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Name : Maulida Hanifah Erlian Putri

NIM : 12620321044
Class : TBI 3A
Today, the agenda of speaking for academic courses is presenting the result of the discussion.
Today there are 2 group that present the material. The first is group 4 and the second is my
group, group 5.
1. Taking a shower at night will cause rheumatic illness
First, there are so many people who think that bathing at night can cause rheumatism
which turns out according to research; this is proven a myth. The facts: Dr Andi
explained that the combination of cooler temperatures at night and cold water would
causing pressure on the joints and discomfort. That it may cause further pain in those
already suffering from rheumatic illnesses.
2. Instant noodle boiled water not healthy to consume
Based on its composition, there are no harmful substances in the manufacture of
instant noodles. There is no wax content in instant noodle. So the information
circulating is a myth. The facts: Instant noodle boiled water should not be thrown
away. This is because instant noodles contain several nutrients such as folic acid,
vitamin A, iron, and zinc which are soluble in water. So, here what needs to be
underlined is that it’s unhealthy to overconsumption of instant noodles.
3. The Use of Toothpaste on Pain due to Burns
When toothpaste is applied to burns, the heat in the skin will be trapped. As a result,
skin damage can be more severe and reach the deep layers of the skin, and burns can
heal longer.
4. MSG causes stupidity
The statement "MSG Makes Stupid" is a false fact, because if we know that the main
composition of MSG is glutamic acid, and this glutamic acid is widely found in the
composition of other foods.
GROUP 5 - The Importance of Preservation Indonesian Culture and Tradition
1. Definition about culture and tradition
- Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and
institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation.
- Tradition is a custom passed down from generation to generation from the
indigenous people in an area that includes cultural values, norms, laws and
interrelated rules. It then becomes a system or regulation to regulate social actions.
2. Diversity of Indonesian Culture and Tradition
Indonesia has a rich cultural heritage. The archipelago that stretches from Sabang to
Merauke makes Indonesia has a diversity of cultures from various ethnic groups.
There are various kinds of cultural diversity, such as:
- Traditional House
- Traditional Ceremonies
- Traditional Customary Clothing
- Traditional Indigenous Dances
- Musical Instruments and Traditional Songs
- Traditional Weapons
- Typical Food
3. Why are Cultures and Traditions Important?
Because tradition and culture can be interpreted as a collective identity or identity of a
nation. So, culture and tradition are important. They are the things that make life
worth living. They give us our identity, our belief system, and our sense of belonging
to a community.
4. How to Preserve the Culture and Tradition?
 Encouraging the public to maximize local cultural potentials and their
empowerment and preservation.
 Always maintain Indonesian culture so as not to be extinct.
 Establish so that people are able to manage localneath cultural orniversity.

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