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1. Inalienability: Human rights are inherent to every individual and cannot be taken away or
given up. They are an essential part of being human and cannot be sold, transferred, or
denied to anyone.
2. Indivisibility: Human rights are interconnected and equally important. They are not
separate or divisible, meaning that all rights, whether civil, political, economic, social, or
cultural, should be respected, protected, and fulfilled without discrimination.
3. Universality: Human rights apply to all people, regardless of their nationality, race,
gender, religion, or any other characteristic. They are universal and should be enjoyed by
every individual, everywhere in the world.
4. Participation and Inclusion: Every person has the right to participate in decisions and
processes that affect their lives. This principle emphasizes the importance of involving
individuals and communities in the decision-making processes, ensuring their voices are
heard and their perspectives considered.
5. Accountability and Rule of Law: Governments and authorities are responsible for
upholding and protecting human rights. They should be held accountable for any
violations and ensure that laws and policies are in line with human rights standards. The
rule of law ensures that everyone is equal before the law and that legal processes are fair
and just.
6. Interdependence: Human rights are interconnected and mutually dependent. The
enjoyment of one right often depends on the realization of other rights. For example,
access to education (a social right) can contribute to the exercise of freedom of
expression (a civil right).
7. Interrelatedness: Human rights are interrelated in such a way that the violation of one
right can negatively impact the enjoyment of other rights. For instance, discrimination
based on race can infringe upon the right to education, work, or participation in society.
8. Equality and Non-discrimination: Every person is entitled to equal rights and should not
face discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or any other
grounds. Human rights emphasize the importance of treating all individuals with fairness,
dignity, and respect.
These key principles of human rights provide a framework for understanding and promoting the
fundamental rights and freedoms that belong to every individual, promoting equality, justice, and
dignity for all.

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