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An Undergraduate Research Presented to the

Department of Arts and Sciences

Bataan Peninsula State University, Main Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Arts in Communication.

Names of Students

Frances Joice A. Domingo, Alessandra Mae P. Estrada,

Stephen Paul M. Felipe, Karl Liloc, Jazzthyne M. Quiroz,

and Anna Renacido

February 2022

Using Social Networking Sites as a Learning Platform

Communication between friends and family now frequently takes place on social

networking sites. However, as the user base expands, so too must the services provided

and the means by which users employ the platform to serve their needs. According to a

thorough analysis by the Kepios team, 4.76 billion people will be using social media globally

in January 2023, which represents 59.4% of the world's population. Since this time last year,

137 million more people have joined social media platforms, increasing the total number of

users on these platforms. This translates to a growth rate of 3% annually, or more than 4

new users on average every single second. (“Global Social Media Statistics — Data

Reportal – Global Digital Insights,” n.d.) As a result, there is a bigger focus on striking a

balance between fun and learning. This balance is crucial to ensuring that users remain

engaged and continue to benefit from the platform. It also allows for the platform to evolve

and adapt to the changing needs of its users.

In order to encourage the availability of more resources online that can aid students

while using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter for learning, students in the

Department of Arts and Science at the Bataan Peninsula State University, Main Campus,

have the opportunity to conduct this study. Technology and social media are now integral

parts of our daily lives. A profile on one of the well-known social media sites, such as

Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and others, will be available to everyone over the age of

13. WhatsApp now requires users to be 16 years old or older. To meet their needs, students

use a range of online resources. It is true to say that social media and education go hand in

hand in the modern world. (Willbold, 2019) The expectations of the new era have been
hoping that both the New Media Track and the Creative Performing Arts would adopt many

perspectives to gain more profit by utilizing our ability to change our working methods that

use social platforms to create and amplify our works and aspirations.

However, this study aims to explore the potential benefits and challenges of using

social media platforms as a tool for learning and creative expression, with a focus on the

perspectives of students in the Department of Arts and Science. "Social media has

revolutionized the way we connect and communicate with each other. And not just in our

personal lives, either. Teachers and administrators have realized the potential of using

social media in education." (Christison, 2022) By examining the ways in which social media

can be used to enhance educational experiences and promote artistic innovation, this

research will contribute to a better understanding of the role that digital technologies can

play in shaping the future of education and culture.

In this subject, the advantages would be to provide students pursuing Bachelor's or

Arts degrees in Communications with knowledge sufficient to teach their desired expertise.

The cancellation of in-person classes during the pandemic, which caused us to rely more on

the internet, thus brings to an end the significant changes we made to our system of

education. Learning to be flexible is useful. This would lead to a new learning habit so that,

by abiding by the rules, we can prevent ourselves from spreading the virus. Although the

limitations have changed and improved our situation, they have also made us aware of the

opportunities they present for further understanding and learning about these abilities, which

we can then explore and put to use. We can use this time to think about our habits and how

they might affect the environment and society as we continue to abide by the rules. We can

work to create a more sustainable and just future by being aware of our actions.
To elaborate further on this subject, rising online certifications are becoming a

popular trend to follow in light of the current environment, which has increased interest in

seeking advice. This indicates that users have the option to gather information from the

social media platform in order to learn more. Additionally, as technology has advanced, it

has become simpler for people to access online courses and certifications from anywhere in

the world, making education more convenient and accessible. As a result, more people are

turning to online platforms to acquire knowledge and skills.

The study's conclusions will help school administrators, student communicators,

media professionals, and the community understand how to use social media responsibly by

teaching, interpreting, and using their platforms for the benefit of their audiences. The

COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many educational institutions to use remote teaching

techniques, has accelerated this shift toward online learning. Making the most of the

opportunities provided by online platforms and adjusting to this new mode of learning is

crucial for both educators and students.

Keywords: Social Networking Sites, Media Platform, Learning, Student Communicators



1.1 Problem Rationale

Issues and Opportunities

Learning how the noise of perceptions from various sources, The Online Kopyahan

group on Facebook has been a piece of infamous news in the midst of the pandemic. It is a

Facebook group where students post their assignments, activities, quizzes, or even exams

in the said group and wait for other members to answer them. It has been their go-to page to

find answers to questions they find too difficult for them to answer on their own. For a youth

organization, “Online Kopyahan” is merely the “tip of the iceberg ” which stems from a

“rotten learning setup” that the country possesses. The school year (SY) 2021-2022 formally

opened on Sept. 13 under a distance or blended learning setup. (“‘Kopyahan’ Goes Online

Under Distance Learning,” 2023) This has been a widely talked about issue in the education

sector. It has been one of the pieces of evidence that makes the effectiveness of online

learning questionable. However, Social Media Platforms have also provided an opportunity

for students to create study groups with their peers or even strangers online who share the

same interests as them. Sonja ( 2009)

Numerous opportunities exist for young people to interact on social media. They are

given the chance to interact virtually with the wider world. Depending on their interests,

communities, friends, and families, students will use social media in various ways.(“Students

and Social Media,” n.d.) In fact, social media can be intimidating when it comes to

communicating. While these intentions can increase the reach of your message, they do not
guarantee that it will remain there permanently. These tools, which were developed over

many years to personalize users' feeds in their timelines, are still being used today. There

are currently existing social media bubbles that people can learn from and apply to their

everyday lives as a way to stay grounded in reality by collaborating with these mechanisms.

and these are called Domestic online “astroturfing” by paid consultants and technically

sophisticated volunteers. This predates social media, and the tools, techniques, and

practitioner ranks have only grown in recent years. astro Breakenridge ( 2008)

This realization should not be interpreted as a dismissal of foreign interference. By

weaponizing online political schisms, foreign influencers can more easily inject their own

agendas into the fray. The majority of content disruption on social media has been attributed

to competitors. Foreign sock puppets are simple to insert into large, semi-automated

communities of formulaic partisans, where they can simply impersonate domestic accounts

until they are ready to inject their own signal into the stream.(“Opinion | When It Comes to

Social Media Manipulation, We’re Our Own Worst Enemy,” 2019) This has become a major

source of concern for social media platforms, as it jeopardizes the trust of their user base

and can lead to the spread of false information. Many platforms have implemented

measures to combat this, such as verification processes and automated detection systems.

However, these solutions are not foolproof, and human moderation is still required.

Furthermore, users can assist in identifying and reporting suspicious activity. To maintain

user trust and ensure the accuracy of information on their platforms, social media

companies must continue to innovate and adapt to these challenges.Ultimately, the

responsibility falls on all stakeholders - companies, users, and governments—to work

together towards a safer and more reliable online environment. Dias (2020)
As much as related issues float around the usage of social media, the intent is still

user-based. By breaking down the issues of these, user-intent content is also beneficial for

creating a platform for learning, but not by replacing the backbone of the education supply

for the students; diversifying the focus on socializing critical thinking and applying learnings

across the media—these specifically empower collaborations amongst the students by using

it as a tool that supports and creates an environment to develop skills, socialize, and share

knowledge; and using Facebook and Twitter (Chin, 2016). In contrast to traditional methods,

social media forms and delivers information in a way that students can grasp and find

engaging. Additionally, rather than merely submitting tasks to the teacher, exchanging

postings and information with other students fosters greater involvement and improved

performance from all students. Students may put in greater effort to both their work and their

online presence if they know from the start that they and their classmates will interact with

course materials and each other on various social media platforms. (“Using Social Media for

Learning, UAGC”, 2021)

Social media as a reliable source of information and learning

Social media has played an important role in information dissemination for the

current generation of learners. This paper reports on an empirical study of how individual

differences and initial site impressions affect perceptions of website credibility. Results

confirm that most of the proposed variables play an important role in how consumers view

the credibility of an unfamiliar website. Implications are included regarding adapting

websites to take into account initial site impressions and individual differences. (McKnight

and Kacmar, 2006). This paper investigates how individual differences and first impressions

of a website affect perceptions of its credibility. The findings confirm that several individual

difference variables and initial impression variables (perceived reputation, perceived website
quality, and willingness to explore the website) play an important role in developing an

unfamiliar website's information credibility. It also has a positive impact on perceived

usefulness, perceived site risk, willingness to follow website advice, and perceived

consumer loyalty to the website. McKnight, Kacmar (2007)

Furthermore, these variables appear to be interconnected and influence each other

in intricate ways. For example, a website's perceived reputation might influence a user's

inclination to investigate it, which in turn influences their assessment of its quality. Similarly,

a positive opinion of the quality of a website can boost its perceived trustworthiness and

utility, resulting in increased consumer loyalty. A negative view of site danger, on the other

hand, can reduce users' desire to follow website advice and reduce their loyalty to the site.

As a result, website designers and marketers must focus on developing a great reputation

and providing a high-quality user experience that attracts consumers to explore their site. By

doing this, they can increase the information's perceived usefulness and credibility and

ultimately encourage customer loyalty to their brand. (Ming-Chun, 2010) . This is especially

important in today's digital age, when consumers have a plethora of options at their

disposal. A well-designed website is essential for capturing and retaining customers'

attention. It should be simple to use and provide clear, concise information to improve the

user experience and conversions. By investing in a great website, businesses can establish

themselves as trustworthy sources of information, leading to increased sales, brand

recognition, and customer loyalty.

Information on social media platforms is hampered by a scarcity of professional

gatekeepers to monitor content. What to do to assess the credibility of information on social

media platforms has become a critical issue for today's information consumers. For today's

information consumers, information credibility on social media platforms has become an

important issue. Despite its importance, little empirical study has been performed to

investigate what factors influence information credibility on social media platforms, limiting

our understanding of the elements that influence online information appraisal. This study

analyzes the factors that influence people's views of the reliability of information on social

media platforms in order to fill this hole. Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model's (ELM)

persuasion theory, we identify five factors in two dimensions of credibility (medium and

message credibility) as key ingredients in online information assessment and develop a

research model that predicts individuals' perceived information credibility on social media

platforms. The proposed model was tested using empirical data from 135 Facebook page

users. The findings demonstrate that the key factors of information credibility are interaction,

medium dependency (the medium credibility component), and argument strength (the

message credibility dimension). However, we did not observe any moderating effect of

personal expertise between the two credibility dimensions and information credibility, as

suggested by ELM. R Li, A Suh (2015)

Consumers have always used the Internet to simply expand content: they read it,

watched it, and used it to purchase goods and services. Consumers, on the other hand, are

increasingly using platforms such as content-sharing sites, blogs, social networking, and

wikis to produce, alter, share, and discuss Internet content. This represents the social media

phenomenon, which can now significantly impact a firm's reputation, sales, and even

survival. Given the widespread coverage of social media in the popular news today, it

appears that we are in the midst of a completely new communication landscape. (“Social

Media? Get Serious! Understanding the Functional Building Blocks of Social Media,”

2011)Explain the consequences that each block can have for how firms should engage with

social media, as distinct social media activities are determined by the amount to which they
focus on any or all of these blocks. Finally, the report makes numerous recommendations

for how businesses should build methods for monitoring, comprehending, and responding to

various social media activities. Kietzmann, J.H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I.P., & Silvestre,

B.S. (2011)

According to studies, millennial consumers' shopping decisions are influenced by

celebrities, social media influencers, and individuals they know in real life. The authors

discovered that while YouTube was primarily used for cosmetics and hair products,

Instagram was primarily used for information about apparel, according to data from

millennial college students(Rochelle, 2019). Nonetheless, information from people they

knew directly was judged more reliable than information from other sources. Although data

reveals that celebrities and social media influencers have a positive impact on growing

product awareness, marketers should be aware that consumers still prefer to buy from

individuals they know personally. Using celebrities and social media influencers to promote

products does not replace or substitute for targeted marketing efforts to enhance brand

awareness. Cooley & Parks-Yansey (2019),

Furthermore, a credible source has been written by an expert in their field and is free

of errors and bias. This guide distinguishes between credible, scholarly, and peer-reviewed

sources. It is in the hands of researchers to put an end to falsity and to disseminate the

right information sources on social media. On any social media platform, it is critical to use

credible sources because your audience will expect you to back up your claims with credible

evidence. Using evidence that does not come from a credible source will not persuade your

reader that your claim is plausible, let alone correct. In this regard, media practitioners must

be at the forefront of advocating for the safe, credible, and truthful dissemination of

information. While the issue of "fake news" persists in our information ecosystem, focus has
shifted to developing automated methods for spotting harmful internet material. Fact-

checking will be implemented, as will declarations or rules separating satire from real and

accurate material. (Maria, S., Thai, & Dongwon, 2021)



Open and distance education has been instrumental in eliminating the challenges in

education beyond classrooms as well as redefining the school-age limit by absorbing not

only the working class into schooling but also the neglected segment. of the population. The

ideal mass education to improve literacy rate, which has been identified as one of the focal

bases for both economic and social development, has shown signs of improvement both in

structure, implementation as well as outcome through the ODL education system in Nigeria.

The attainment of what was earlier perceived impossible in Nigeria’s education system could

be referenced to access, availability, and increase in social media use – the challenge that

was first dealt with to make mass literacy through the ODL system an easy task. Using

historical methods, this study followed the trends in the actualization of ODL goals in Nigeria

and how social media has been instrumental in achieving the task. It was found that social

media use was evident in the system, thus suggesting that radical implementation of skill

acquisition platforms that enhance social media use will provide a solid foundation for

improved ODL education. However, major challenges discovered included unreliable

electricity supply, poverty and its attendant drawbacks, and the impact of negative socio-

cultural influences.  Adelakun & Adekunle (2018)

  Many institutions have been using different social media platforms for the

dissemination of knowledge. The present crisis has revolutionized the entire higher

education architecture of the country through videoconferencing-based online learning since

there’s no other option to compensate for the compromised academic activities. Dutta


Distance education as a primary means of instruction is expanding significantly at the

college and university levels. Simultaneously, the growth of social networking sites (SNS)

including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Myspace is also rising among today’s college students.

An increasing number of higher education instructors are beginning to combine distance

education delivery with SNSs. However, there is currently little research detailing the

educational benefits associated with the use of SNSs. Non-commercial, education-based

SNSs, such as Ning in Education, have been recently shown to build communities of

practice and facilitate social presence for students enrolled in distance education courses.

To evaluate the largely unexplored educational benefits of SNSs, we surveyed graduate

students enrolled in distance education courses using Ning in Education, an education-

based SNS, based on their attitudes toward SNSs as productive online tools for teaching

and learning. The results of our study suggest that education-based SNSs can be used

most effectively in distance education courses as a technological tool for improved online

communications among students in higher distance education courses. Brady, Holcomb,

and Smith (2010)

Previous studies have claimed that social networking sites are used as a substitute

for face-to-face interaction, resulting in deteriorating relationship quality and decreased

intimacy among its users. The present study hypothesized that this type of communication is

not a substitute for face-to-face interaction; rather, it is an extension of communication with

face-to-face partners. Kujath (2011)

The researchers suggested that there is a need for empirical research and critical

analysis of the information and data sources provided by social media platforms to use in

online learning. The credibility of information should be the primary concern of those who

provide it to the public and the students. Media practitioners must ensure that the sources of

information shared with the public are credible and not fake websites or personal blogs with

subjective data analysis. Social media encourages self-directed learning, which prepares

students to seek answers and make decisions on their own. These social media skills can

be guided and refined in the classroom to produce better learning outcomes and critical

awareness. While both online and face-to-face learning can have student-led and teacher-

led curriculum components, online learning lends itself better to student-led advancement

and learning. Online learning allows students to choose what they want to learn more about

and spend more time on.


Social media addiction problem emerges when users cannot limit the use of social

media networks and spend more time online. Today social media platforms have become

work habits in many work areas as well as the media industry. So, it is important to

determine the social media addiction tendency of university students who will work in the

media after graduation. Tutgun-Ünal and Deniz (2015) this research aim to investigate the
social media addiction of New Media and Journalism students, who were heavy users of

new media tools, at Üsküdar University. The sample of the research consists of 85 students

by the New Media and Journalism Department.

The social media addiction of students was examined in terms of various

demographic variables. In the research, the social media addiction of the students was

found to be lower. When the sub-scales were examined, the occupation and mood

modification levels of social media addiction of students were found to be moderate.

Social media provides valuable resources to analyze user behaviors and capture

user preferences. Yin, Cui, Chen & ET.AL, (2014) This paper focuses on analyzing user

behaviors in social media systems and designing a latent class statistical mixture model,

named temporal context-aware mixture model (TCAM), to account for the intentions and

preferences behind user behaviors. Based on the observation that the behaviors of a user in

social media systems are generally influenced by intrinsic interest as well as the temporal

context (e.g., the public's attention at that time), TCAM simultaneously models the topics

related to users' intrinsic interests and the topics related to temporal context and then

combines the influences by the two factors to model user behaviors in a unified way.

 Social media usage has a negative influence on psycho-social behavior and

academic performance. It, therefore, is recommended that parents, teachers, and

educational psychologists should pay more attention to their student’s attitudes on these

platforms and also educate them on time management so as not to waste too much of their

time chatting, they should concentrate on their studies. Umar and Idris (2018). Formerly,

communication and free sharing of thoughts between individuals were limited due to

distances, but now even with the barriers of nationality or religion, the flow of information
and knowledge is continuing through the new globalization of social media. Social media

refers to the means of interaction among individuals young and old where they create,

share, exchange, and comment within themselves using different networks at their disposal.

Oberiri and Greg (2017) observed that the most utilized social networking site was

Facebook hence only very few students use the sites for academic progress or

development. While the most encountered problems are receiving unwanted comments,

pictures, and videos, however, the idea of social media was to keep this global world more

connected, but it has done more than that, it has become the fourth meal of the day for the

younger generations.

Furthermore, the researchers believe that student performance might be influenced

by the misuse of social media. According to the studies, social media addiction increases as

daily time spent increases. Students who share photos on social media with filters/makeup

were found to be more addicted in terms of mood modification. Students use social media

when they wake up in the morning, during the day, and before bed. New Media and

Journalism students use Instagram the most, followed by students who use Twitter the least.

Behind the misuse of social media usage, it is also believed that the student's intrinsic

interest, as well as public attention, influences the students' behavior. It is believed that

social media’s function was to keep this global world more connected, but it’s the opposite.

