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The Correlation Between Reading Instagram’s Status and ELED Student’s

Vocabulary Mastery

A Skripsi

Submitted to Language Education Faculty as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Yuyun Tri Rahayu


English Language Education Department

Language Education Faculty
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Approval Sheet

The Correlation Between Reading Instagram’s Status and

ELED Student’s Vocabulary Mastery

Yuyun Tri Rahayu


Yogyakarta, 8 February 2020

The Skripsi Supervisor

Gendroyono, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIK. 19750125201010193004

Table of Content

Approval Sheet i
Abstract iv
Chapter One 1
Introduction 1
Background of The Research........................................................................................1
Identification of Problem...............................................................................................4
Delimination of the Problem.........................................................................................5
Research Questions........................................................................................................5
The Purpose of Research...............................................................................................6
Significance of Research...............................................................................................6
Chapter Two 8
Literature Review 8
Social Media................................................................................................................11
Vocabulary Mastery....................................................................................................16
Instagram to increase students' vocabulary skills........................................................17
Review of Related Research........................................................................................19
Conceptual Framework................................................................................................22
Chapter Three 25
Research Methodology 25
Research Design..........................................................................................................25
Research Setting..........................................................................................................26
Population and Sample................................................................................................27
Data Collection Method...............................................................................................35
Data Analysis...............................................................................................................35
Chapter Four 40
Finding and Discussion 40
ELED students’ frequency in reading Instagram status..............................................40
The students’ level in vocabulary mastery..................................................................41
The correlation between reading Instagram’s status and student’s vocabulary mastery
Chapter Five 50
Conclusion and Suggestions 50
References 53
Appendix 57


Instagram is one of the social media that can be used as a learning medium

for students. Instagram can also help students improve their English vocabulary skills

through captions, videos, and photos uploaded by Instagram users. This research was

to find out the correlation between reading Instagram’s status and student’s

vocabulary mastery.

This research used quantitative approach with correlational design. The

respondent of this research were 135 students from 203 ELED students’ batch 2017

at Private University in Yogyakarta. The instruments used in this study were

questionnaires and vocabulary test. The first finding showed that student’s frequency

in reading Instagram’s status in always category because the mean value was 4.54

with a SD value was 0.27 which means students always read Instagram’s status every

day. Then, the vocabulary mastery was in very high category because the mean value

was 96.67 with a SD value was 3.05 which means they mastered vocabulary very

well. The results of the analysis using Pearson correlation show that Sig. (two-tailed)

value is 0.001 which means there is a correlation or hypothesis is accepted if the Sig.

(two-tailed) value is lower than 0.05 (0.001 < 0.05). Then, the correlation value (r-

value) is 0.627 which means the correlation between two variables has a positive

strong correlation. It can be concluded that reading Instagram's status and students'

vocabulary mastery has a significant positive strong correlation.

Keyword: Instagram, reading Instagram’s status, vocabulary, vocabulary mastery

Chapter One


This chapter presents the background of the research, identification of the

problem, delimination of the problem, research questions, the purpose of the research,

and significance of the research.

Background of The Research

Instagram is one of the most popular social media in recent years. On

Instagram, people can post whatever they want through pictures and videos, and they

are free to express themselves. Based on data taken from Napoleon Cat in 2019,

Indonesia is the fourth largest Instagram user country in the world with 56 million

people who have Instagram accounts. In May 2020 the number of Instagram users in

Indonesia increased to 69,270,000 accounts, which means that Instagram users in

Indonesia reached 25.3 percent of the entire population (Iman, 2020). This proves that

Instagram is very popular in Indonesia.

On Instagram, people can post whatever they want through pictures, videos,

and write interesting statuses. Many people spend their time just reading statuses or

posts on Instagram. Based on the researcher's observations that 8 out of 10 students

open Instagram most of the day and they follow a lot of English learning accounts

such as Kampung English EM and Mr. D. In addition, they also follow accounts of

western actresses or soccer accounts from abroad who use English as a medium to
learn English by looking at their posts. Some of them shared their experience with

researchers that they can watch western films without reading Indonesian subtitles

because of their intensity in reading English status on Instagram.

Some well-known English content creators on Instagram are Guru Dannis,

Enliven, and Aarons English who focus on English Language Learners. This account

helps students learn English by making videos or making statuses about English

vocabulary. Not only learning English from the accounts mentioned above, people

can also learn indirectly with their idols from abroad such as seeing their idol's status

on Instagram or following the way their idol talks through videos posted on


There has been some study conducted under the topic of Instagram. First, a

study conducted by Usmawita (2019) with the title "The Effectiveness Of Mr.

Dhanis's Video On Instagram Toward Students' Vocabulary Mastery". The

participation in this study was taken at SMA N 1 Metro with grade 2 students with

260 students. The finding of this study was that students who took part in this

experimental research increased the percentage of the post-test compared to the

pretest which after students took the pretest, they were given several videos of Mr.

Dhanis on Instagram as their vocabulary learning material so that in the post-test

students get a higher score, this means that the use of Me Dhanis videos on Instagram

can affect students' vocabulary knowledge.

The second research was taken from Akhiar (2017) with the title "Students'

Perceptions and Attitudes Towards The Use of Instagram in English Language

Writing". This study used 101 participants at the University of Malaysia. The

conclusion of this study is that students' perception of using Instagram is positive and

Instagram can help them in learning English such as helping their writing skills and


However, from the two studies mentioned above, the first research only

focuses on one particular video account, while the second study only focuses on

students' perception and attitude towards the use of Instagram for English language

learning. Therefore, what distinguishes this research from previous research is that

this research does not only focus on one particular account because this study aims to

determine the correlation between reading status on Instagram using English which

can improve students' vocabulary skills. This research will be conducted on English

language education students, but due to the corona virus outbreak which is still a

pandemic, offline lectures are temporarily suspended and replaced with online

lectures. This makes it difficult for researchers to collect data.

Seeing the phenomenon that many people spend their time reading statuses on

Instagram and they get a lot of benefits for vocabulary mastery from reading statuses

on Instagram. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting a study entitled

"The Correlation Between Reading Instagram’s Status with Students' Vocabulary


Identification of Problem

Based on the research background, there are two variables in this research,

namely reading Instagram’s status and ELED students' vocabulary mastery. In

addition, this research focuses on the frequency of reading status on Instagram

because it will make it easier for students to acquire new vocabulary in English. In

this way, when students have a habit of reading English status on Instagram, it means

they have good vocabulary mastery. As a result, the researcher wanted to know how

the frequency of reading status on Instagram in improving their vocabulary mastery.

As the fact exists that Indonesian students still have difficulties in learning

English vocabulary. According to the researcher’s observation, the first problem that

students experience when learning vocabulary is that they are lazy to read. Based on

the experience and observations of researcher, many students are lazy to learn

vocabulary because they think that learning vocabulary is always by memorizing. The

second problem is that they are not interested in learning vocabulary, for example, a

student said that he learns grammar better than vocabulary because he thinks

grammar is more difficult. This shows that there are still many students who do not

really understand that vocabulary is one of the important things to learn to be able to

speak English.

In this context, it is not easy for students to learn vocabulary because students

believe that learning English vocabulary is very difficult and they think vocabulary is

not more important than grammar. Therefore, students must first be interested in
learning vocabulary. According to the researcher, students will be more interested in

learning if they do things they like, such as learning through Instagram. Learning

vocabulary through Instagram also doesn't need to be memorized as they imagine, so

learning vocabulary can be fun and become a daily routine. As we know, all students

have an Instagram account and they are always interested in Instagram. For this

reason, the researcher wanted to know how and what is the correlation between

reading status on Instagram and students' vocabulary mastery.

