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Jamasan Kyai Upas Ceremony

Hello everyone my name is Maulida Hanifah Erlian Putri, Im a student from

English Departement at Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University
Tulungagung and I’m from TBI 3A. This video is to fulfill the speaking for
academic interaction final exam.

I want to explain about one tradition from Tulungagung which is very famous,
namely Jamasan Kyai Upas Ceremony.

Do you know what is Kyai upas? Kyai Upas is the name of an heirloom
belonging to Tulungagung Regency, which is a relic of the Islamic Mataram
kingdom. This heirloom is in the form of a spear 35 cm long and supported by 4
m of wood. From generation to generation this heirloom is stated as a symbol of
greatness and has magical powers.

Heirloom Kyai Upas has annually sacred bathed once a year at Jum'at Legi day
(special Friday in Javanese) in Suro (Muharam) month (special month in
Javanese). This heirloom is watered with 9 holy springs in Tulungagung This
ceremony is started with pageant from the Regent Pendopo (hall) to Pendopo
Kanjengan. While on the way to the place of siraman (kanjengan), always
accompanied by gamelan monggang.

Video 1…..

Jamasan ceremony is performed with certain procession and multifariously

offerings. During the jamasan process, the guests read yasin and tahlil, with the
aim that the ceremony runs smoothly. Kyai Emban is in charge of the siraman
ceremony, because he is a descendant of an ancestor, accompanied by important
figures in Tulungagung. After Jamasan is held, it followed with another
performance, such as; Javanese song of Mocopat, Leather Puppet, and the other
traditional culture.
Reportedly in the Dutch colonial era, the magical power of this heirloom was
able to repel enemies, so that the Dutch colonial failed to enter the city of
Tulungagung. So that until now the heirloom of Kyai Upas is still believed by
the people of Tulungagung as an heirloom of ancestral heritage that is able to
protect and free the people of Tulungagung from danger.

This tradition is carried out every year as a form of gratitude to God. besides, as
a request and hope to God so that the people of Tulungagung will be even better
and avoid from danger.

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