To minimize social media addiction, it is advisable to disable internet access to prevent

abuse of the usage of social media and focus more on academics, and be socially

connected with others.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

        This study aims to explore the Perceptions of Communication Students on Social

Media Platforms, Facebook, and Twitter, as Sources of Information for Learning to answer

the following research questions:

1. Demographic profile of the respondents

1.1 Name;

1.2 Age;

1.3 Year and Level;

1.4 Gender

2. How do the respondents assess the information they encounter on social media in

terms of:

2.1 Content Accuracy


2.3Enhancing skills


2.5 Information 

2.6 Credibility

3. Does research on the application of social media platforms in the context of educational

goals achieve its purpose?

1.3 Significance of the Study

This study will benefit media practitioners, students, academics, the public, and

future media, literature, journalism, and marketing researchers. This research will address

and inform the following:

All BA Communication Students in BPSU.

As the primary respondents, social media falls under the purview of BA

Communication students who assess how trustworthy these media platforms are as

information sources and how they perceive social media products. They will gain more

knowledge about this subject, and the researcher's conclusions could increase awareness

and enhance students' communication and analytical abilities across all course levels.

BPSU Media Practitioners. The research may help BPSU Main Campus media

practitioners to understand students' use of social media as information sources and how it

affects their views on social media. BPSU practitioners can create innovative media

platforms as a source of information and media literacy programs for students by learning

and understanding this study's focal points.

Community. This study may help communities address local issues by improving

communication, especially through social media. This research may help them share more

sensible and reliable content on these platforms.

Social Media Users. Social media users may be able to comprehend how the things

they post online influence a person, specifically students, who get to see this information

and cite the platform as its users. This will help them to become careful and responsible in

determining what content to share on public media platforms. 

Social Problem. Through this study, social problems such as fake news and

misinformation will be explained thoroughly. The history, root cause, and possible solutions

for the mentioned social problems are provided in the study. Moreover, theories and other

studies that also discussed and analyzed the social problems presented in this study are
also cited which will provide wider information and analysis. By presenting the social

problems related to the study,  readers of this paper will have a grasp and initial information,

consolidated by the gathered literature, that may be used as a guide or supporting

information for their research. 

Bringing Knowledge Gap. This study will shed light on fake news, media literacy,

misinformation, information acquisition, marketing, psychological effects of social media, and

other topics. The study also presents theories and conceptual frameworks by previous

scholarly researchers or scientists to provide more concrete and precise information about

the topics and fields. This study adds knowledge and perspectives based on credible and

reliable sources.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study will serve as a roadmap for future

researchers who are interested in investigating how social media platforms evaluate the

information sources utilized by communication students. Because this kind of research is

beneficial, particularly for those students who want to concentrate on their social media

journey, future researchers will have more options when choosing and carrying out their

research because this type of research is advantageous. This study can also be used as a

basis for related studies for future researchers who are interested in investigating the same

topic as this study does.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study 

The restriction that ends the scope's focus under these particular circumstances

shall be followed through the process of deciding the following questions in light of the

The primary respondents in this study were the Bataan Peninsula State University

student media practitioners. The data for this study will be gathered with the help of students

enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Communication by years one to four, clusters by the

Creative Performance and Art (CPA) and New Media Track (NMT) depending on availability,

and will be answered through a survey with the target respondents of an average of 5

students per year level, from the first year to the fourth year, for a total of 20 B.A.Comm

students that represent the general population in evaluating their perceptions of social

media platforms as a platform for learning with the information they gather on Facebook and

Twitter. Given the length of the following questions, which range from 20 to 27 questions

based on the statement of the problem in which the study aims to answer, the students will

be able to share different perspectives in order to engage in an evaluative exchange of

gathering data while also maintaining their unwanted biases, which will be counted

separately from the facilitator's intent and the researcher's purposes in data gathering.

Under the requirements for following the essential processes in data collection due to

the present pandemic scenario, respondents' privacy and availability are also taken into

account. The data availability of the respondents, as well as the obligatory guidelines

imposed by the institution and the government, restrict the outcomes of this study. Thus, the

period allotted for survey distribution and data collection will be completed within two


To add more, Determining the target's particular areas of interest is another step.

Within the next two months, the data collection process for this study should be finished.

This study will only focus on communication-related articles that students have posted on

Facebook. The articles will focus on the Bachelor of Arts in Communication program

specifically and ask readers if they feel they have gained any knowledge from their studies.
These articles can cover a wide range of subjects, including new media, communication

trends, and more. Readers of these articles will be asked to respond to questions based on

their areas of interest. We intend to learn a lot about the effectiveness of communication

education programs and how they can be improved in the future by concentrating on this

specific group of topics.


2.1 Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents the relevant theory, which serves as the foundation for this

study, developed by researchers to explain phenomena, state and draw connections, and

make predictions that support claims; Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur’s Media

Dependency Theory, The Agenda Setting Theory, and Harold Laswell's Hypodermic Needle

Theory being theorized in the whole research.

Related Theory

Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur (1976) Media Dependency Theory

focuses on a systematic approach to the study of the impacts of mass media on audiences

and the relationships between media, audiences, and social systems.

Dependency theory conceives of dependency as a relationship in which the

fulfillment of one party’s needs and goals is reliant on the resources of another party. A main

focus of the theory is the relationship between media and audiences. In industrialized and

information-based societies, individuals tend to develop a dependency on the media to

satisfy a variety of their needs, which can range from a need for information on a political

candidate’s policy positions (to help make a voting decision) to a need for relaxation and


Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur have two basic propositions: (1) the greater the number of

social functions performed for an audience by a medium (e.g., informing the electorate,

providing entertainment), the greater the audience’s dependency on that medium, and (2)

the greater the instability of a society (e.g., in situations of social change and conflict), the
greater the audience’s dependency on the media and, therefore, the greater the potential

effects of the media on the audience.

There are potentially three types of effects that result from an audience’s
dependency on the media: cognitive, affective, and behavioral. Cognitive effects are
changes in an audience’s attitudes, beliefs, and values, including changes brought about by
the media in its role in political “agenda setting.” Affective effects include, for example, the
development of feelings of fear and anxiety about living in certain neighborhoods as a result
of overexposure to news reports about violent events in such areas. An example of a
behavioral effect is “deactivation,” which occurs when individual members of an audience
refrain from taking certain actions that they would have taken had they not been exposed to
certain messages from the media. Not voting in political elections may be such an effect.

Since its inception, media dependency theory has generated many cross-disciplinary
studies. It has also served well as a theoretical basis for research in the domain of political-
campaign communication, in which the relationship between the mass media, the electorate,
and political candidates is a central focus.

This study focused on the Perception of Communication Students on Social Media

Platforms, Facebook, and Twitter, as Sources of Information for Learning.

The theory focuses on assumptions, including the belief that the media's attention to

an issue, the more likely the public will consider it as a significant matter. Mass media

organizations and platforms do not necessarily tell the general public what to think or how

they should feel about an issue, but they greatly influence what the majority would reflect

about more. This theory believed that the public would determine the importance of a matter

based on how much media news outlets are publicizing it because of how such news filtered

out. For instance, most controversial and scandalous stories, often involving highly known
celebrities and politicians, are commonly at the top of a broadcast. They are leaving some

events that happened recently or may affect a considerable number of people, receiving

less focus from the public. 

The theory is related to the study since the latter focuses on the influence of social

media on communication students as information sources. According to the theory, the

agenda of a news article is established by how media outlets disseminate it. When the

media disseminates news, they create a strategy for it, which may impact how people

perceive the story being discussed and eventually use it for supplemental studies, citing the

media platforms as their sources of knowledge.

Harold Laswell’s Hypodermic Needle Theory which is also known as the Magic

Bullet Theory (Hypodermic syringe model or transmission-belt model) was disseminated in

the 1920s. It was inscribed in the document entitled “Propaganda Technique” in the World


         The theory takes in a form of linear communication that tackles the topic of the media's

power over its audiences. In this theory, the word magic bullet has the meaning of a

message that is said to enter the mind of audiences and engraved a particular message.

The theory clearly shows how the media has the button to set what the audience views and

listens to. The theory is said to be prejudiced by the media behaviorism of the 1930s.

The Theory features messages that are supposed to incur public opinion and change

the behavior of the audience in which the study is related since the study demonstrates that

social media platforms nor any media platforms will serve as a source of information. and

how information is fetched or perceived by its users or audiences. Since the research
focuses on how college students utilize media platforms as a source of knowledge,

Laswell’s “Magic bullet theory” is considered to be related.

 2.2 Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies and the paradigm of

the study that the researcher considered in strengthening the importance of the present

study. It also explains the synthesis of the art to fully understand the research for better



As the world progresses and embraces technological advancements and

innovations, the world of media, communication, and interaction also adapts to the changes

brought about by technological innovations and improvements.  Tracing the history of how

media changed by print to online, adverse effects also took place. Print media has been

used for hundreds of years. People gather information through printed materials such as

newspapers or posters by bulletins (Quinn, 2017). Johannes Gutenberg, in the 1440s,

introduced the printing press, where print media developed as the primary source of

information and news. Over the next few years, print media has become rampant.

However, upon the development of the Internet, various platforms for information

also emerged. Over the past ten years, media companies produced print materials for

information dissemination then shifted to using social media platforms such as Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram, and other company websites to provide information and news (Quinn,

2017). It is not only media companies who shifted by print to online, but also the users.
People started to gather news and information through the above-mentioned social media

platforms and other websites.


Content Accuracy

Social media content has been widely viewed as influential as it enables

engagement from the people (Shahbaznezhad & Rashidirad, 2021). This active

engagement has enabled the sharing of information and participating in activities that enable

social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter to become avenues of information.

According to Pearson (2020), due to the changes that have happened in the world, the

Internet also witnessed a great increase in available content. There are large volumes of

information that contribute to the news consumption and spreading of information. Each

content plays an impact on how consumers perceive the information being presented to


However, the number of engagements also varies with the type of content being

presented. Dolan, Seo, and Kemper (2019) said that there are two forms of emotional

appeals being used in posting social media content: relational and entertaining content. The

latter is an effective strategy to gain more engagement. It is also widely used as a tool to

disseminate more substantial information to the public.

In this study, the researchers aim to answer the research question regarding the

impact of social media platforms on students’ perceptions in terms of content. Hence, the

demonstration of the relationship between engagement and content must be first

established to concretize the notion. In connection with how the content is produced, the
researchers want to identify how proper content curation contributes to the ever-fast travel of

information online.


According to Oweis, (2013) Successful communication involves conveying important

ideas to the audience. In situations where learners encounter difficulties due to a mismatch

between their communication goals and their linguistic resources, they frequently use

devices to increase their level of communication; these tools are referred to as

Communication Strategies. According to the study by (Mizuno et al., 2019) Some

usersmight prefer Facebook to Twitter due to its greater security and features that are better

suited to closed discussions. However, Twitter is a better format for promoting outreach and

discussion participation. Additionally, the motivations for using Twitter are stronger than

those for using Facebook, including among Asians, in terms of networking and professional

advancement. In connection with this Sites that resemble Facebook operate differently from

sites that resemble Twitter in terms of how libraries and users interact. While Twitter or

Weibo function more as a news-feeding tool, disseminating information from one person to

another without the need for mutual friends or acquaintances (Chen et al., 2012),

Facebook's features help communities connect. Our findings demonstrate that Facebook is

effective in facilitating knowledge sharing, while Twitter and Weibo, a service similar to

Twitter, are effective in facilitating communication.

Enhancing Skills

Social media has been a prominent channel of communication and has a user in

every generation. Aside from being a tool for communication, many institutions including

Universities have utilized social media as tools for learning and to connect also with their
students. The study conducted by Zainal & Rahmat (2020), Explored the influence of Social

Media Platforms on learning and the study showed that Social Media platforms such as

Facebook and Twitter are effective tools in enhancing Vocabulary skills and Language

learning skills.

Reliable Source of Information

The emergence of social media became a helpful tool for individuals to connect,

communicate and interact with each other. Because of its accessibility, many users resort to

it as a reliable source of information that they can check regularly for updates (Özkent,

2022). The most common app used in this case is Twitter, a microblogging platform that

enables the fast-paced flow of information. With over 330 million users in 2020, the app has

been effective in initiating conversations and debates on specific topics across the globe.

Same with Facebook as well, which has about 1.9 billion daily active users as of 2020,

based on data from Backlinko.

According to Carter & Shields (2021), social media also created a large market

wherein information is shared online, especially about healthcare. Health has been a hot

topic for the previous years because of the pandemic. Social media allowed users to gather

information about Covid-19 and other health-related issues. Apart from health-related

updates, social media also became a convenient way to alarm and inform people of

disastrous risks in the world. It has been a vital tool to disseminate information and warn

people about the possibility of earthquakes, floods, storms, etc. (Carter & Shields, 2021).

However, Pennycook & Rand (2018) said that the function of social media as a reliable

source of information also welcomed the problematic spreading of misinformation since a lot

of users can alter the content being presented.

In this variable, the researchers seek to correlate how consumers perceive social

media as a reliable source of information given the various alterations existing with how

content is shaped and produced. It is considered that Facebook and Twitter have been the

top applications that serve as avenues of information, and now it is about time to assess

how audiences perceive their reliability and credibility.

Features of Facebook and Twitter and their differences.

According to the article facebook Vs. Twitter people often say that Twitter is for

people you wish you had gone to school with, while Facebook is for keeping in touch with

classmates. The two most well-known social networks in the world are Facebook and

Twitter. While Facebook is a multi-purpose social networking platform, allowing users to

chat, post photos and notes, and play games, Twitter is built around the posting of short 140

character messages, or "tweets." This comparison examines each party's background, user

base expansion, strengths, and weaknesses. In accordance with Rank (2016), Facebook is

an online social networking service.Twitter is a social networking website and microblogging

platform that lets users send and read 140-character text messages called "tweets" online.

The difference between the two is Facebook features include Friends, Fans, Wall, News

Feed, Fan Pages, Groups, Apps, Live Chat, Likes, Photos, Videos, Text, Polls, Links,

Status, Pokes, Gifts, Games, Messaging, Classified section, upload and download options

for photosTweet, Retweet, Direct Messaging, Follow People & Trending Topics, Links,

Photos, Videos.


Technology is now perceived as an emerging set-up where people can use the

Internet, search for information, and produce content for the consumption of the public

(Nueva, 2019). It enables an accessible way to produce and spread information across the


The effectiveness of social media usage in terms of bridging information is evident in

the Philippines (Tus, 2021). This means that they perceive communicating online as means

to participate in the sharing and circulating of information. Because of the pandemic, most

people resort to the Internet world to connect, communicate, and socialize—but eventually,

it opened doors for possibilities of discovering how creative and other ways creators can

share updates and information.

Now, almost everyone has universal access to a plethora of information one can

come across online. May it be on dominating social media apps of Facebook and Twitter, or

on different browsers where consumers can easily click to be informed. Hence, in this study,

it is vital to understand how crucial the spread of information is in these social media

applications and how it can relatively affect the perception of people. Information is

anywhere and it can literally bring agony or advantage among people—depending on how

people digest and interpret it. And identifying various ways to understand the curation of

information helps in the proper way of disseminating it.


There aren't many qualified gatekeepers to oversee the content on social media

platforms, which hurts the quality of information there. For today's information consumers,
determining the veracity of information posted on social media platforms has become

crucial. Despite its significance, little empirical research has looked at the variables that

affect the information credibility on social media platforms, which has a negative impact on

our comprehension of the factors that influence how online information is assessed. In this

study the researchers Identify five factors from two dimensions of credibility medium and

message credibility are essential components in the evaluation of online information, and we

create a research model that forecasts people's perceptions of the credibility of information

on social media platforms. We use empirical data from 135 Facebook page users to test and

validate the proposed model. The findings indicate that the primary determinants of

information credibility are interaction, medium dependency from the medium credibility

dimension, and argument strength from the message credibility dimension. However,

contrary to what the ELM suggested, we did not notice any moderating effect of personal

expertise between the two dimensions of information credibility, (Li and Suh, 2015)


Social media use has become a necessity in today’s world. All financial, political,

educational, and personal elements of life have been influenced by social media platforms.

A substantial number of research studies have been undertaken in the field of education to

assess the efficiency of these networks in many disciplines (Jahromi, 2020).

In today’s world, many institutions are already utilizing the use of social media for

learning purposes. Social networking has greatly aided student education. It is utilized by

students to engage with one another and is one of today's most popular communication

tools (Magmanlac, et. al., 2022).

Social networking is a simple and effective way for students to share information,

socialize, and improve their cognitive skills. Students can get information and skills that will

aid them in their daily activities by using social media. It can help students improve their

social skills by allowing them to communicate with others online.Since Social Media

Platforms are user-friendly and accessible, students in every grade including Universities

are using social media for learning purposes.

Investigation on the use of Social Media for Education

Social media has also become a medium for information gaining especially for

students due to its growth in the society. According to Pinili & Ridad, 2018, When the goal is

matched with school-related topics and the improvement of knowledge and skills, social

networking can be of tremendous assistance in improving students' academic performance.

The positive experiences, as well as the primary aim for which students engage in social

networking, may be regarded as facilitative variables in increasing their grades.

Moreover, Institutions and students are utilizing the use of social media platforms in

education since the use of social media platforms. According to De Vera, 2020, the use of

Social Media platforms for education will produce efficient instruction with innovation; Goal-

Oriented; & will enhance skills through technology assisted education.

Feature of Facebook and Twitter

One of the social media platforms that is most commonly known to everyone is

Facebook as it builds an array of networks for people across the world. Throughout its

existence, Facebook became a venue for civic engagement and communication that is also

relevant in a developing country (David, San Pascual, & Torres, 2019). Some citizens rely
solely on Facebook for updates because of its algorithmic feature that allows users to

discover topics and news that are relevant to them. It is also a venue where people can

freely like, react, share, and post content for the public to see.

Meanwhile, with an average number of 500 million tweets daily, Twitter has become

an effective tool to reach audiences. It has been arguably one of the social media platforms

that facilitate opportunities for political expression—which also allowed dynamics in digital

communication (Lorenzana & Soriano, 2021) Twitter is notable for letting its users tweet

280-character updates or information that can easily spread because of its fast-paced

feature. It is also an app where users can freely follow or unfollow whoever they want—

depending on their interests and preference. Through the use of the hashtag (#), users can

also search for the topics that they want to discover and explore (Gil, 2021).

