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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor

Enduring and Emerging Challenges

of Informed Consent
Christine Grady, Ph.D.

nformed consent is a widely accepted legal, ethical, and regula- From the Department of Bioethics, Na-
tory requirement for most research and health care transactions. Nonetheless, tional Institutes of Health Clinical Center,
Bethesda, MD. Address reprint requests
the practice of informed consent varies by context, and the reality often falls to Dr. Grady at the Department of Bioeth-
short of the theoretical ideal. Contemporary developments in health care and clinical ics, National Institutes of Health Clinical
research call for renewed efforts to address the enduring and emerging challenges Center, Bldg. 10/1C118, Bethesda, MD
20892, or at ­cgrady@​­nih​.­gov.
of informed consent, such as what information should be disclosed, how it should
be disclosed, how much the persons providing consent should understand, and how N Engl J Med 2015;372:855-62.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1411250
explicit consent should be. Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society.
The moral force of consent is not unique to health care or research. Integral to
many interpersonal interactions and well entrenched in societal values and juris-
prudence, consent can render actions morally permissible that would otherwise be
wrong. For example, with consent it is fine to borrow a person’s car or draw blood,
but these actions without consent are considered theft or battery.1 Recent research
conducted by Facebook and OkCupid, which made use of user information and gener-
ated arguments about whether the general consent given when joining a social
network suffices as consent for such research or whether express consent is required,2,3
illustrates both how deeply rooted the idea of consent is in society and the changing
landscape in which it may apply.

E thic a l a nd L eg a l Foundat ions

Consent is a long-standing practice in some areas of medicine, yet only in the last
century has informed consent been accepted as a legal and ethical concept integral
to medical practice and research.4 Informed consent, in principle, is authorization
of an activity based on an understanding of what that activity entails and in the
absence of control by others.5 Laws and regulations dictate the current informed-
consent requirements, but the underlying values are deeply culturally embedded
— specifically, the value of respect for persons’ autonomy and their right to define
their own goals and make choices designed to achieve those goals.5 This right
applies to all types of health-related interventions, including life-sustaining inter-
ventions. An early President’s Commission report noted, “Informed consent is
rooted in the fundamental recognition . . . that adults are entitled to accept or
reject health care interventions on the basis of their own personal values and in
furtherance of their own personal goals.”6
Although informed consent is widely accepted in the United States and in many
other countries, this understanding — and, indeed, the focus on an individual
right to self-determination — varies according to culture. Cultural differences
manifest in both the practice of informed consent — that is, what is told to whom
and who makes decisions — as well as in an understanding of the normative
underpinnings of informed consent as respect for individual autonomy. Persons in

