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The University of The West Indies

St. Augustine Campus

School of Nursing

Student Name: Shian Ramdial

Student ID: 816022239
Course: Leadership and Management
Lecturer: Mrs. Gloria Ramdeen-Mootoo
Date: Monday 6th March 2023

Table of Contents
Developing leadership behavior and management skills..................................................................3
Supervision and Evaluation................................................................................................................5
Change and Advocacy in the workplace............................................................................................7
Decision making and Delegation responsibilities..............................................................................9

Developing leadership behavior and management skills

Leadership is viewed as the process of guiding teaching, motivating ad directing the

activities of others toward attaining a goal, whereas Management involves the coordination

and integration of resources through the activities of planning, organizing, directing and

controlling in order to accomplish specific goals and objectives within an organization. [1]

Leadership involves having the ability to influence others, it often involves moving into a

position because of special abilities, skills or attribute. It can also be formal or informal

within the organization. However, in management the position tends to be ones to which an

individual is appointed. Typically, the manager has responsibilities and accountability for

tasks that must be accomplished, and to fulfill those responsibilities, plans, hires, coordinates,

directs, organizes, evaluates and budgets. A leader may not possess managerial skills;

however, both can learn and improve by experience.

Two leadership theories used in nursing leaderships and management are:

Great Man and Trait theories: “some people are born to lead, and others are born to be led”,

this set forth the premise that certain people are born to be leaders, having inherited a set of

innate characteristics that endow them with the unique ability to lead others. This theory grew

because the ability to lead others was often seen within royal and prominent families.

However, others weren’t allowed to become leaders, which explains its premise.[1]

The Trait or Attribute theory: this evolved from the great man theory of leadership when

there were no economic barriers which no longer prevented members of the general public

from occupying leadership roles. Thus, identifying the common traits of great leaders


There are many types of management these three types are:

An Autocratic manager, they often encourage people through external incentives and

punishments. Due of the command-and-control character of this management style, an

autocratic approach is useful in times of crisis or when time limits need quick action. The

disadvantages of managing your team autocratically include, staff fearing or disliking

management, engenders a need for constant supervision and creates poor working

relationships for example, people that abuse an autocratic leadership style are typically

perceived as demanding, domineering, and dictatorial, which may lead to employee

discontent and even hostility. [1]

A Persuasive management style, like the autocratic style, is distinguished by strong,

centralized control that determines corporate choices. Persuasive managers, on the other

hand, take the time to welcome inquiries rather than imposing "do this or else" policy

dictates. Similarly, after management and ownership have reached a choice, they will explain

the reason for the decision-making process with team members. Workers are then persuaded

to commit to tasks using various persuasive approaches rather than rewards and punishments.

Disadvantages of this type of management include team members feeling constructively

inhibited, as in any dictatorial approach. Because communication is still one-sided, team

members may feel as though their criticism is not being heard. it can also, slow down the

decision-making procedure.

A Consultative manager will typically have talks with team members to get their

perspectives and input. A consultative management style is an excellent technique to include

employees in decision-making style often leads to higher employee engagement, stronger

problem-solving as a team and less turnover. However, a consultative management style isn't

always as efficient as an autocratic style since more people are involved in making decisions.

Supervision and Evaluation

First and foremost, this connection should be supportive. That is, the supervisor should be

enthusiastic in teaching the supervisee in a way that makes the supervisee feel listened,

encouraged, and capable. Supervisees should feel comfortable discussing clients, including

both personal and clinical problems that emerge while working with clients, and asking

questions as needed in a supportive supervisory relationship.

This connection should be based on mutual trust. Supervisors should be aware that they will

be taught the skills required to do ethical and successful clinical practice. Supervisors should

actively try to provide a secure, professional, and welcoming atmosphere for open and

rigorous discussions on their supervisees' training.

There should be mutual respect in the supervisory relationship. This involves being open and

responsive to getting constructive input from supervisees as well as being willing to offer

constructive feedback to supervisees.

“Good enough" monitoring also entails investing sufficient time to supervision. We feel that

the "correct" amount should be established by asking oneself the following questions: 1) Is

patient safety guaranteed? 2) Is my nurse receiving enough and developmentally appropriate

feedback to enable them to grasp the fundamental skills required? If one of these questions is

answered "no," then extra monitoring time is likely necessary. Supervisees must also feel

appropriately supported in their clinical function in order to promote nursing progress.

Nursing supervision is a procedure that is based on a clinically oriented professional

interaction between the practitioner and the nursing supervisor. The supervisors in this

connection use their skills and experience to help their supervisees enhance their practice,

knowledge, and values. Furthermore, this connection allows practitioners to maintain and

improve the quality of nursing care and clinical procedures. Nursing supervision has three

primary tasks: instructional, supporting, and managerial responsibilities, all of which can aid

in the achievement of personnel and organizational goals. Nursing supervision is a crucial

tool for supporting and guiding nurses in order to maintain safe practice, improve quality of

care, and avoid burnout. Furthermore, it aids nurses in maintaining their capacity to behave

under duress.

In healthcare, evaluation is crucial because it promotes an evidence-based approach to

practice delivery (Moule et al 2017). It is used to help determine how well something is

operating. It can help to inform choices regarding the efficacy of a service and what

modifications might be made to improve its delivery.

Change and Advocacy in the workplace.