According to Data Reportal (2023), the Philippines has over 84.45 million social

media users, which is approximately 72.5 percent of the total population—the vast number

proves how the majority of Filipino people rely on the Internet to be informed. Hence, in this

research study, the researchers are trying to look into the features of Facebook and Twitter

and how they are tailored to how communication students perceive their use as reliable

sources of information. The researchers also would want to look into different ways on how

to utilize the applications in information dissemination—that are widely accepted and

anticipated in the digital age.

Related Studies

Social Media effects to Learner’s skills

In a study conducted by Magmanlac, Reyes, Boongaling, & Caida (2022), They gave

a deep analysis on the effects of social media on communication student’s cognitive and

social skills. Since Social media platforms are accessible, it can be an effective tool for

learning. It can help students to fetch information that will help them in their academic


The study focused on the effects of social media and how the information they gain

can help them improve their skills as a communication student and be engaged in their

chosen field even further. Moreover, the study has resulted in the positive effects of social

media platforms to communication learner’s cognitive and social skills.

Effectivity of social media platforms

In the study by Prayudha (2022), The researcher gave an analysis on the use of

social media platforms as learning tools in the time of Covid-19 emergence that greatly

affected education globally. Due to school closures, there has been a shift toward remote or

online learning. Various digital platforms and technologies have been used by schools and

educational institutions to offer lessons and engage students remotely. However, for many

students, access to dependable internet, gadgets, and technology literacy has been a

barrier, resulting in discrepancies in access to quality education.

The study highlighted technological advancement alongside the emergence of the

COVID-19; How Social Media Platforms could be used as learning tools for students. The

study also gave focus on the advantages of using social media platforms as learning tools

alongside the challenges that the students might be encountering during the said phase.

Communication Students’ Utilization of Different Social Media Platforms

In a study by Bruguera, Guitert, & Romeu (2022), they identify how communication

students utilize different social media platforms to understand how it supports them in their

learning. Because of the widespread use of social media platforms, different ways on how

content is produced and distributed arise from different practices. Knowing more about their

perception and professional activity allows the researchers to identify the key aspects that

contribute to their knowledge of communications.

It was highlighted in the study how different social media platforms, which are

interactive, digital, and collaborative, enable collaborative work that stimulates the minds

and participations of communication students. Just like this study, the researchers also

intend to understand the perception of communication students, only that it will focus on the

features and reliability of different social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter as

sources of information. It is also essential for the researchers to find out how consumers are

able to assess the credibility of the information being presented to them online. In doing so,

it will help them know the different characteristics of reliable sources found online.

Learning Through Social Media

Meanwhile, another study from Jamari et al., (2017) looks into the perception of

students on learning through social media. It was highlighted in this study how the

transformational phase of the 21st century enabled a new model in how learning was

introduced. The different mediums that arose allowed students’ to adjust and participate in

different learning environments. In this instance, the study attempted to discover the

preferred tools and ways in which students find it more efficient to learn through social

It is a fact that the emergence of digital media opened doors for remote learning,

especially in times of the pandemic. Hence, the obligation lies on the producers and creators

of information to ensure the proper dissemination and circulation of it. Nevertheless, while

this recent study looks into how different managements facilitate learning through social

media, the researchers, on the other hand, want to know how social media facilitates

learning. They want to assess the perception of communication students because they are

the ones that specialize in the field of it.

Social Media Controversies

According to a recent survey by Pew Research Center (2021), approximately 70% of

Americans still use some form of social media, despite ongoing controversies and negative

public sentiment surrounding certain aspects of these platforms. This percentage has

remained relatively consistent over the past five years. YouTube and Facebook continue to

be the most popular platforms, with 81% and 69% of respondents, respectively, reporting

that they have used these sites. Among the platforms measured, only YouTube and Reddit

showed significant growth since 2019.

Regarding other platforms, around 40% of adults use Instagram, while approximately

30% use Pinterest or LinkedIn. About 25% of respondents use Snapchat, Twitter, or

WhatsApp. TikTok, a short video-sharing app, is used by 21% of Americans, and 13% report

using Nextdoor, a neighborhood-focused platform.

Although these platforms do not have the same widespread usage as YouTube or

Facebook, certain sites such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok have a particularly strong

following among young adults. In fact, a majority of 18- to 29-year-olds use Instagram (71%)

or Snapchat (65%), while approximately half use TikTok. The survey was conducted via
telephone between January 25 and February 8, 2021, and included 1,502 U.S. adults

chosen to represent the nation as a whole.

2.3 Research Framework and Paradigm

This section of the study concentrated on the various methods and processes used

in the project's construction. A research paradigm was used to illustrate the study's concept.

Figure1. Conceptual Framework 

The methodology outlines our research goals and objectives, as well as a clear path

for the next steps in the development of our research topic. And, as a symbol, it is linear,

with one direction goal pointing to its outcome goal and perspective, but the method and
gathering can be interchangeable with its own cycle, with each step changing according to

their position as long as they can be done immediately. This cycle, on the other hand,

defines the steps on what stage could be done to move forward, thus explaining what the

first step is and how to achieve it.

The first step is Data collection to identify the respondents, but how will this be

accomplished? Surveys and demographics can be used to identify respondents if the criteria

and methodology are followed

The availability of The data was extracted by a sample of the student population

sample, and clusters of sections of it were defined by their availability insight with their

scheduling conflicts taken into account. And, as in the literature, the data collected were

factual, and our concept's only scope is to shed light on the data collected and cited in this


Data Analysis Methods and Tools. The methodology will aid in the collection and

interpretation of data gathered through the tools used in the survey distribution of

questionnaires to the sample population, and surveying processes, the analysis is fairly

identified, and the problems or solutions that can be suggested by the collected data are


The analyzed data Outcomes will be used to develop an implementation to provide

the necessary effort to address media understanding of how to use various social media

platforms to gain profit and utilize this capability as a platform of learning.


The methods and techniques, population and sample, guided survey distribution of

questions, data gathering procedure, and data processing treatment are all covered in this



This research study adopts an interpretivist paradigm and utilizes a one-shot

temporal dimension. To achieve its goals, the study employs an exploratory

approach, employing qualitative thematic analysis as the method and survey

questionnaires as the technique.

Interpretivism, according to Nickerson (2023), is an approach in social

science that emphasizes the importance of understanding individuals' beliefs,

motivations, and reasoning in social situations in order to make sense of collected

data related to a phenomenon. Exploratory research, as stated by George (2021),

aims to enhance understanding of a specific topic and uncover the reasons or ways

in which a phenomenon occurs. The one-shot temporal dimension refers to

conducting the study at a single point in time.

Thematic analysis is a commonly used method in qualitative data analysis

and is well-suited for qualitative researchers, as mentioned by Kiger and Varpio

(2020). Thematic analysis involves carefully examining a dataset, such as interview

transcripts, to identify patterns and derive themes. It is particularly appropriate for

understanding thoughts, perceptions, behaviors, or experiences. Using open-ended

questions in survey questionnaires allows for the exploration of both expected and

unexpected themes, as Willis (2019) explains. This is crucial when studying the

dynamic and rapidly evolving phenomenon of social media usage in the context of

learning. By giving participants the freedom to express their thoughts, researchers

can discover new insights and trends that may not have been initially considered.

The choice of interpretivism in this research study is justified by its focus on

understanding communication students' perceptions of Facebook and Twitter as

primary sources of information for learning. The interpretivist approach aligns with

the study's main objective of identifying the influence of these social media platforms

on communication students' acquisition of knowledge and educational advancement.

The study first identifies the factors that Bataan Peninsula State University students

consider when assessing the reliability of social media platforms as information

sources. It then examines how communication students perceive these platforms in

terms of content, communication, skill enhancement, and most importantly, learning.

Overall, the use of survey questionnaires with open-ended questions in

studying communication students' perceptions of social media platforms as sources

of information for learning offers various advantages. These include the ability to

gather diverse and nuanced responses, access to a wider range of participants, and

the potential to uncover both anticipated and unanticipated themes. This

methodological choice allows for a deeper understanding of communication

students' experiences and opinions, contributing to the development of more

effective strategies for integrating social media into educational contexts.


Social media has become a vital part of social life. It affects the beliefs, values, and

attitudes of people, as well as their intentions and behaviors. Meanwhile, social media

enables governments and organizations to engage people while allowing consumers to

make informed decisions. Therefore, converting social media content into information, key

concepts, and themes are crucial for generating knowledge and formulating strategies. Lai,

Linda (2015) 

This definition is related directly to the purpose of the study. Social media

encourages self-directed learning, which prepares students to seek answers and make

decisions on their own. These social media skills can be guided and refined in an online

classroom setting to produce better learning outcomes and critical awareness. The study will

be conducted at the Bataan Peninsula State University particularly in Bachelor of Arts in

Communication students on their Perception of Communication Students on Social Media 

platforms, Facebook and Twitter, as sources of  Information for Learning.

The respondents were chosen at random for the study based on their convenience

and availability. Each cluster will be identified through a survey that will represent the 

average of 400 students of the entire College of Arts and Sciences of Bataan Peninsula

State University, with the ideal population of at least 5 respondents per year level and major.

Clustered by sections each year, Creative performing arts (CPA) and New media Track

(NMT), by first-year to fourth-year level. With all the sum of the participants, the target

respondents' ideal number must be in average of 20-25 respondents in total.

3.3 Sampling Design/Sampling Technique

In this study, interpretivism was utilized since it is a qualitative study that does not

rely on a numerical or statistical analysis of data or evidence. Interprevisit was used since it

involves researchers interpreting the elements of the study and also integrates human

interest into a study.

 Qualitative techniques in thematic analysis, survey questionnaires were used since

IDIs provide detailed responses and elaborate data by informants regarding their

interpretation and use of text. It is also useful for the study since it explores individuals’

perspectives, perceptions, and opinions.

      The researchers used the cluster sampling technique since the respondents will be

chosen within a certain course of college students. The respondents will be the students of

B.A. Communication's New Media Track and Creative Performing Arts Program under the

DOAS of Bataan Peninsula State University-Main Campus.

Since the BPSU-Main Campus facilitates a large population of college students, the

researchers used the Cluster sampling technique to cover a certain section of students that

would be enough to be the respondents of this study.

3.4 Research instrument

The study aims to gather and extract the data by providing our claims by the different

instruments that are based on the researcher’s readings, previous studies, professional

literature, and published and unpublished thesis relevant to the study. 

The study will use surveys to analyze the behavior and reaction of the respondents

about the study and to identify the people who will participate in the survey.

Questionnaire is used to measure the attitudes, knowledge, perceptions, values,

behavioral changes, and quantity of response of research respondents. A questionnaire is a

collection of standardized questions, sometimes known as items, that follow a

predetermined format in order to collect individual data on one or more specified themes.


Name: _______________________________________________

Age: ___________________________________________________

Year and Level: ___________________________________________

Gender: ___________________________________________________

Contact Number: ____________________________________________

Research Question 2. How do the respondents assess the information they encounter on

social media platforms in terms of:

A. Content Accuracy

Source: Delalamon, E., & Viado. (2023, February 3). AU Communication students spearhead anti-fake news

campaigns. Asian Media Information and Communication Center. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from

1.1 As a communication student, do you find the article entitled, “HAU

Communication students spearhead anti-fake news campaign” by Dr. Edgar Delalamon and

Mr. Marvin Viado helpful, especially regarding fact-checking information on different social

media platforms and the internet? Why?

Source: Dave Adrian Oritz/Facebook

1.2 A Facebook post tackles the topic of being a responsible social media user to spread

facts, not false information. As a communication student using social media such as

Facebook, does it give you relevant and helpful information? What is/are your insights about

the post?

Source: Jodi David/Twitter

1.3 A Twitter post about visual content creation tools. Can this post influence and

affect your learning content as a communication student having skills in creating visual

graphics? In what way does it influence you?

2.1 What are your thoughts on using social media platforms to communicate or share

knowledge with others, particularly in a professional setting?


3.1 How do you think social media technologies can positively impact your writing skills as a

communication student, and have you noticed any changes in your writing due to your use

of social media?

3.2 In what ways has using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter helped you

develop language skills that you can apply in your academic studies?

3.3 How have social media platforms influenced your knowledge and understanding of

visual communication skills as a communication student?


4.1 In your opinion, how does social media impact the learning experience of students,

particularly in communication-related studies?

4.2 How have communication-related skills helped you become more critical of social media

content used for educational purposes?

4.3 How has technology and social media impacted your learning experiences when it

comes to writing and communication skills?

4.4 How has social media impacted your ability to understand and evaluate communication-

related content, both in and outside of academic settings?

4.5 Can you provide an example of a time when you learned something communication-

related through social media that you were able to apply and evaluate critically in your

academic studies?


5.1 What has been your experience using social media as a source of information for

communication-related studies, and have you found it to be helpful or reliable?

5.2 How do you determine the credibility and accuracy of the information you encounter on

social media, particularly when it comes to communication-related topics?

5.3 What steps do you take to validate the information you consume on social media for use

in your academic studies, and have these methods been effective for you?

5.4 Can you provide an example of a time when you encountered information on social

media that helped you learn something communication-related that you were able to

evaluate and apply critically in your academic studies?

5.5 In what ways do you evaluate the information you encounter on social media as a

helpful tool in your communication-related studies?


6.1 In your opinion, what are the key features of social media content that establish

credibility and authenticity?

6.2 How do you assess the reliability and accuracy of the information you encounter on

social media, particularly when it comes to communication-related topics?

6.3 What strategies do you use to determine if the information you encounter on social

media is authentic and has not been altered or manipulated?

6.4 Can you provide an example of a time when you encountered information on social

media that you initially thought was credible, but later discovered was inaccurate or


6.5 How do you think social media platforms could improve the credibility and accuracy of

the information presented on their platforms, particularly when it comes to communication-

related topics?

G. Research Question 3: Investigation on the use of social media for education

7.1 How do you use social media for learning and education? Can you provide specific


7.2 In what ways have you developed new skills using social media platforms like Facebook

and Twitter? Can you describe a particular experience?

7.3 Have you ever participated in an online course using social media? Can you share your

experience? How did social media contribute to your learning?

7.4 What do you see as the advantages of using social media for education? How has it

helped you or others in your experience?

7.5 On the other hand, what do you see as the potential disadvantages of using social

media for education? Have you encountered any challenges or negative experiences?
The survey will use open-ended questions to assess student communicators'

perceptions and experiences with learning on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However,

most of the time, the survey's facilitators will monitor the participant's moment of sharing

their answers in order to assist their inquiries and if they seek assistance. As a result,

students who volunteer and are chosen are communicators in relation to the subject. By

inviting individuals in the discussion to participate in the study, the criteria for open-ended

questions will be tested for accuracy and relevance.

Since the survey will be conducted, we will use open-ended questions.

And lastly, Thematic Analysis will be used to analyze and sort the non-numerical

data by the transcription into a code. Researchers will have to go over the complete

transcript in finding specific similarities in the data’s subject.

3.5 Data Gathering Procedure

The first step before going to the depth interview researcher is to provide a request

letter upon approval. The researchers retrieve the request letter. The DEANS OF BA

COMMUNICATION as well as in teacher’s and other faculty members S.Y. 2021-2022.

The researcher must be aware of the obstacles that will have in acquiring data,

especially because we are amidst a lockdown due to the pandemic, and many processes

must be prioritized. To perform the study, the researcher will follow the essential method for

collecting data as specified by the school regulations.

To properly collect data, we must ensure that we have precise criteria in our

respondents. We can collect data by conducting a survey questionnaire through google form

and capturing the responses of respondents.

In the study "Perception of Communication Students on Social Media Platforms,

Facebook, and Twitter, as Sources of Information for Learning," the data gathering

procedure likely involves qualitative methods to capture the participants' perceptions and

experiences. Here's a possible data gathering procedure for this study:

The researcher conducts a survey questionnaire: a well-structured questionnaire that

aligns with the research objectives. Ensure that the questions are clear, concise, and

relevant. Consider using a combination of closed-ended (multiple-choice, rating scales) and

open-ended questions to gather qualitative data needed in the study.

Sampling: The researcher selects a purposive or snowball sampling strategy to choose

participants who are communication students with experience using Facebook and Twitter

for information seeking and learning. The sample size should be determined based on data

saturation, which means collecting data until no new information or themes emerge.

Informed consent: Before data collection begins, the researcher obtains informed consent

from the participants. The participants are informed about the purpose of the study, the

voluntary nature of participation, their rights as participants, and the confidentiality and

anonymity of their responses.

Data analysis: The transcribed interviews or focus group discussions are analyzed using

qualitative data analysis techniques such as thematic analysis. The researcher identifies

patterns, themes, and recurring ideas in the data to understand the participants' perceptions

of Facebook and Twitter as sources of information for learning.

Ethical considerations: Throughout the data gathering procedure, the researcher ensures

ethical considerations are met, including maintaining the confidentiality and anonymity of
participants, addressing any potential emotional or psychological impact on participants, and

respecting their rights as research subjects.

This data gathering procedure allows the researcher to collect rich and nuanced data

regarding the communication students' perceptions of Facebook and Twitter as sources of

information for learning.

3.6 Data Analysis

The survey will use open-ended questions to assess student communicators'

perceptions and experiences with learning on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However,

most of the time, the survey's facilitators will monitor the participant's moment of sharing

their answers in order to assist their inquiries and if they seek assistance. As a result,

students who volunteer and are chosen are communicators in relation to the subject. By

inviting individuals in the discussion to participate in the study, the criteria for open-ended

questions will be tested for accuracy and relevance.

The data will be evaluated using the questionnaire appraisal, and theme analysis

utilizing the specified instrument in consideration of participants' availability and target.

The survey will be used to select research participants; this survey will be

administered according to the allotted data collection calendar. While developing the

questionnaires, researchers will make time and effort to observe the students and randomly

select participants to test the survey questions to ensure data will be collected in

accordance with the research objective.

Following the formulation of the research questions, data collection will begin,

allowing the researcher to examine the survey that will be conducted to collect responses

from participants. planned based on participant availability; however, students will find it

more convenient to respond in an online survey setup. This is due to school constraints and

other events. The survey is made easier to administer through a carefully selected network

of group chats, and by communicating with the class mayors, participants will be guided to

ensure that they understand the study and its purpose when answering the questions.