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

many cultures, both in the United States and ests and whether to authorize or refuse it. Persons
around the world, rely on their families and should have the capacity to understand the infor-
sometimes on their communities for important mation and should be in a position to make and
decisions, and this may be the norm in cultures to authorize a choice about how to proceed. Nei-
that stress the relationship of individuals to oth- ther medical nor research interventions should
ers and the embeddedness of individuals within commence until valid consent has been obtained,
society. Commentators and empirical evidence except under limited circumstances (e.g., emer-
have shown that culture influences moral values gencies). When a patient or research participant is
and that other key values such as loyalty, compas- a child or an adult who is not capable of providing
sion, and solidarity may be more dominant than informed consent, permission for medical care or
autonomy in some cultures.7 Respecting persons research is often sought from a substitute deci-
includes respecting their cultural values and may sion maker, such as a parent or legally autho-
require adapting the specifics of information dis- rized proxy.
closure or obtaining authorization for treatment Most accept that in practice, particular aspects
or research accordingly. Yet respecting cultural of informed consent vary by context, and both
values does not negate the need to respect the scholars and practitioners continue to debate
persons for whom care or research is being con- these aspects — such as the scope and level of
sidered or the need to implement respectful and detail provided and the methods of disclosure,12,13
appropriate procedures. As Gostin points out, whether and how to assess comprehension, what
“Vast personal, cultural, and social differences will constitutes necessary and sufficient understand-
perennially pose challenges to meaningful dia- ing for valid consent,14 approaches to assessing
logue among physician, patient, and family; it is persons’ capacity to consent and steps taken when
the regard, consideration, and deference shown the they lack that capacity,15 how to know when
patient that remains the hallmark of respect for choices are sufficiently voluntary,16 and issues
persons.”8 The World Medical Association Declara- concerning the documentation of consent.17
tion of Lisbon on the Rights of the Patient em- Consent for an elective surgical procedure dif-
phasizes that patients everywhere have a right to fers from that for a simple routine blood test or
information and to self-determination.9 The Dec- from a complicated research study, for example.
laration of Helsinki and other international codes Cultural, socioeconomic, and educational factors
of research ethics similarly emphasize the cen- can also influence the process and practice of in-
trality of informed consent in the context of re- formed consent, as can different decision-making
search globally.10 practices and norms related to the role of indi-
vidual autonomy.18
Furthermore, in practice, emphasis is often
G a ps be t w een Theor y
a nd Pr ac t ice given to the written documentation of consent,
despite wide agreement that consent requires more
Informed consent is a process of communica- than a signature on a form. Faden and Beauchamp
tion between the health care provider or investi- acknowledge that there are two common and
gator and the patient or research participant that starkly different meanings of informed consent:
ultimately culminates in the authorization or re- autonomous authorization by a patient or re-
fusal of a specific intervention or research study. search participant and institutionally or legally
According to the American Medical Association, effective authorization, determined by a complex
“Informed consent is a basic policy in both eth- web of prevailing rules, policies, and social prac-
ics and law that physicians must honor . . . .”11 tices.5 The latter meaning, which is not necessar-
The process involves multiple elements, including ily accompanied by autonomous decisions, may
disclosure, comprehension, voluntary choice, and overemphasize written documentation and risk
authorization. In theory, physicians and investi- communication, and it serves to help protect pro-
gators disclose understandable information to viders and institutions from liability.
patients and research participants to facilitate A substantial body of literature corroborates
informed choice.4 These persons use this infor- a considerable gap between the practice of in-
mation to deliberate and decide whether the in- formed consent and its theoretical construct or
tervention offered is compatible with their inter- intended goals and indicates many unresolved

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Challenges of Informed Consent