External forces are changes in an organization's general and commercial environment. An

organization may encounter a variety of external factors, including:

Demographic. A shifting workforce may need a cultural shift within the workplace. Many

nurses may come from families that require them to be the sole provider in the household, or

the person that has to help with homework and nurses may feel the need to change or switch

shifts with another person because they cater to their personal lives however some nurses

may move to suit.

Social. Shifting societal trends might put hospitals under pressure to adjust. Nurses are

becoming more ecologically concerned, prompting faster recovery times.

Political. Government restrictions often force change onto organizations. This can be

something as simple as a change in minimum wage for healthcare workers, or as complex as

rules and restrictions in the hospital.

Technology. Everyday the healthcare system changes an evolves. Throughout the region

hospitals have reverted to computer based data and left behind the use of written documents

to avoid paper trail. This also causes the training of nursing staff as some may be tech savvy

whereas others may not.

By using Lewin’s force-field analysis, in the refreezing stage there are selected strategies that

would be used to ensure the sustainability of clinical practice throughout. These strategies

would include monitoring on shift bases by charge nurses and nursing supervisors. Revising

interventions involving palliative care, ethics consultations and early decision about patient

transfer and orders writing, family willingness and readiness and other methods to increase

communication between healthcare personnel, patients, and patients’ families. Using this can

also decrease the length of time a patient is on the ward. Also improving the communication
within the staff members as communication failures lead to increased patient harm and length

of stay. By having meetings every fortnight to discuss changes that can be made to improve

communication within staff as well as improve care to patients must be incorporated in the

change. When change is managed in systematic steps with adequate evaluation and

communication throughout the process, it is more likely to result in successful outcomes 1.

Nurse leaders can use the key factors presented at any step of the change implementation

process. For example, before beginning the process, it would be beneficial to notify personnel

about the change and urge them to engage by giving recommendations, concerns, and ideas.

During the start of implementation, nurse leaders can build support systems and identify any

staff who are resistant to change. [2]

Using best practices to overcome resistance to change has important implications and

repercussions. For starters, these tactics serve to alleviate the stress created by organizational

change, therefore assisting both employees and nursing leaders in its implementation.

Second, they may help to strengthen the change process by encouraging employees to make

ideas and proposals for improvement.

Decision making and Delegation responsibilities.

Nurses use critical thinking to solve patient problems and make decisions, and they use

creativity to maximize the result. It is a necessary step in providing a safe, effective, and

skilled nursing intervention. They have diverse multifaceted knowledge to handle the various

situations encountered during their shifts, but they still face constant changes in an

environment with constant stress of changing conditions, and they make important decisions

using critical thinking to collect and interpret information that is required for planning.

Critical thinking paired with creativity refines the outcome since nurses may identify unique

answers to specific issues with creativity occurring where standard remedies are ineffective.

Nurses, despite their inventiveness, produce new ideas rapidly, become flexible and natural,

develop innovative solutions to issues, perform autonomously and confidently, even under

pressure, and display innovation.

In nursing, critical thinking necessitates self-awareness and being present in the moment. It's

easy to lose attention during a stressful shift since you're trying to complete every activity

required for your patients. Administering medicine, changing dressings, and hanging

intravenous lines while assessing your patient's mental and emotional health can all have an

impact on your attention and stress management as a nurse.

Being present allows me to think more strategically and anticipate what can happen, such as

bringing additional lubricant for a catheterization or extra gloves for a dressing change. It

allows me to practice active listening more effectively. This improves my evaluation abilities

and provides me with additional data on which to base my treatments and conclusions.

I must be intrigued and inquisitive in order to build critical thinking abilities. In other words,

in order to develop critical thinking abilities, I must go through a deliberate process of

learning methods and using them repeatedly so that they become a habit. Developing an

inquiring mind is one of these ways. Meaningful questions generate valuable responses and

are the foundation of critical thinking. Learning to ask intelligent questions, on the other

hand, is a talent that must be developed. With personnel and nurse shortages, deteriorating

patient conditions, and an increasing number of jobs to do, it may be impossible to

accomplish more than finish the work at hand. Questions, on the other hand, encourage active

learning and educate my brain to perceive the world in new ways and to take nothing for


The advantages of using pros and cons are that the method is simple and direct and can be

done quickly and inexpensively however there is a difficultly knowing all the possible

alternative strategies and their various pros and cons in a brief time, but it is quite useful.

Algorithms are used in critical are decisions where each questions requires assessment in

order to determine the answer. The process will continue as the responder is guided to the

correct action needed and assessment by the answer to a question. Clinical pathways are

evidence-based healthcare guidance tools that have been widely used to translate clinical

practice guideline recommendations into clinical processes of care within the healthcare

institution's unique culture and environment, thereby maximizing patient safety and clinical

efficiency. Clinical pathways establish the standard of care foreach diagnosis and the

outcome that should be anticipated. If adverse outcomes occur alternative pathways may be

taken. Each of these tools are designed in making the most accurate critical decision in the

clinical setting. [1]


1. Ellis JR, Hartley CL. Managing and Coordinating Nursing Care. 4th ed. Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004.
2. Business Bliss Consultants FZE. Practical Application Of Lewins Force Field
Analysis Change Model Nursing Essay [Internet]. November 2018. [Accessed 6
March 2023]; Available from:


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