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Anosmia is a temporary or complete absence of smell.

Anosmia can be either transitory or persistent. Whenever the mucus coats in your
nose become inflamed or blocked, like if you have a severe cold or even a sinus
infection, you might lose your sense of smell partially or totally. However, if your
inability to smell isn't caused by a cold or sinus infection, or if it doesn't go away after
the congestion goes away, you should consult a doctor. It might be a sign of
something else.
1. What is anosmia?
Anosmia is the lack of sense of smell while it can be surprising recent studies
There are approximately 30 million people affected by a smell and taste disorder in
the United States alone. Specifically an estimated 6 million of these have a complete
and total loss of smell, Anosmia affects people of all ages and from all walks of life.
It's an invisible condition that has remained unknown for most parts and is
consequently also

2. Describe the types of anosmia.

There are two types of anosmia

Congenital, meaning since birth and acquired meaning lost later in life.
Each type shares an overall commonality, but are both ultimately different
Diagnosis with an MRI or cat scan, but I may undergo these in the future just for my
own curiosity fake.

Congenital anosmia is basically being born without the necessary kits to detect
Acquired anosmia usually occurs because of a viral or bacterial nasal infections a
physical trauma
Say for instance being hit in the head an allergic reaction or exposure to harsh

3. Which are the causes of acquired anosmia.

Acquired anosmia usually occurs because of a viral or bacterial nasal infections a
physical trauma
Say for instance being hit in the head an allergic reaction or exposure to harsh
chemicals, Now more research is being conducted on the various causes finally
those who lose their sense later in life are of course older and well aware of what
they're missing out on, They no longer have their scent associations or an enhanced
experience with their food.
Unfortunately because of this many but not all find themselves having a difficult time
adapting to and overcoming their new reality they are more prone to suffering from
anxiety and depression.
But one of the most recognized causes of anosmia, is the basic cold or mostly known
as flu.
4. Is there a cure for anosmia? Explain how and in which cases can be cure.
Unlike congenital anosmics, many acquired anosmics, depending on the reason for
losing their sense,
May have an opportunity to regain it and they can do something called Smell Training
What's exciting is that many acquired anosmics have successfully reported
Recovering their sense of smell this way

5. Can you taste when you have anosmia? Explain your answer.
Yes, we can definitely taste
Taste is a sensation picked up by our tongue not by our nose, Therefore we can
identify if our food is salty sweet meaty bitter or sour, Taste is different than flavor.
According to Certified Sommelier Madeline Puckett flavor is when taste and aroma
Flavor is how our brains synthesize aromas taste and texture into an overall
experience for olfies the main part of flavor is normally perceived as smell which is
why they question.Whether we can taste, anosmics can perceive two out of the three
elements of flavor

6. According to the information study in the guide determine which cranial nerves
are affected by anosmia.

The Olfactory Nerve or also known as (Cranial Nerve I/ CN1).

Anosmia, or a loss of smell, is a common transient abnormality linked with upper
respiratory tract disease or allergies. Head trauma that destroys the ethmoid bone or
shears the olfactory nerve fibers as they pass the cribriform plate, frontal lobe tumors,
intranasal drug use, and toxin exposure are all permanent causes of anosmia.
In addition, it’s a sensory neuron that transmits the sense of smell, in which its
receptors are found in the olfactory mucosa under the nasal cavity's roof.

Anosmia is typically caused by a nasal enlargement or obstruction that stops scents

from reaching the top of the nose. A malfunction with the mechanism that delivers
information from the nose to the brain can occasionally produce anosmia.
Additionally, nowadays its very important to know about anosmia, because it is one of
the most important symptom of covid 19, or sars-cov2, and if people are informed
about the topic, it would be easy to treat and hopefully, you will have a fast
recuperation from anosmia.

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