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Executive Information System (EIS)

Definition: An EIS is a computer based system that serves the

information needs of top executives. It provides rapid access to
timely information and direct access to management reports.

Executive Support System (ESS)

Definition: An ESS is a comprehensive support system that
goes beyond EIS to include communication, office automation,
analysis support, and business intelligence.
The terms EIS and ESS are used interchangeably.

Enterprise Information System

Definition: This is a corporate wide system that provides holistic
information from a corporate point of view. Different users across
the enterprise can use the system for different purposes. These
systems serve the needs of top executives as well.
The Need for EIS:
Internal Factors:
1. Need for timely information
2. Need for improved communication
3. Need for access to operational data
4. Need for access to corporate databases
5. Need for rapid status updates on various business activities
6. Need for more accurate, concise, and relevant information
7. Need for ability to identify historical trends
8. Need to reduce the paper cost
9. Need for faster access to information
The Need for EIS:
External Factors:
1. Increased global competition
2. Rapidly changing business environment
3. Need to be more pro-active
4. need to access external databases, at fast speed
5. Increasing Government regulations.
6. Need for more information about external environment

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