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“I Fell In love With My Childhood Bestfriend”

In Los Angeles California USA, there were two girls that is

bestfriend since they were little, their names is Leah and Alie and both of
them are pregnant.

LEAH: When our kids are born, they will be best buddies, just like us.
ALIE: Yes,I agree

Five years later Nate and Savannah grew up.

One time Nate and Savannah were playing, and Nate was running after
Savannah then he accidentally nudged her and she fell down the stairs.
Nate is worried about what happened to Savannah.

NATE: Oh my God, Are you okay? Let me pick you up ,Gosh You’re so
SAVANNAH: Nate I’m fine ,Really!

Then Savannah got a small scar on her forehead, but she didn’t blame

And when Savannah was five, Nate and his parents had to move to
France for a work opportunity. Savannah was very sad because she will
miss Nate.

SAVANNAH: I missed him so much

As if things couldn’t getting any worse,Savannah’s father business went

bankrupt. Slowly, her mom and dad’s relationship was getting bad
because of money problems. After a few years her mom left them. But
her dad tried to make her happy, there money is to short to shop at
thrift stores, but her father spent hours looking for the things that
Savannah’s like.

SAVANNAH’S DAD: Look at this jacket,Savannah, It has rhinestones. You

love rhinestones right?
SAVANNAH: It is pretty daddy?
SAVANNAH’S DAD: See I told you we’d find some good stuff here.
Since Savannah is a good student she got a scholarship at her school .She
work hard and she was a top student and she really needed to keep her
scholarship, and when Savannah was in the 10th grade, something
awesome happened. Nate and his parents returned to town and moved
into a big mansion. Savannah saw Nate on the first day of school after
summer vacation. Nate swept Savannah into his arms

NATE: Savannah, Oh My God , you haven’t changed a lot.

SAVANNAH: Wow! you’re so tall now Nate.

Nate and Savannah were in the same class and then they started
hanging out together all the time. But soon Savannah realized Nate is
getting way to much attention from all the girls, especially Denise. She
`was the worst . She acted like she owned the whole town. Just ‘cause
her mom was the mayor. And it happened Nate and Denise soon started
dating. Savannah hated Denise but she pretended to be nice, and she
did the same. She acted like a saint in front of Nate.But not when Nate
wasn’t around. She did petty things like pull out the chair when
Savannah was about to sit and she would always comment on
Savannah’s clothes and appearance.

DENISE: I’m saying all this for you’re benefit . No one likes the girl who
looks so poor.
SAVANNAH: I’d rather be poor than a jerk like you.

One time for lunch. Nate and Savannah got in the yummiest pizza and
they are enjoying it. When Denise came she hugged Nate tight.

DENISE: Oh, I missed you so much in art class, why don’t you join it
NATE: You know that I’m a science guy babe.Here wanna have some

Denise refused and then Nate packed the leftovers

NATE: Take them home I’m already full.

Savannah and her dad never ordered again out much she was happy to
share with her dad .
A few weeks later, It was Nate’s birthday and he invited Savannah to his
place, Savannah saw how Nate and Denise where dancing so close to
each other and it made Savannah feel so jealous. She went to the
balcony for some fresh air, after a while Savannah was heading back
inside when Denise and her friends came and Savannah hid behind a

DENISE’S FRIEND: You really got your self a hot boyfriend Denise.
DENISE: Yeah, he’s totally wrapped up in my finger,he adores me and
gives me the best gifts. there is just one problem his miserable beggar
friend. I really hate her! You know, Nate cares for her so much, that she
gets her favorite pizza for lunch everyday and Nate pretends to be full so
Savannah can take the the leftovers home. He really pities her and she
has no shame, she could probably live on his charity forever.
SAVANNAH: Why would Nate tell her something like that?
DENISE’S FRIEND: What! So pathetic!

Then Savannah just ran back home

NATE: Hey Savannah! Is there something wrong?

“Savannah ignored Nate”

Savannah just didn’t need his pity or his charity.

When they were in their senior year, their teacher announced that
there will be a science fair and the winning team was going to get a
amazing cash prize.Then their teacher announced the pairing and
Savannah and Nate were paired to each other.

SAVANNAH: Sir, can you choose a another pair for me I don’t wanna be
paired with Nate.

Savannah just really needed the money so she just agreed to be paired
with Nate.