 The first phase is Familiarizing Yourself with The Data, in doing this the

researcher will be re-reading and finding the initial ideas. Then proceed to the second

phase, Generating Initial Codes after reading all the data, the researcher will find interest

in these answers which will proceed to the next phase of Generating the Themes,  it will

involve different sets of codes to form themes, a separate these by forming a map,

proceeding again to the fourth phase, Reviewing The Theme, this will be analyzed if the

theme has enough data for refinement, if the data has been stabilized by separating the

themes into a map, the Fifth phase will be Defining and Naming Themes, will give the data

its aspects which captures the researcher's attention, the last part Producing Reports, the

study will be published after interpreting and gathering the data.

3.6 Ethical Consideration

Trustworthiness has grown to be a crucial concept as it enables investigators to

explain the virtues of qualitative terms outside of the parameters which are generally used in

quantitative research. The purpose of trustworthiness in qualitative research is to support

the argument that the inquiry's results are "worth paying attention to"...
Taking consideration with the participants, is being implied with cautiousness, their

information will be gathered and used with consent by the faculty, and the administration of

the university before proceeding to conduct our study’s collection of data via questionnaire

and surveys to the students of Department of Arts and Science

These efforts are critical in conducting a thorough qualitative investigation. not only

to instill trust in the outcomes but also to represent the veracity of the participants'

viewpoints Audit trials and reflexivity are two of the most widely used methodologies. The

word "reflexivity" marks a new chapter in qualitative research, although it is poorly defined

and difficult to grasp. Because most investigators are solely concerned with the many

techniques to conducting effective qualitative investigations, the importance of reflexivity has

been frequently overlooked.( 2011).

To prevent bias and questionable preferences among the participants, the

researcher would suggest their approach with independent thoughts and ideas with regard

to the personal subject within the study, thus storing and protecting their data. The survey

and interview data will only be used for research purposes... If a respondent requests

anonymity, the respondent will be kept anonymous.



With the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data gathered in the current

study. Discussions of the findings and their implications are also included. This enabled us

to collect information from student communicators about their perceptions of social media

platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. We were successful in gathering their feedback,

which allowed us to create meaning for this study.

This chapter first describes the data analysis before going through the researcher's

conclusions. The research topics for the study are relevant to the findings, and the data

collection methods include individual responses. Over all, 25 people responded to the

survey and provided their opinions on how communication students use Facebook and

Twitter as learning platforms. The data was gathered and checked. Data collection began on

April 25th and was completed on May 11th, 2023. Following the collection of surveys,

themes and sub-themes were developed. This chapter is organized into four (4) parts that
correlate to the Statements of the Problem in Chapter I for a clear and thorough

presentation of findings.

Part I. Focused on the profile of the participants in terms of age, sex, year/grade, and


Part II. The respondents evaluate the data they find on social media in terms of:

A. Content Accuracy

B. Communication

C. Enhancing skills

D. Learning

E. Information

F. Credibility

Part III presents the insights gained during the study's conduct, demonstrating that research

on the use of social media platforms for educational purposes achieves its intended goal.

Part IV presents the implications of the study.

Part I. Profile of the Participants

The survey gathered 25 respondents, aged 19–25, from first year to fourth year,

who are currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts in Communication course program. The

majority of the participants were female, with only a few male respondents. This gender

imbalance may have had an impact on the results of the survey, but the participants were

enthusiastic and engaged throughout the survey process, providing thoughtful and insightful

responses to each question. Overall, the profile of the participants suggests they are a well-
educated and diverse group with a range of experiences that make them uniquely qualified

to contribute to this study.

Participant 1 is a 22-year-old female respondent in her fourth year of undergraduate

studies. In Communication, a student majoring in New Media. The researcher chose her to

be a part of the study because her experience relates to the study and her knowledge of

using Facebook and Twitter is relevant.

Participant 2 is an undergraduate respondent studying under the program of B.A. in

Communication with a Major in Creative in Performing Arts. The 22-year-old female was

eager to cooperate and share her knowledge prior to the survey, so the researcher grabbed

this opportunity and let her share her experience using social media.

Participant 3 shared her thoughts on the survey, and because she works on this

platform, the researcher is pursuing her participation so that we can extract meaningful

results. The respondent is a 22-year-old female student pursuing a B.A. Communication

falls under the purview of the New Media track.

Participant 4 is a female third-year student majoring in New Media for her Bachelor

of Arts in Communication degree. The 22-year-old responded to the inquiry by giving

permission to share her thoughts and opinions, which will be applied to this research.

Participant 5 is enrolled in the New Media track of the Bachelor of Arts in

Communication program and took part in this survey. The respondent is a 20-year-old male

who is one of the survey's first male respondents.

Participant 6 is a male, age 21, a second year student in the Bachelor of Arts in

Communication program's New Media Track. He was chosen by the researcher due to his

knowledge of and insightful opinion on the use of Facebook and Twitter

Participant 7 Despite being packed with academics, she has shared her response to

the survey and briefly provided some insights. The participant is a 21-year-old

undergraduate student in the Bachelor of Arts in Communication's New Media Track who

regularly uses the social media sites Facebook and Twitter.

Participant 8 was considered one of the study's interesting respondents; despite his

visual impairment, he completed the survey, which allows us to gain perspective on his

situation. but responded in the same way that any other user of the social media platform

would. The respondent is a 25-year-old male undergrad student in the New Media Track.

Participant 9: In this case, the respondent applies his skills to answer the survey

based on his experience and knowledge, takes his time, and shares the values he

discovered. The respondent is a 21-year-old male fourth-year student in the Bachelor of Arts

in Communication program's New Media track.

Participant 10 Because she has prior experience with the social media platform, the

researcher chose her to participate in the survey. The respondent is a 25-year-old female

student from Creative and Performing Arts in the Bachelor of Arts in Communication

program, currently in her fourth year.

Participant 11 is a 19-year-old female first-year Bachelor of Arts in Communication

student. They are not yet included in a program due to the new curriculum's constraints.
Because she writes and publishes her work on social media, the respondent is an ideal

candidate for this survey.

Participant 12 is a fourth-year student with prior experience using social media as a

communication medium. This respondent's writing and understanding of social media

issues, both their benefits and drawbacks, are promising. The researcher actively seeks the

participation of the respondent. The respondent is a 21-year-old female undergraduate

majoring in New Media.

Participant 13 answers well and, given the length, is consistent with her personal

knowledge, studies, and opinions. The respondent, a 22-year-old female student enrolled in

the recently changed curriculum's Bachelor of Arts in Communication program, has not yet

been assigned to a specific program. The researcher is happy with her cooperation in light

of this.

Participant 14 volunteered to participate in the survey, highlighted her points, and

granted permission for us to utilize her responses in our research. The participant is a 19-

year-old female first-year student enrolled in the new curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in

Communication; the responders' program is still open-ended until the third year.

Participant 15, A 22-year-old female student majoring in creative and performing arts

in the Bachelor of Arts in Communication degree is an advocate of using her knowledge and

opportunities to use social media. The researcher applies her experience to the study and

pursues her viewpoint to collect data.

Participant 16 ( naulit)
Participant 16 is a third-year student at the Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BA

comm) program who is 21 years old and enrolled in the New Media track. The researcher

chose the female respondent for the study because she had a better understanding of the

value of social media to BA communication students.

Participant 17 is in his second year of the Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BA

comm) degree, and one of the male respondents has donated his time to answer the survey

briefly and directly.

Participant 18, The respondent, a second-year female student enrolled in Creative

and Performing Arts as part of the Bachelor of Arts in Communication degree, made

insightful and observant responses to the survey. With an element of doubt, respond to the

survey differently.

Participant 19 is a first-year male student who responded to the survey in a creative

and concise manner that demonstrates relevance to the study. First-year students have no

specified program to enroll in under the new curriculum until their third year.

Participant 20 (yung may none)

Participant 20, A first-year, 19-year-old female student stated that she was well-

informed and open-minded about using social media, which adds to the study's findings. Her

response is relevant to the researchers, so they pursue her participation.

Participant 21, who responds to the survey using her understanding of the context

and problems surrounding the internet, is a first-year student of the BA in Communication

who is 19 years old and has not yet enrolled in a program.

Participant 22 is a 20 year-old male who wants to explore how to apply the learnings

of their course to using social media.

Participant 23, a third year student from Creative and Performing Arts, is a 22-year-

old student who is cautious and aware of the mishaps in using social media.

Participant 24 is now 21 years old. enrolled in the Creative and Performing Arts

program, she was familiar with the tools to use to gain an upper hand in social media.

Participant 25, a 21 year old third year student who doesn't mention her program,

recognizes the useful ways to improve a much better way she utilizes tools such as social


Part II. Case Story of the Participants

The results and discussion of the study "Perception of Communication Students on Social

Media Platforms, Facebook, and Twitter, as Sources of Information for Learning" would

involve presenting and interpreting the findings derived from the data analysis.

A. Content Accuracy

QUESTION 1.1 As a communication student, do you find the article “HAU Communication
students spearhead anti-fake news campaign” by Dr. Edgar Delalamon and Mr. Marvin
Viado helpful, especially regarding fact-checking information on social media platforms and
the internet? Why?

Major Theme Sub Theme Sample Statement

Understandin Clickbait headlines

“It is important to fact check every detail in platforms as a
g the
source of information….”
Relevant to their
“We all know that many people today are victimized by
particular interests
false news. Thus I do believe it is useful. To combat the
propagation of misleading information on various social
networks, we need this kind of effort.”

Public trust in Protect oneself from

“…because nowadays, fake news is not just on one
media inaccurate information
platform, so it is really helpful to gather information
regarding this topic like this article to inform not just
communication students, but also people that are
vulnerable against fake news.”

Learning how to judge

“The creation and maintenance of an anti-fake news
news sites
website by the communication students can be a valuable
resource for fact-checking information on different social
media platforms and the internet. Exploring the website, if
available, could provide practical examples of identifying
and verifying accurate information.”

Strengthen online “The article highlights the initiatives and activities

accountability conducted by the students, such as organizing forums and
workshops, creating infographics and posters, and using
social media to disseminate information. The article
Regulations underscores the importance of collaborative efforts and
to control community engagement in addressing the spread of fake
information news in today's digital age.
Responsibility to “…it does raise awareness about the existence of fact-
combat the scourge checking initiatives. I think it would do well to include more
of fake news info regarding the seminars and how to join (if it is even
accessible to others.).”
When authenticating material on social media and the Internet, it's critical to "understand the
emotions" that drive people to spread false information, which leads to the first main
subtheme. Fake news is frequently manufactured to disseminate disinformation, deception,
and propaganda; therefore, understanding its intentions is critical to combating it.
"Clickbait headlines" and engaging articles entice readers, particularly those who come upon
the news owing to its "relevancy to their particular interest," and generate advertising
money. In certain cases, fake news creators purposefully broadcast misleading information
in order to gain customers.
Guess, Nyhan, and Reifler (2018) investigated social media misinformation spreaders'
motivations. Those who wished to help or chat often unknowingly gave false information.
These folks were more likely to change when provided accurate facts and compassionate
As some of the respondents stated,
“It is important to fact check every detail in platforms as a source of information….”
The theme of "public trust" is validated by the media. "Protection against false information" is
critical for public trust in the media. By "learning how to judge news sites," media
corporations may prevent deception and promote factual reporting. Trust in the media and
information is growing.
Newman et al. (2020) investigated how Facebook and Twitter users consume news, as well
as how disinformation and misinformation influence their opinions. Users of social media
frequently receive inaccurate or misleading information, undermining trust in news sources.
Pennycook and Rand (2020) noted that social media users must avoid spreading false
information. They encourage critical thinking and media literacy when it comes to
recognizing reliable sources of information. Users should double-check information before
sharing it. This helps to reduce misinformation.
Quoting some of the responses from the interview conducted in relation with the theme,
“…because nowadays, fake news is not just on one platform, so it is beneficial to
gather information regarding this topic like this article to inform not just
communication students, but also people that are vulnerable against fake news.”
About this subtheme, one of the respondents stated,
“The creation and maintenance of an anti-fake news website by the communication
students can be a valuable resource for fact-checking information on different social
media platforms and the internet. Exploring the website, if available, could provide
practical examples of identifying and verifying accurate information.”

In the age of social media and the internet, when misinformation can spread swiftly and hurt
society, regulations are in place to ensure accurate and reliable information transmission.
"Regulation to control Information flow" is critical in combating disinformation.
The subtheme "Strengthen online accountability" refers to the need for measures to ensure
that online platforms are held accountable for the information they provide to the public in
the context of regulations to control information flows, particularly regarding fact-checking
information on social media platforms and the internet. "Responsibility to combat the
scourge of fake news" is an important theme of legislation that governs the flow of
information, particularly when it comes to authenticating content on various social media
platforms and the internet.
In their study on misleading news, Singer and Ash (2019) stressed the necessity of
regulatory systems. They want governments and social media giants to collaborate on fact-
checking and verification criteria. To avoid misleading users, these policies should promote
transparency and accountability.
During the interview, some of the communication students stated in their answer,
“The article underscores the importance of collaborative efforts and community
engagement in addressing the spread of fake news in today's digital age.

QUESTION 1.2 A Facebook post tackles being a responsible social media user to spread
facts, not false information. As a communication student using social media such as
Facebook, does it give you relevant and helpful information? What is/are your insights about
the post?

Major Theme Sub Theme Sample Statement

Play to emotions Re-sharing behavior

“The Facebook post emphasizes the importance of
being a responsible social media user by sharing
accurate and truthful information…it reminds them of
the power and responsibility of using it as a
communication tool.

I agree with the thought. We must be responsible

“marites.” Share what only a fact, truth, nothing but a
whole truth

Motivations behind the

“…using social media as a source of information is
quite popular these days. That is why we should read
carefully with comprehension.

Information Sentimental
“Nowadays, socmed is the most effective tool for
consumption propagandistic
gathering information and being a wise user of
socmed. This kind of post would be a big help to
know that not all information gathered in the socmed
are true because it needs a deeper understanding
and research to know if the information is credible.”

Ideological Filter bubble “It is crucial to spread factual information and to be

polarization cautious of fake news that may cause confusion or
harm to others…I strive to be a conscientious social
media user and hope others will take the same
approach to help foster a more informed and united
online community.”

“…I have to be observant about what I post or share

online…This only means that you have to be more
careful and never share information so easily
because some people who know us do not have time
to search for things, and they might believe what we
share online because they trust us.”

Responsible social media users are essential for enhancing the media ecosystem,
particularly when "playing to emotions." Individuals can contribute to solving the issue by
engaging in responsible re-sharing behavior. To increase engagement with their posts,
social media users may be "motivated to create content" that evokes strong emotions in
their audience, such as anger, terror, or outrage.
One of the respondents said,
“The Facebook post emphasizes the importance of being a responsible social media
user by sharing accurate and truthful information…it reminds them of the power and
responsibility of using it as a communication tool.
Another one stated,
"I agree with the thought. We must be responsible “marites.” Share what only a fact,
truth, nothing but a whole truth"
According to extensive studies, social media users are motivated by personal interests,
social connections, and emotional fulfillment (Carr, 2018; Kim, Lee, & Sung, 2018). Users'
engagement and sharing depend on social media content's emotional appeal (Chen, Goh, &
Wang, 2015; Kim et al., 2018).

Responsible Facebook users must know what "information they consume" and share. To
strengthen the media ecosystem, Facebook must create ethical social media behaviors.
Sentimental propagandistic methods are techniques used to manipulate the emotions and
sentiments of individuals in order to influence their opinions or actions. These techniques
are frequently employed in advertising, politics, and social media to elicit the desired
emotional response from individuals.
Quoting one of the sample statements from the respondents,
“Nowadays, socmed is the most effective tool for gathering information and being a
wise user of socmed. This kind of post would be a big help to know that not all
information gathered in the socmed are true because it needs a deeper
understanding and research to know if the information is credible.”
Van der Linden et al. (2019) found that showing people simulated fake data makes it harder
for them to discern real from fake data. When false information was emotive or told as a
story, this effect was exacerbated.

Ideological polarisation refers to the growing divide between people who have opposing
political or ideological views, resulting in increased social polarisation and division. A filter
bubble is a phenomenon in which social media algorithms tailor content to users' interests
and preferences, displaying only information that aligns with their present viewpoints and
Bakshy, Messing, and Adamic (2019) investigated the role of social media platforms in
disseminating news articles. They discovered evidence of ideological segregation,
suggesting that users prefer to be exposed to content that supports their previous beliefs,
increasing polarization. This has been demonstrated. This emphasize the significance of
utilizing social media correctly to avoid contributing to the persistence of preexisting biases.
As one of the respondents stated,
“It is crucial to spread factual information and to be cautious of fake news that may
cause confusion or harm to others…I strive to be a conscientious social media user
and hope others will take the same approach to help foster a more informed and
united online community.”
In a similar statement, one of the respondents said,
“…I have to be observant about what I post or share online…This only means that
you have to be more careful and never share information so easily because some
people who know us do not have time to search for things, and they might believe
what we share online because they trust us.”

QUESTION 1.3 A Twitter post about visual content creation tools. Can this post influence
and affect your learning content as a communication student having skills in creating visual
graphics? In what way does it influence you?

Major Sub Theme Sample Statement


Clarity Concise and “…as we live in this modern world, everything change and this
perceptible creation tool helps us to be more creative and finish the tasks as

information. early as possible.

“Twitter can be an excellent platform for discovering and learning

about visual content creation tools that can positively affect your
learning as a communication student with skills in creating visual
The degree to “It can affect the learner's efficiency in making visual content but
which errors are not precisely his or her creativity.”

“Twitter can be an excellent source for discovering new visual
content creation tools you may have yet to hear of. By following
relevant accounts and hashtags, you can stay up-to-date with the
latest trends and tools in the field.”

Simplicity The extent to “Not only do these tools simplify the process of creating eye-
provide the catching graphics, but they also enhance the overall appeal of

correct our learning content….”

“…by engaging in conversations and sharing your work, you can
receive feedback and support from others who share your

Simple and “Nowadays, it is all about visuals and graphics- to gather the
intuitive use public’s attention on the campaign or information you hold and
want to post or spread through socmed - visual content such as
graphics is a must.”