Delimination of the Problem

This research was conducted on students of the English Language Education

Department batch 2017 at a private university in Yogyakarta. Researcher focus on

knowing the correlation between Instagram’s status and ELED students' vocabulary

mastery by using quantitative research methods.

Research Questions

To see whether reading English status on Instagram can help students'

vocabulary mastery, the research questions asked are:

1. What is ELED students’ frequency in reading Instagram’s status?

2. What is ELED students’ level in vocabulary mastery?

3. What is the correlation between reading Instagram’s status and students’

vocabulary mastery?

The Purpose of Research

In this section, there are three research objectives regarding the correlation

between reading Instagram status and students' vocabulary mastery. The first

objective of this research is to find out how often ELED students read Instagram

status. The second objective of this research is to determine the level of vocabulary

mastery of students. The final objective of this research is to determine the correlation

between Instagram reading status and students' vocabulary mastery.

Significance of Research

The finding of the research is to hope that this research can be useful for

teachers, students, and other researchers.

Teachers. The researcher hopes that this research can help all teachers who

teach English understand that social media such as Instagram can be used as a

teaching medium, the researcher also hopes that teachers can apply these vocabulary

learning strategies that can make students feel happy while learning.

Students. Upon the completion of this research is beneficial to students,

through this study students can get information about the correlation between reading

status on Instagram and students' vocabulary mastery. Students can also learn to use

strategies by reading the English status on Instagram to increase their vocabulary


Other Researcher. This research might be helpful for other researchers who

are also researching topics about Instagram or English vocabulary. This research can

be a reference for other researchers and get information about the use of Instagram to

help students' vocabulary skills.

Chapter Two

Literature Review

This chapter provides some definitions, functions, or advantages that are in

accordance with the topic in this research. The theories and definitions in this chapter

are stated and supported by the experts and prescribed related studies.

Mobile Learning

Mobile Learning is a term to denote learning involving the use of a mobile

device. The term is fully defined as “learning across multiple contexts, through social

and content interactions, using personal electronic devices” (Crompton, 2013).

Mobile learning has many different definitions and is known by many different

names, like M-Learning, U-Learning, personalized learning, learning while mobile,

ubiquitous learning, anytime / anywhere learning, and handheld learning. One

definition of mobile learning is, "any sort of learning that happens when the learner is

not at a fixed, predetermined location, or learning that happens when the learner takes

advantage of the learning opportunities offered by mobile technologies"

(MOBIlearn., 2003). From that statement, it can be concluded that Mobile Learning

is learning that utilizes mobile devices and technology. Mobile devices can be tablet

PCs, mobile phones, laptops. With M-Learning, students can do learning anytime and

anywhere, without having to go to a certain place at a certain time. So, students can

access educational content whenever they want.

According to Elias (2011), there are several advantages of Mobile Learning:

1. Relatively inexpensive opportunities, as the cost of mobile devices are

significantly less than PCs and laptops

2. Multimedia content delivery and creation options

3. Continuous and situated learning support

4. Decrease in training costs

5. Potentially a more rewarding learning experience

6. Improving levels of literacy, numeracy and participation in education

amongst young adults.

7. Using the communication features of a mobile phone as part of a larger

learning activity, e.g.: sending media or texts into a central portfolio, or

exporting audio files from a learning platform to your phone.

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, mobile learning also has

disadvantages. Based on Thomas (2019) there are several disadvantages of Mobile


1. Distraction

Using mobile learning, also, creates a lot of distraction. Many students

open the mobile to learn something and end up using social media

websites, chatting, sharing pictures or playing video games. These types of

distractions waste one’s time, which could have been used to perform a

meaningful task.

2. Misuse

Many students also misuse the device for different purposes. Some misuse

it just for fun, and some have secret, evil intentions which are definitely

not good and need to be prevented.

3. Lack of internet connection or electricity

This can be a problem in rural areas and in areas where the usage of the

internet and electricity is not yet prevalent. When you have a device, but

you do not have the electricity or the internet required for you to run the

device and avail the facility of mobile learning, then what’s the fun? In

order to enjoy your experience of mobile learning, make sure you have

met all the requirements needed to have the best experience for mobile


Although it has disadvantages, mobile learning will still be very effective and

its use is highly recommended in the learning process. Mobile learning is emerging as

one of the solutions to the challenges faced by education. With a variety of tools and

resources always available, mobile learning provides increased options for the

personalization of learning. Mobile learning in classrooms often has students working

interdependently, in groups, or individually to solve problems, to work on projects, to

meet individual needs, and to allow for student voice and choice. With access to so

much content anytime and anywhere, there are plenty of opportunities for formal and

informal learning, both inside and outside the classroom.

Social Media

In this era, almost all people used social media to communicate with others.

Khan, Ayaz, and Faheem (2016) stated that social media is a facility for people to

share ideas easily and systematically and can be installed on devices such as phones,

tablets, and computers. It means that social media can be installed or accessed in

many electronic media. Social media is a means of organizational communication

with external parties, such as customers, vendors, and the wider community. Most

organizations that use social media to communicate with external parties have a

multi-track strategy that crosses multiple platforms (Piskorski, 2011). An example of

the sentence above is a company that uses Facebook or Instagram to promote a

company or it could be an English course that provides material through videos on

Instagram or Facebook, besides that social media is also used for internal

communication and social interaction within a company or organization.

In this era, many people are actively using social media as a tool to exchange

or provide the fastest information. However, the use of social media also provides

some advantages and disadvantages. BalcIni (2017) stated that the advantages of

social media are being able to exchange information and communication, teamwork

and work from home, sharing data, sharing hardware and peripherals, services and

education. As for disadvantages of social media is a lack of security, internet

addiction, information overload, loss of social contact. It can be concluded that

teachers can use social media for the teaching and learning process. Through social

media, teachers can provide material through social media such as Instagram, and

students can also ask or discuss what they don't understand with the teacher or their

friends through the comments column on social media. Another benefit of social

media is that students can access or use social media whenever they want.

Social media is an effective medium for students to learn. Khan, Ayaz, and

Faheem (2016) said that social media is more effective than books or conventional

texts for learning English. Students can also learn longer without or with less

boredom. Students can increase vocabulary through social media in various forms,

namely in the form of text and images (Khan, Ayaz & Faheem, 2016). If social media

is used correctly and wisely, social media can help to develop English skills

effectively (Al Mubarak, 2016). Students can learn English more effectively through

social media because they can access social media anywhere. Students do not need to

physically meet with others for discussions

At present, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are popular forms of social

media with a high rate of university students’ (Shafie, Yaacob, & Singh, 2016).

Based on the above statement, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

are very popular among students, this can be an opportunity to make social media

more useful by filling in learning content so that students can play social media while

studying without stress.


Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom, a student at Stanford University,

USA, together with a programmer named Mike Krieger. Instagram comes from the

terms "instant" and "telegram" which means Instagram can be an application for

sending photos, uploading, or sharing images and videos in a fast and easy way.

Bambang (2012) said Instagram is the explicit use of smartphones for web-based life

which is one of the sophisticated media that has almost the same capacity as Twitter,

but the difference lies in taking photos in the structure or place to convey data to the

public. Instagram can also inspire users and can also increase creativity because

Instagram has features that can make photos more beautiful, artistic, and better

(Atmoko, 2012).

