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Event organizers work in many market sectors.

Depending on your experience, you can choose to offer a general event

planning service or a specialized service in sectors such as social events, corporate events or events for nonprofit
organizations. Within those sectors, you can specialize further by focusing on specific events such as weddings, sales
conferences or fundraisers. Event organizers benefit from price optimization more than any other industry, but at the
same time, it is often an incredibly challenging task. In fact, only as little as 12% of consumer brands have a winning
pricing strategy. Thus, the demand for our services in this industry is high and consequently, we have grown in expertise
with the many projects we have done. Her in the Philippines the rate of event organizers is from ₱ 1,500- ₱10,000 pesos
it depends on the costumer on what they want to be the outcome of there event.

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