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Warwick Driving Test Centre Routes 

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes 
official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at the Warwick driving 
test centre in this document. Please note, Warwick test centre has since changed locations. The 
new location is still relatively close to the old one, so the routes will be similar.  
While test routes from this centre are likely to be very similar to those below, you should treat 
this document as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are 
subject to change. 
Route Number  1 

Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout ahead 2nd exit, traffic light left 

Old Budbrooke Rd  Traffic light ahead, left 

Blandford Way  Left 

Aarass Boulevard  End of road right 

Blandford Way  Left 

Field Barn Lane  2nd left 

Slade Hill/Cherry Lane  4th right 

Damson Rd  Left 

Dorchester Ave  End of road left 

Damson Rd  End of road left 

Old Budbrooke Rd/Hampton Lane  3rd right 

Old School Lane  End of road left 

Henley Rd/Hampton Rd/Hampton St/Friars St  End of road left 

Bowling Green St  Traffic light ahead 

Theatre St  Roundabout left 

Birmingham Rd  Traffic light ahead, right 

St Michaels Rd  End of road left 

Cape Rd  Right 

Millers Rd/Guys Cross Park Rd  End of road left 

Coventry Rd  Roundabout ahead, left 

A46  1st exit 

Slip Rd  Roundabout left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout 3rd exit, left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   

Route Number  2 

Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout right 3rd exit 

A46  2nd exit 

Slip Rd  Roundabout left 

Leamington Rd  Gyratory System left 

Warwick Rd  Right 

Rouncil Lane  2nd right 

Rounds Hill  2nd right 

Oaks Rd  End of road left 

St Nicholas Ave  Left 

Siddeley Ave  Left 

Willoughby Ave  Left 

Avon Rd  End of road left 

Willoughby Ave  End of road right 

Caesar Rd  End of road left 

Fishponds Rd/John O’Gaunt Rd/Rounds Hill  End of road left 

Rouncil Lane  End of road right 

Warwick Rd  Roundabout ahead 2nd exit, roundabout right 

3rd exit 

Coventry Rd  Roundabout left 

Spinney Hill  5th right 

All Saints Rd  Right 

George Rd  End of road right 

Montague Rd  End of road left 

Spinney Hill  Roundabout ahead 2nd exit 

Primrose Hill  2nd left 

Woodloes Ave North  End of road left 

Primrose Hill/Wedgnock Lane  Roundabout right 2nd exit 

Birmingham Rd  Left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   

Route Number  3 

Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road right 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout right, traffic light ahead, 
roundabout left 

Saltisford  Right 

The Butts  Traffic light ahead 

Castle Hill/Banbury Rd  Roundabout left 

Myton Rd  2nd right 

Myton Crescent  Left 

Elizabeth Court  Left 

Myton Crescent  End of road right 

Myton Rd  Roundabout left 

Princes Drive  Roundabout right 

Park Drive/Avenue Rd  Mini roundabout left 

Adelaide Rd  Traffic light ahead 

Dale St  Traffic light ahead 

Clarendon Place/Clarendon  Roundabout ahead 

Square/Binswood St 

Northumberland Rd  Right 

Woodcote Rd  End of road right 

Northumberland Rd  End of road left 

Kenilworth Rd  2x roundabouts ahead, roundabout left 

A46  2nd exit roundabout left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout U-turn, left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   

Route Number  4 
Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road right 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout left 

Wedgnock Lane/Primrose Hill  Roundabout ahead 

Spinney Hill  5th right 

All Saints Rd  2nd right 

Charles St  Traffic light left 

Emscote Rd  Traffic light ahead, right 

Warwick New Rd  Mini roundabout ahead 

Warwick Place  2nd left 

Guys Cliffe Rd  Traffic light ahead 

Guys Cliffe Ave  2nd left 

Keswick Green  End of road left 

Guys Cliffe Ave  2nd right 

Borrowdale Drive/Windermere Drive  Roundabout ahead, left 

Beverley Rd  End of road left 

Northumberland Rd  Right 

Woodcote Rd  End of road right 

Northumberland Rd  End of road left 

Kenilworth Rd  2x roundabouts ahead, roundabout left 

A46  2nd exit 

Slip Rd  Roundabout left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout 3rd exit, left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   