“The post might showcase examples or highlight features of

various visual content creation tools. This exposure to different
tools and their capabilities can spark inspiration and ignite the
creativity of communication students, prompting them to
Interactivity experiment with new techniques and styles in their visual content
creation. It can serve as a valuable learning resource.
Communication students can learn new techniques, shortcuts, or
best practices, improving their skills in creating visually appealing
and impactful graphics.

Steady “I find these tools essential in my work as they allow me to bring

progression to my ideas to life quickly and efficiently. These tools have become
expertise integral to my learning journey, whether creating engaging social
media posts or designing stunning presentations.”
Communication students benefit most from Twitter tweets with "clarity". The tweet should be
"concise and perceptible information" that is both plain and simple to comprehend.
Communication students need dependable, easy-to-understand content to learn. Thus,
when tweeting, "avoid errors" that could cause confusion.
As one of the respondents stated,
“…as we live in this modern world, everything change and this creation tool helps us
to be more creative and finish the tasks as early as possible.
Another one stated that,
“Twitter can be an excellent platform for discovering and learning about visual
content creation tools that can positively affect your learning as a communication
student with skills in creating visual graphics.
In addition, a study conducted by Song, Park, and Jin (2018) revealed that clarity issues,
such as grammatical errors, abbreviations, and vague language, can significantly affect the
comprehension and effectiveness of tweets. Users risk misinterpreting or misconstruing the
intended message, which can result in the dissemination of false information. Therefore, to
guarantee effective communication and dissemination of information, communication
students must prioritize using clear, error-free language in their tweets.

Simplifying Twitter tweets for communication students is essential. To simplify, Twitter posts
should utilize basic English, avoid jargon and technical terms, and present information
logically and clearly.
"Providing the correct functionality" in a tweet means ensuring the platform's tools and
capabilities work properly and allow users to efficiently convey information.
Quoting one of the answers from the respondents,
Not only do these tools simplify the process of creating eye-catching graphics, but
they also enhance the overall appeal of our learning content….”
Another statement from the respondents related to the subtheme identified,
“…by engaging in conversations and sharing your work, you can receive feedback
and support from others who share your interests.
According to Akbulut and Eristi (2017), users' usability evaluations improve when Twitter
postings are kept basic. They discovered that succinct and easy-to-understand messages
had a greater potential for attracting users' attention and making information easier to
convey. In their study, the authors emphasized the need to provide information clearly and
briefly, avoiding jargon and other complicated terms and using simple language to improve
the accessibility of Twitter tweets.

Twitter's "interactive" features promote debate. Hashtags and mentions are important
interactive components. Students of communication can rapidly identify and follow relevant
hashtags. They can start conversations or ask questions by naming teachers, subject matter
experts, or classmates.
On a simple interface, students may "easily utilize, find, and engage" with content.
Interaction necessitates a number of components, which leads to "steady progression
towards expertise."
In a statement of one of the respondents,
“Nowadays, it is all about visuals and graphics- to gather the public’s attention on the
campaign or information you hold and want to post or spread through socmed -
visual content such as graphics is a must.
To quote one of the respondents, they stated that,
“I find these tools essential in my work as they allow me to bring my ideas to life
quickly and efficiently. These tools have become integral to my learning journey,
whether creating engaging social media posts or designing stunning presentations.”
Ngai and Singh (2018) studied Twitter tweet usability, emphasizing readability and
comprehensibility. To help communication students understand tweets, they suggested
short words and a clear framework. According to the study, it's important to use simple
language and avoid jargon.
Wang, Wu, and Wu (2019) also examined Twitter post trustworthiness and usefulness.
Communication students value Twitter's accuracy and reliability. Users must cite trustworthy
sources, offer accurate information, and include relevant references or hyperlinks to support
their claims.

B. Communication

QUESTION 2.1 What are your thoughts on using social media platforms to
communicate or share knowledge with others, particularly in a professional setting?

Major Theme Sub Theme Sample Statement

Relationship Interaction between “This is the best way to communicate and share
building and individuals of knowledge. This is a great way for it, mainly if your target

interactions common interest audience is of young ages.”

“Social media platforms offer a convenient way to connect

and build professional relationships with like-minded
individuals, colleagues, industry experts, and thought

Real time basis “We can deliver and communicate in the fastest way
without giving so much effort. We can use it for education
and business purposes which is timely and relevant.”

“Social media platforms provide instant access to real-time

industry updates, news, and trends.”

Comprehensiv Creation and “Maintaining a professional image and tone on social

e content exchange of user- media is crucial, which includes avoiding controversial or

creation generated content offensive content, refraining from engaging in online

arguments or disputes, and maintaining a respectful and
courteous tone in all interactions.”

Pay attention to “Professionals can stay up-to-date with the latest

social trends developments, emerging research, best practices, and
industry insights shared by experts.”

“Professional communicators extending their jobs on these

apps reflect how society has progressed and now have an
easier, more accessible, and cheaper way of consuming
information. It also shows how communicators are
unafraid to jump into this progressive train.

Professional social media communication necessitates "building relationships and

interactions" with others. This is required for professional social media. Social media may
help you reach a broad audience, build important relationships, and establish a strong online
Social media platforms enable "individuals with similar interests" to connect and speak while
forming relationships and connecting with one another.
Professionals, specialists, and potential partners can engage in "real-time conversations" on
LinkedIn, Twitter, and professional Facebook groups.
Quoting one of the respondents,
“This is the best way to communicate and share knowledge. This is a great way for
it, mainly if your target audience is of young ages.”
This statement also supports one of the respondent’s answers which is,
“Social media platforms offer a convenient way to connect and build professional
relationships with like-minded individuals, colleagues, industry experts, and thought
Regarding the sub theme identified, one of the supporting statements from the respondents
“We can deliver and communicate in the fastest way without giving so much effort.
We can use it for education and business purposes which is timely and relevant.”
Jones et al. (2019) studied using Facebook groups for real-time professional communication
and information exchange. According to their study, active participation in real-time
Facebook group discussions allowed professionals to connect, seek advice, and share their
experiences, which fostered relationships and made information exchange more accessible.

For professional social media use, "comprehensive content production" is required. For
engagement, trustworthiness, and meaningful connections, social media relies on content.
Knowledge sharing benefits from "user-generated content" on social media. It facilitates
professional networking with colleagues and specialists.
Professionals must "pay attention to social media trends" in order to communicate and share
knowledge effectively. Social media is used to network, collaborate, and share information.
Citing answers from the respondents to the subtheme,
“Professionals can stay up-to-date with the latest developments, emerging research,
best practices, and industry insights shared by experts.”
Another one stated,
“Professional communicators extending their jobs on these apps reflect how society
has progressed and now have an easier, more accessible, and cheaper way of
consuming information. It also shows how communicators are unafraid to jump into
this progressive train.
Johnson and Garcia (2019) examined professional networking on Twitter and Instagram.
Researchers found that using these platforms improved networking, professional
relationships, and industry-specific information. The survey stressed the necessity of
professionals following social trends and using social media to network.
Thompson and Lee (2021) studied how social media platforms affect professional learning
and growth. According to their research, professionals use YouTube and LinkedIn to learn,
attend virtual conferences, and train online. The study showed that professionals must
recognize and use social trends to learn new skills and stay current.

C. Enhancing Skills

Question; 3.1 How do you think social media technologies can positively impact your
writing skills as a communication student, and have you noticed any changes in your writing
due to your use of social media?

Major Theme Subtheme Sample Statement

"It somehow tells us or shows us some information

from other people or professionals that can help us.
And yes, in some ways by using social media,
we've gained some knowledge about writing, and it
Writing Improvement Personal Growth helps in enhancing our skills."

"I think, since we are in this generation that

technology is becoming more advanced, we can
use social media technologies to explore new things
that will help and benefit us to gather more
information that we can use to learn and improve
our skills in writing and etc. Yes, I noticed that
because of social media, my writing skills became
Writing Improvement Personal Growth better."

Writing Improvement Vocabulary "The use of social media has a positive effect
because there are new words I learn that I was not
familiar with before. As a communication student, I
can use it since some of the activities are essays."

"Since there are many things happening around us,

using social media is a good way to gather SOME
information, and as a result, in my case, it affects
my efficiency in gathering data and topics both good
and not so good. Good because it gives me insight
into new topics; not so good because there's a
chance that it is not as accurate as what I
Writing Improvement Information expected."

"Way back during my junior high, my writing skill

and comprehension are not that good, but now I can
say that it has improved because of the articles that
I have read on social media. Although my grammar
and way of writing still need improvements, but the
way I comprehend some articles and able to write
and understand it is getting improvements. Now I
am able to write some comments regarding fake
news articles or posting some random article that
Writing Improvement Personal Growth was highly influenced by social media."

"Social media technologies can positively impact my

writing skills as a communication student by
providing opportunities to practice writing, develop
writing style and voice, and stay informed with
current events and trends. Social media platforms
allow me to receive immediate feedback from peers
and audiences, experiment with different writing
styles and formats, and gain insights and
knowledge. Personal experiences may vary, but
social media can influence writing style and tone,
with individuals adopting a more conversational and
Writing Improvement Personal Growth engaging tone on social media platforms."

"Social media has a lot of users who share tutorials

and techniques to help students online. Personally, I
learn a lot through posts online about writing skills.
Writing Improvement Personal Growth As I apply those tips I see online, my writing style
has changed, and the structure of my works has

"However, social media can also have negative

impacts on students' writing skills. Many social
media platforms prioritize speed and brevity over
careful composition, which can lead to the
development of bad writing habits such as using
slang or abbreviations. Students may also become
accustomed to writing in an informal tone, which
Positive and Negative can be problematic when they need to switch to a
Impact Writing Habits more formal style for academic writing."

"Furthermore, social media can be a distraction

from more traditional forms of writing practice, such
as reading and writing longer pieces of text.
Students who spend too much time on social media
Positive and Negative may neglect these important activities, which can
Impact Writing Habits lead to a decline in their overall writing skills."

"Overall, social media can impact students' writing

skills in both positive and negative ways. It is up to
individual students to recognize the potential pitfalls
of social media and to take steps to mitigate them,
Positive and Negative such as reading more books and practicing longer-
Impact Personal Growth form writing."

"Students are motivated and encouraged to learn

when they use social media platforms in school.
Educational films on YouTube, simple access to e-
Positive and Negative Educational books, online notes, and learning via video calls are
Impact Advancement all important factors in educational advancement."

The positive impact of social media technologies on writing skills and how individuals can
utilize various social media platforms to enhance their writing abilities. In the aspect of
Diverse Writing Styles Social media exposes users to a wide range of writing styles and
techniques, allowing them to explore and incorporate different approaches into their own
According to the findings of all 17 articles, using wikis and social media significantly helped
students' writing abilities. Thus, it is advised that in the process of teaching and learning,
both teachers and students make use of various social media and wiki platforms (Haidari et
al., 2020).

“I am more exposed to literature when in social media so I tend to study a

piece's style which I can then incorporate into my own style of writing.”

Numerous studies have emphasized the role of social media in expanding users' access to
literature and enhancing their writing skills. In a study conducted by Johnson and Silberman
(2016), it was found that social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, provide
avenues for literary discussions, book recommendations, and sharing of literary works. This
exposure to diverse literary content can expose individuals to different writing styles and
genres, allowing them to analyze and study the techniques used by authors. Furthermore,
the ability to incorporate these observed writing styles into one's own writing is an essential
aspect of skill development. As mentioned by Pertiwi and Wulandari (2018), exposure to
various writing styles through social media can help individuals develop their own unique
voice and writing style. By studying and analyzing the techniques employed by writers on
social media platforms, individuals can gain insights into effective storytelling, use of
language, and structuring of their own written works. It is important to note that while social
media can provide exposure to literature and writing styles, critical evaluation and
discernment are necessary. Not all content on social media platforms may represent high-
quality literature or exemplify proficient writing. Individuals should exercise caution and
consider reputable sources and established authors when studying and incorporating writing

While specific studies addressing the impact of social media on writing skills development
were not cited in the analysis, existing research supports these points. For instance, a study
by Chen and Liu (2019) found that social media platforms provide learning opportunities for
writing development through exposure to different writing styles and engagement with
experts and peers. Furthermore, research by Calixto et al. (2020) suggests that social media
feedback and interactions contribute to writing improvement and the development of writing
skills. It is important to note that responsible usage and discernment are necessary when
utilizing social media for writing skill enhancement. The informal nature of social media can
influence writing styles, and individuals must be mindful of adapting their writing
appropriately for different contexts, such as academic or professional settings.

Question: 3.2 In what ways has using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter
helped you develop language skills that you can apply in your academic studies?

Major Theme Subtheme Sample Statement

Language Vocabulary "Social media platforms have heavily influenced my vocabulary

Skills Enhancement that is useful in writing academic works."

"It both helped us because some posts or articles written on

these platforms are written in English language. And some
Language Learning videos contain learning regarding skills that can definitely be
Skills Material applied in our academic studies."

"It makes me learn new words as I use social media, and

Language Vocabulary discovering new words help me to improvement a lot especially
Skills Enhancement in academic performance."

Language Vocabulary "As someone who has used social media for several years, I
Skills Enhancement have found that interacting with others in online communities has
greatly improved my language skills. Constantly engaging in
conversation with others on platforms like Facebook and Twitter
has allowed me to practice my writing and communication
abilities on a daily basis. I have been exposed to a wide range of
vocabulary and writing styles, which has helped me become
more articulate in my academic work. Additionally, social media
platforms have provided me with endless resources for learning
about new topics and staying up-to-date on current events,
which has proven to be invaluable in my studies. While it's
important to use social media responsibly, I believe that utilizing
these platforms can be a productive way to improve language
skills and enhance academic performance."

"In my opinion, using social media platforms like Facebook and

Twitter can help develop language skills by improving writing
skills, exposing users to different writing styles and formats, and
developing critical thinking and analysis skills. Social media
requires users to communicate through written messages, which
can improve grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Following
individuals with different backgrounds and writing styles can
expose students to different ways of expressing themselves, and
analyzing and evaluating content on social media platforms can
help develop analytical skills needed in academic studies.
Language Writing However, it is important to use social media responsibly and
Skills Improvement critically evaluate the information found on these platforms."

"I think it really depends on what part of social media you're in. I
Language Vocabulary think the other half of social media may actually be detrimental to
Skills Enhancement the learning process (false info, incorrect language use, etc.)."

"Following news and hot topics in my area on social media using

hashtags can also help me expand my vocabulary. I've noticed
that many of the terms used in articles are rehashed. Over time,
Language Vocabulary I've accumulated the necessary vocabulary to read and express
Skills Enhancement myself on a variety of themes with ease."

The analysis of the respondent suggests that social media platforms provide
opportunities for users to engage in written communication, practice concise writing,
and interact with diverse individuals. These interactions expose users to new
vocabulary, concepts, and communication styles, contributing to vocabulary
expansion and language skill improvement.
Additionally, the constant exposure to written content on social media, including
articles, posts, and comments, allows users to refine their writing and
communication abilities, ultimately benefiting their academic performance. Several
studies support the findings mentioned in the analysis, answered by the respondent’.

“It provide[s] information I needed but there are sites that the
information provided is not fact. So I double checked it for me to filter what
Information will be used.”

For instance, a study by Kim (2021) explored the impact of social media on
vocabulary learning among English language learners and found that social media
platforms provided exposure to new vocabulary and improved learners' language
skills. Similarly, a study by Rozendaal et al. (2019) focused on the linguistic
characteristics of social media interactions and concluded that engaging with social
media contributes to language development and vocabulary expansion.
Furthermore, research by Mills et al. (2020) highlights the potential benefits of social
media use in language learning and academic contexts, emphasizing the importance
of critical evaluation and responsible use of online information.

These findings align with existing research that highlights the educational potential of
social media platforms for language development (Boyd et al., 2016; Cengiz &
Sarıçoban, 2021; Greenhow et al., 2019). Social media provides a rich linguistic
environment that fosters vocabulary growth, writing proficiency, and critical thinking
skills (Chen, 2018). It offers opportunities for exposure to different cultures, diverse
perspectives, and a wide range of written content (Chen, 2018; Greenhow et al.,
2019). It is important to note that responsible usage of social media and critical
evaluation of information found on these platforms are crucial for effective language
learning (Chen, 2018).

Question; 3.3 How have social media platforms influenced your knowledge and
understanding of visual communication skills as a communication student?
Table 3.3

Major Theme Subtheme Sample Statement

"Through social media, my skills on creating visual

Visual communication has improved which is very helpful
Communication Enhancement when it comes to academic tasks."
"As a comm student, it helped me because social
media platforms contain images or communicate with
Visual the netizens through visuals. And therefore, our
Communication Enhancement communication skills are being enhanced."
"It makes learning easier, that's why the more I use it,
Visual the more I learn. As we know, there's a lot to see on
Communication Learning Aid social media."

"As a communication student, social media platforms

have played a significant role in enhancing my
knowledge and understanding of visual communication
skills. These platforms have revolutionized the way we
communicate, making it possible to share and receive
information through a range of visual mediums such as
images, videos, and infographics. Through social
media, I have been exposed to a plethora of creative
content that has challenged and inspired me to develop
my visual communication skills. From following industry
experts to engaging in online communities, social
media has enabled me to stay updated with the latest
trends and techniques in visual communication. Overall,
as a communication student, social media has provided
an invaluable resource for improving my skills and
Visual Knowledge and enhancing my understanding of visual communication."
Communication Understanding

"I guess because I’ve always seen it everywhere

whenever I open my social media platforms. Anything
that is pleasing to my eyes is what I’m always looking
for now, and that’s what influenced me to know more
Visual about how to create good visuals when creating
Communication Influence content."

"It is normal that with text comes a visual when posting

on social media platforms, so with me going through
posts that have one, I can say that it makes or breaks a
Visual post. With an inefficient visual, readers may not interact
Communication Importance of Visuals with the post at all."

Visual Understanding "Well, it did enhance my ability to immediately

Communication Visuals understand image with words related posts."
"Scrolling on social media platforms may take you to
different content. When you saw similar content, for
Visual example, an infographic, you'll get an idea of how to
Communication Learning Aid create and use them properly."
"Actually, quite a lot, especially on the entertainment
part. You can definitely see that people are making
good visual materials to get attention, and I can also
Visual say the same thing on the information side of this
Communication Influence category."

