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Name : Novi Suryadita Rahmadani

Class : 3D
NIM : 2019D1B096

Assignment Intensive English Course (IEC)

Write a short scientific article (at least 350 words) with the topic below :
Do you agree or not if social media are restricted/limited for the 17 (seventeen) years old
over users only, under 17 years old users are banned/not permitted/not allowed.
You may select to be ‘’pro’’ or ‘’cons’’. Write a short article with arrangement :
a) intruduction
b) content
c) conclusion.
Support your opinion with at least (minimum) 3 reference.
Article prohibits the use of social media for children under 17 years of age

Not only adults, now there are quite a lot of children playing social media. There, they can adding
friendships, as well as get a lot of important and interesting information. But actually, what is the age
limit for using social media for children?

Social media does have a lot of positive impacts on its users, especially in the economic sector during
the current Covid 19 conditions. However, social media also has many negative impacts such as
unfiltered content, such as hoaxes and pornography, negative comments, bullying, hate speech, fraud,
and many cases of kidnapping children originating from social media.
In addition, social media can also have a negative impact on early childhood to adolescents. For
example, reducing direct social interactions, can interfere with learning time and leading to low self-
esteem and depression.
Most social media require users to be at least 13 years old to have a personal account. Children's Online
Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) regulates the same and prohibits online sites from taking data from
children under 13 years of age.
Apart from children who have to be up to date, social media must be useful for children and adolescents.
It is undeniable that the internet and social media have a role in everyday life in the present. Children
can communicate quickly, gain insight, and learn new things.
In my opinion, children of primary school age, 7-12 years or what is called middle childhood do not
really need social media. This is because during the middle childhood, children were still in the stage
of self-concept development.
Self-concept formation can be done by introducing children to extracurricular activities, courses
according to interests or participating in competitions. So in my opinion, children under 12 years of age
don't need social media yet, it's better to introduce the internet as a learning tool not for social media.

In this modern era, social media has become a necessity in order to find a wider friendship regardless
of age limit. Therefore, parents still have to play a role. The reason is, the maturity of children is still
not perfect. If children are given the broadest freedom possible, the negative effect on the internet will
That is why, I strongly agree with the government's suggestion that the age limit in using social media
is 17, which is contained in the Personal Data Protection Draft Bill (RUU PDP). For your information,
the PDP Draft Bill is still in the discussion stage with the House of Representatives, targeted for
completion this year. If this is not possible this year, the PDP Draft Bill is targeted for completion in
early 2021.

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