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-Im a multi-media arts student I’m on my 2 nd year

-My experience as a 2d artist mainly comes from freelancing (If we’re talking professionally).

During my time as a freelancer I mostly did character designs, turn arounds and environment
illustrations to sometimes even icons and props.
Besides freelancing as a 2d concept artist, I don’t have any prior official employment experience,

I’ve had the opportunity to work as an intern 2d concept artist with game devs at Lamina studio. Which
is like an indie game dev/publisher in Philippines.

“I haven’t had the chance to work in a corporate setting yet since I was focusing on
freelancing as a student but I’m very open to the idea as it would greatly help me to
immerse myself to work with a team and work on different projects”

-So now, I’m currently trying to find a job in the field of game dev as a 2d concept artist or an illustrator.
To hopefully work in a field I’m passionate about while at the same time provide me a source of income
(as the nature of freelance)

Personality wise, I would say:

-I’m composed individual I don’t let tasks or anything for that matter overwhelm me or let my emotions
take over.

-Very self-motivated. So, I find that working with a team would just further boost my motivation when
I’m working on projects.

- I’m time efficient with tasks

- Taking up too much responsibility

- I find it hard to rest with a pending task.


How long have you guys been working on tactics robo?

What is X9 studios and how long have you been working on tactics robo?

What’s it like working with the team like what’s the work environment?

Skills test

4 sets of topics 15
Topics – sketch 2 bodies swimming water

- Show your hands and feet.


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