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Dela Rea, Ryan Paul B.

4th Year 42A2

1. Why environment is very important? What could be possible happen when the environment is

The environment is of utmost importance as it is the foundation of all life on Earth. It provides vital
resources such as clean air, water, and food, as well as a diverse array of ecosystems that support the web
of life. When the environment is destroyed, severe consequences arise. Biodiversity loss occurs as habitats
are destroyed, leading to the extinction of plant and animal species. Natural resources become depleted,
resulting in soil erosion, water scarcity, and reduced quality of life. Disruption of natural cycles, such as the
water and carbon cycles, can lead to extreme weather events and climate change. Human health is also at
risk due to pollution and exposure to harmful substances. Social and economic consequences arise,
including the displacement of communities and conflicts over resources. Overall, the destruction of the
environment threatens the sustainability of our planet and the well-being of present and future

2. As a future Law Enforcer, what can you do to protect and preserve our environment?

As a future law enforcer, I can play a crucial role in protecting and preserving the environment by actively
enforcing environmental laws and regulations. This involves monitoring and investigating potential
violations, taking legal action against offenders, and ensuring strict adherence to environmental standards.
I can also contribute to public awareness and education campaigns, engaging in community outreach
programs to promote sustainable practices, responsible resource management, and waste reduction.
Collaborating with environmental agencies, organizations, and experts can facilitate the development and
implementation of effective environmental protection initiatives. By integrating environmental
considerations into law enforcement practices, I can help foster a culture of environmental stewardship
and contribute to the long-term preservation of our natural resources and ecosystems for the benefit of
current and future generations.

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