Instagram is a popular social media in this era. Instagram also has many

features such as posting content (images or videos), applying filters, adding text,

tagging other users, adding locations, adding hashtags, liking content, and adding

comments. These features can also be used by some Instagram users as a medium for

student learning. According to Knight-McCord et al., (2016) Instagram is the most

popular social media for creating images with text and various creative videos. It can

be concluded that many people can use Instagram as a medium for teaching and

learning through creative images or videos that are 1 minute long or can use the

IGTV feature which can display videos that are more than 1 minute long. Instagram is

also popular for college students aged 19-25 because it allows them to express their

thoughts and feelings in a private space, where images and videos can be

accompanied by text. Besides that, Instagram is continually updating its application,

as eBizMBA (2016) said that Instagram is the eighth most visited social media

around the world, and still keeps on enhancing by presenting new highlights. Since

May 2016, Instagram Stories that highlight live video broadcasts have been included,

and can be viewed for 24 hours. Through this feature, one can share photos or videos

that contain learning such as about English vocabulary, and many Instagram users

will see it if the video is made creative and interesting.


Vocabulary is knowledge of words and their meanings. As Steven Stahl

(2005) said that vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; knowledge of a word not only

implies a definition but also implies how it fits into the world. Learning vocabulary

can also be obtained by chance from life experiences such as hearing someone say it

or seeing a word on television, cellphone, or on the street, therefore learning

vocabulary is not only learning from a dictionary. Students who are learning

vocabulary usually only need to practice using the vocabulary they have learned in

order to use the vocabulary. According to Kamil and Hiebert (2005 p.3), there are two

kinds of vocabulary, productive and receptive vocabulary. Productive vocabulary is

words that are familiar or easy to recognize and these are often used by individuals,

especially in writing and speaking. Receptive vocabulary is words that are less

familiar to students and are considered less used. or students may not use this

spontaneously because they may recognize the meaning of words as they read and


Some experts categorize words in a language into several terms. Fromkin,

Rodman, and Hyams (2003) classify words in a language into two terms, namely

content words and function words. Content Words are words used to express or

describe things such as actions, objects, attributes, and ideas. It consists of nouns,

verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Function words are words that have no clear concept

or meaning associated with them and are used only in the case of grammatical

functions. It consists of prepositions, articles, and pronouns. Radford et al (2009) said

that words are divided into two categories, lexical categories, and functional

categories. In terms of lexical categories, words are divided into five-word classes

consisting of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions. Nouns are words

that refer to objects that can be both concrete objects and abstract objects. While

verbs are words that usually refer to activities. Furthermore, an adjective is a word

that usually refers to a property that a person or thing has and its function to change a

noun. Then, adverbs are words that are commonly used to modify verbs, adjectives,

or other adverbs. It indicates the way, time, or reason for something to happen.

Finally, words that are commonly used to relate objects, people, or events in space or

time are called prepositions.

In learning vocabulary, students must find their own learning strategies to

help them learn vocabulary easily. August (2005) said that the English vocabulary

learning strategy is to use students' first language so that students can learn

vocabulary from learning basic words in their first language, this is in accordance

with the learning strategy used by an Instagram user named Danis (gurukumrd) where

he teaches English vocabulary by always relating it to Indonesian so that the strategy

used by Dannis in teaching vocabulary is to associate it with his mother tongue.

Besides that, you can also learn vocabulary from reading books and listening to

English audio.

Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary is an important part of language acquisition and language input.

According to Alqahtani (2015), vocabulary is the total number of words needed to

communicate. This is also supported by the Cambridge Dictionary (2015) that

vocabulary is all the words that exist in a particular language. This means that

Vocabulary is all the words used in a language and its purpose is for foreign language

learning. In addition, students need to master vocabulary and understand language

when they speak, read, listen and write. According to Oxford Advanced Learner's

English dictionary (2021), the word mastery means complete knowledge or great

skill. From that definition, word mastery is great knowledge and skill of something.

This is in accordance with the statement of Nation (2008) which stated that knowing

a word means knowing its form, meaning, and use. Jannah (2000) said mastery is

meant as the ability to use or to understand “all the words” of the language. She also

said that the mastery of the vocabulary of a foreign language is also bound by our

actual experience. Finally, she concluded from the previous information and

interpretation that vocabulary mastery can be developed naturally following his

growth of experience and progress in education. Vocabulary mastery is a person's

ability to use or understand the words of a language that they have learned in certain

situations that they experience in their lives.

Mastery of vocabulary aims to make students have good language skills in

language skills. Gorjian (2014) stated that without vocabulary mastery, the students

will have problems in using four language skills. It means that mastery of vocabulary

is important because it will assist students to increase their language skills. To master

vocabulary is not an easy process, therefore, to be able to master vocabulary requires

practice or memorizing vocabulary well in such a way that students must be able to

find their own vocabulary learning strategies to make it easier for them to learn

vocabulary while a teacher can only stimulate students by providing appropriate

materials and guidance.

Reading Instagram’s Status to Increase ELED Students' Vocabulary Skills

Instagram is a famous social media in this era. Instagram is a popular

application for University students and among young people aged 19 to 25 years old

(Akhiar, Mydin & Kasuma, 2017). Instagram is a social media platform which allows

users to share photos and fifteen-second videos (Blair & Serafini, 2014). There are

many features on Instagram. Ali (2014) said that the functions of Instagram include

creating accounts, posting content (pictures or videos), applying filters, adding

captions, tagging other users, adding locations, adding hashtags, liking content,

adding comments, browsing and following other accounts, checking feeds generated

by followed accounts and exploring hashtags/users. Amancio (2017) stated that

Instagram users can post photos or videos in their field and can also like what people

that they are following are posting, their interaction happens with their photos and

others people's photos. Instagram can also be accessed through a web version.

However, the capabilities are limited and it is used for limited viewing purposes only.

The function of Instagram using the web version includes viewing content, adding

comments, checking the feed, creating accounts and browsing and following others'

accounts (Ali, 2014).

Vocabulary is one of the language aspects which should be learned. Learning

vocabulary is important because in order to be able to speak, write, and listen learners

have to know vocabulary first. According to Cameron (2001) who stated that a person

said to know a word if they can recognize the meaning when they see it. It means that

in learning vocabulary learners have to know the meaning of it and also understand

and can use it in sentence context. Vocabulary mastery is a great skill of knowledge

about a set of words known by a person as a part of a specific language. Harmer

(2001) states that vocabulary mastery is one of the most obvious components of

language and one of the first things applied linguistics turned their attention to.

Moreover, Ramdhany (2017) said that consciously or unconsciously students can

understand a variety of vocabulary from the habits they do. She also stated that

Students can be able to learn vocabulary with read an Instagram post, updating status,

or posting photos and videos through Instagram.

Instagram helps students increase their vocabulary. Sirait and Marlina (2018)

stated that students can develop their vocabulary through Instagram. When students

access Instagram, students can find new vocabulary through posts from other

Instagram users. New vocabulary can be found in captions, videos, and photos

uploaded by Instagram users. Shazali, Shamsudin and Yunus (2019) stated that

Students increase their vocabularies by writing captions on Instagram. Some of

Instagram’s activities help students to increase their vocabularies. One of the

activities is reading English status. Therefore, students can get new vocabulary by

reading English status on Instagram. In conclusion, reading text is an Instagram

activity to develop students' reading skills and improve their vocabulary.

