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You are a girl, you are powerless

You are a boy, you should not cry

You are a gay, you are scourge on society

These are just a few hurtful words said by others.


Everyone of us was born to be free and to be who we wanted to be. free from judgment, free from
discrimination, and free from playful minds. Our gender differences make each of us unique and far from
the norms of our culture. Our sexuality is not a competition; we are not required to compete and harm
one another. Equality shields men from the standard of masculinity. Equality protects the LGBTQ
community from hurtful meanings and discrimination.

Gender equality is more than simply a matter of social justice; it also contributes to development
and equality. Development and equality do not come from identifying individuals; equality
comes from treating everyone the same, regardless of who they are.


You are a man, and you can cry because it is not the measure of being brave.

You are a woman, and you can do many things that no one else can do.

You are gay, but you are not a scourge in society; you bring color and joy.

True beauty cannot only be seen in our skin color, faces, race, or nationality but rather beauty is
seen in entirely who I am

All lives matter so use your voice for their future. SAY YES TO EQUALITY.

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