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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

The Honorable mam Nanny as a lecture of Speaking for Academic Interaction. And All of
my friends.

Before I begin to deliver this presentation, I would like to invite you to thank Allah the
Almighty who has given us His mercy and blessings, so we can meet together in this blessing

And also let’s deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought
us from the darkness to the brightness.

Hello everyone… First of all let me introduce myself, My name is Maulida Hanifah Erlian
Putri. On this occasion I want to present the material about The Impact of Social Media on
Mental Health.

In nowadays a lot of people always discuss or talk about mental health. do you know why it
can happen? and what is the reason?

According to research, one of the reasons that a person can have mental disorders is from
social media. Because, social media causes adiction. So, I will explain to you about that.
Insecurity : Before I explain the next impact, I wanna ask you guys, all of you. Have
you ever felt insecure when you saw social media content or other people's posts?
Yes= why?
No= okay, that’s good.
We must be able to reduce insecurity and be grateful for what we already have.

Okay, I think that’s enough from me. Thank’s for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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