Review of Related Research

There is a lot of studies on the use of Instagram as a teaching media, but

researcher only took three studies. The first study was taken from Usmawita (2019)

with the title "The Effectiveness Of Mr. Dhanis's Video On Instagram Toward

Students' Vocabulary Mastery". This study used experimental research (quantitative

designs), the participation in this study was taken at SMA N 1 Metro with grade 2

students with 260 students. Researcher used random sampling techniques and took

samples in class XI IPA 3 totaling 31 students and class XI IPS 2 totaling 31 students

as well. To retrieve data, researcher used a test consisting of pre-test and post-test.

This test contained 112 multiple choice questions about vocabulary and students were

given material about vocabulary using videos from Mr. Dhanis on Instagram. The

finding of the research was that students who took part in this research experiment

increased the percentage of the post test compared to the peretest which after students

took the pretest students were given several videos of Mr. Dhanis on Instagram as

their vocabulary learning material so that in the post-test students get a higher score,

this means that the use of Me Dhanis videos on Instagram can affect students'

vocabulary knowledge.

The second study was taken from Al-Ali (2014) with the title "Embracing the

Selfie Craze: Exploring the Possible Use of Instagram as a Language mLearning

Tool". This study used experimental research (quantitative design), the participants in

this study were Middle Eastern college students. The researcher chose these

participants because they were students who took English lessons to improve their

language skills and they also used cellphones and the internet when studying so that

this is in accordance with the topic that the researcher took, exploring the possible use

of Instagram as a language mLearning tool. This study used experimental research,

and the findings of the three activities can be seen from the table below:

Based on the table above, in activity 1 students were asked to post 10 photos

on Instagram containing their vacation stories, in activity 2 students were asked to

choose one photo from activity 1 and write a caption based on the photo, and in

activity 3, students were asked to tell about someone they were with on campus by

writing it on Instagram with a photo. Based on the three activities, it can be seen that

Instagram is very popular among students, and Instagram can be used for teaching

media in learning English such as speaking activities, writing activities, grammar, and

vocabulary skills and using Instagram as a learning media will make students learn

effectively. comfortable and fun.

In the third study taken from Akhiar (2017) with the title "Students'

Perceptions and Attitudes Towards The Use of Insatgram in English Language

Writing". This study used quantitative design. This study uses 101 participation in

University of Malaysia, the ask to join in the activity of writing English essays on

Instagram before answer the questionnaire. To collected the data, researcher used a

questionnaire with 20 closed ended items and five open ended questions about using

Instagram for English language learning. The finding of the research was the

participants’ attitudes towards Instagram for English language learning is mediocre.

That means, a lot of participation agrees if Instagram can improve their English skills

and they agree if Instagram can be a teaching and learning media.

A high majority of respondents agreed that Instagram can be used for social

and learning. The students also highlighted that Instagram is a good platform for

teachers-students' interactions outside of the school hours and most participation

agrees if Instagram is easy to use because it can write caption and post pictures or

videos on Instagram. The conclusion is that the students' perception of using

Instagram was positive and Instagram can assist them in learning English such as

helping their writing and vocabulary skills.

Based on the three studies above, what distinguishes this research from

previous research is that this research does not only focus on one account because this

study aims to determine the relationship between reading status on Instagram using

English which can improve students' vocabulary skills.

Conceptual Framework

Instagram has features that can make photos more beautiful, more artistic, and

better (Atmoko, 2012) and according to Knight-McCord et al., (2016) Instagram is

the most widely used social media for creating images with text and various creative

videos. Based on that statement, we can conclude that many people can use Instagram

as a media of teaching and learning through creative pictures or videos that last for 1
minute or can use IGTV features that can display video duration of more than 1

minute. Instagram is also popular for college students aged 19-25 because Instagram

allows them to express thoughts and feelings in a personal space, where pictures and

videos can be accompanied by texts.

Moreover, vocabulary mastery is important for the students because the

students will be difficult to understand the language when they are not mastering the

vocabulary. Also, if the students are mastering the vocabulary then they will not find

any difficulty to express their ideas while they are speaking, writing, listening or

reading. Also, the one of the ways to enrich students’ vocabulary mastery is by

increasing reading habit.

Instagram helps students increase their vocabulary. This is accordance with

previous research conducted by Usmawita (2019) with the title "The Effectiveness of

Mr. Dhanis' Video on Instagram on Students' Vocabulary Mastery". The results of

this study are students who take part in this study experienced an increase in the

percentage of post-test scores compared to the pre-test where after students take the

pre-test students are given several Mr. Dhani videos on Instagram as vocabulary

learning material so that in the post-test students get the higher schore, this proves

that the use of Me Dhanis videos on Instagram can affect students' vocabulary

knowledge. In addition, when students access Instagram, students can find new

vocabulary through posts from other Instagram users. New vocabulary can be found

in captions, videos, and photos uploaded by Instagram users so that students can get

new vocabulary through Instagram by reading English statuses on Instagram. In

conclusion, the activity of reading status on Instagram can improve students'

vocabulary mastery.

Then the researcher explains the conceptual framework of this research

through the following chart:

ELED students

Reading Instagram’s Vocabulary Mastery
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


In this research, the researcher are trying to find out the correlation between reading

Instagrams’ status and student’s vocabulary mastery, the researcher state the

hypothesis in the following.

H1: There is correlation between reading Instagrams’ status and students’ vocabulary


Chapter Three

Research Methodology

In this chapter, researcher presenting the explanation of the research methods

used in this study. This chapter contains the research design, research setting,

population, sampling techniques, samples, and data collection methods with an

explanation of each point.

Research Design

In this study, researcher used a quantitative approach. Creswell (2012) said

that the quantitative approach is to analyze the trend of a population, the quantitative

approach also examines the correlation between two or more variables and uses

statistical analysis. This approach relates to the correlation of two variables, namely

reading status on Instagram and students' vocabulary mastery, this research is

presented in the form of data in the form of numbers or scores.

The researcher used a quantitative design for this study because the researcher

wanted to measure the correlation between two variables, namely reading Instagram’

status and ELED students' vocabulary mastery in order to find out the relationship

between the variables and the population. As we know, quantitative research is a

process of finding answers to hypotheses that use data in the form of numbers as a

means of finding information about what we want to know.

This study used correlation research as a research design. Correlational

research design is a statistical test to determine the tendency or pattern for two
variables or two sets of data to vary consistently (Creswell, 2012). The researcher

used correlation design to describe and measure the correlation between two variables

and set of scores. The type of correlation design used in this research is the

explanatory-correlation. Gravetter (2007) stated an explanatory correlational design

explains or clarifies the degree of one or two variable association. There are four

common characteristics of explanatory research design are mentioned by Creswell;

First, the investigator correlates two or more variables. Second, the researcher

collects data at one point in time. Third, the investigator analyzes all participants as a

single group. Fourth, the researcher obtains at least two scores of each individual in

the group (one for each variable). The aim of explanatory correlation design is to

explain the association between or among variables (Creswell, 2012), while this

research’s aim was to find out whether or not there is any correlation between reading

Instagram's status and students' vocabulary mastery. Thus, the explanatory correlation

research design matched this research

Research Setting

This research was conducted on students of English Education Department at

a private university in Yogyakarta. There are several reasons why this place was

chosen. First, the target of this research is EFL students from the English Language

Education Department. Second, all students at ELED in this private university in

Yogyakarta actively use Instagram for various purposes. All the reasons mentioned

above-convinced researchers to conduct research there. This research was conducted

in May 2021

Population and Sample

In this part, the researcher explained the population of the research and the

research sample. This information includes the reason why the researcher chose the

participants and how the research sample was granted.