conceptual and practical questions.19-22 Empirical ethical goals of consent.40 More provocatively,
evidence shows variation in the type and level of some suggest a need to revisit the concepts and
detail of information disclosed, in patient or re- the contours of acceptable consent, noting that
search-participant understanding of the informa- current notions of informed consent may be out-
tion, and in how their decisions are influenced.23 dated41 or that we may be expecting too much of
Physicians receive little training regarding the consent.42 Clearly, there is a need for continued
practice of informed consent, are pressed for time consideration of the normative and practical as-
and by competing demands, and often misinter- pects of informed consent in an attempt to rec-
pret the requirements and legal standards. Patients oncile practice with the theoretical ideal. Several
often have meager comprehension of the risks and contemporary trends in health care and research
alternatives of offered surgical or medical treat- accentuate this need, as described in Table 1.
ments,24 and their decisions are driven more by
trust in their doctor or by deference to authority Ch a nging Model s of He a lth
than by the information provided.25,26 Informed C a r e a nd R e se a rch
consent for research is more tightly regulated and
detailed,27 yet research consent forms continue to Informed consent is one among several important
increase in length, complexity, and incorporation challenges that have arisen as health care institu-
of legal language, making them less likely to be tions and practitioners adopt robust learning
read or understood.28,29 Studies also show that models that hybridize patient care with research
research participants have deficits in their un- and evidence generation to efficiently integrate
derstanding of study information, particularly of improved prevention, treatment, and care-deliv-
research methods such as randomization.30 Re- ery methods. The models include the Institute of
search participants, who are often patients with Medicine Learning Health Systems, continuous
illnesses, frequently misunderstand the way in quality improvement, comparative effectiveness
which research is distinct from individualized trials, pragmatic clinical trials, and practice-based
clinical care, and some worry that this “therapeu- research, among others.43,44 Accompanying the
tic misconception” can invalidate informed con- adoption of these models are debates about how
sent.31 The federal regulations require most re- specific the disclosed information should be, about
search informed-consent documents to include a when express prospective consent is necessary or
standard set of informational elements and to be when routine disclosure or notification might
approved by an institutional review board before suffice, and about how closely consent for these
use.27 However, recent controversy over a study of activities should resemble a research model of in-
neonates, the Surfactant, Positive Pressure, and formed consent.45,46 Conventionally, information
Oxygenation Randomized Trial (SUPPORT) study, disclosure differs between clinical and research
illustrates that even when these requirements informed consent in detail, formality, and level
are adhered to, reasonable people disagree about of prior review; these differences are often justi-
the adequacy of the information presented on the fied by differentiating the primary goal of clini-
consent forms.32,33 cal care — helping the patient — from the pri-
Various strategies to improve patient under- mary goal of clinical research — generating
standing in informed consent have been evaluated. useful knowledge.47,48 With more recently em-
Studies show that patients understand risk bet- braced learning paradigms, these goals are con-
ter when physicians are taught communication verging, or at least the boundaries are shifting.49
strategies.34,35 Decision aids and decision-making Some argue that in the context of learning activi-
tools36 and a focus on shared decision making also ties, “research-like” written informed consent
enhance patients’ understanding and satisfac- may be ethically unnecessary, overly burdensome,
tion.37,38 When time is spent explaining informa- and likely to thwart improvement efforts.50,51 Dis-
tion about the study, the participants’ under- agreement remains, however, about the right con-
standing of research seems to improve.39 Practical sent model for these clinical and research learning
strategies, such as synthesizing and simplifying activities, and high-profile cases have spurred
information and using technological tools and controversy.52,53 One argument against research-
nonphysician providers to explain the research, like consent presumes that many learning activi-
have been suggested as ways to help achieve the ties — for example, evaluating the importance

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Table 1. Current Trends in the Health Care and Research Landscape That Have an Effect on Enduring and Emerging Challenges in Informed Consent.

Selected Current Trends

in Health Care Emerging Questions and Challenges Enduring Questions and Challenges Proposed Strategies
Learning health care sys- Should informed consent for these activities be more simi- What is the appropriate amount and detail of infor- Integrated consent, shared decision mak-
tems, pragmatic trials, lar to research informed consent or clinical informed mation for valid consent in various contexts? ing; consent to be governed, more evi-
and quality improve- consent? How much information should be given to What is the best way to disclose or present in- dence about what persons giving con-
ment participants in advance? Under what circumstances (if formation to be sufficiently comprehensive but sent want to know, alternative strategies
any) is notification rather than express consent suffi- not overwhelming? What are the contextual ele-
cient? When can consent be ethically waived or altered? ments that determine the appropriate amount,

What information is important to patients and research complexity, and format of disclosure?
participants? Is it ethically acceptable for a patient or
research participant to provide consent for an unspeci-
fied or broad range of activities?
Adoption of complex tech- How should information be presented, and what level of Empirical evidence shows that patients and re- Use of technology to present information;
nologies, such as next- understanding should be sought when obtaining con- search participants often do not understand the broad or dynamic consent; consent to
generation genetic se- sent for complex technologies (such as genetic se- information provided to them. Complex infor- be governed; enhancement of science
quencing quencing) characterized by voluminous and complex mation and interventions may be more difficult literacy
information, substantial uncertainty (e.g., variants of to understand, especially in the setting of limit-
unknown significance), incidental findings, and impli- ed health and science literacy.
cations for blood relatives?
Consent for future use of Is it ethically acceptable for a patient or research partici- How specific does the information provided in the Broad consent; dynamic consent; consent
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

clinical data or biologic pant to provide consent for an unspecified or broad consent process need to be regarding future to be governed; deidentification of data

