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Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education, Region IV-A CALABARZON, Division of Quezon

Narrative Report
Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education, Region IV-A CALABARZON, Division of Quezon

Day 1: May 18, 2023

. We began our JDVP Computer System Servicing (CSS) work immersion program with a
review of our prior CSS sessions. The professors gave their introductions, and we talked about
our memories. We had a positive beginning to our educational career.

Day 2: May 19, 2023

The CSS pre-test was taken first thing in the morning, and then we got right into the first
competency, installing and configuring computer systems (CoC1). The lecturers concentrated on
ensuring that we understood CoC1 by giving us in-depth explanations and practical experience.
We felt more assured in our talents towards the conclusion of the day.

Day 3: May 20, 2023

The day began with an evaluation of CoC1, during which some of us participated in practical
activities and others took a written test. In order to go on to CoC2, building up computer
networks, we quickly tested our understanding. As we constructed networks using routers and
wireless access points, several of us worked on wiring the patch panel, putting our talents to

Day 4: May 22, 2023

We moved our attention to the vital CSS skill of setting up computer servers. The lecturers
underlined the value of servers in resource and data management. We practiced setting up
settings, making user accounts, and establishing file sharing protocols through practical
exercises. The need of server security procedures was emphasized, fostering a sense of
accountability for protecting important data.

Day 5: May 23, 2023

Our focus on this day was on maintaining and repairing computer networks and systems. We
went over the data backup, software update, and hardware diagnostics processes once more.
Practical activities let us put our information to use, identify typical problems, and comprehend
the value of precautions and precise record-keeping.

Day 6: May 24, 2023

To solidify our knowledge and problem-solving skills, the instructors conducted a

comprehensive review of all four competencies. We engaged in hands-on activities and
simulated problem-solving scenarios, further enhancing our confidence in handling real-world

Day 7: May 25, 2023

In CSS, cutting-edge ideas and new technologies gained center stage. We looked into
cybersecurity, cloud computing, and virtualization. We developed cloud-based storage options,
set up virtual machines, and applied security controls through hands-on activities, equipping us
for CSS's changing environment.

Day 8: May 26, 2023

We worked on real-world projects to hone our abilities. Building and configuring computers
were required for assignments, and we worked on real-world tasks to hone our abilities.
Assignments included designing network infrastructures and constructing and configuring
computer systems. Designing network infrastructures and developing responsibility,
independence, and accountability were promoted by these practical experiences. These practical
lessons promoted accountability, independence, and responsibility.

Day 9: May 27, 2023

The day focused on strengthening problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills. We
encountered complex scenarios, which demanded analysis, effective solutions, and
presentations. Collaboration and communication were key in overcoming obstacles.

Day 10: May 29, 2023

On the last day, we underwent a thorough evaluation to put our talents to the test. We had to
troubleshoot and fix problems under time limits in real-world circumstances. The evaluation
determined our level of technical proficiency, our capacity to function under duress, and how
well we applied critical thinking. For the future expansion of computer system servicing,
important insights were gathered..

Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education, Region IV-A CALABARZON, Division of Quezon

Day 1: May 18, 2023

A nostalgic review of our prior classes served as the introduction to Computer System
Servicing (CSS), stoking interest in the learning adventure that lay ahead. We shared our
memories in a friendly setting after the instructors introduced themselves. We quickly entered
the CSS world, concentrating on setting up and configuring computer systems (CoC1). Our
confidence rose as a result of the in-depth explanations and practical experience, creating a
solid basis for our educational journey.
The first day of our comprehensive CSS program marked its beginning. Through a nostalgic
review of prior lessons, we experienced a wave of eagerness for what was to come. The
teachers introduced themselves, creating a welcoming environment for us to share our
memories. Our attention was on setting up and configuring computer systems as we dove into
the complex world of CSS (CoC1). Our confidence grew as a result of in-depth explanations
and practical experience, which laid a solid foundation for our educational trip. .
Day 2: May 19, 2023

Our CSS immersion program's second day began with a test to determine how well we
understood the first competency, installing and configuring computer systems (CoC1). The
lecturers made a sincere effort to ensure that us understood CoC1, offering in-depth
justifications and lots of chances for practical application. We noticed a discernible rise in our
self-assurance and skill throughout the day.