Research population. The research population of this research is the students

of the English Language Education Department at one of the private university in

Yogyakarta. The target population of this research is students in batch 2017 with a

total number of 203 active students.

There are several reasons why English education students were chosen as

participants. The first reason is that based on the researcher's observations almost all

students in batch 2017 have an Instagram account for their daily life and the second

reason is that the researcher is one of students in batch 2017 which will make it easier

for researchers to get data.

Research sample. The sample is used in data collection, so the researcher

must have the sample in this quantitative research approach. The researcher will use a

random sampling technique to gather the sample. According to Kerlinger (2006),

simple random sampling is a method of withdrawing from a population or universe in

a certain way so that each member of the population or universe has the same

opportunity to be elected or taken. In this research, researcher chose ELED students

batch 2017 as sample. Based on the researcher's observations, the researcher chose

the ELED students batch 2017 because they were included in the criteria for this

study, namely having an Instagram account and being an English education student.

The data taken from the administration office of the English education

department at the university stated that there were 203 active students in batch 2017.

To get the exact number of samples, the researcher used the Slovin formula. Here is

the formula:

n =N/(1+Ne2) n = number of sample

N = number of population
n =203/(1+203 (0,05 x 0,05))
e = level of precisions
n =203/1,5075

n = 134,66

n = 135

Based on the result above, the number of samples that researcher should use if

the total population are 203 students, the minimum sample size are 135 samples.

Data Collection Method

The purpose of this study is to know the correlation between Instagram and

students’ vocabulary mastery. The researcher used questionnaires and vocabulary

tests to achieve the result. This research has 3 (three) research questions with the

different methods used. The questionnaire that the researcher used is a structured

(close-ended) questionnaire proposed by Hsieh et al. (2010). The researcher usesd a

structured (close-ended) questionnaire because the researcher wants the respondent to

choose one answer in each questionnaire item. This questionnaire was used for the

first research question with a total of 14 items. For the second research question, the

researcher used a vocabulary test, in which students were asked to answer a test

containing 20 questions about vocabulary, the purpose of this test was to measure the

students' vocabulary level.

Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher used two way to conduct this research, first by

using questionnaire and second by using vocabulary test. Researcher adapted the

questionnaire from Ramadhany (2017) and Rahma (2018). The questionnaire from

Ramdhany (2017) has two categories, namely the frequency of using social media

and what if you don't have a smartphone. The questionnaire has 20 questions in

Indonesian language. Th researcher adapted 9 of the 20 questions in the questionnaire

because only 9 questions related to this research, namely the frequency of accessing

social media. While the questionnaire from Rahma (2018) has three categories,

namely background of respondents, use of mobile phones, and social media in

learning activities. The questionnaire has 16 questions in Indonesian language. The

researcher adopted 5 of the 16 questions because only 5 questions related to this

research, namely social media in learning activities.

The researcher used 14 questions with 5 answer choices. The questionnaire of

this research used Likert scale. According to Ankur (2013), Likert scale is the scale

that allows respondent identify their feeling intensity about agreement and

disagreement from items. The researcher combines the three research questions into

one table with 14 question instruments to make it easier for the questionnaire to

determine the effect of reading Instagram’s status on the level of student’s vocabulary


For the vocabulary test, researcher adapted from Nation, Paul. (2012). There

were 20 vocabulary test questions with 4 answer choices that were included in the

intermediate level category because according to the researcher students at this level

meant they could use English passively and actively and were able to discuss various

things. topics in informal or formal situations. For example, talk about your lifestyle,

goals, or even a job interview in English. In the vocabulary test, students were asked

to choose the answer with the closest meaning to the keyword in the question. The

purpose of the Vocabulary Size Test is to measure student's level in vocabulary


In collecting data, the researcher used the WhatsApp application to contact the

respondents. The researcher asked each class leader to share the Google Form link

and instructions through their WhatsApp group. A respondent must fill in 14

questions made on Google form with 5 answer choices and then the respondent fills

in 20 vocabulary questions. The questionnaire used Indonesian Language to make it

easier for participants to fill in the questionnaire. Here is the Google Form link for the

questionnaire and the vocabulary test:

To ensure whether the instrument is easy to read and understand, the

researcher tested the instrument by giving a questionnaire to two people at random.

The answers from the two people can be determined whether the items in the

questionnaire are easy to understand. The two people were asked to fill out a

questionnaire and write down anything they did not understand. After testing the

validity with 2 people, then the instrument validity test will be carried out on two

expert judgments who will assess whether each item and instrument in the

questionnaire can be used.

In the questionnaire there are 2 instruments, namely statements with choices

of 1 = Never, 2 = Very Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Always and 20 test

questions. After collecting the validity of the two samples and three expert

judgments, the researcher used the data to test its validity using the Aiken test.

Researchers used Expert judgment and the Aiken test to test the validity of the

instrument in this study. An item is said to be valid if:

Table 3.1 Validity Categories

Validity Score Category

V<0.4 Low validity / invalid

0.4<V<0.8 Medium Validity

V>0.8 High Validity

If the validity result is below 0.4 then the category is "low validity". For the

results of the validity of more than 0.4 and less than 0.8 are categorized as "medium

validity". The “high validity” category can be achieved with a result above 0.8 for the

item. If in an instrument there is low validity, the researcher must change or delete the

item. Items with moderate validity can be used as items in the questionnaire. After

calculating the data from expert judgment using the Aiken test to determine the

validity results for all items. The result is in below:

Table 3.2 Analysis of Questionnaire

  rater_1 rater_2 s1 s2 SUM HASIL  

001 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high
002 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high
003 5 4 4 3 7 0,78 moderate
004 4 5 3 4 7 0,78 moderate
005 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high
006 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high
007 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high
008 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high
009 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high
010 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high
011 5 4 4 3 7 0,78 moderate
012 5 4 4 3 7 0,78 moderate
013 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high
014 5 5 4 4 8 0,89 high

In this instrument, there are 14 question items with 10 items with high validity

and 4 items with medium validity. From these results, the validity result for all items

is 0.75 which shows that all items are valid. In this instrument. From the results of the

average number, it can be reviewed that the instruments in this questionnaire have

high average validity and can be used as a questionnaire.


Reliability is a value to reveal whether the instrument in the study used to

collect the data can be trusted or not. Reliability values are shown based on the level

of scores obtained from Cronbach Alpha technique analysis using SPSS. Cohen et al.

(2011) stated that reliability is essentially a synonym for dependability, consistency

and replicable over time, over instruments and groups of respondents. The way

researcher used SPSS to test reliability is to enter data, followed by analyze, scale,

press the CTRL A button to move to the right column, then statistics, tick selection

1,2,2, continue and okay. According to Cohen et al,. (2011) there are five criteria of


Table 3.3 The Categories of Reliability

Cronbach’s Alpha Score Category

>0.90 Very High Reliable

0.80-0.90 High Reliable

0.70-0.79 Reliable

0.60-0.69 Marginally/Minimally Reliable

<0.60 Unacceptably Low Reliability

Based on the table above, the data item was reliable if the score is 0.70 or

higher. If the score is under 0.60, the data item is not reliable. The researcher checked

whether the data was reliable or not by using a statistical application program. The

result of reliable analysis on statistical application programs shows that all of the

questionnaire items were reliable. There were 14 questioner items used in this

research. The reliability statistic is 0.798 which is included in the reliable category

with an interval >0.70. It means that all questioner items were reliable. Hence,

all questionnaire items could be used to get the data. The result of the reliability test is

presented below:

Table 3.4 Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
.798 14

Data Analysis

In this part, the researcher explains how the data is analyzed. The purpose of

this study is to determine the correlation between reading Instagram’s status and

students’ vocabulary mastery. In this study, researcher used descriptive statistics and

inferential statistics to achieve the objectives of this study. The first and second

research questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics while the third research

question was analyzed by using inferential statistics.