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specimens range of possible future research or to consent to a uses of data or specimens? Does the answer and samples
program or system of governance? differ if the data or specimens are deidentified
or if future projects are subject to oversight?
Demographic changes with Older age, diminished mental capacity, and dementia per Capacity is assumed for adults, and the capacity to Respectful and effective assessment of ca-

n engl j med 372;9  February 26, 2015

an aging population se do not indicate that a person is incapable of con- consent is only occasionally assessed. Capacity pacity and training of health profession-

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m e dic i n e

and increase in preva- senting, yet the increasing numbers of elderly people may be questioned only when a patient or re- als; creative approaches to presenting
lence of dementia and increasing prevalence of dementia and other disor- search participant disagrees with the physician information; involving trusted friends
ders suggest that professionals in both clinical care or researcher. The standards for substitute deci- and family members in consent discus-
and in research should consider a person’s capacity to sion makers vary by jurisdiction and are differ- sions and decision making; studying
consent and be trained in how to assess capacity. ent for clinical and research decisions. new paradigms for substitute decision
There is a need for respectful and efficient tools and making
processes for assessing capacity, promoting decision
making, appropriately involving families and friends,
respecting cultural values, and using substitute deci-
sion makers when appropriate.

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Challenges of Informed Consent

of repeat laboratory tests or how well health care uncertain significance and secondary and inci-
providers use a checklist — add little or no risk dental findings, and the implications for blood
for patients already receiving care, involve de- relatives present substantial challenges.64,65 Com-
tails of slight interest to patients, and have over- prehensively explaining in advance the elements
all goals that patients support. Some would ex- necessary for obtaining informed consent, such
tend to learning activities a “simple” consent or as the expected risks, benefits, and likely outcomes
notification paradigm that is used for certain of sequencing, can be difficult because of the sheer
clinical interventions, usually when the risks are volume and inherent uncertainty of the informa-
low and patients are not likely to have strong tion generated. Further, the level and type of de-
preferences between treatment options or when tails presented in an informed-consent process
there is only one logical choice.54 The SUPPORT may appropriately differ between the clinical and
study, for example, brought to the forefront the research contexts, as well as according to popula-
unresolved question of the extent to which re- tion or setting. For example, the type of informa-
search in which participants receive standard tion and the way it is disclosed to informed healthy
medical care or the care that they would rou- consumers who purchase direct-to-consumer ge-
tinely receive outside the study poses “research nomic analysis may vary from that for ill patients
risks” that require review by an institutional re- seeking clinical diagnosis and treatment.66
view board and comprehensive disclosure of these In all settings, determining how to present
risks in a research informed-consent process.55-57 complex scientific information is further compli-
Further research and dialogue will help guide cated by the low prevailing rates of science and
decisions about how much disclosure is neces- health literacy.67 It has been suggested that in
sary in different learning contexts, the extent to certain circumstances, it may be acceptable to ask
which risk to participants matters in these deci- people to consent to an oversight mechanism
sions, how we should think about risk presented that serves to evaluate specifics (i.e., consent to
by research involving standard medical interven- be governed) rather than to consent to specific
tions, the role of patient preferences, and which, details42; there may also be a need for ongoing
if any, activities can proceed without explicit pro- communication processes that allow the incorpo-
spective consent. Crucially, these efforts should ration of changing information and changed ex-
include identifying what patients, research partici- pectations over time.43 Engaging patients in the
pants, providers, and others care about in various identification of suitable consent mechanisms or
contexts. in the development of mechanisms of dynamic
consent are additional strategies that have been
suggested.68,69 Similar consent strategies have been
C onsen t a nd Emerging
Technol o gie s proposed for research involving biologic speci-
mens and data. Inspired by the story of Henrietta
A second challenge to informed consent emerges Lacks (whose tumor gave rise to HeLa cells but
from the complexity and uncertainty of the infor- whose permission to use her tumor cells for
mation generated by advanced technologies and research was not sought),70 scientists and policy-
expanded research opportunities. For instance, makers are investigating and discussing models
next-generation genomic sequencing technologies, of consent to identify those that are both ethi-
such as whole-genome sequencing, which allow cally and practically suitable for the future use
the quick and increasingly inexpensive detection of of samples and data.71,72
variation in the human genome, are rapidly be-
ing adopted into clinical research and routine Ch a nging Demo gr a phic s
clinical practice.58 Although the routine imple-
mentation of genomic sequencing into standard A third contemporary challenge to informed con-
clinical practice may be premature, turning back sent emerges from expected sociodemographic
may be difficult.59,60 Many recommend a robust trends. The U.S. population will become consid-
informed-consent process for the use of genomic erably older and more racially and ethnically di-
sequencing technologies.61-63 Yet the complexity, verse over the next few decades, with an expected
volume, and density of generated health infor- doubling of the number of persons 65 years of age
mation, the anticipated discovery of variants of or older and an even more dramatic increase in