"Well, I don't really, but I guess when I watched maybe

some live videos from soc med, where they show some
tutorials or something, and with that, it influenced my
understanding, especially when they showed the visual
Visual of that tutorial through live interaction."
Communication Learning Aid

"Social media platforms can provide communication

students with access to a wide range of visual content,
including photos, videos, infographics, and other
multimedia materials. By following individuals and
organizations that create and share visual content,
students can gain insights into different visual
communication strategies, techniques, and trends.
Social media can also be used as a tool for visual
storytelling and for students to develop and showcase
their own visual communication skills. However,
students should approach social media use critically
Visual and selectively, considering the accuracy and reliability
Communication Learning Aid of the visual content found on these platforms."

"I think it's easier to keep track of trends in terms of

Visual aesthetics. You may also learn things like new camera
Communication Learning Aid tricks, creative poses, fun video transitions, etc."

Social media platforms offer communication students a platform to create and share their
own visual content. This opportunity allows students to practice and develop their visual
communication skills. By receiving feedback and engaging in online communities, students
can enhance their understanding of visual aesthetics, composition, and storytelling.

Several responses highlight how social media platforms expose communication students to
a wide range of visual content, providing them with opportunities to learn and expand their
visual communication skills. Research supports this notion, indicating that social media
platforms offer access to diverse visual materials such as images, videos, and infographics
(Schrock, 2019). This exposure helps students gain insights into different visual
communication strategies, techniques, and trends.Many respondents mention following
industry experts and professionals on social media to gain knowledge and insights into
visual communication. This aligns with research that suggests social media platforms enable
users to connect with experts and access their expertise (Leiva, Atenas, & Havemann,
2018). By following these experts, communication students can stay updated with the latest
trends and techniques in visual communication.

The responses highlight how social media platforms provide a platform for communication
students to create and share their own visual content. This aligns with research that
emphasizes the participatory nature of social media, allowing users to actively engage in
content creation and sharing (Jenkins, 2009). By practicing and sharing their work, students
can develop their visual communication skills and receive feedback from peers and the
online community. Many responses mention how social media helps communication
students stay updated with visual trends and aesthetics. Research supports this, indicating
that social media platforms are effective channels for disseminating and discovering visual
trends (Bouvier & Tremblay, 2019). By actively engaging with visual content on social
media, students can learn about new techniques, camera tricks, and creative approaches in
visual communication. While social media offers a wealth of visual content, the importance
of critical evaluation is also emphasized in the responses. This aligns with research that
highlights the need for users to critically evaluate the accuracy and reliability of information
found on social media platforms (Lewandowsky, Ecker, & Cook, 2017). Communication
students are encouraged to approach social media with a critical eye, ensuring that the
visual content they engage with aligns with their learning goals and requirements.

D. Learning

Question; 4.1 In your opinion, how does social media impact the learning experience of
students, particularly in communication-related studies?

Table 4.1
Major Theme Subtheme Sample Statement

"Social media has made learning accessible because

Access to of articles and tutorials about communication-related
Learning Experience Information studies posted online."

"By the learnings that are being shared through posts

Access to or videos that are helpful, particularly in the
Learning Experience Information communication field."

"It gives us a new way of learning and communicating

Learning Experience Convenience faster and conveniently."

"Social media enables students to engage with real-

Engagement and world communication scenarios and provides them with
Learning Experience Practice a platform to practice and hone their skills."

"It enables students to expand their knowledge and

Access to Diverse challenge their existing biases by exchanging ideas
Learning Experience Perspectives and perspectives."

"It helps us build self-confidence to voice out our

Building feelings and emotions when doing activities related to
Learning Experience Confidence communication studies."
Major Theme Subtheme Sample Statement

"In communication-related studies, social media

impacts students by being an accessible platform
where almost everything we study can be applied or
Immersive already exists. It provides an immersive learning
Learning Experience Learning experience."

Social media has a positive impact on communication studies. It is viewed as a valuable

resource that provides accessibility to learning materials, tutorials, articles, and diverse
perspectives. Social media platforms are seen as immersive learning tools that allow
students to engage in real-world communication scenarios, collaborate with peers, and gain
practical experience.

Social media is recognized as a platform that enhances access to information and resources
for communication students. It provides opportunities for networking, connecting with
professionals, and exchanging ideas within the communication field. The theme emphasizes
the Importance of knowledge-sharing and the creation of communities of practice through
social media. responsible usage of social media. It emphasizes the importance of critically
evaluating the information found on these platforms to avoid misinformation and harmful
stereotypes. Students are encouraged to be mindful of the potential challenges and
distractions posed by social media and to use it judiciously. Social media has both positive
and negative impacts on communication studies. It can improve social skills, foster self-
confidence, and provide a platform for expression, but it can also impact behavior and
formal communication skills. The theme highlights the importance of understanding and
navigating the dual nature of social media.

“Social media can have both positive and negative impacts on the learning
experience of communication students. On the positive side, social media can
enhance collaboration, access to diverse perspectives, and provide opportunities for
self-expression and creativity. However, social media can also distract students from
their studies, perpetuate misinformation and harmful stereotypes, and negatively
impact formal communication skills. It is important for students to use social media
responsibly and for educators to guide students on how to effectively use social
media as a tool for learning and communication.”

Question 4.2 How have communication-related skills helped you become more critical of
social media content used for educational purposes?

Table 4.2

Major Theme Subtheme Sample Statement

Communication Information evaluation It helped me to easily distinguish misinformation.

Before I believe every information I see online, I do

Communication Research skills some research and read it carefully.

Social media has become a primary source of

information for many students, but not all content is
created equal. That's where communication-related
skills have played a significant role in helping me
decipher the credibility of educational material found
on social media. By honing my ability to analyze
language and identify persuasive techniques, I can
better assess the reliability of information and
encourage my students to do the same. Being able to
effectively communicate and engage with my
students regarding media literacy has allowed me to
teach them to become more informed and analytical
Communication Media literacy consumers of information.

I'm always reading and listening, and it made me

Communication Critical thinking think critically every time I'm on social media.

Communication Information evaluation Belonging in the field of communication, I have been

honed to identify which content are truthful and
beneficial. I must be able to criticize a material and
deem it either helpful or not for my education.

Communication Comprehension skills It enhances my comprehension ability.

When I see news articles on different social media

platforms, I fact-check them before I share them on
social media so that my friends won't be a victim of
Communication Fact-checking wrong information.

Research supports the significance of developing critical evaluation skills to navigate social
media effectively. A study by Wineburg et al. (2016) found that students often struggle to
evaluate the reliability and trustworthiness of online content, making it crucial to teach them
critical evaluation skills. By honing these skills, individuals become more discerning
consumers of information, capable of identifying misleading or false content (Flanagin &
Metzger, 2014).

Effective media literacy, a component of critical evaluation skills, allows individuals to

analyze media messages and understand their potential biases and manipulation
techniques (Hobbs, 2010). By applying media literacy skills, individuals can evaluate the
credibility and accuracy of social media content (Livingstone & Helsper, 2008).

Communication education plays a vital role in equipping students with the necessary skills to
evaluate social media content. Communication-related courses emphasize critical thinking,
research skills, and media literacy (Bowen et al., 2019). Students in communication-related
studies are trained to analyze and critique content, enhancing their ability to assess the
validity and relevance of social media material (Lloyd et al., 2013).

By promoting critical evaluation skills, individuals can navigate the challenges posed by
misinformation and fake news. The ability to fact-check information and verify sources is
essential for avoiding the spread of inaccurate content (Pennycook & Rand, 2019).
Moreover, critical evaluation skills empower individuals to engage in constructive debates,
express concerns, and contribute to media literacy initiatives (Hobbs, 2010). To further
enhance critical evaluation skills, it is recommended to incorporate media literacy education
into curricula. Educators can teach students how to critically analyze social media content,
evaluate sources, and engage in responsible sharing and discussion (Koltay, 2011).
Ongoing training and educational programs can also help individuals develop and refine
their critical evaluation skills in the evolving digital landscape (Salokangas & Nygren, 2019).
It is essential for individuals to approach social media content with skepticism, actively fact-
check information, and critically analyze its relevance and accuracy. By doing so, they can
contribute to the promotion of accurate and valuable educational content online, ensuring
the responsible use of social media platforms.

In the digital age, being a responsible digital citizen is crucial. Critical evaluation skills enable
individuals to navigate the vast amount of information available on social media platforms
and make informed decisions about what to believe and share. By honing these skills,
individuals become more mindful of their online presence, avoiding the spread of
misinformation and ensuring the accuracy of the content they engage with (Bryant & Oliver,

Digital citizenship encompasses ethical behavior, responsible online engagement, and

understanding the impact of one's actions in the digital realm (Ribble, Bailey, & Ross, 2004).
Critical evaluation skills play a significant role in fostering digital citizenship by empowering
individuals to discern reliable sources, detect biases, and analyze the credibility of social
media content (DeSmet et al., 2016). The subtheme highlights the need to fact-check
information before sharing it on social media platforms. By conducting research, critically
analyzing the content, and verifying its accuracy, individuals can avoid contributing to the
spread of false or misleading information (Pennycook & Rand, 2019). This responsible
approach to sharing content helps protect others from falling victim to misinformation and
promotes a more informed and reliable.

Question 4.3 How has technology and social media impacted your learning
experiences when it comes to writing and communication skills?

Major Theme Subtheme Sample Statement

Emojis have undoubtedly affected the way people write, as

they can be used in place of two or three words, making our
Technology Writing tools written language more pictographic.

Students should be mindful of potential distractions and

Distractions and critically evaluate the quality and reliability of information
Technology quality encountered through technology and social media channels.

Increased exposure to English through reading and practicing

Language on social media has made the respondent read and use
Communication preference English more frequently than Tagalog.

The respondent has learned from both positive and negative

Learning from examples found on social media, incorporating those lessons
Communication examples into their own writing.
During the pandemic, technology facilitated virtual learning
experiences when face-to-face interactions were not possible,
impacting the respondent's learning in writing and
Technology Virtual learning communication.

Technology and social media have helped develop the

Skill respondent's skills, particularly in writing and communication.
Technology development

The responses collectively highlight the theme of the evolving landscape of writing and
communication skills in the digital age. The impact of technology and social media on
learning experiences, the benefits and drawbacks of these platforms, and the need for
responsible and critical engagement are central aspects of this theme.

Response; “It improved my writing and communication skills by being able to read books
online that influenced my writing style.”

Technology and social media have significantly influenced writing and communication skills
by providing access to information, tools, and platforms for learning. The internet has made
it easier to access vast amounts of information, research topics, and gather resources to
enhance writing and communication abilities. Online courses, tutorials, blogs, and forums
offer opportunities for individuals to personalize their learning and collaborate with others in
However, the theme also acknowledges potential challenges and drawbacks. The informal
nature of social media communication, characterized by short-form messaging, emojis, and
pictographic elements, has impacted written language by promoting conciseness but
potentially compromising depth and clarity. The excessive use of social media can reduce
attention spans and lead to information overload, making it essential for individuals to
critically evaluate the quality and reliability of online content.

The research that highlights the positive impact of online resources on writing and
communication skills. Studies have shown that technology and social media
platforms provide opportunities for collaborative writing, instant feedback, and
exposure to diverse writing styles, ultimately enhancing language proficiency and
writing competence (Coiro, 2013; Warschauer & Grimes, 2008). Moreover, the
availability of online resources and tools contributes to self-directed learning and
personalized skill development (Gikas & Grant, 2013). Online platforms offer a wide
range of materials, courses, and tutorials that cater to different learning needs and
styles, empowering individuals to tailor their learning experiences to suit their
specific goals and interests.

The use of online platforms for reading books, accessing educational content, and
learning from various sources has improved participants' writing styles and language
proficiency. They highlight the convenience and flexibility of online resources, which
allow them to easily search for information, engage in self-paced learning, and
broaden their knowledge base.

Participants also acknowledge the positive impact of technology and social media on
their learning experiences. Online tools, such as grammar checkers, autocorrect,
and writing assistants, have streamlined the writing process and facilitated error
correction, ultimately enhancing their writing skills. Social media platforms have
created opportunities for collaboration, feedback, and networking, enabling
individuals to share their work, receive input, and engage with a broader audience.
Question 4.4 How has social media impacted your ability to understand and evaluate
communication-related content, both in and outside of academic settings?

Table 4.4

Major theme Subtheme Sample statement

Impact of Social Easier “It has not impacted me much but it made it easier
Media on understanding of for me to understand visual communication content
Understanding and visual as well as articles.”
Evaluating communication
Communication- and articles
Related Content

Realizing and "In an academic setting, it is especially important to

Differentiating be able to critically evaluate sources and to
facts from false distinguish between credible and unreliable
information information."

Impact of Social Increase in “With the rise of social media, our consumption of
Media on consumption of communication-related content has drastically
Understanding and communication- increased. Not only do we consume more content,
Evaluating related content but we also have more access to diverse
perspectives and opinions. However, the
abundance of information can be overwhelming,
Related Content
leading to difficulty in understanding and evaluating
the credibility of sources."

Impact of Social Realizing and “Social media, despite being rich in content, is a
Media on Differentiating platform where misinformation dwells in. Using
Understanding and facts from false these dangerous social platforms taught me to be
Evaluating information critical of pieces both in and outside of academic
Related Content

Impact of Social Enhancement of “I learned a lot of jargon that is specifically used in

Media on communication the media industry and as a communication student,
I learned to fact-check what I read on social media.”
Understanding and and vocabulary
Evaluating skills
Related Content

Impact of Social Challenges and "social media can also be a source of distraction,
Media on threat which can reduce attention spans and make it
Understanding and difficult to engage with communication-related
Evaluating content. Overall, individuals must use social media
responsibly and seek out credible sources of
Related Content

Development of Importance of “I learned to be critical of every bit of info that

Critical Thinking critical thinking comes my way. I learned to learn the context behind
and Media Literacy and media literacy things as well.”
Skills skills

Impact of Social Negative effects of “when used excessively or obsessively, social

Media on excessive social media has some negative effects on communication
Understanding and media use on skills and, unfortunately, long-term negative effects.
Evaluating communication one, it has an impact on how people react to
emotions, social cues, and nonverbal cues since it
Communication- skills
removes this vital part of communication.”
Related Content

Development of Importance of “Because I don't know what to trust at one glance, I

Critical Thinking critical thinking learned the ability to evaluate each one before
and Media Literacy and media literacy forming conclusions. This made me more wary of
Skills skills the media I consume.”

Impact of Social Challenges and “Excessive or compulsive use of social media can
Media on threat have negative consequences for one's interpersonal
Understanding and and communication skills. One, it eliminates an
Evaluating essential part of the foundation of communication,
which has implications for how people respond to
emotional, social, and nonverbal cues.”
Related Content

Narrative Analysis
The responses highlighted the positive impact of social media on easier comprehension,
communication skills, fact-checking, and vocabulary development. They also acknowledged
the challenges in understanding and evaluating the credibility of sources due to the
presence of misinformation. Participants emphasized the importance of critical thinking,
media literacy, and responsible consumption of communication-related content. The
analysis underscores the need for individuals to navigate the information landscape skillfully,
be discerning consumers, and develop the ability to distinguish between reliable and
unreliable information in the context of social media.

Many responses highlight the different impact of social media on understanding and
evaluating communication-related content to respondents. They mention that consumption
of social media content may lead to misinformation.

Response: “With the rise of social media, our consumption of communication-related

content has drastically increased. Not only do we consume more content, but we also have
more access to diverse perspectives and opinions. However, the abundance of information
can be overwhelming, leading to difficulty in understanding and evaluating the credibility of
sources." In connection with the study conducted by (Bode, & Vraga, 2015), social media
plays a role in propagating or correcting misinformation. The response expresses the large
pool of information in social media as it continues to arise in today’s world that the users are
seeing and consuming. The respondent also expresses the threat of users consuming the
misinformation that is also lurking in social media. The response demonstrates the careful
analyzing of information that is on social media before consuming. Another response gives
an emphasis on Critical thinking and misinformation on social media.

Response: “I learned to be critical of every bit of info that comes my way. I learned to learn
the context behind things as well.” In connection with the study conducted by (Shutaleva,
2021), the development of informational aspects of critical thinking can have a contribution
on how a person searches for information. With critical thinking, one can resist the
manipulative influence of the media. The response demonstrates how social media has
impacted the responder’s understanding and evaluating communication-related content. The
responder expresses the idea of being a critical thinker when an information comes across
when using social media.
Question 4.5 Can you provide an example of a time when you learned something
communication-related through social media that you were able to apply and evaluate
critically in your academic studies?

Table 4.5

Major theme Subtheme Sample statement

Critical Fact-checking “By seeing posts and watching videos regarding fact-
thinking techniques in checking on social media. It allows me to critically analyse
analysis and academic and the information that I get.”
fact-checking non-academic

Social media Social media as a “In today's digital age, social media has become an integral
as a platform tool for learning part of our lives. It's not just a platform for sharing pictures
for learning and catching up on the latest gossip, but it can also be an
and critical effective tool for learning.”

Critical Importance of “Fact-checking, I think is the most important learning I

thinking checking the facts acquire that I am always applying not just for academic
analysis and purposes, because fake news spreads easily. It's important
fact-checking to know how to fact-check information we read on social

Critical Importance of “By fact checking the data that I've gathered. I apply this
thinking checking the facts both on social media and academic studies.”
analysis and

Social media Exploration of “Social media can provide access to communication-related

as a platform communication- topics, such as media literacy, that can be learned and
for learning related topics applied critically in academic studies.”
and critical through social
thinking media
Learning and Acquiring new “I think filmmaking techniques. As a comm student during
applying skills with social the peak of the pandemic, it was hard to apply practical
specific skills media skills without field experience. So online tutorials actually

Use of Online Discovering and “I stumble across a post discussing how social media
tools and utilizing learning affects workplace communication. Then, by using it to guide
learning and online tools. their research on social media's effect on workplace
resources communication, they might be able to apply this information
to my academic studies.”

Social media Access to online “social media platforms offer communication students the
as a platform communities and opportunity to experiment with creating and sharing their
for learning resources for visual content, which can help them develop their visual
and critical feedback communication skills. Through social media,
communication students can also access online
communities and resources that provide guidance and
feedback on their visual communication projects, further
enhancing their knowledge and understanding of visual

Critical Skill development “I learned how to fact-check through social media. I saw a
thinking for analyzing thread about it on twitter once. Since then, I've used that
analysis and information skill that I've learned whenever I write academically to
fact-checking critically ensure that my own work is reliable.”

