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Name: Maydhel B.


Grade and Section: 12 HUMSS B


Instructions: On the lines provided, describe your first response to the poem below. What

images came to mind as you read the poem? Describe the theme, tone and rhyme used

in the poem.

Swift Things are Beautiful

Elizabeth Coatsworth

Swift things are beautiful:

Swallows and deer,

And lightening that falls

Bright-veined and clear,

Rivers and meteors,

Wind in the wheat,

The strong-withered horse,

The runner’s sure feet.

And slow things are beautiful:

The closing of day,

The pause of the wave

That curves downward to spray,

That ember that crumbles,

The opening flower,

And the ox that moves on

In the quiet of power.

The poem written above reminds me about the world that we live in, how every creation around us
rapidly goes by without us noticing it. It also shows that not only the swift things are beautiful, but so
are the slow ones and that every little thing is lovely in it’s own particular manner. The rhyme used in
the poem is ABBA.

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