum Based on a Human Control Strategy .............................................. 1621
Yasunobu, S.; Mori, M.
Fuzzy Phase Control of Series Multicell Converters ........................................................................................................ 1627
Gateau, G.; Maussion, P; Meynard, T:
Fuzzy Categories for Virtual Reality Problems: Dual Processing of Imagery Knowledge .............................................. 1635
Shapiro, D.


Interactive Decision Making for Multiobjective 0-1 Programs through Genetic Algorithms with Double Strings ............ 1639
Shibano, T:; Sakawa, M.
Interactive Decision Making for Multiobjective Block Angular 0-1 Programming
Problems with Fuzzy Parameters through Genetic Algorithms with Descomposition Procedures ........................... 1645
Kato, K,; Sakawa, M.
An Auto-Generating Method in the Fuzzy System Design .............................................................................................. 1651
Wong, C.C.; Her, S.M.
Obtaining fuzzy solutions to the Fuzzy Solid Transportation Problem with Genetic Algorithms ...................................... 1657
Jimenez, E; Verdegay, J.L.
Genetic Fuzzy Clustering for the Definition of Fuzzy Sets .............................................................................................. 1665
Velasco, J. R.; Lopez, S.; Magdalena, L.


Fuzzy n-ary compositions based on aggregation operators ............................................................................................ 1671
Portilla, M.I.; Eraso, M.L.; Burillo, P
Criteria importances in OWA Aggregation: An Application of Fuzzy Modeling ................................................................ 1677
Yager, R.R.
On the use of fuzzy majority for supporting consensus reaching under fuziness ............................................................ 1683
Kacprzyk, J.; Zadrozny, S.
Non deterministic Fuzzy Classification Systems .................................................................................. ........... 1689
Cutello, V ; Montero, J.
On a Class of Monotonic Extended OWA Operators ...................................................................................................... 1695
Carbonell, M.; Mas, M.; Mayor, G.


Incorporation of Fuzzy Classification Properties into Backpropagation Learning Algorithm ............................................ 1701
Sarkar, M.; Yegnanarayana, 5.
Fuzzy Interpolation-Based Q-Learning with Profit Sharing Plan Scheme ........................................................................ 1707
Horiuchi, T ; Fujino, A.; Katai, 0.; Sawaragi, T:
A Fuzzy ART-based Modular Neuro-fuzzy Architecture for Learning Hierarchical Clustering.......................................... 1713
Bartfai, G.; White, R.
Ventilation Control Learning with FACL ............................................................................................................................ 1719
Jouffe, L.
Unsupervised Learning of Control Surfaces Based on B-Spline Models ........................................................................ 1725
Zhang, J.; van Le, K.; Knoll, A.


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