Descriptive statistics. Researcher used descriptive statistics to analyze data

from respondents using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The

researcher used descriptive statistics to answer the first and the second research

question, because descriptive analysis is used when the research question seeks to

find trends, attitudes, beliefs, etc. Descriptive statistics are a description of the data

that consist of frequencies, measures of dispersal, measures of tendency, standard

deviation, cross tabulation of data by using SPSS (Statistics Package for Social

Science) and standardized scores (Cohen et al., 2011).

The researcher analyzed the data in descriptive statistics by presenting the

average frequency and data scores. Below is a scale and value category for research

questions number one and research question number two:

Table 3.5 Students’ Frequency in Reading Instagram Status

Scale Category

4.01 – 5.00 Always

3.01-4.00 Often

2.01-3.00 Sometimes

1.00-2.00 Never

Based on the table above, if students get a mean value of 1.00-2.00 then it is

included in the "never" category meaning students never read status on instagram. For

students who get a mean value of 2.01-3.00 which is classified as "sometimes" which

means students sometimes read status on Instagram only when there is time. For

students who get a mean value of 3.01-4.00 which is classified as "often", it means

that students often read statuses on Instagram. For students who get a mean value of

4.01-5.00 is considered "always", it means that students always read statuses on

Instagram every day.

To answer the second research question, the researcher used the formula of

class interval. It was used to determine the minimal and maximal vocabulary test

scores. The data had 20 items. Every item has 5 points; hence the total point is 100.

The scores of ELED students’ in the test are classified to determine the level of their

vocabulary mastery, based on Harris in Asni (2007) there are four categories of

vocabulary test:

Table 3.6 Scale and Value Categories of Vocabulary Test

Scale Value

0-59 Very Low

50-59 Low

60-79 High

80-100 Very High

Based on the table above, if students get a score of 0-59 then it is included in

the "very low" category meaning students do not know all the vocabulary given on

the test. For students who get a score of 50-59 which is classified as "low" which

means students only know vocabulary that is often heard or used. For students who

get a score of 60-79 which is classified as "high", it means that students almost know

all of the vocabulary. For students who get a score of 80-100 is considered "very

high", it means that students can know all vocabulary even difficult vocabulary.

Inferential statistics. For the third research question, the researcher used

inferential statistics because inferential statistics are used for research questions that

have hypotheses as in the third research question about the correlation between

reading Instagram’s status and students' vocabulary skills. There are two steps that

must be taken to answer this question using inferential statistics, namely testing the

assumption that this study used normality and pearson correlation.

Normality. Normality test is a statistical test that will measure whether the

data is normal or not. Normality test is a test to find out whether the population from

where the sample is collected is normally distributed (Das & Imon, 2016). The

normality test carried out on research question number one is the Kolmogorov-

Smirnov test which was launched by SPSS. The distribution of the test can be

considered normal if the alpha value is greater than 0.05. Meanwhile, for research

question number two, the researcher used Zskewness and Zkurtosis to see if the data

were normal. The distribution of test can be considered normal if Zskewness < 2 amd

Zkurtosis < 7, it means that the data is normal and can be continued to the next test.

Pearson correlation. The last research question aimed to know the

correlation of two variables by using inferential statistics. This research used a

normality test to check whether the data is normal or not. If the data of this research is

normal, the researcher has to perform a correlational test. The data is called correlated
if the significant value of the data is > 0.05, but if the significant value of the data is <

0.05 it means that there is no correlation. According to Creswell (2012), the

correlational design, it provides an opportunity to predict scores and explain the

relationship among variables. There are standard values to measure the strength of

correlation between two variables. According to Sugiyono (2003), there are five

No Internal of Coefficient The Level of Correlation
1 0.80-1.000 Perfect Correlation
show the
2 0.60-0.799 Strong Correlation
3 0.40-0.599 Moderate Correlation
of the
4 0.20-0.399 Low Correlation

5 0.00-0.199 No Correlation

correlation between variables.

Table 3.7 The Criteria of Correlation

Based on the table above (3.7), if the correlational range is 0.00 - 0.199, the

item has a no correlation. If the correlation range is between 0.20 – 0.399, the item

has a low correlation. Then, if the correlational range is between 0.40 – 0.599, the

item has a moderate correlation. After that, if the correlation range is between 0.60 –

0.799, the item has a strong correlation. The last, if the correlation range 0.80 – 1.000,

the item has a perfect correlation

Chapter Four

Results and Discussion

In this chapter, the researcher provides results and discussions based on the

data that was taken from the respondents which analyzed by SPSS. The first finding

is ELED student’s frequency in reading Instagram’s status. The second finding is the

student’s level in vocabulary mastery. The last finding is the correlation between

reading Instagram’s status and student’s vocabulary mastery.


In this part, the researcher focuses on finding out the answer of the three

research questions. In finding, it covers ELED students’ frequency in reading

Instagram's status, ELED students’ vocabulary mastery and the correlation between

reading Instagram's status and student's vocabulary mastery. The researcher explains

the discussion in the last part.

ELED students’ frequency in reading Instagram status

This result answers the first question which was “what is ELED students’

frequency in reading Instagram status?”. The following mean score of each category

of language learning strategies were obtained by calculating the result of the

questionnaire items using SPSS. The total data of participants in this study were 135

students. As mentioned at the data analysis above that the researcher used four

categories on descriptive statistic to answer the first research question. The categories

are never (1.00 – 2.00), sometimes (2.01-3.00), often (3.01-4.00), and always (4.01-

5.00). The descriptive statistics shows this result:

Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Frequency in Reading

Instagram’s Status

Minimu Maximu Std.

N m m Sum Mean Deviation
student's 135 4.0 5.0 613.2 4.542 .2776
Valid N (listwise) 135

Based on the table above, the mean score of students reading status on

Instagram is (M=4.54) with a standard deviation value (SD=0.27). The score is

included in always category, it can be concluded that students always read status on

The ELED students’ level in vocabulary mastery

The second research question of this research is " What is ELED students’

level in vocabulary mastery?". Researcher collected data from 135 ELED students at

a private university in Yogyakarta. Data was collected by distributing English

vocabulary test and then the data obtained from students were analyzed using

descriptive statistics. As mentioned in the data analysis in chapter three, students'

vocabulary levels are divided into 4 categories, namely very low (10-35), low (40-

55), high (60-75), and very high (80-100). This is a table of Descriptive Statistical


Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics of Vocabulary Test

Minimu Maximu Std.

N m m Sum Mean Deviation
Test 135 90 100 13050 96.67 3.054
Valid N 135

Based on the table above, the average score of students' vocabulary test results

is (M=96,67) with a standard deviation value (SD=3.05). The score is included in the

Very High category. From these results, it can be concluded that the student's

vocabulary skills are included in the very high category, which means they mastered

vocabulary very well.