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

the number of the “oldest old” (85 years of age or can wax and wane, so patients should remain
older).73,74 Persons older than 65 years of age gen- involved in treatment decisions to the extent that
erally use more health care services, have a higher it is possible. Creative and applicable methods of
prevalence of chronic diseases, and more often information disclosure are also necessary for per-
have declining physical and cognitive function sons whose capacity is diminished, as well as for
than do those who are younger.75 The number of the increasing numbers of patients who are not
people with Alzheimer’s dementia is also expect- primarily English speakers.
ed to more than double by 2050 and to increase Despite the enduring and emerging challenges
more dramatically among the oldest old.76 Prepar- of informed consent in health care and research,
ing for these realities and their effect on health consent is recognized as morally transformative
care is critical. For informed consent, they suggest authorization, making certain activities permis-
the need for respectful, effective, and efficient sible that otherwise would be wrong. Assiduous
methods of both ascertaining whether persons efforts to clarify and fine-tune concepts, expec-
have the capacity to consent for themselves and tations, practices, and the critical role of context
facilitating decision-making processes for those are necessary to bridge the gap between the re-
who do not. Although many elderly persons, in- alities of informed consent and the ideal. Contin-
cluding some with dementia, retain the capacity ued exploration through research, public dialogue,
to give informed consent for certain treatment and creative approaches will help address the ethi-
decisions, others do not. Clinicians, who often cal permissibility and public acceptability of new
lack training in assessing capacity, do not always models of consent, such as allowing consent for
recognize incapacity and may question a patient’s a broad set of activities, sometimes with an ex-
capacity only when they face a risky decision or plicit system of governance over specifics; recog-
when the patient disagrees with their recom- nizing the validity of joint approaches to consent
mendations.77 Cultural understandings of health and decision making; refining processes to re-
and illness can also sometimes play a role when spect those who cannot consent for themselves;
patients disagree with clinical recommenda- and finding creative, practical, and respectful ways
tions. Assessing capacity and identifying appro- of presenting information and supporting decision
priate and legally acceptable alternative decision making tailored to each context. Respecting and
makers or processes take time and resources and promoting the informed choices of patients and
often receive short shrift in a busy clinical or re- research participants or persons acting on their
search setting. Assessing the reasoning capacities behalf remain of paramount importance, despite
of persons from cultural backgrounds that are not the challenges of varied and changing contexts,
well understood by clinicians can also pose consid- altered capacity, limited health literacy, complex
erable challenges. Clinicians and investigators interventions, and shifting boundaries between
should be taught to assess capacity and should health care and learning. Continued persistent and
be provided with validated and useful tools78 and thoughtful efforts to bring the theoretical and
the resources to help resolve difficult or border- practical realities of informed consent closer to-
line cases. Joint decision-making approaches that gether are essential.
support the existing capacity of each patient but
The views expressed are those of the author and do not neces-
involve friends and family members have been sarily reflect those of the Clinical Center, the National Institutes
recommended, because even “autonomous” deci- of Health, or the Department of Health and Human Services.
sions are often made together with trusted loved Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
full text of this article at
ones.79,80 Patients may have the capacity for cer- I thank Alan Wertheimer and David Wendler for their review
tain decisions but not for others, and capacity of an earlier version of the manuscript.

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