Route Number  5 

Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road right 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout right, traffic light ahead, 

roundabout left 

Saltisford  Right 

The Butts  Traffic light ahead 

Castle Hill/Banbury Rd  Roundabout ahead, left 

Gallows Hill  Roundabout ahead 

Heathcote Lane  3x roundabouts ahead, traffic light right 

Tachbrook Rd  Left 

Ashford Rd  End of road right 

Landor Rd  2nd left 

St Catherines Crescent  End of road left 

Landor Rd  Right 

Summerton Rd  Left 

Gleave Rd  End of road left 

Franklin Rd  Mini roundabout left 

Heathcote Rd  Traffic light right 

Tachbrook Rd  Traffic light ahead, traffic light left 

Queensway  Roundabout right 

Europa Way  Roundabout left 

Myton Rd  Roundabout right 

Banbury Rd  Roundabout ahead 

Castle Hill  Traffic light ahead 

The Butts  Right 

Saltisford  Roundabout right, right 

Victoria St  End of road left 

Cape Rd/Upper Cape  End of road left 

Wedgnock Lane  Roundabout right 

Birmingham Rd  Left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   

Route Number  6 

Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout left 

A46  1st exit, roundabout left 

Stratford Rd  4th left 

Shakespeare Ave  Roundabout ahead, 2nd exit 

Tennyson Ave  Left 

Shakespeare Ave  End of road right 

Hampton Rd  Ahead 

Friars St  End of road left 

Bowling Green St  Traffic light ahead, roundabout right 2nd exit 

Saltisford  Ahead 

Priory Rd  End of road left 

St Johns  Traffic light left 

Coventry Rd  Roundabout left 

Primrose Hill  Left 

Woodloes Ave South  Ahead 

Woodloes Ave North  2nd right 

Deansway  Right 

Knoll Drive  End of road right 

Primrose Hill  Roundabout left 

Coventry Rd  Left 

A46  Roundabout left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout U-turn, left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   

Route Number  7 

Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout right 3rd exit 

A46  Roundabout left 

Warwick Rd  Roundabout ahead 2nd exit, 2nd right 

Hill Wootton Rd  Left 

The Hamlet  End of road right 

Hill Wootton Rd  End of road right 

Warwick Rd  2nd exit 

Birches Lane  Left 

Farmer Ward Rd  3rd right 

Thornby Ave  Left 

Ashfield Rd  End of road left 

Thornby Ave  Right 

Moseley Ave  End of road right 

Birches Lane  End of road left 

Gyratory System  Left 

Leamington Rd  Roundabout ahead 2nd exit, roundabout 

U-turn, left 

B4115  Roundabout left 

Coventry Rd  Roundabout right, 3rd right 

Primrose Hill  Ahead 

Wedgnock Lane  Roundabout right 

Birmingham Rd  Left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   

Route Number  8 

Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout right 

A46  Roundabout right 

Kenilworth Rd  Roundabout right 2nd exit, roundabout ahead 

2nd exit, 2nd right 
Woodcote Rd  End of road left 

Northumberland Rd  2nd right 

Beverley Rd  Right 

Windermere Drive  Ahead 

Borrowdale Drive  End of road right 

Guy Cliffe Ave  Traffic light right 

Rugby Rd  Traffic light right 

Emscote Rd  6th right 

Charles St  End of road left 

All Saints Rd  Left 

George Rd  End of road left 

All Saints Rd  End of road left 

Spinney Hill  Roundabout left 

Coventry Rd  2nd right 

Guys Cross Park Rd  Ahead 

Millers Rd  End of road right 

Cape Rd  End of road left 

Wedgnock Lane  Roundabout right 2nd exit 

Birmingham Rd  Left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   

Route Number  9 

Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road left 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout right, 3rd right 

A46  2nd exit, roundabout right 3rd exit 

Kenilworth Rd  Roundabout right, roundabout ahead, right 

Northumberland Rd  Left 

Woodcote Rd  End of road left 

Northumberland Rd  Roundabout right 

Rugby Rd  Traffic light ahead, traffic light right 

Emscote Rd  6th right 

Charles St  3rd left 

Montague Rd  End of road left 

Spinney Hill  Roundabout ahead 

Primrose Hill  2nd left 

Woodloes Ave North  3rd left 

Sutherland Close  Left 

Woodloes Ave North  2nd right 

Deansway  Right 

Knoll Drive  End of road left 

Primrose Hill  Ahead 

Wedgnock Lane  Roundabout right 

Birmingham Rd  Left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   

Route Number  10 
Road  Direction 

Driving Test Centre  Right 

Budbrooke Rd  End of road right 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout right, traffic light ahead, 

roundabout left 

Saltisford  Right 

The Butts  Traffic light ahead 

Castle Hill  Ahead 

Banbury Rd  Roundabout left 

Myton Rd  Roundabout right 

Europa Way  Roundabout left 

Queensway  Traffic light right 

Tachbrook Rd  Traffic light ahead, traffic light left 

Heathcote Rd  Mini roundabout right 

Franklin Rd  Right 

Landor Rd  Left 

Summerton Rd  Left 

Gleave Rd  End of road right 

Summerton Rd  End of road left 

Landor Rd  Left 

Ashford Rd  End of road left 

Tachbrook Rd  2nd right 

Harbury Lane  Roundabout left 

Europa Way  Roundabout right 

Banbury Rd  2x roundabouts ahead 

Castle Hill  Traffic light ahead 

The Butts  Ahead 

Saltisford  Roundabout right, traffic light ahead 

Birmingham Rd  Roundabout left, left 

Budbrooke Rd  2nd left 

Driving Test Centre   


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