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National College of Ireland

CA Submission Sheet – 2020/2021

Student Name: Keila Basi

Student ID: x19141416

Programme: International Business (MSCIBE2) Part-time Year: 2021(2)

Module: Research Methods

Lecturer: Darcy Collete

Submission Due Date: 25/01/2021

Project Title: ​An investigation into the effectiveness of leadership with coaching skills
influencing employee performance in a diverse team.

Word Count: 2.492

I hereby certify that the information contained in this (my submission) is information
pertaining to research I conducted for this project. All information other than my own
contribution is fully referenced and listed in the relevant References section at the rear of
the project. ALL Internet material must be referenced in the References section. Students
are encouraged to use the Harvard Referencing Standard supplied by the Library. To use
other author's written or electronic work is illegal (plagiarism) and may result in disciplinary
action. Students may be required to undergo a viva
(oral examination) if there is suspicion about the validity of their submitted work.

Signature: Keila Basi

Date: 25/01/2021


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An investigation into the effectiveness of
leadership using coaching methods and its
influence on the performance of employees in a
diverse team.


Keila Basi - x19141416

MSc in International Business - part time
Research Methods

1. Introduction

Over the years, organizations have presented more diversity in their demographic
composition and introduced practical diversity in their work groups (Knippenberg, D., De
Dreu, C. K. W., Homan, C., 2004).

Diversity employee outcomes have been established to have two sides: positive and
negative. Positive aspects identified by enhancing decision-making quality, creativity through
providing different perspectives and backgrounds. Negative aspects are classified by group
identification limitation resulting in reduced employee commitment and performance,
amusement and retention. Milliken and Martins (1996) stated that the individual or a group or
even the organization itself can be directly affected when working in a diverse team.

As it will be described further in the literature review section, researchers and theories
studies show that an effective leadership style that is correctly applied in a diverse team may
essentially at positively affect the employee performance and mitigating its negative effects.

Leaders and managers play an important role in influencing the employee’s performance
and outcomes as an individual or as a group. However, a specific leadership method is the
key to connect the diversity presented in a team and the performance results (Ashikali, T.
and Groeneveld, S., 2013).

The issue found to be worth studying by the author is ideally a positive investigation on how
the leadership or the management can approach a diverse team and its particularity and
provoke positive outcomes in the employee performance, as an individual. However, a study
about a particular leadership method is needed in order to get a better understanding on
what effect it has on that particular group.

The precise leadership method chosen by the author is coaching, which in turn is identified
as a practice focused in guiding the individual or group of people to learn and develop
through listening, questioning, reflecting and dialogue in order to maximize their own
performance (Boak G. and Crabbe S., 2018). The coaching movement has evolved as a
methodology since the 1980s and it has been evaluating since. It can be considered an old
method when comparing it to the methods used by Socrates. However, it is also considered
as a new method, when applied with a vision of professional organization (Lages, A and
O’Connor, J., 2009).

Many researches have tried to explain what are the effects produced by a leadership and its
methods in the employee’s performance, although, no indication was found in previous
literature of an attempt to study that specific proposed method (coaching) in a particular
group (diverse team) whether it is positive, negative, both compiled or null.

In summary, this research is essential, as it will contribute with a better understanding of the
effectiveness of leadership using coaching methods and its influence on employee
performance in a diverse team.

2. Literature Review:

The purpose of the literature review is to identify key studies and definitions on the topic, a
critical analysis regarding debates in the field with ideas and arguments. Thus, this review is
a summary of certain past studies and journal articles that have influenced the author in the
investigation of this work.

In order to have an analysis and a clear understanding of the discussion, the topic is
structured and investigated under the following main subjects:

- Leadership and its definition;

- Coaching Method;
- Employee Performance;
- Team Diversity.

2.1 Leadership and its definition:

Oxford dictionary defines leadership as the action of leading a group of people or an

organization. Silva A. (2016) put forward that leadership is one of the terms most widely
used for a very long time in abounding areas of human activity, business, sports, religion and
politics. This definition implies that leadership is not only a particular character but that it is a
process that can lead to achieve a common goal.

