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What is Digital Citizenship?

● Defines how we should behave when utilizing digital

tools and communicating with others online to make
proper, responsible, and empowered use of technology. It
also outlines what should be taught in schools and to
instructors so that the next generation can use
technology responsibly.
1. Digital Access: it relates to the amount of access
students have to technology.
2. Digital Commerce: it refers to the buying and selling of
items online.
3. Digital Communication: it relates to establishing and
maintaining relationships as well as exchanging
information and ideas online.

What are the 4. Digital Etiquette: it explains the standards of behavior

while communicating online. Students can become more
conscious of others and themselves online by setting
9 Elements of expectations and norms.
5. Digital Fluency or Literacy: it refers to the process of

Digital comprehending technology, which includes analyzing

content critically, differentiating fact from fiction,
and making wise media consumption decisions.
Citizenship? 6. Digital Health and Welfare: it describe how technology
has affected people's bodies and minds. This section
covers timely subjects including screen time and
7. Digital Law: it refers to the structures that protect
users from harm when using technology.
8. Digital Rights and Responsibilities: it relates to the
rights and obligations that come along with people's
liberties in the digital environment.
9. Digital Security and Privacy: it includes security
measures and practices that help guard against security
breaches and protect personal data.
Why is Digital Citizenship Important?

● It demonstrates to students how to utilize technology

● It enables students to develop the best of their
● Students must be aware of both the potential benefits
and drawbacks of technology.
● It helps students build their judgement around choices.
● It help students to learn, communicate and collaborate
safely and responsibly.
Digital Citizenship for Students

● Students who practice digital citizenship keep

themselves safe online and sustain healthy online
● Using the internet is a fantastic resource for learning
new ideas and communicating with other users.
● Helps them make good choices.
● Helps them understand that cyberbullying is
● Helps them use technology equitably.
Digital Citizenship for Teachers and Parents

● Teachers must serve as role models for their students in terms

of how to learn and adjust to new technology.
● Teachers can integrate new technological methods into the
classroom and show parents how to connect in new ways.
● To improve both their own and their students' experiences,
teachers need to be able to respond to the what, why, and how
● When parents are actively involved in their student’s
progress, assignments, and activities, they can significantly
impact their child’s learning and educational experience.
Focusing on What,Why and How?

What is it? - Digital citizenship is a recognizable term that is practiced

in and outside of schools.

When explaining what digital citizenship really is, it is more important to

focus on (WHAT) it will allow students to do.

Why is it important?- Technology is good resource in and outside the

classroom but students need to be guided in the right directions to protect
their footprints later in life. As well as it can improve their academic
achievements and in success in the real world.

How can it be involved?- Digital Citizenship can be included by lesson

planning, games and other activities in and outside the classroom.
Digital Citizenship Lessons

● LMS is a resourceful tool where students can practice

numerous digital skills
● Teachers should implement daily lessons on how to
interact technology adequately
● Incorporating gamification with learning is beneficial
and exciting to use.
● Students could write emails to one another.
● They can create photo albums and share it with their
friends and family.

“THINK” is a great acronym for students to use when exercising digital

citizenship. Before they post something online, whether it is
information, a photo, or content of any kind, they should ask
themselves if it is true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind.

T - is it TRUE?

H - is it HELPFUL?

I - is it INSPIRING?

N - is it NICE?

K - is it KIND?
Things we should keep in MIND!

● We should NEVER cyberbully!

● We need to protect our footprints as we involve
technology in our lives.
● Remember to treat others with respect in and outside of
the classroom.
● Involve parents in their kids online life.
● We need to utilize digital resources safely,
responsibly, and respectfully.

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