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Public Speaking Material

Title : Don’t insecure your body

Insecure make people not confident, I know the insecure make u shy in front
of friend, public, girlfriend, boyfriend. Many people insecure because, they not
grateful with giving God, but point of not confident. Feeling confident in your
body might seem impossible right now.
The key is in accepting all bodies at any size. Body insecurity is really just what
happens when you’re afraid of fat, small, tiny, tall, or short.

How to overcome insecurity of the body

1. Practice positive-talk
these little things do help, as the more you allow yourself to be surrounded
by a positive environment, the less entrenched you feel in your struggles.
2. Be unafraid to be vulnerable
You discovered that the more open you were in sharing my struggles, the
deeper u connected with people in your life, even those who you had not
known were struggling similarly.
3. Take yourself outside
Sometimes when you feel stuck in a rut, you choose to walk out of your
room for a short while. You often feel calmer or more relaxed once you
return, and you able to re-direct your focus
4. Be more mindful of how your treat your body
5. Becoming yourself, don’t force yourself.
The last is point of insecurity are don’t judge your body, don’t insecure your
body, love your way to yourself.
Material 2
Tema: Good Social Media
On this occasion I will talk about Why we need good social media. what
impact will happen if we are not good at social media and how to solution so that
we can be healthy in using social media. talking about good social media is One
form of media literacy movement that is a popular term in Indonesia to mention
various activities related to critical attitudes towards social media is that we
understand and use social media including that Facebook Instagram is filled with
positive and useful things according to the function of social media namely as a
positive entertainment entertainment as a useful education as well as as the
dissemination of information for the needs of the community accurately and it's
been proven to be true.
we need to have healthy social media because of the many negative impacts
caused by the lack of knowledge of the community in using social media
themselves ranging from Facebook to YouTube in the spread and receiving
entertainment and information that can trigger the onset of some problems, among
others: can cause a fire of hatred among others.
the use of social networks for pornography things spread news called hoaxes
that can harm a person and cause misunderstandings. Some easy early ways to
create healthy social media such as first starting to write your status are positive
meaning writing the tone you write is useful for those who read not offend any
party and do not spread lies more than contains no element of Sara. Make sure you
know your friends well on your social media accounts. third check Before
uploading either the video post or the image we will delete we think whether it is
appropriate or not to offend someone or not.
It does not contain pornographic content that can affect the character of
many people. check the information and make sure the information is proven to be
true before we share it with friends. if we have healthy social media do not create
news sorting information we do not swallow such information. if we use social
media anyone can see and we are solely responsible for the content of the site.
therefore as a society that participates in using social media Let's use positive
social media according to our own needs. Good social media starts from us
manifesting in social media and ethics and upholding the norms and principles of
social humanity.

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