Kotter (1998) added that leadership is a key factor in the efficiency and capability in any
organization. He goes on saying that contemporary approach sets that leadership is more
important for institutions than ever. Leadership moves a group of people in some direction
following the firm’s goal. Companies face many challenges, such as, foreign competition,
deregulation, new technologies, market maturity, bureaucratic managament, economy
challenges, etc. Leadership is required to guide the company to face these challenges
moving the entire organization.

Although leadership can be defined as a personal quality and often revealed through
individuals, it is also recognized as a process and not a person. It is a rich and complex
context. Once the human centuries became bigger and bigger, those individuals with notable
communications skills were identified as leaders but first following a hierarchy,, many
thinkers, such as Plato and Machiavelli started studying and drawing into another side of
leadership, the study of leaders (Goethals, G., Sorenson, G. and Burns. J., 2004).

Machiavelli (1513/1992) described the term lead as a person who has good virtues and
should be intelligent to have the support of the people. Kotter (1988) also describes a lead
with a certain personal character that is used to interact with business experience. An
effective leader has an organization knowledge, positive attitude and reputation baked on
accomplishment, intelligence, interpersonal skills, great integrity and the power to drive the
decision and actions towards in order to achieve goals.
In addition, this work is more concerned, however, in what is called effective leadership with
a focus on a particular style (coaching) positively affecting employee performance.
2.2 Coaching Method:

Dulewicz V. and Higgs M. (2014, p. 106) found that the personality of the leader plays a
crucial detail in the exercise of leadership. The association between the leaders' approach, is
using their different styles and the situation which they engage in is indeed important and

Boak G. and Crabbe S. (2018) described coaching practice as consisting of various

approaches and techniques. Nonetheless, coaching methods emphasize that it directs one
person to helping another (or a group of people) to develop and learn. This attention may
have a precise focus on performance, skills development or encouraging the person to make
decisions in order to expand their own skills. The analysis also includes certain behaviours in
the coaching methods that encourage the person to achieve their potential through listening,
dialogue, questioning and reflection.

The International Coach Federation, 2010 described the coaching style as a ​“creative
process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”. ​This study
aims to understand through research and analysing business cases on how a coaching style
can provide value affecting the employee performance, therefore, it will be necessary to
understand the strengths and weaknesses from a valuable coach as well the team response
to that leadership method.

2.3 Employee Performance:

Employees are very decisive for the forthcoming of the organization. If the employee’s
performance is strong, the performance of the company is strong. However, if the
employee’s performance is weak, it will lead the organization's performance to be weak.
Many factors can negatively affect employee’s performance, such as, depression, stress,
injustice, mismanagement and etc (Erdal, N. and Altinda, E., 2020).

Managers and leaders use a coaching approach in discussion and business with the
employee. Using these approaches, the leaders encourage the employees to classify
choices and seek their own solutions to their issues. This method is in direct contrast to the
approach where the manager has the answers and advises the employees on how it should
be processed. It is a productive method because of changing attitudes in order to work with
the employee focusing on the development, new skills towards their performance (Caplan,
J., 2003).

While analysing the literature, it can be found authors also criticizing the coaching method
applying to performance problems. One of the books reviewed states that, even though the
coaching method is connected with resolving performance issues, the relationship between
the leader and the employee accepting that method is an important key that can result in an
effectiveness or otherwise. Hunt, J. and Weinstraub, J. (2017) states that it is important to
identify the difference between performance management and the coaching method.
Furthermore, he added that while coaching can be a very useful method to influence the
employee performance, the lead will likely need to use other tools in case of serious
performance problems. Another relevant point added is the importance of identifying the gap
between performance problems and the learning curve. The employee's desire and ambition
to learn, develop and contribute to improve their own performance plays an important part in
the coaching method.

2.4 Team Diversity:

Team diversity can be identified as a group with contratsting backgrounds, aspects and
experience. However, diversity can appear with many characteristics, along with race,
gender, nationality, age and ethnicity. Diversity and differences between employees allow
increase of creativity, ample dimension of perspectives, ideas also concentration in to
understand others ideas and arguments. That increase can lead the team to generate
problem solving, more alternatives, better results and decisions (UKEssays, 2018).