NATE: Savannah, do you wanna come over to my place to brainstorm

some idea
SAVANNAH: No thanks.
NATE: Hey Savannah! Why did you stop talking to me? But come on this
is a great opportunity, lets do this together, please!

Nate was a science genius and Savannah was very happy to be paired
with Nate. They came up with some really cool ideas and they ended up
at Nate’s place. Almost everyday they worked together. But Savannah
noticed that Nate’s moms was never around in their home.

SAVANNAH: Nate where’s your mom?

But Nate always ignore her questions about his mom. One time, Nate
and Savannah were at a park near his home, and Nate asked Savannah
the strangest question ever.

NATE: Savannah do you ever miss your mom? Does she call you? How
does it feel to live with just one parent?
SAVANNAH: I never really talk about it.I guess its not so bad knowing
how much my dad loves me.

Its not really a problem to them when they don’t really have much
money, but her dad really makes way to make her happy.

SAVANNAH: Why did you ask that Nate?

NATE: I ask because well my mom,she isn’t well, she’s going through
treatment. Sometimes it’s really hard to see her likes that.
SAVANNAH: Oh God Nate , I’m sorry.
NATE: It’s okay
NATE:Savannah why’d you stop talking to me?
* Savannah taking a deep breath.*
Savannah told him what happened at his birthday party.
NATE: Savannah, Denise kind of twisted my words .Yeah, I told her you
guys were going through a tough time but because you’re my friend and
I care about you. Not because I pity you ,I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have
discussed It with her at all.

Saying that, he came close and swept Savannah’s bangs aside .

NATE: You still have this scars.I was so scared that day, I’m so sorry
SAVANNAH: Hey, It was a long time ago and it kind of reminded me of
you when you were away.

He looked at Savannah like he might kiss her. But he suddenly snapped

his fingers.

NATE: Bazinga, I just got a brilliant idea for our project.

And he sure did, just a few more adjustments and their model
worked .they came champion at the Science competition.And Nate gave
all the prize money to her.Nate talk to the Professor that Savannah did
the hard work but it wasn’t true and Savannah knew that he was a being

SAVANNAH: Why did such a nice guy have to be with Denise?

But then Nate told Savannah one day that he was gonna break up with
Denise soon. Savannah’s heart was jumping with excitement but she
pretend to be sad. And when Nate broke it to Denise .she had a
complete meltdown. She took a bat and smashed all the noticed sports
around the school.During her Psycho rampage,Denise suddenly spotted
Savannah and she was coming right at her.But Nate stepped in between.

NATE: Stop making a fool of yourself Denise,it’s over. You’re doing this
because of her.
DENISE: Because of this poor, ugly bimbo.
NATE: Savannah is my best friend and she’s very special to me, don’t
insult her again.

Denise stomped off furiously and Savannah was left dazed. Then Nate
broke up with Denise.

5 years later

Denise accepted the relationship of Nate and Savannah and started to

move on, after a few year she found her one and only true love and had
a daughter.
Nate and Savannah graduated and started their own lives and had one
daughter named Navannah which is the combination of the name of her

On the first day of school Navannah was really excited to be in school,

while Nate was driving, he dropped off his daughter to school and
Savannah was sitting beside him, but then she suddenly saw a very
familiar person.

SAVANNAH: Nate, I think I saw Denise with her daughter walking across
the road going to school.
NATE: Well, I guess her daughter goes to the same school with our
daughter Navannah too.

And when Savannah saw Denise with her daughter going to the school
where her daughter go too. She swiftly approached Denise with her
daughter, and when she got the chance to talk with Denise she asked
Denise “how are you, Denise?” and Denise responded “I’m fine how
about you?” and after all of that Denise’s daughter asked who is
Savannah was and Denise said “This was my old friend my love”. But
then minutes later Savannah’s daughter which is Navannah saw
Savannah with Denise and her daughter. Navannah then approached
Denise’s daughter asking her if she now wants to go in the class or she’ll
be late. Savannah asked Navannah “Oh you know this child?” and
Navannah said “Yes mom, this is my friend in this school” and after that
Navannah and Denise’s daughter finally left their moms and rushed to
go in their class.

Savannah asked Denise if she wants to go out for a coffee and that
they’ll talk.

SAVANNAH: Hey Denise, how about a coffee right now?

DENISE: Sure, let’s go.
SAVANNAH: Alright, let’s go Denise.

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