The correlation between reading Instagram’s status and ELED student’s

vocabulary mastery

To answer research question number three, the researcher previously carried

out an assumption test, namely the normality test. The explanation of the normality

test results from research instruments is presented below:

Normality Test. Normality test aims to ensure normality or abnormality

based on the data that has been collected. The researcher tested the normality of

research question number one using the Onse-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test to

see if the data were normal. From the data below, the variable frequency of students

in reading Instagram status shows normality test results of 0.200. This value is higher

than 0.05 (0.200 > 0.05) which means the data is normal. The result of normality test

can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.3 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 135
Normal Parametersa,b Mean 4.542
Std. Deviation .2776
Most Extreme Absolute .065
Differences Positive .064
Negative -.065
Test Statistic .065
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)c .200d
Monte Carlo Sig. (2- Sig. .164

tailed)e 99% Confidence Lower .154
Interval Bound
Upper .173
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
e. Lilliefors' method based on 10000 Monte Carlo samples with starting seed

Meanwhile, for research question number two, the researcher used Zskewness

and Zkurtosis to see if the data were normal. From the data below, it can be seen that

the Zskewness of student’s level in vocabulary is -1.57 and Zkurtosis of student’s

level in vocabulary mastery is -1.51. It can be seen that the Zskewness value < 2 and

Zkurtosis value <7. Based on Zskewness and Zkurtosis, the data normal if

Zskewness < 2 amd Zkurtosis < 7, it means that the data is normal and can be

continued to the next data analysis.

N Skewness Kurtosis Z Z
Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Statistic Std. Statistic Std.
Error Error
Vocabular 135 -.332 .209 -.639 .414 -1.5748 -1.5155
y Tesst
Valid N 135
Table 4.4 Zskewness and Zkurtosis

Pearson correlation. To be able to answer the third research question,

researcher conducted a pearson correlation test. The results of the test can be seen in

the table below.

Table 4.5 The Correlation

frequency Test
student's Pearson 1 .627** The
frequency Correlation
results show
Sig. (2-tailed) <,001
that the N 135 135
Test Pearson .627 **
Sig. (2-tailed) <,001
N 135 135
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
significant value (2-tailed) of the variable student’s frequency in reading status on

Instagram and students' vocabulary mastery is 0.001, which means there is a

correlation or hypothesis is accepted if the Sig. (2-tailed) value is lower than 0.05

(0.001 < 0.05). According to Cohen, Manion, and Marrison (2011), stated that the

statistical coefficient is correlation statistical significance value at < 0.05. Then, the

correlation value (r-value) is 0.62 is included in the strong correlation category and

the correlation is in the positive correlation. It can be concluded that reading

Instagram's status and ELED students' vocabulary mastery has a significant positive

strong correlation.


This second part presented a research discussion that describes more clearly

the results of this study. This section discusses statistical analysis as presented in the

results section to answer the three research questions. The researcher would explain

the discussion below.

ELED students’ frequency of reading Instagram status

In this part the researcher explains the result from student’s frequency in

reading Instagram status. According to research conducted by We Are Social, a

British media company collaborating with Hootsuite, the average Indonesian spends

three hours and 23 minutes a day accessing social media. Meanwhile, the total

monthly active Instagram users in Indonesia reached 53 million (Pertiwi, 2018). In

addition, the corona virus outbreak which is still a pandemic which made people

more dependent on the internet and spend more time on social media. It can be

concluded that Indonesians spend a lot of time accessing social media such as

Instagram. One of the benefits that can be taken from Instagram is to read useful

statuses such as reading English statuses on Instagram. This is in accordance with the

results of data analysis that has been carried out to find out the mean score of

student’s frequency in reading Instagram’s status is 4.54 which is included in the high

category. It can be concluded that ELED students always read the status on


On the other hand, the importance of reading Instagram’s status is to increase

students’ vocabulary. According to Patel and Jain (2008), reading habit helps students

develop their active vocabulary and get knowledge and wisdom. Setyarini (2015)

found that the habit of reading is beneficial for the students to increase their

vocabulary, information, knowledge, and their self-confidence. It is assumed that the

habit of reading English status on Instagram allows students to increase their

vocabulary because the more students read, the more vocabulary they will acquire.

ELED student’s level in vocabulary mastery

In this part the researcher explains the result from student’s level in

vocabulary mastery. According to Thornbury (2002), vocabulary is an important

thing because by learning many words, students will make good improvement. In

addition, without vocabulary, the students will be difficult to express their idea in

speaking and writing. It is also supported by Gorjian (2014) who stated that without

vocabulary mastery, the students will have problems in using four language skills. It

means that mastery of vocabulary is important because it will assist students to

increase their language skills.

The results of data analysis that has been carried out to determine the mean

value of ELED student’s level in vocabulary mastery is 96,67 which is included in the

high category and the highest score obtained by students on the vocabulary test is

100. This shows that the vocabulary mastery of ELED students is high because they

can answer all vocabulary test given by the researcher. Utami (2012) stated that

students have good vocabulary mastery when they know the meaning of words,

pronunciation, and use of vocabulary. This is in accordance with the vocabulary test

that has been given to students where students are asked to choose the answer that is

closest to the meaning of the vocabulary in the question.

The high level of students' vocabulary mastery is possible because the

frequency of students reading English status on Instagram is very high, which means

they almost always read statuses on Instagram, so they always get new vocabulary

through statuses on Instagram. It can be concluded that the level of vocabulary

mastery of ELED students is included in the high category.

The correlation between reading Instagram’s status and ELED student’s

vocabulary mastery

The third finding of the correlation between reading Instagram’s status and

student’s vocabulary mastery that is (H1) with there is a correlation between reading

Instagram’s status and student’s vocabulary mastery is accepted. It is because the sig.

(two-tailed) value is lower than 0.05 which is 0.001. Then, it can be concluded that

between reading Instagram’s status and student’s vocabulary mastery have positive

significant in high correlation. It means that if students always read English status on

Instagram, they will automatically have good vocabulary mastery as well.

Based on the findings mentioned above, reading Instagram status can help

students' vocabulary mastery. This statement is in line with Mansor and Rahim

(2017) who agree that reading other people's English posts can develop students'

English skills. In addition, students can also learn English by reading English texts.

As stated by Manaroinsong (2018), reading English posts or comments can help

students to learn English. That way, reading English text is one of the activities to

improve their vocabulary mastery.

Instagram can be a teaching medium for students in learning English.

Handayani (2016) stated that students use Instagram as a teaching media for them to

develop their reading skills. This is in line with the results of the current study which

confirms previous research conducted by Usmawati (2019) with a different context

and similar results, the results of the study show that watching English videos on

Instagram can affect students' vocabulary knowledge, this is in line with this study

which shows that reading Instagram status can increase students' vocabulary mastery.

So it can be concluded that Instagram can be a learning tool for students through

reading English status on Instagram. As students develop their reading skills using

Instagram, they also improve their grammar and vocabulary. Regarding this

statement, it is in line with Shazali, Shamsudin and Yunus (2019) who said that

students can learn to understand the correct structure of language and grammar by

reading posts on Instagram. The result of this current research confirms the previous

study conducted by Shazali, Samsudin, and Yunus with different contexts the results

are similar, the result shows that reading posts on Instagram proves that reading

Instagram’s status can increase enhance students’ vocabulary mastery. It can be

concluded that reading Instagram’s status can improve students' vocabulary mastery

because the two variables have a correlation.

Chapter Five

Conclusion and Suggestions

The final chapter of this study consists of two parts, namely conclusions and

suggestions. In the conclusion section, the researcher presented a summary of this

research. Then the suggestions section contains suggestions based on significant

research for English teachers, students, and other researchers.


Reading English status on Instagram is one strategy to improve students'

vocabulary mastery. As we know, an important aspect of learning English is reading.

By reading, students can improve their grammar and vocabulary. By having good

grammar and vocabulary, students can easily understand English. In this study,

researcher only focus on the correlation between students' frequency in reading

Instagram status and students' vocabulary mastery.

