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and Us
Learning Outcome
1. State reasons for conserving the
2. Describe major global environmental issues;
3. Explain the concept of technology and its
4. Discuss the concept of sustainability; and
5. Demonstrate ways to improve your
ecological footprint.
Environment is a place where different things are
such as a swampy or hot environment.
Since everything is part of the environment of
something else, the word environment is used to
talk about many things.
The ecosystem (all the communities of living
organisms found in a specific place, their habitats
and their interactions) in which we live provides
natural services for humans and all other species
that are essential to our health, quality of life and
The environment

‘Environment’ - surroundings or ‘Natural environment’ -condition ‘Ecology’ is the branch of science ‘Ecosystem’ has a community
conditions in which an activity is in which human beings along which studies how living things that lives and interacts with one
carried in. with other living things live in a interact with one another and another in a locale.
surrounding of crucial aggregates with the surrounding physical
of air, water, minerals and other environment.
non-living elements.
Flow of Energy
Why should we care about the

Regulating Services – Cultural Services –

Air quality control, Supporting Services – cover benefits for
pollination, biological Habitats and genetic recreation, tourism,
control, wastewater diversity aesthetic and spiritual
treatment purposes
1. Changing Land Cover And Water
Land conversion – alteration such deforestation to facilitate
agriculture expansion

Land modification does not alter the type of land cover such as

Other causes such as urbanization and water surface changes

(development of dam)
2. Climate change
Sign and symptom of climate change:
◦ Global warming
◦ Droughts
◦ Storms
◦ Flash floods
◦ Snow melts
◦ Rising sea levels
Disruption of energy and other human socio-economic systems
Water contamination and other natural biophysical disruptions
Disruption and contamination of food
Biodiversity refers to the variability that
exists among all living things including
genetic variability within a species.

Biodiversity underpins the health of

the planet and has a direct impact on 3. Loss of
all our lives. biodiversity
Reduced biodiversity means millions of
people face a future where food
supplies are more vulnerable to pests
and disease, and where fresh water is
in irregular or short supply. For humans
that is worrying.
The impact of human society on our natural

Many environmental issues can diminish the 4. Population

quality of life on Earth, including
overproduction of waste, the destruction of and
natural habitats and the pollution of our air,
water and other resources. 

Environmental issues are harmful

consequences of human activity on the
natural environment.
5. Pollution
6. Urbanization
the process of changing social and environmental landscapes.

Urbanization affects the physical environment through the impacts of the number

of people, their activities and the increased demands on resources. 

Urbanization has negative consequences on health due mainly to pollution and

overcrowded living conditions. It can also put added pressure on food supply
The goal of green tech is to protect
the environment and, in some cases,, to
even repair past damage done to
Green the environment.

Environment Examples of green tech include
the technology infrastructure used to
recycle waste, purify water, create clean
energy, and conserve natural resources
Green Technology and Environment
Footprint and You
Ecological footprint is a resource
accounting tool – to measure the
demand on and supply of nature.

The impact of human activities on

the globe and the amount of
resources necessary to produce
the goods and services necessary
to support a lifestyle, in terms of
the area of biologically productive
land and water
Environment refers to our surrounding which consist
of land water and air that we share with other living
An ecosystem is an area where a community of living
interact with non-living component

It is important to protect our environment

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