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Section Etght Ware Eehattiour

Mirror, rnirror on lhe wall... ges, gou're beauliful, but thal won'l help Uou pass exarns. Knowing aboul
refleclion and refraciion will. Bul brace gourself lhere's ralher a lol of diagrarns on lhe nexl few pages.

l) A real image is where lhe lighl frorn an object comes logether to

forrn an irnage on a 'screen' like lhe image forrned on an ege's
relina (lhe 'screen' al lhe
back of an ege).
2) A virtuaUmage is when lhe rags are diver$ng, so lhe !'rght from lhe
object appears lo be corning from a cornpleielg differenl place.

When gou look in a rnirror Uou see a virlual irnage of gour face
because the obiect (uour face) aDbears lo be behind lhe mirror.
You can gel a virlual image when Iooking ai an objeci through a
magnifging lens the virlual image looks bigger and furlher awag
lhan the object acluallu is.

l) Reflection of light is whal allows us lo g objecls. Light bounces off lhern inlo our eues.
2) When lighl reflects frorn an uneven surface such as a plegg il-pep1 fhe l'rghf
reflecls off at all differeni angles and gou gel a diffuse refleclion.
3) When light re{lects from an even surface (smse!h-ad$!xg like a rnirror)
then il's all reflected at lhe same angle and gou gel a clear refleciion.

r\ \ \ \1\ I I ll / /
-. -ftte normal'ts an imaginary line z
- r,haL's al righl anglesLol,he -- tNormail

- Eufrace (atilhe Poinlwhere

4) Bul don'l forgel, the LAW OF REFLECTION 7 LheliqhNhitelhe eurtace). \
aonlies lo everu reflecled rau: / / tt / I 1\ \ \ \\

Nole lhat lhese two angles are ALWAYS de{ined belween lhe rag itself and the dotted NORMAL.
Don'l ever label thern as the angle between lhe rag and lhe surface. Definitelg uncool.

r) Refraclion of lighf is when lhe waves change direction as lheg

enter a differenl mediurn.
2) This is caused enlirelu bg the change in speed of the waves.
3) Thal's whal rnakes ponds look shallower than lheg are
- light
re{lecls off the bollorn and speeds up when il leaves lhe water, Virlual image of coin
is nearer lhan real coin
making lhe boltom look like il's nearer lhan il is:

Learn this now and make light work of it in the exam.,,

Make sure gou've learnl this little lol well enough io answer lgpica! mean exam queslions like lhese:
rr rrrr@rrtt@
rnirror virtual?" " "

Confinn Fiahf Wnvo Re.hnuinur

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