We began our journey through CoC1 during this eventful day, starting with an assessment
that served as a benchmark for our progress. The instructors were devoted to our education,
leaving no stone unturned, and with meticulous explanations and numerous hands-on
activities, they guided us towards proficiency. By the end of the day, we felt a renewed sense
of confidence in our abilities, eagerly anticipating the challenges and victories that awaited us
in the da.
Day 3: May 20, 2023

We completed assessments and hands-on activities on the third day of our CSS work
immersion program. Through a combination of practical exercises and written assessments,
we first evaluated our understanding of CoC1, the first competency. We started with CoC2,
which included establishing computer networks, when the examination was over.

We took part in a brief quiz to test our knowledge of network configuration and to refresh our
comprehension. Then, while some of us worked on wiring the patch panel, the rest of us put
our knowledge to use creating networks utilizing routers and wireless access points. Our
lecturers made sure we had a firm understanding of the ideas and methods by providing
thorough explanations and direction throughout the procedure..
We had the chance to put theory into practice and acquire confidence when working with
computer networks, making today both difficult and rewarding. It was a fulfilling event that
stoked our passion for the days ahead as we carried on with our quest to become
knowledgeable professionals in computer system servicing.
Day 4: May 22, 2023

Our attention switched to the crucial component of setting up computer servers on the fourth
day of our CSS work immersion program. The importance of servers in overseeing resources
and data within a computer system was underlined by our professors. We received useful
expertise in setting up user accounts, configuring server settings, and putting file sharing
protocols into practice through fun hands-on exercises.

We were reminded throughout the presentation of the critical nature of server security
procedures. This served as a potent reminder of our duty to protect sensitive data. To secure
sensitive information from unwanted access or data breaches, we investigated a number of
security methods and measures. This part of the training established a sense of responsibility
in us by highlighting the necessity of preserving the confidentiality and integrity of server

We felt a sense of satisfaction when the day came to an end since we had learned useful
abilities for working with computer servers. Our awareness of the crucial role that servers
play in the smooth operation of computer systems has been strengthened by the combination
of theoretical knowledge and practical application. We were excited to further develop our
knowledge in the area of computer system service with our newly acquired confidence.
Day 5: May 23, 2023

.On the fifth day of our CSS work immersion program, our attention was drawn to the critical
tasks of maintaining and repairing computer systems and networks. We went through critical
topics including hardware diagnostics, software upgrades, and data backup processes again.
Engaging in practical exercises helped us to put our knowledge into action and improve our
capacity to diagnose typical computer system faults. As the day came to a conclusion, we felt
a feeling of satisfaction, having gained valuable skills in working with computer servers. The
mix of theoretical knowledge and hands-on application not only increased our understanding,
but also increased our respect for the vital role that servers play in the smooth operation of
computer systems. We were excited to move forward with our newfound confidence.

We not only obtained significant practical skills, but we also gained a deeper awareness of
the need of preventive measures and precise documentation required to ensure the proper
operation of computer systems.
Day 6: May 24, 2023

On the sixth day of our CSS work immersion program, we focused on consolidating our
knowledge and polishing our problem-solving abilities. The teachers took us through a
thorough review of all four competencies, with hands-on activities and simulated scenarios
that required problem-solving abilities. These practical exercises designed to increase our
confidence in dealing with real-world issues encountered in the field of computer system
We not only reinforced our comprehension of the core principles but also improved our
critical thinking skills by actively participating in these hands-on exercises and problem-
solving simulations. The day was packed with interesting assignments that helped us to
expand our knowledge and better prepare ourselves for the intricacies and demands of a
professional CSS job.
Day 7: May 25, 2023

We went on a voyage into the realm of advanced concepts and upcoming technologies on the
seventh day of our CSS work immersion program. We became involved in the fascinating
worlds of virtualization, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. We received hands-on
experience in setting up virtual machines, building cloud-based storage solutions, and
implementing security measures through practical exercises.

We not only increased our technical knowledge but also developed a better appreciation of
the dynamic nature of CSS thanks to the skilled advice of our lecturers. This day was full of
exploration and discovery as we saw the immense potential and future possibilities that these
cutting-edge technologies contain. Our experiences allowed us to adapt to the CSS industry's
ever-changing landscape and provided us with the abilities needed to prosper in this fast-
paced area.

Day 8: May 26, 2023

We worked on practical assignments aimed at improving and perfecting our skills on the
eighth day of our CSS work immersion program. Our primary concentration was on the
development and configuration of computer systems, as well as the design of network
infrastructures. These hands-on experiences helped us to expand our technical knowledge
while establishing a sense of responsibility, independence, and accountability in us..

