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English 10


Giving Technical
and Operational

Quarter 4 - MELC 2
English 10 Quarter 4 - MELC 2
What is a definition?
English 10
Definition, according to
Merriam-Webster Dictionary,
is a statement of the
meaning of a word or
word group or a sign or

Quarter 4 - MELC 2
English 10
Why do we need to
define a word or a

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English 10
Defining terms is one
way to understand a
text. It is one way of
helping to resolve
problems of ambiguity
or confusion.

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English 10
What is the purpose of
the “Definition of Terms”
in research?

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English 10
Definition of terms
is an essential section
of a research as it
ensures a common
understanding of key
concepts and
terminologies that is

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shared between the
writer and the readers.

English 10
Technical vs.

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English 10
Technical definition Definition that comes from
refers to the aspect of
explaining or
different references
describing any materials such as,
technical terms or dictionary, internet, books,
terminology in
journal, websites, and
research that has a
particular meaning in encyclopedia is considered
a specific field. as a technical definition.

Technical Definition
English 10
Operational definition is a description of
something in terms of the operations, like
procedures, actions, or processes, by which
it could be observed, measured, or used.

It is the specific meaning

of a word or phrase given
to it by the group of

Operational Definition
people who use it in their
specific context.
English 10
Let us try to examine the example
definitions of the word, computer.
A.Computer is an electronic device
for storing and processing data.
B.Computer is something used in
doing assignments or browsing the

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English 10
This time, try to identify which of the following
terms is a technical definition.
A. Cyberbullying or cyber harassment is a
form of bullying or harassment using
electronic means.
B. Cyberbullying is the use of social media
such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. to

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harass, threaten, embarrass, or target
another person.
English 10
This time let us examine the
examples taken from a research
study entitled “The Development
of Prototype Device for
Transmitting and Receiving Data

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Using Li-Fi Technology”.
English 10
A. Li-Fi Technology. This is also known as
“Light Fidelity”, a mobile wireless
technology that uses light rather than
radio frequencies to transmit data.
(Haas, 2011)
B. Li-Fi Technology. In this study, the
researcher uses Li-Fi technology to

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communicate between transmitter and
receiver devices.
English 10
When putting a technical
definition on your research,
remember to acknowledge
or cite the sources.

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English 10
Technical Definition
Taken from a source Definition

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English 10
Operational Definition
Own or personal Definition

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English 10 Quarter 4 - MELC 2
End of Presentation

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