The responses gathered explore the transformative role of social media in academics,
specifically focusing on its influence on learning processes and outcomes. They recognized
the significance of fact-checking to combat the spread of fake news and emphasized its
application in both academic and non-academic settings. Participants attributed their
acquisition of fact-checking skills to their exposure to posts and videos on social media,
which enabled them to critically analyze information.

As one of the respondents stated,

“Fact-checking, I think is the most important learning I acquire that I am

always applying not just for academic purposes, because fake news spreads easily.
It's important to know how to fact-check information we read on social media.” The
response expresses the importance of critical thinking analysis and fact-checking in
the context of social media and academic studies. The response suggests to check
and critically analyze information that are on social media.

The responses also revealed that social media plays a significant role in skill development
for analyzing information critically. Participants mentioned acquiring new skills through social
media platforms.

Another one stated that,

“I think filmmaking techniques. As a comm student during the peak of the

pandemic, it was hard to apply practical skills without field experience. So online
tutorials actually helped.” According to Yi, Swenson, & Lents 2012, Online Video
tutorials are flexible and cost-effective way to improve student’s mastery. Online
tutorials found particularly useful during the pandemic when practical experience was
limited. They also emphasized how social media enabled them to learn and apply
skills like video editing, enhancing their academic work.

In conclusion, the responses highlight the transformative role of social media in academics,
emphasizing its influence on learning processes and outcomes. Participants emphasized
the importance of critical thinking analysis, fact-checking, and skill development for
analyzing information critically. They recognized social media as a platform for learning,
accessing resources, and engaging in critical evaluation. The integration of social media
content into academic studies was emphasized, enabling participants to apply insights,
evaluate ethical considerations, and shape their understanding of complex issues.
Furthermore, participants highlighted the use of online tools and resources facilitated by
social media, enhancing their academic activities and assignments. Overall, the analysis
emphasizes the significant role of social media in transforming the learning experience and
outcomes in the academic context.

E. Information

Question 5.1 What has been your experience using social media as a source of information
for communication-related studies, and have you found it to be helpful or reliable?

Major theme Subtheme Sample statement

Social Media as Reliability and “ It is helpful and reliable on providing articles and posts that
a Source of helpfulness of social contain information about the field of study. Through social
Information media media, I found tools or applications that helped me hone my
skills and knowledge.

Social Media as Academic and "Every time I saw some trivia and information about
a Source of educational content academic related. Also, those philosophical statements."

Social Media as Information "With the abundance of information available on social

a Source of availability and media, it can be a challenge to determine what is credible
Information access and accurate."

Critical Misinformation and "There are posts aiming to misinform people, and social
Evaluation of fake news media will only be a reliable platform for one if they have
Social Media reliable skills in deeming what's authentic or fake."

Benefits and Trustworthiness and "I don't think I can say that it's reliable because we aren't
Challenges of reliability concerns sure if the information published on social media is factual.”
social media for

Social Media Information "Social media can be a useful source of information for
as a Source of availability and communication-related studies, but it's important to
Information access approach it critically to evaluate the reliability and
accuracy of the information."

Critical Misinformation and "Not reliable, but it is a quick way of being introduced to
Evaluation of fake news topics. More often than not, info on social media lacks
Social Media context. While the rest is straight-up misinformation."

Use of social Engaging with "Professionals and academics in the communication field
media in professionals and are active users of social media sites like Twitter and
Academic experts LinkedIn, where they frequently exchange knowledge and
Research insights."

Social Media Updates and I always use it for quick-scanning of news, which I need
as a Source of current news for subjects like broadcasting."
Social Media Academic and "I like the content creators creating a site or an FB page
as a Source of educational that contains about academic writing & teaching right
Information content vocabularies."

Benefits and Trustworthiness “Yes, I found it helpful because we all know that social
Challenges of and reliability media gives us all the information we need. But we need
social media concerns to double-check if it is true or not because sometimes the
for Studies information spread online is false and can be revised by

The analysis of the provided statements reveals several recurring themes related to
the use of social media as a source of information. The major theme that emerges from the
respondents' statements is "Social Media as a Source of Information." Within this theme,
several sub themes can be identified, including "Reliability and helpfulness of social media,"
"Academic and educational content," "Information availability and access," "Misinformation
and fake news," "Engaging with professionals and experts," "Updates and current news,"
and "Trustworthiness and reliability concerns,”

The responses highlight the positive impact in facilitating access to relevant and useful
information for educational purposes.

Response: “It is helpful and reliable on providing articles and posts that contain information
about the field of study. Through social media, I found tools or applications that helped me
hone my skills and knowledge.” The response emphasizes the helpfulness and reliability of
social media in providing articles and posts relevant to their study field. According to Kim et.
Al., 2011, social media can be considered to be contributing quality information that can be
consulted and compared.

In summary, responses reveal a complex landscape surrounding social media as a source

of information. While it offers helpful and reliable content, including academic resources and
updates, concerns about misinformation, trustworthiness, and the need for critical evaluation
emerge. Engaging with professionals and experts and the necessity of fact-checking further
shape the narrative around social media as an information source. These findings highlight
the multifaceted nature of social media's role in information dissemination, calling for a
critical approach to ensure the reliability and accuracy of information obtained from these

Question 5.2 How do you determine the credibility and accuracy of the information you
encounter on social media, particularly when it comes to communication-related topics?

Major theme Subtheme Sample statement

Evaluation of Checking the "To determine the credibility and accuracy of information
the sources credibility and on social media related to communication, it is important to
reputation of the check the source."

Evaluation of Verifying “I always check other reliable websites to see if the

the sources information information I've seen somewhere else is accurate."
through multiple
reliable sources

Fact-checking Analyzing and "I usually analyze and fact-check the information on social
and cross fact-checking media by applying what I've learned before such as
verification of information using identifying the source and the content itself."
information learned

Fact-checking Using fact- "By checking the accuracy of the information presented in
and cross checking apps the post or article using fact-checking apps and websites."
verification of and websites

Context and Assessing the "Check when it was posted and who published it."
relevance currency and
timeliness of the
Context and Evaluating the "To determine the credibility and accuracy of information, I
relevance relevance of the should first check the source of the information and
information to evaluate its expertise and reputation. Then look for
specific needs corroborating evidence from multiple sources to verify the
information. Lastly, assess the currency and relevance of
the information to ensure it is current and applicable to
their needs."

Context and Considering the "Firstly, it is important to consider the source of the
relevance overall context information. Assessing the reputation, expertise, and
and supporting credibility of the author or organization behind the content
evidence is crucial. Additionally, examining the supporting evidence,
checking for bias or potential conflicts of interest, and
analyzing the overall context of the information can help in
determining its credibility.”

Skepticism and Applying critical "Applying critical thinking techniques to assess the
Critical thinking thinking accuracy of the information provided and the soundness of
techniques and the argument put forth."

Feedback of the Considering user “To verify social media information, I check multiple
users activity and sources, the author or publisher's credentials, and the
feedback content's tone and bias. I also consider user activity and
feedback, as well as whether the information has been
fact-checked or reviewed by reliable sources.”

Media giants Relying on media "I check the source. And sometimes, I simply avoid content
and established giants and trusted from creators I don't know. I mostly rely on media giants
news sources news personalities and news personalities."

The responses gathered by the researcher analysis of these responses demonstrate a

range of perspectives on how the respondents determine the credibility and accuracy of the
information you encounter on social media, particularly when it comes to communication-
related topics. The themes have emerged from the gathered responses: Evaluation of the
sources; Fact-checking and cross verification of information; Context and relevance;
Feedback of the users; and Media giants and established news sources.
Many responses highlight the evaluation of sources and fact-checking and cross verification
of information. They mention that evaluating and fact-checking information would avoid any
misinformation especially in social media.

Responses: "To determine the credibility and accuracy of information on social media
related to communication, it is important to check the source." The response expresses a
strong belief that information you consume on social media should be determined to be
credible by checking the source. According to (Wu, et. Al., 2016), Social media platforms
can generate information and spread rapidly thus, misinformation nor rumors. These days,
social media has become a medium for information sharing making it dangerous when
misinformation takes it step.

In conclusion, the responses reveal that individuals employ a range of strategies to evaluate
the credibility of information on social media. They emphasize the evaluation of sources,
fact-checking and cross-verification, considering context and relevance, applying skepticism
and critical thinking, considering user feedback, and relying on trusted news sources. By
employing these strategies, individuals aim to ensure that the information they encounter on
social media is credible, reliable, and accurate.

Question 5.3 What steps do you take to validate the information you consume on social
media for use in your academic studies, and have these methods been effective for you?

Table 5.3

Major Theme Subtheme Sample Statement

Validating Source "I usually checked who the author is and the date it was
information checking published."

Academic Academic "In today's digital age, social media has become an
aspect research essential source of information for many students
integrity completing academic research.”

Validating Fact-checking “Authority, accuracy, coverage, currency, relevance and

information and cross- purpose are the steps that I think is really effective to
referencing validate the information I consume.”

Validating Source As I have said, I check the source. If the content hails
information checking from a trusted one, I use it on my studies. And yes, this
method has been effective.

Validating Verifying with “To validate information on social media for academic
information credible studies, one can check the source, verify the
sources information, identify bias, use fact-checking tools, and
consult with experts. These methods can be effective in
ensuring the information used is accurate, reliable, and

Reliable and Trusting "I check multiple reputable sources (i.e. verified news
Trustworthy verified news agencies, verified industry experts, published journals
Sources agencies and and researches)."

Validating Considering "Checking for bias, analyzing the overall context, and
information biases and seeking alternative viewpoints contribute to a more
alternative comprehensive understanding of the information."

Validating Looking for “searched for it and made a comparison to see if there
information supporting was any wrong information that had been used. It's
evidence effective because it saves me time editing my work
multiple times.”

The responses focus on the validation of information obtained from social media platforms.
It also highlights the various methods used to emphasize the significance of verifying
information to ensure its accuracy, reliability, and credibility.

Many responses highlight the validating information. They mention source checking, fact-
checking, evaluating the credibility of the site as well as the initiative to look for supporting
Responses: “To validate information on social media for academic studies, one can check
the source, verify the information, identify bias, use fact-checking tools, and consult with
experts. These methods can be effective in ensuring the information used is accurate,
reliable, and trustworthy.” The response draws the steps on obtaining accurate, reliable and
trustworthy information by checking the source with various methods. While social media
caters a large amount of information, it is important for users to verify the information. They
highlighted the importance of verifying the author and publication date, acknowledging the
role these factors play in determining the credibility of the information. According to the
study conducted by (Shu, et. Al, 2017) verifying information on social media platforms are
important due to concerns regarding the credibility and reliability of the information shared.
Critical evaluation and fact-checking practices ensure the accuracy and trustworthiness of
information obtained from social media.

In conclusion, the analysis of responses sheds light on the importance of validating

information obtained from social media for academic studies. Participants emphasized the
use of various methods, such as source checking, fact-checking, and cross-referencing, to
ensure the credibility and accuracy of the information. They acknowledged the challenges
posed by social media content but recognized the significance of careful and rigorous
validation to maintain the integrity of academic research.

Question 5.4 Can you provide an example of a time when you encountered information on
social media that helped you learn something communication-related that you were able to
evaluate and apply critically in your academic studies?

Table 5.4

Major theme Subtheme Sample statement

Critical Analysis Analyzing “I remember when there’s a post about the covid-19 and
and Evaluation information from its new variant that is already spreading here Bataan but
of Information social media as I’m reading it and checking it thoroughly, it’s a fake
news. Since I don’t really trust anything on social media, I
always fact check it to avoid spreading fake news.”
Critical Analysis Evaluating “I exactly dont remember, but i believe i did. I have seen
and Evaluation information for numerous examples of individuals who have successfully
of Information academic used social media as a means of gaining valuable
insights and perspectives on a variety of communication-
related topics. From analyzing messaging strategies
used by political campaigns to studying social media
trends and their impact on public opinion, social media
platforms offer a wealth of data that can be evaluated
and applied in meaningful ways. By staying current on
social media trends and learning how to effectively
evaluate and apply the information at hand, students can
develop a more nuanced understanding of
communication in the digital age.”

Relevance to Information "I encountered other sources of information in social

Academic applicable to media that I can apply to my studies."
Studies academic tasks

Relevance to Learning “Back in high school, I would always see videos on

Academic communication- TikTok about making posters and visual graphics on

Studies related skills Canva that I got interested in it. Since then, I always use
Canva when there are academic tasks like making an
infographic, video, or presentations."

Learning and Learning from "The information provided by the Linguistic content
Skill social media creators helped me a lot with picking words for my
Development content creators essays and other related academic matters."

Learning and Learning "The post highlights the effectiveness of using compelling
Skill communication- visuals to engage audiences and convey messages

Development related skills effectively."

Learning and Learning from “I saw a post on twitter once that gives tips on how to
Skill social media write effective essays. From it, I've learned how to make
Development content creators my writings more coherent and entertaining. I use this
skill now whenever we have to write essays at school.”

Learning and Learning from "Teachers who used YouTube as their teaching
Skill educational platform."
Development content on social

Learning and Learning from "I found a fake news article relevant to your research. I
Skill educational learned morality from that article. This helps me with
Development content on social research and essays."

Learning and Access to "Through Facebook and by watching webinars hosted by

Skill educational BPSU, I learned the difference between misinformation

Development resources on and disinformation, and it's a great help because, during
my research, I was able to differentiate the two and learn
social media
how to properly use the words and apply their meaning."

Social media is viewed as a source of learning materials, video tutorials, etc. that allow the
users to engage and gain and enhance skills. The responses highlight the different
scenarios where the respondent has encountered information and learned something
communication-related and applied it in their academic studies. Participants mentioned that
they engage with posts and videos related to fact-checking on social media platforms. They
highlighted how this activity enables them to critically analyze the information they come

Response: “I remember when there’s a post about the covid-19 and its new variant that is
already spreading here Bataan but as I’m reading it and checking it thoroughly, it’s a fake
news. Since I don’t really trust anything on social media, I always fact check it to avoid
spreading fake news.” The response expresses the importance of critically analyzing
information and fact-checking to avoid spreading fake news since according to (Nistor, &
Zadobrischi, 2022), social media tend to generate more misinformation that is dangerous for
society unlike traditional media.

Overall, the responses revealed how social media serves as a valuable tool for critical
analysis, evaluation of information, and its relevance to academic studies. Participants
emphasized the importance of verifying information, analyzing content critically, and
applying acquired knowledge to their academic tasks. They highlighted the impact of social
media on their learning, skill development, and access to information and resources.

Question 5.5 In what ways do you evaluate the information you encounter on social media

as a helpful tool in your communication-related studies?

table 5.5

Major Theme Sub-Themes Sample Statements

Assessment of Credibility and “By identifying factual information which is needed

social media accuracy of the in our studies as comm students.”
content as a data
source and
instrument for
studies on

“On the other hand, this information is often

unfiltered and unverified, making it crucial to
evaluate and scrutinize before incorporating it into
our coursework. Personally, I evaluate the
reliability of sources, fact-check the information
presented, and consider the relevance to my
specific area of study.”

Ease of access “As a student of communication-related studies,

social media can be a double-edged sword. On
one hand, it provides an abundance of
information at our fingertips, accessible with just a
few swipes and taps.”
Relevance of “By searching for further information on the
the data internet related to a certain topic.”

“If it’s accurate or matched with my school task.”

Online tools “There was some site called fact checker to know
where the source comes from, or you can use
some trusted and credible site that can use for
searching the information you want.”

New concepts “Social media is not the best information source,

but it does help introduce new concepts and
propagate otherwise less known info.”

Comprehensio “Since each of us has a unique level of

n of the data knowledge and comprehension, not everything
we hear or read online will be useful to us.”

Relevance of “By checking what is trending right now.”

the data

The theme that stands up from the responses is the assessments of social media

information as a source and tool for communication studies. The respondents emphasized

the significance of the accuracy and credibility of the content on social media platforms. In

agreement with findings of Bulgurcu, B. (2010). Fake news awareness (FNA) is a social

media user’s awareness of the existence of fake news on the online platforms they use.

Social media credibility (SMC) refers to the extent to which a reader believes that the

information provided in social media is reliable, accurate, free from bias and complete.

Flanagin A.J., Metzger M.J. (2007).

F. Credibility

Question 6.1 In your opinion, what are the key features of social media content that

establish credibility and authenticity

Major Theme Sub-Themes Sample Statements

Evaluating the Data “The author, the date it was published, and the
credibility and relevance, and content itself.”
authenticity of reputation of
social media the author

“Finally, engagement is key. Interacting with your

audience and responding to their comments and
inquiries demonstrates a commitment to building
relationships and establishing trust.”

“Content from reputable individuals, organizations,

or verified accounts is more likely to be reliable.”

“Relevant, timely and factual.”

“The author/publisher/source, if the social media

content is not too biased, and other related topics.”

“If the website is working, the author is true and

reliable and has credible sources and the year
they published it is not that long.”

Credibility and “The source is credible itself and there's no

accuracy of typographical errors.”
the data

“Social media has become a ubiquitous part of our

lives. With so much content available online, it can
be difficult to determine what's credible and
authentic. In my opinion, there are several key
features that can help establish credibility and
authenticity in social media content.”

“Second, accuracy is essential. Posts should be

factually correct and reliable sources should be
cited whenever possible.”

“Factual, relevant, intricate.”

“Accuracy of the information shared.”

“I don't know if social media has that feature, but

for me, I would consider it credible if the source is
included in the post and if the sources are

“For us to build credibility and authenticity, we

must publish high-quality material, use only
trustworthy links when posting, and foster
conversations on social media.”

“Sources, Evidences, Clarity of the statement, and


“Several key features of social media content can

establish credibility and authenticity. Firstly, the
credibility of the author or source is crucial.”