In order to be an effective leader in a diverse team, it requires an effective knowledge of the

strengths and weaknesses of the process applied that can be provoked by the diversity.
Different leadership behaviors are necessary to address the team needs and apply
accordingly. In the last decade, articles and thinkers have begun to explore the connection
between leadership and team diversity (Kleef, G., 2020).

To summarize this topic, the research aims to find whether the leadership led by coaching
methods can produce an effect on the employee performance while working in a diverse
team. The work will be looking for positive effects, however, it will be investigating the
negative as well as null efectites for its influence.

3. Research Question and aims of research:

3.1 Research aim

The comprehensive aspiration of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of

leadership with coaching methods that can influence employee performance in a diversity
team. In summary, whether the leadership method chosen affects positively the employee
performance in a diversified team.

The structure is based on existing research about leadership methods and its effectiveness
towards a performance in a diverse group, different backgrounds and behaviors, studying
the lead as well as the employee.

3.2 Research Question

This work aims to find responses based on a questionnaire that estimate the employee's
perceptions and experience. This is based on the following question:

- How effective leadership using a coaching method can influence employee

performance in a diverse team?

3.3 Hypothesis:

a) H1: Coaching methods can positively affect the employee’s performance in a

diversity team.
b) H2: Coaching methods have a significant impact on the employee’s performance in a
diversity team.
c) H3: Coaching methods have no significant influence on the employee’s performance
in a diversity team.
d) H4: Leadership using coaching methods has to adapt the approach when coaching
employees who work in a diverse team.

3.4 Research purpose:

To address and explain the aims of this research, the author will target on the intentions
described below:

- Firstly, it will consider whether the coaching method applied following the team
diversity characteristic can positively affect the employee performance.
- Secondly, it will investigate whether the coaching method applied following the team
diversity characteristic can positively affect the employee performance.
- Third, it will investigate whether the leadership using coaching methods will need to
adapt the approach when working in a diverse team.
- Finally, it will be a significant contribution providing a better understanding of
leadership affecting a focused group.

To compile, this chapter explains the aspirations of this work and specifies the research
question, including the alternative hypotheses and the research objectives that will
potentially guide that investigation.

4​.​ Research Methodology

4.1 Research philosophy

Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2015) defines that conclusions and assumptions of
developing knowledge is what refers to the research philosophy. In summary, what the
researchers are doing when starting a new research is developing knowledge in a specific
field. The author’s assumptions and beliefs will shape the research questions, the method
and the findings interpretations.

According to (Saunders et al., 2015, p. 144) there are five major research philosophies in
business: positvis, critical realismo, interpretivist, postmodernism and pragmatism. This
research will be focusing on the four philosophies detailed below:

a) Positivism:
Describes the natural scientists and leads them to work with a perceptible social reality to
produce legal generalisations.

b) Critical Realism:
Focus on explaining what we can see and experience. Reality is the most important

c) Interpretivism:
States that humans are different from physical phenomena because they create meaning.
Different cultural environments, under different assets at different times make different
definitions and create different social existence.

d) Postmodernism:
Affirms that the role of language and of power relations challenge radically the established
ways of thinking and knowing.

4.2 Research method

In college academia, exist three different types of research. These are: quantitative,
qualitative and mixed methods.

This research will be focused on quantitative data: questionnaire responses. Quantitative

research has tended to be popular to be used when researchers want to measure trends in
performance across institutions or even to analyse the performance trends. Quantitative
methods can also be used when it is needed to explain something about people’s lives in
detail and how the interactions between them are (Oliver, P., 2012).

The data collected will be translated into numbers and that will illustrate graphics and the
findings will be tested by statistical analysis. The data analysis will be worked and obtained
by using tools (e.g IBM SPSS Statistics Software).

The target of this research are employers, both female and male, no age defined who are
currently working in a group / team based on diversity / variety of culture, race, age, gender
and backgrounds. The sample will be composed of individuals from different countries and
continents, as this works aims to focus on diversity as much as possible.