There are three research questions, the first research question is about

student’s frequency in reading Instagram’s status. The second research question about

student's level in vocabulary mastery and the last one is whether there is any

correlation between student’s frequency in reading Instagram status and student’s

vocabulary mastery. This research used quantitative research with a correlational

research design. This research was conducted at a private university in Yogyakarta.

The total population is 135 students to filling out the instrument. The first instrument

is a questionnaire about students' frequency in reading Instagram status consisted of

14 items and the researcher used a vocabulary test to find out the students' vocabulary

level with a total of 20 questions.

The researcher collected data for research question number one by distributing

a questionnaire containing 14 items. The researcher used four categories of

descriptive statistics to answer the first research question. The categories are very low

(1.00 – 2.00), low (2.01-3.00), moderate (3.01-4.00), and high (4.01-5.00). The result

of research question number one is students whose frequency of reading status on

Instagram are in the high category with a mean score of 4,542, SD? which means

students always read status on Instagram.

For the second research question, the researcher collected data by giving an

English vocabulary test containing 20 questions where students were asked to choose

the answer that is closet meaning of the vocabulary. The result of data analysis that

has been carried out to determine the mean value of student's level in vocabulary

mastery is 96,67, SD?which is included in the high category. This shows that ELED

students have a high level of vocabulary mastery, which means they almost know all

the vocabulary on the test.

Based on these results, students who have a high frequency of reading English

status on Instagram then they also have high results on the vocabulary test. This study

has a pearson correlation value (r-value) of 0.001 which is lower than 0.05 (0.001

< .05). This shows that this study has a correlation. Thus, it can be concluded that

student's frequency in reading Instagram status and student's vocabulary mastery have

a significant positive moderate correlation.


Based on the result of the study, the researcher would like to give some

suggestions as follows:

For teachers. Instagram has many features that can be used to provide

interesting material to students, so the researcher suggests teachers to be able to use

social media such as Instagram as a teaching medium.

For students. As we know that Instagram can help students in learning

English. Therefore, the researcher suggests that students need to improve their

reading habits through reading status on Instagram. Based on this research, reading

status on Instagram has a correlation with students' vocabulary mastery so that

frequently reading English status on Instagram will help students' vocabulary


For the other researcher. The researcher suggests other researchers take

other topics related to the use of Instagram or features on Instagram such as videos,

pictures, and writing English captions as learning media to develop students' English

skills such as speaking skills, reading skills, writing skills, and pronunciation skills.


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Part A

Kepada Yth. Saudara/i

Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Di Tempat

Asslamualaikum wr.wb.,

Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data kuantitatif dengan judul

peneltian “The Correlation Between Reading Instagram’s Status and Students’

Vocabulary Mastery”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan

antara Membaca status di Instagram dan tingkat kemampuan kosa kata siswa.

Kuesioner ini hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan penelitian dan akan dijaga


Atas perhatian dan kesedian saudara/i mengisi kuesioner ini, saya mengucapkan

banyak trimakasih.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

Petunjuk pengisian kuesioner:

1. Tuliskan nama dan kelas di tempat yang sudah disiapkan

2. Berilah jawaban secara objektif dan ceklist (v) salah satu kriteria untuk setiap

pernyataan yang menurut anda tepat

3. Pilihan jawaban yang tersedia adalah: 1= Tidak pernah, 2= Sangat Jarang 3=

Kadang-kadang, 4= Sering, 5= Selalu

4. Jawaban tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai pada mata kuliah dan siswa tidak

diperkenankan untuk bekerjasama dengan siswa lain dalam menjawab


No Peryataan 1 2 3 4 5

1 Saya membuka Instagram setiap hari

2 Saya selalu menyempatkan waktu untuk mengakses


3 Saya mengakeses Intsagram 1-3 jam sehari

4 Saya melihat konten-konten Bahasa inggris yang

ditampilkan di Instagram

5 Konten-konten di Instagram mempermudah saya

dalam mempelajari Bahasa inggris
6 Saya mendapat manfaat dari mengakses Instagram

7 Saya memahami informasi yang berasal dari


8 Saya menikmati aktivitas mengakses Instagram

9 Saya tidak membatasi waktu ketika mengakses


10 Saya membuat status di Instagram menggunakan

Bahasa Inggris

11 Saya mencari informasi tentang kosa kata Bahasa

Inggris lewat media sosial Instagram
12 Saya merasa percaya diri membuat status
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris di Instagram
13 Saya tertarik mencari kosa kata baru ketika melihat
video atau foto di Instagram
14 Saya tertarik mengikuti akun seperti Mr Dannis,

Englishven, Aronsenglih di Instagram karena

membantu saya untuk mengetahui tentang bahasa



The Vocabulary Test

Circle the letter a-d with the closest meaning to the key word in the question.

1. SEE: They saw it.

a. Cut

b. looked at

c. Started

d. Waited for

2. POOR: We are poor.

a. Have no money

b. Feel happy

c. Are very interested

d. Do not like work hard

3. DRIVE: He drives fast.

a. Swims

b. Learns

c. Throws balls

d. Use a car

4. JUMP: She tried to jump.

a. Lie on top of the water

b. Get off the ground suddenly

c. Stop the car at the edge of the road

d. Move very fast

5. SHOE: Where is your shoe?

a. The person who looks after you

b. The thing you keep your money in

c. The thing you use for writing

d. The thing you wear on your foot

6. STANDARD: Her standards are very high.

a. The bits at the back under her shoes

b. The marks she gets in school

c. The money she asks for

d. The levels she reaches in everything

7. MAINTAIN: Can they maintain it?

a. Keep it as it is

b. Make it larger

c. Get a better one than it

d. Get it

8. STONE: He sat on a stone

a. Hard thing

b. Kind of chair

c. Soft thing on the floor

d. Part of a tree

9. UPSET: I am upset

a. Tired

b. Famous

c. Rich

d. Unhappy

10. DRAWER: The drawer was empty.

a. Sliding box
b. Place where cars are kept

c. Cupboard to keep things cold

d. Animal house

11. PATIENCE: He has no patience.

a. Has no motivation

b. Has no free time

c. Has no faith

d. Does not know what is fair

11. NIL: His mark for that question was nil.

a. Very bad

b. Nothing

c. Very good

d. In the middle

12. PUB: They went to the pub.

a. Place where people drink and talk

b. Place that looks after money

c. Large building with many shops

d. Building for swimming

13. CIRCLE: make a circle.

a. Rough picture

b. Space with nothing in it

c. Round shape

d. Large hole

14. MICROPHONE: please use the microphone.

a. Machine for making food hot

b. Machine that makes sounds louder

c. Machine that makes things look bigger

d. Small telephone that can be carried around

15. PRO: He’s a pro.

a. Someone who is employed to find out important secrets

b. A stupid person

c. Someone who writes for a newspaper

d. Someone who is paid for playing sport

16. SOLDIER: He is a soldier.

a. Person in a business

b. Student

c. Person who uses metal

d. Pearson in the army

17. PERIOD: It was a difficult period

a. Question

b. Time

c. Thing to do
d. Book

18. FIGURE: Is this the right figure?

a. Answer

b. Place

c. Number

d. Time

19. TIME: They have a lot of time

a. Money

b. Food

c. Hours

d. Friend

20. STANDARD: Her standards are very high

a. The bits at the back under her shoes

b. The mark she gets in school

c. The money she asks for

d. The levels she reaches in everything


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