We were encouraged to think critically, make educated decisions, and effectively

troubleshoot any issues that arose while we worked on these projects. We harnessed the
power of teamwork by collaborating with our peers, improving our communication and
cooperation abilities. We felt a sense of success with each finished project, knowing that we
were working toward being adept in the field of computer system service. This day not only
demonstrated our progress and development, but it also provided us with excellent
opportunity to use our knowledge in real-world circumstances, thereby reinforcing our CSS
Day 9: May 27, 2023

On the ninth day of our CSS work immersion program, we focused on improving our
problem-solving talents and critical thinking skills. We were given complex scenarios that
required in-depth analysis, effective problem-solving methodologies, and the ability to
provide brief presentations. We handled these issues as a unified team, with tenacity and a
spirit of invention.
We explored numerous ways and discussed creative answers to the tough problems we
encountered through working together. This method not only increased our problem-solving
repertory, but it also cultivated a respect for thinking beyond the box. We recognized the
importance of good communication, as explaining our ideas and conclusions succinctly was
critical in effectively communicating our solutions to others.
Our confidence rose during the day, and we got increasingly skilled at dealing with
complicated CSS issues. The practical experiences and simulated scenarios provided essential
insights into real-world difficulties and armed us with the skills needed to successfully
manage them. When we looked back on our journey, we realized how far we had come in our
problem-solving and critical thinking talents, which would definitely serve us well as we
embark on future undertakings in the dynamic sector of computer system service..

Day 10: May 29, 2023

The long-awaited final day of our CSS work immersion program had finally arrived,
signaling the end of our grueling training. It was a critical day dedicated to comprehensively
analyzing our newly gained talents. This assessment included providing us with real-world
scenarios that assessed our ability to troubleshoot and fix issues under time restrictions.

The detailed review provided us with significant insights into our areas of strength and areas
in which we needed to improve. It acted as a barometer of our technical proficiency,
providing light on our progress throughout the immersive program. We completed the
program with a renewed sense of confidence and preparedness to embrace future endeavors
in the ever-changing realm of computer system servicing, as well as a profound sense of
accomplishment and an enhanced appreciation for the significance of critical thinking and
problem-solving skills.
Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education, Region IV-A CALABARZON, Division of Quezon

Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education, Region IV-A CALABARZON, Division of Quezon


The detailed review provided us with significant insights into our areas of strength and areas
in which we needed to improve. It served as a model for our tThe 10-day CSS work
immersion program gave me transforming experience in the field of computer system
servicing. I got vital insights and skills through practical hands-on exercises and assessments
that will affect my future endeavors. This reflection paper attempts to emphasize the realistic
insights I gained over the program, shedding light on the progress we made throughout the
immersive program. We finished the program with a newfound sense of confidence and
preparedness to embrace critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as a profound
sense of accomplishment.

The first few days were devoted to going over earlier CSS topics and delving into particular
competencies. These lessons reinforced the value of creating a solid foundation, thorough
documentation, and problem-solving abilities. It became clear that CSS needs technical
know-how, meticulousness, and good communication to ensure that computer systems and
networks operate as intended.

Days 6-7: As we went into complex ideas like virtualization, cloud computing, and
cybersecurity, I came to understand the need of keeping up with cutting-edge technological
advancements. The CSS scene is always changing, which has highlighted the importance of
adaptability and ongoing learning for me.

Days 8 and 9: We had the chance to put our skills to use in realistic tasks and challenging
settings. Finding creative solutions and overcoming obstacles required collaboration and
good teamwork.

Day 10: The extensive evaluation on the last day put our technical proficiency and pressure-
performance capacity to the test. It made clear how crucial critical thinking and decision-
making are in difficult circumstances, reminding me that learning and progress are ongoing

In conclusion, the 10-day CSS work immersion program provided a life-changing

opportunity that gave me practical knowledge in computer system maintenance. Every day
helped me grow and develop, from laying a solid foundation to accepting advanced concepts.
The program placed a strong emphasis on the value of precise documentation, technology
adaptability, teamwork, and critical thinking. I am appreciative of the information learned,
the difficulties overcome, and the relationships made during this immersion adventure. I now
have the knowledge and self-assurance I need to explore new prospects in the exciting sector
of computer system service thanks to this experience.

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