The sample size will be around 100 - 120 individuos. The questionnaire will be prepared and
sent by the third platform google forms. The individuals will be reached by internet (e.g
LinKedin, email, Facebook, Instagram, whatsapp mensajes, etc) and they will respond to the
questions on a voluntary basis. The approach adopted to this work is the survey and it will
allow the researcher to compose the questions established on the learnings that will be
proved by the data collected.

The research aims to proceed with a pilot study with a small group (around 5 individuals) in
order to analyze if the questions are clear or passable of misconception.

In order to collect the data in a timely manner, the author is proposing to follow the below
time frame. In summary, that period includes all the stages needed by the author in order to
complete the study.

5. Ethical considerations

The main objective of this section is to take in consideration all ethical issues that can be
involved in this research.
The instructions that will be used by the author is described below:

- Approval: Before responding to the questions the participation will be requested to

agree with the information about the work.
- Respect for anonymity and privacy: The participants will see information about how
the data will be handled and protected.

6. References:

Ashikali, T. and Groeneveld, S. (2013) ​Diversity Management in Public Organizations and Its
Effect on Employees’ Affective Commitment: The Role of Transformational Leadership and
the Inclusiveness of the Organizational Culture. ​ vailable
A at:​ [​ Accessed 21 January 2021].

Boak, G. and Crabbe S. (2019) ‘Evaluating the impact of coaching skills training on
individual and corporate behaviour’, European Journal of Training and Development, 43 (½),
pp 153-165.

Caplan, J. (2003)​ Coaching for the Future: How Smart Companies Use Coaching and
Mentoring.​ London: CIPD

Dulewicz, V. and Higgs M. (2004) ‘Assessing leadership styles and organizational context’,
Journal of Managerial of Psychology, 20 (2), pp 105-123

Goethals, G., Sorenson, G. and Burns, J. (2015) ​Leadership and the Humanities. ​Vol. 3, pp.

Hunt, J. and Weintraub, J. (2016) ​The Coaching Manager: Developing Top Talent in
Business. ​3th edn. London: Sage Publications.

Homan, A. C., Gündemir, S., Buengeler, C., and van Kleef, G. A. (2020). “Leading diversity:
Towards a theory of functional leadership in diverse teams”. ​Journal of Applied Psychology,​
105(10), 1101-1128. Available at: ​​ [Accessed 10
January 2021]

Homan. A. C and Gündemir, S., Buengeler (2013) ​“C ​ onsidering diversity: The positive
effects of considerate leadership in diverse teams” Group Processes & Intergroup Relations,
16(1) 105–125.

Kotter, J. (1988).​ ‘The leadership factor’.​ Free Press, 1st Edition.

Khan, M. A. (2020). ​"The Impact Of Mission And Involvement On Employees’ Performance

In The Hotel Sector Of Pakistan" S ​ ir Syed Journal Of Education Social Research, Vol. 3,
Issue 1. Available at: DOI:​ ​​ ​[Accessed 16
January 2021].

Knippenberg, D., De Dreu, C. K. W., Homan, C. (2004). “Work group diversity and group
performance: An integrative model and research agenda”. ​Journal of Applied Psychology,​
89, 1008-1022.

​ vailable at:
Machiavelli, N. (1979). ​The Portable Machiavelli. A
gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false​ [Accessed 5 January 2021

Milliken, F., Martins, L. (1996). “Searching for common threads: Understanding the multiple
effects of diversity in organizational groups”. ​Academy of Management Review​, 21, 402-433.

Oliver, P., (2012) ​“Succeeding with your literature review” ​A Handbook for Students. New
York: OUP Study skills​.

Silva, A. (2016) ‘​What is leadership’​, Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 8 (1), pp. 1-5.

Saunders, M. and Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2015) Research Methods for

Business Students. 7th Edition, Pearson.

UKEssays (2018) The Different Definitions Of Team Diversity Management Essay. Available
anagement-essay.php?vref=1​ [Accessed 16 January 2021].


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