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Today's special interview with a remarkable individual who has shattered glass
ceilings and overcome numerous obstacles on her path to success. We have the
privilege of speaking with Maam Irah Janelle Narrido, a true trailblazer and a living
embodiment of resilience and determination. Thank you for joining us today, Maam
Irah Janelle Narrido.

Interviewer:Maam Irah Janelle Narrido, your accomplishments and influence in

various fields have been nothing short of extraordinary. Could you take us back to
your early years and share some insights into your upbringing and the factors that
shaped your journey?

Interviewee: Ronian Cris Caboboy, Certainly. I was born in a small town, where
traditional gender roles were deeply ingrained. Growing up, I witnessed how societal
expectations limited opportunities for women. But my parents instilled in me the
belief that my dreams should have no boundaries. They encouraged my curiosity and
thirst for knowledge, urging me to challenge stereotypes and pursue my ambitions

Interviewer: That's truly inspiring. So, tell us about the pivotal moments or
experiences that set you on the path of success.

Interviewee: One significant turning point was when I entered college. There, I joined
a feminist group, where I found a community of like-minded individuals striving for
gender equality. It was in those spaces that I learned about the history of feminism,
the struggles women face, and the urgent need for change. This knowledge ignited a
fire within me and propelled me to take action. Additionally, during my college years,
I discovered my passion for entrepreneurship. I started my first business venture,
facing numerous challenges and setbacks along the way. However, those experiences
taught me invaluable lessons in resilience, adaptability, and perseverance.

Interviewer: What is the Biggest Factor that has helped you to be successful?

Interviewee: Perseverance is key when facing challenges. It's important to maintain a

positive mindset and keep pushing forward despite difficulties. I have stayed
determined and focused on my goals, and that is to overcome obstacles and achieve
success. Having a strong support system, such as my family, especially my son, had
greatly influence my success. Their encouragement, guidance, and belief in my
abilities provided the motivation and emotional strength needed to overcome hurdles
and pursue my dreams.
I had also bounced back from setbacks and adapt to new circumstances. Life often
presents unexpected challenges, but by developing resilience, I've learned from
failures, adjust my strategies, and continue to progress toward my goals. Also, finding
inspiration within myself and being driven by a desire to improve my situation and
provide a better life for my child and family can be a powerful force in overcoming
adversity and achieving my aspirations.

Interviewer: What are your success habits?

Interviewee: My success habits are Continuous learning. I as a teacher, understand the
importance of lifelong learning. I engage in professional development activities, stay
updated on current research and best practices in education, and seek out
opportunities to enhance my knowledge and skills.

Also, Effective planning and organization. By being effective in planning and

organizing, I develop well-structured lesson plans, organize materials and resources,
and manage my time effectively to ensure smooth classroom operations.
Another is Building positive relationships. I build positive relationships with my
students, colleagues, and parents. They create a supportive and inclusive classroom
environment, communicate effectively, and foster collaboration and respect among all
But the most important aspect is to develop habits that align with your teaching
philosophy and contribute to your growth as an educator.

Interviewer: What is the best advise you can give?

Interviewee: The advice I will give is to embrace resilience. Understand that facing
challenges and setbacks is a natural part of any journey, including becoming a
teacher. Cultivate resilience by viewing obstacles as opportunities for growth. Learn
from your mistakes, adapt your approach, and stay determined to overcome
difficulties. Reflect and learn from every experience. Regularly take time to reflect on
your teaching practices, lessons, and interactions with students. Assess what worked
well and what could be improved. Be open to feedback from students, colleagues, and
parents, and use it to refine your approach and continuously grow as an educator. Stay
passionate and motivated. Remind yourself of your passion for teaching and the
reasons why you chose this profession. Remember the impact you can have on the
lives of your students and the positive change you can make in the world.
Remember that every journey is unique, and your path to success may differ from
others. Embrace the challenges, stay true to your passion, and remain dedicated to
your students' growth and learning.

Throughout this interview with Maam Irah Janelle Narrido, I have gained valuable
insights into the life of a successful woman who has dedicated herself to breaking
barriers. Her story serves as an inspiration to all, offering important lessons and
reflections that can guide us on our own journeys: Embrace individuality: Maam Irah
Janelle emphasizes the importance of embracing one's uniqueness. By recognizing
and celebrating our individual strengths, talents, and perspectives, we can unlock our
full potential and make a unique impact in the world. Challenge societal expectations:
Maam Irah grew up in a society that imposed rigid gender roles. However, she refused
to accept these limitations and chose to challenge the status quo. Her journey teaches
us the power of questioning societal expectations and pursuing our dreams despite
societal norms. Seek support and mentorship: Having a strong support system is
crucial for success. Maam Irah Janelle attributes a significant part of her achievements
to the mentors and role models who guided and supported her along the way. Seeking
guidance from those who have walked similar paths can provide valuable insights,
encouragement, and opportunities. Resilience in the face of adversity: Maam Irah
Janelle acknowledges that setbacks and obstacles are inevitable on the path to success.
However, she highlights the importance of resilience and perseverance. Instead of
letting setbacks define her, she used them as stepping stones for personal growth and
motivation to prove herself. Empower others: Maam Irah Janelle demonstrates the
power of empowering others. Through her entrepreneurial ventures and mentorship
programs, she actively works towards creating opportunities for women and
promoting gender equality. Her actions remind us of the profound impact we can have
by lifting others up and fostering an inclusive environment. Stay true to yourself:
Maam Irah Janelle emphasizes the significance of staying true to oneself. In a world
that often demands conformity, she encourages individuals to maintain their
authenticity, values, and goals. By remaining grounded and focused, we can navigate
challenges with integrity and achieve success on our own terms. Never stop learning:
Maam Irah's commitment to continuous learning is evident in her journey. From
joining feminist groups in college to advocating for policy change, she actively seeks
knowledge and educates herself on important issues. Her story reminds us of the value
of lifelong learning and the importance of staying informed about the causes we
champion. Overall, Maam Irah's autobiography is an inspirational tale of a woman
who defied expectations and carved her own path to success. Her story encourages us
to challenge societal norms, support and empower others, and persist in the face of
adversity. Through her journey, she demonstrates that by embracing our individuality
and working towards gender equality, we can create a more inclusive and equitable
world for all.

SUBMMITED TO: Lhowela Marga Guande

SUBMMITED BY: Ronian Cris Caboboy


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