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Passive voice

Reasons to use the passive:

-We don’t know who performs the action.

Robaron a una mujer en mi barrio: They mugged a woman in my neighbourhood.

A woman was mugged in my neighbourhood.

(Titular de periódico: Woman mugged in X neighbourhood)

-The performer of the action is evident.

Les entregaron el examen a las cuatro (a los estudiantes)

The exam was delivered at four.

The students were delivered the exam at four.

-We don’t want to mention the performer.

Alguien me ha robado la cartera= Somebody has stolen my wallet.

My wallet has been stolen.

-Queremos enfatizar el objeto sobre el sujeto:

Harriet killed the cat.

The cat was killed by Harriet.

-Voz impersonal: En Cuenca se comen muchos zarajos.

Zarajos are often eaten in Cuenca.

En España se habla castellano= Spanish is spoken in Spain.

Passives with an indirect object.

I will send Mary (indirect object) a postcard (direct object)

Direct object as the subject:

A postcard will be sent to Mary by me. (El complemento directo necesita preposición al no
llevar detrás un complemento indirecto)

Indirect object as the subject: Mary will be sent a postcard by me.

He has given me a present: I have been given a present by him.

I’m giving her lots of options: She is being given lots of options (by me)

Passives with a reporting verb

People think that Tina Turner was a great singer.

Forma fácil:

-Usamos “it” como sujeto.

-Ponemos el reporting verb (say, tell…) en pasiva.

-Ponemos la frase reportada tal cual.

It is thought (that) TT was a great singer.

Forma difícil:

-Usamos como sujeto el de la frase reportada.

-Ponemos el reporting verb (say, tell…) en pasiva.

-Introducimos el verbo de la frase reportada:

------Si está en presente o futuro: to + infinitivo

------Si está en present perfect o pasado: to have + participio

------Si está en present continuous: to be + verbo-ing

Tina Turner is thought to have been a great singer.

People say that my mother is very pretty.

It is said that my mother is very pretty (se dice que mi madre es muy guapa)

My mother is said to be very pretty

Everybody thinks you and I are having an affair.

It is thought you and I are having an affair (se piensa que tú y yo estamos liados)

You and I are thought to be having an affair.

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