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Disney World Update- What is Happening Right now?

Sydney Lees

My One- January

Disney World has always been a favorite for people all around the world, they have come around to
visit one the greatest visions ever created by Walt Disney. Since its opening in the 1970’s, many
people have come to explore all of what Disney has to offer. From their oldest flims such as Snow
White to the more recent movies such as Enchanted, Frozen and Moana. A Lot of these movies have
become recognized by kids and adults, and sometimes younger people like to call adults who love
Disney, “Disney Adults.” However, over time Disney has become so wealthy, over billions of dollars
worth and the franchise has basically created their own “self government” in the state of Florida.

Gov. DeSantis of Florida has addressed Walt Disney’s control in Florida, and proposes a plan
in order for the state to create a board that the state would create in regards to how Disney is
controlled and operated under a new type of government. The current Florida Governor believes
that Disney has become “woke” and is now effectively implementing them into their parks and
programs. He believes that Disney has become increasingly powerful that they no longer have any
laws and regulations that the rest of the Sunshine State has to follow, but their own that have
become overbearing to him. He also claims that when this board controls Disney’s self government,
that they will be responsible for their own debts, and pay taxes in order to prevent the surrounding
citizens such as in Orange County, from paying more in taxes. He also states that there would be no
type of “u turns” referring to this board, because he wants to make it clear that Disney World is now
responsible for everything they owe, and there will be no possible way to reverse or compromise
whatever they are presented with.

This isn’t the only issue involving Disney World, many people are claiming that Disney is not as
magical as it used to be, ranging from insane prices to political interventions that people are not
thrilled about. Many families with younger children noticed how Disney was trying to “force''
certain things upon them such as the “Don’t Say Gay'' bill that has been argued and fought against.
And since Disney is incorporating this into their shows, parents are angry and concerned for their
children. That’s not the only thing that they are worried about, according to Daily Mail, Disney’s
annual prices have skyrocketed 14% in just a year. Not only have these prices gone up, but
merchandise, food, and Disney perks such as Genie+, have also increased which is making it
impossible for a fun family vacation to be a trip that you won’t forget, especially when you are
paying triple the price.

Disney has always attracted people of all ages, but now for the future, the Governor of
Florida wants Disney to realize that just because they are one of the biggest franchises in the world,
does not mean that they create their own government, and take advantage of people who are now
stressing to pay for tickets, never mind the hotel and other fees and expenses. In my own experience
from this past summer, it was really obvious that prices have changed so much since the last time I
went there in 2019. There are clearly less Disney Hotel and Parks Perks, more complicated ways to
reserve rides for your whole family, while also having to pay for things that were once cheap, is now
one of the biggest scams in all of Disney, and has caused havoc for the company and its visitors.

(Walt Disney World in Florida, Hollywood Studios)

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