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We and my cousin in the morning worked together to recover an Facebook account of my mother, then we played
some guitar and next to 12 pm we went to eat some Chinese rice, then we come to house and at night we, my
brother, another cousin and I watched the futbol match, San Marcos vs Huehuetenango, and we, xinabajul, we
wan the match

I woke up to early and did go to my grandparents house yo help my grandfather with something, then I came back
to my house and play a little guitar, drank some mate and watch a movie of Jhonny depp, and at night I do 30
minutes of exercise and then carry my 3 aunts, my grandfather and I, and we goes to a religious Catholic reunion
in my uncle's house.

i have a beautifull day, i went to the gim,,, i do a very big routine, and when i finish i go to eat some meat, then i
came to my house and i start to learn a little guitar,,,, and then begins to fall heavy rain,,,,

i went tho the gim i did the most hard routine ever and when i finish it i was almost dead, then i go with a friend an
we go to take the first meal of the day, in afternoon we, my and two friends more share 2 cups of ron and at nigth
my mother, brother and I goes to my Uncles house, i tould you the story,,,,

i go to work like every day, but the nigth before i sleep to late, almost 3 am, and i had to took an american coffee,
because i was so tired, then come to house, and it was all


diario en ingles

today i went to work, i finished a pendient, then we, MY FRIEND AND I, my and my friend went to ate something
for breakfast at one pm, and then i came to my house I GOT HOME,in a point the police stops me and they
realize that all my docs PERSONAL DOCUMENTS was in order, and now i am here, i feed my dog, then turn on
my computer and now i´m here waiting for the class begins.
…. primera mitad cuaderno lo q veamos en clase

primera mitad dictado

segunda vocabulario

look watch and look,,,,

if he where alive
kent can t

wanna or gonna,,, for informal

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