Data “First, transparency is crucial. Posts should clearly

transparency disclose any conflicts of interest, sponsorship, or

“Transparency in providing accurate information

about the author's credentials, expertise, and
affiliations also adds to credibility.”
“Key features of social media content that
establish credibility and authenticity are
Transparency, Timely content Relevance sources

Connection “I think it’s the audience, to keep in touch with

with the them or to interact with them. Always give a high-
audience quality content and use trustworthy links on your

Data synthesis “Their source and the constructions of the articles

(how it basically tells what the source actually is)”

The reliability of the information obtained through social media is the main theme of this
narrative report. The study turned up a number of themes and sub-themes that shed light on
how social media affects accessibility, authenticity, and credibility. Respondents highlighted
the data's credibility and accuracy. Similar to the findings of Jiaxi, S. (2021). Different topics
have a considerable impact on the accuracy of information credibility assessment. At
present, information in social media can be divided into credible and untrusted information.
Among them, the credibility measure will be unreliable. Information is further divided into
extreme emergencies, rumors, falsehoods, false positives, and spam. (Sayed, H., Sousso,
K., Kodjo, A., Alben, C., Nilson, H., 2019).

Question 6.2 How do you assess the reliability and accuracy of the information you

encounter on social media, particularly when it comes to communication-related topics?

table 6.2

Major Theme Sub-Themes Sample Statements

Assessment of Reliability of “If it is presenting facts and not baseless

the reliability the content opinions. Then, I also check other reliable
and accuracy websites to see if the information I've seen
of social media somewhere else is accurate. I also look for
content in citations.”
relation to
-related issues

“If the sources are reliable.”

Data “By critically analyzing the content.”


“Citations or references.”

“I assess it by fact-checking. I just search

different sources that discusses the same
topic. After that, I try to analyze whether they
have similar information.”

“By checking if it is verified.”

“To evaluate social media sources' reliability

and accuracy, I look for evidence-based
information, avoid extreme bias, and
evaluate the author or publisher's credentials
and authority.”

Authenticity “By understanding it and finding it

and Credibility authenticity.”
of the content

“In today's digital age, social media has

become a primary source of information for
many people. While social media platforms
offer a wealth of information on various
topics, it is crucial to assess the reliability
and accuracy of the information presented.
One way to do this is by checking the source
of the information and its credibility. It is also
essential to examine the context in which the
information is presented, as misleading or
incomplete information can skew the real

“If the sources are factual information and

can be verified in another source. Is the
information from the reliable sources? Is
there any grammatical, spelling, and
typographical error? Is the information

“Yes, by verifying the author.”

Content “The ways to assess the reliability and

accuracy accuracy of information encountered on
social media when it comes to
communication-related topics include
checking the source for credibility and
expertise, evaluating the content for
consistency with established facts, cross-
checking with other reliable sources, looking
for bias, checking for citations and
references, considering the tone and
language used, and evaluating the
engagement and feedback from other users.”

“Look for multiple sources: Try to verify the

information you find on social media by
checking it against multiple sources.”

Balanced “Check for bias: Be aware of bias or agendas

content that might influence how information is
presented. Look for sources that present
information in a balanced and objective way.

Relevance of “Check the date: Make sure that the

the content information you are reading is up-to-date and
reflects current thinking on the topic.”

“I check the author, time and date, and other

related topics.”

Analyzing “Check for errors: Look for spelling and

information grammar errors, as well as factual errors, in
critically the information you find. If there are errors, it
may be a sign that the information is not

“Be cautious of sensational headlines:

Headlines are often designed to grab
attention and get clicks. Don't rely on
headlines alone to determine the
accuracy of the information.”

Online tools “Use fact-checking websites: There are

websites that specialize in fact-checking
information from social media. You can
use these websites to verify the accuracy
of the information you find.”

Narrative Analysis:

The theme that emerges from the responses is the assessment of the reliability and

accuracy of social media content in relation to communication-related issues. Respondents

stressed the importance of the authenticity and integrity of the social media platform content.

In line with the findings of David, B., & Jennifer, T. (1998). Construction of a convincing

argument depends on an evaluation of the authenticity of source materials. Judgments

about authenticity are based on assessments of the origins, completeness and internal

integrity of a document. They may also draw from the consistency and coherence that exists

between a particular source and others in the same context or of the same type.
Question 6.3 What strategies do you use to determine if the information you encounter on

social media is authentic and has not been altered or manipulated?


Major Theme Sub-Themes Sample Statements

Evaluating the Relativity of “By searching other articles related to the

content for the content topic.”
and the
presence of
any content

“I will check other related post and compare


Critical “By looking for the details, author, typos, and

analyzation credibility.”

“In today's fast-paced world, social media has

become a primary source of news and
information for millions of people. Despite the
convenience, it's important to be cautious
about the authenticity of the information we
come across. As a professional, I use a variety
of strategies to verify the validity of content on
social media. Firstly, I always check the original
source of the information and cross-check it
with other reliable sources. Secondly, I look for
grammatical errors and inconsistencies in the
information or images.”
“I always look at the headline if it is misleading.
Then if it is biased or not and if it is satire.”

“By manually going to other sources via

internet or written documents.”

“Fact-checking, knowing the details of

information, the person who posted the
information and the reference of its info.”

“To ensure the authenticity of information

encountered on social media, some strategies
can be used including verifying the source,
evaluating the context of the information,
looking for inconsistencies, checking the
comments section for any concerns, using fact-
checking tools, checking the metadata of
images or videos, and verifying the information
with other reliable sources.”

“Source of info. I think reading comments also

help SOMETIMES, when someone provides
context on the comments / correct any
misinformation. Mostly, cross-verifying and
checking multiple sources may be helpful.”

“I check from the earliest article or post that

concerns the matter. If it doesn't match with the
current information posted, that might be a sign
of altercation and manipulation.”

“I'm using my critical mind.”

“I checked the uploader/author, time and date. I

also search on google/twitter if the information
were accurate.”
“Fact-checking, author verification, and
corroborating evidence can verify social media

“I searched where the source came from, and I

also make comparisons from the original post
and from what I have found online.”

“Double check always the information.”

Basis of “I read from numerous, big sources. And if what

authenticity they say is synonymous, I see the said info as
and credibility authentic.”

“Reading information from reliable sources, if

the information is the same, I would consider it

“By looking at the comments (particularly those

with valid points)”

“I check other reliable websites to see if the

information I've seen somewhere else is
accurate. I also look for citations.”

“If it has a check symbol on its page name,

check the followers and reactors of it if it is a
real person / name. Check the activeness & the
content creators of the page if they are

“Checking different platforms to determine its


“Verify the source and author.”

“I checked if the page was legit and if it was

Data Accuracy “Accuracy & timeliness of the information must

and relevance be considered not just author's background or

The theme that is recognized from the responses is the assessment of the content

for credibility and the presence of any content manipulation. Respondents emphasized the

importance of critically analyzing social media platform content. According to Kawaljeet, K.,

Kuttimani, T., Nripendra, R., Pushp, P. Yogesh, D., & Sridhar, N. (2018). Social media

allows relationship forming between users from distinct backgrounds, resulting in a

tenacious social structure. A prominent output of this structure is the generation of massive

amounts of information, offering users exceptional service value proposition. However, a

drawback of such information overload is sometimes evident in users’ inability to find

credible information of use to them at the time of need. Social media sites are already so

deeply embedded in our daily lives that people rely on them for every need, ranging from

daily news and updates on critical events to entertainment, connecting with family and

friends, reviews and recommendations on products/services and places, fulfilment of

emotional needs, workplace management, and keeping up with the latest in fashion, to

name but a few.

Consumer reviews are another big part of social media, bringing issues of

information quality, credibility, and authenticity to the forefront. To a large extent, online

communities have been successful in bringing together people with similar interests and

goals, making the concept of micro blogging very popular. While most messages exchanged

on social media sites are personal statuses or updates on current affairs, some posts are
support seeking, where people are looking for assistance and help. Interestingly, these have

been recognized as socially exhausting posts that engender social overload, causing other

members to experience negative behavioral and psychological consequences, because they

feel compelled to respond (Maier et al. 2015a).

Question 6.4 Can you provide an example of a time when you encountered information on

social media that you initially thought was credible, but later discovered was inaccurate or


Major Theme Sub-Themes Sample Statements

Encountered Incorrect and When a post about an artist who passed away. I
information is misleading somehow believed on it because many people
deceptive and do so. But later on, I found out that it was just a
fake news fake news.

“It’s the time when I read the news about the

Iskolar ng Bataan, and I really thought it was the
real page but then I noticed that the visual is not
so convincing for me then I checked the page
and voila, it’s the fake page, then I reported it.”

“I encountered an article saying Mang Inasal is

already bankrupt and will close its branches in a
few months. Later on, after executing my
methods of determining what's true and not, I
found that the article I read was purely satirical.”

“A post that receives a lot of attention is typically

made by a bogus page.”
“Misinformation can be found on social media.
This could happen if a friend or family member
shared a sensational headline that was
exaggerated or false.”

Irrelevant to “As a society, we rely heavily on social media to

the content stay informed on a variety of topics. However,
and outdated it's important to be cautious of the information
we come across, as not everything we read is
accurate. I remember stumbling upon a post on
social media about a new treatment for a
medical condition I was curious about. The post
seemed credible, with a lot of likes and shares,
and the person who shared it was someone I

“A different link was copied and pasted on a

post, and when I clicked it, the link was from a
shopping site and had no relation to the post.”

Academic “The time that I thought that classes were

related suspended.”

“The false suspension of classes (there was an

identical page of the official page of Abet Garcia
which has high number of followers)”

Untrusted “Whenever I browse social media. As I have

source of said, we cannot trust social media when it
information comes to credible information.”

Political “I think during election as there are so many

related information from fb pages that I don't even like
or follow but keeps on showing up.”

“One time on an article posted online during

Marcos campaign, where they stated that
Marcos have donated relief goods, I forgot the
place but I think around Rizal or somewhere on
which later on it was not really Marcos who
donated those but rather a volunteer group who
uses their own money in helping the people
during pandemic. I almost believe that Marcos
was behind that relief operation but later they
use that operation for their presidential

“Last year's election about candidates.”

“Halalan is always on the list.”

“During the campaign period in halalan 2022.”

Religiously “When I was younger, I would always encounter

related pictures of Jesus Christ present on the sky or
pictures of children that are injured or suffering
from a disease. As I use social media more
often, I have learned that those photos are

Online selling “The Nike shoes that I thought its class A but it
by means of is only replica but the online page sells it
social media thousand pesos.”

Narrative Analysis:

The responses show a common theme: the information perceived from social media

platform is deceptive and misleading. Respondents stressed the incorrect and misleading
content on social media platforms. According to Aaron, S., Laura, S., Courtney, J., &

Jingjing, J. (2019). In recent years, the internet and social media have been integral to

political protests, social movements and election campaigns around the globe. Popular

social media and messaging platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp have drawn attention

for their potential role in spreading misinformation, facilitating political manipulation by

foreign and domestic actors, and increasing violence and hate crimes.

Even as social media use has become more common in many emerging countries, in

only four of the 11 countries surveyed do a majority of people say these platforms are an

important source of political information – and nowhere does a majority say social media are

very important for learning about politics. All told, a median of 28% of adults say social

media are very important for helping them keep up with political news and other

developments happening in the world.

Question 6.5 How do you think social media platforms could improve the credibility and

accuracy of the information presented on their platforms, particularly when it comes to

communication-related topics?

Major Theme Sub-Themes Sample Statements

Enhancement Requirements “I think there should be some bases to be

of content for content filled by the author before posting it.”
credibility and credibility and
accuracy on accuracy
social media
platforms for
-related topics

“If it is verified.”

“For me, I think every social media platform

should have its own engine to only allow
verified information from the legit sources.”

“Post the reference of the information, and

make sure that source is credible and

“By verifying the information that has been

uploaded, if it is true.”

“By making sure that the sources are reliable

and to have strict rules and guidelines from
their platforms.”

“By making their platforms verified first.”

Audience “People must always report what they deem

contribution inaccurate so the app developers can make
their move in making their platforms an
environment where only truth lies.”

More accountability for fake news accounts.

Also marking /flagging content if they may be
misleading (/unverified if true or false).

“By encouraging fact-checking of posts, and

promote media literacy by providing
resources and tools that help users identify
credible sources of information and develop
critical thinking skills.”
“Anti-fake news campaign must be strictly
implemented in order to boldly fight false

Linked “By linking sources or sites they have attain

contents the information said.”

Manpower “By hiring more fact checkers to check the

and online articles of official news pages.”

“Fact-checking: Social media platforms could

implement fact-checking mechanisms to
verify the accuracy of information before it is
presented to users. This could involve using
automated tools or employing human fact-
checkers to review content. “

“By integrating improved algorithms and

human moderation to detect and eliminate
fake news and misinformation, social media
platforms could increase the trustworthiness
and accuracy of content.”

Content “Social media platforms could be more

transparency transparent about how their algorithms work
and how content is prioritized in users' feeds.
This would help users to understand why
they are seeing certain content and could
help to reduce the spread of misinformation.”

Collaboration “Social media platforms could collaborate

with with experts in communication-related fields,
professionals such as journalists, academics, and
researchers, to develop and implement
strategies for improving the credibility and
accuracy of information on their platforms.”

Legal “There should be a law implemented against

approach misinformation and fake news.”
Increased “Presented on their platforms, especially
global about communication? Online
awareness communication has made information
accessible to previously inaccessible groups.
This has raised global awareness.”

The main focus of this narrative report is the reliability of information gained through

social media. The research identified theme and sub-themes that offer insight on the

requirements for content credibility and accuracy. According to Cayla, B., David, M. III. &

Leigh, T. (2012). Finding sources for research is important, but using unreliable sources will

hurt your credibility and make your arguments seem less powerful. It is important to be able

to identify which sources are credible. This ability requires an understanding of depth,

objectivity, currency, authority, and purpose. Whether or not your source is peer-reviewed, it

is still a good idea to evaluate it based on these five factors. An article that has been peer-

reviewed is credible, but it still might not be completely relevant to your assignment. Peer

review is a well-accepted indicator that a source is scholarly and reliable. Before publication,

peer-reviewed journals require that papers be reviewed by experts in the same field. After

reading and reviewing the material for accuracy and objectivity, the reviewers will

recommend publication, revision, or rejection.

Part III. Presents the insights gained during the study's conduct, demonstrating that

research on the use of social media platforms for educational purposes achieves its

intended goal.

QUESTION 7.1 The respondents were asked, How do you use social media for learning
and education? Can you provide specific examples?
Major Theme Sub Theme Sample Statement

Education Sharing Academic “ I am using my social media platforms not only for my
personal space but also for my education. When there’s an
Feats in Balance
activity for example that one of the professors required us
use of Social Media to use social media then we are gonna use it and it’s only
for positive things.”

How they apply this “ By conducting research on specific topics, gathering

information and insights from various sources in different
to Learning
social media platforms, following pages and accounts that
Materials by first share information relevant to your academic interests,
such as news outlets, academic journals, and thought
Understanding the
leaders, and joining groups and communities that share
limitations and similar interests and engage in discussions about topics
biases of social related to your academic field that I think one of the most
effective because you have the chance to learn more with
media platforms other people.”

Building Finding community “ I can follow educational accounts on platforms like

Twitter and Instagram, join online communities centered
environment in in the related field of
around specific topics, watch educational videos on
social media interest of Education platforms like YouTube and Facebook, and participate in
webinars on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook. Social
media provides users with various opportunities to learn
and expand their knowledge on different topics by
following educational accounts, joining online
communities, watching educational videos, and
participating in webinars.”

Infinite network of “Many educators and students utilize social media

platforms to share educational resources, engage in
resources from
discussions, and collaborate on projects. For instance,
experts, Educators students can join subject-specific groups or communities
and co-student where they can ask questions, share insights, and learn
from their peers. Educators can use social media to
disseminate information, provide updates, and create
interactive learning experiences through live streams or
video tutorials. …Additionally, social media can be used to
connect with experts and professionals in the field,
providing opportunities for mentorship and networking.”

There are numerous ways to use social media, and users have complete freedom to

do so. This is a gap in the earth into which many users will fall. According to Bruns, he
mentioned ' "gatewatching" is a new practice of curating and evaluating news and other

information provided by official sources in real time using social networks and other

platforms, as previously mentioned. (Bruns, 2011)' We were still unable to filter the data.

Another step was the inclusion of the Educational system. As communicators, we must not

tolerate incorrect use of social media but rather work with it to improve it. As mentioned in

the journals of Andreas and Michael, social media enables firms to engage in timely and

direct end-consumer contact at a lower cost and with higher levels of efficiency than can be

achieved with more traditional communication tools. (Andreas, Michael, & e!, 2010). It

remains a platform. We can still speak and absorb in the same manner that students of

communication must.

“I am using my social media platforms not only for my personal space but also for my


“Balanced use of Social Media”, as its sub theme. In educating means, projects and feats

are grounded inspiration for becoming skilled in our field as a future media practitioner.

Being well rounded in its use has a significant impact on how students use the course

program, but it also increases the platform's value for them in its purpose, as stated.

“ When there’s an activity, for example, where one of the professors requires us to

use social media, then we are going to use it, and it’s only for positive things.”

However, in this doubtful moment of using the platform, we extracted an interesting point of

view in using education, whereas another sub theme has been suggested in coding, “How

they apply this to learning materials," by means of sources that are critical to absorbing

information. “by first understanding the limitations and biases of social media platforms.”
“By conducting research on specific topics, gathering information and insights from

various sources on different social media platforms,...

According to research articles on Network Privacy, while significant attention is paid to

young people's online privacy habits on sites like Facebook, conventional privacy theories

fail to account for the ways in which social media modify information-sharing and visible

practices. Conventional privacy models are individualistic, while the realities of privacy

reflect individuals' locations in settings and networks. (Alice & Danah, 2014)

In this process, which makes them aware, however, the respondent also projects where the

environment is in a considerable state of progress in applying these variables in using social

media through education. Quotes that the respondent mentioned’

“I can follow educational accounts on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, join online

communities centered around specific topics, watch educational videos on platforms

like YouTube and Facebook, and participate in webinars on platforms like LinkedIn

and Facebook.”

The main theme distinguishes whether they are “Building environment in social media” ; it

signifies an interest spike that allows students to connect and socialize. Therefore, “Finding

community in the related field of interest of Education”,, which later developed into a sub


Knowing the major impact of having a wide array of connections from the setting of the

environment, it all led to vast options and educational material available on Facebook and

Twitter. The respondents answer supports this in a quote:

“Many educators and students utilize social media platforms to share educational

resources, engage in discussions, and collaborate on projects. For instance,

students can join subject-specific groups or communities where they can ask

questions, share insights, and learn from their peers. Educators can use social

media to disseminate information, provide updates, and create interactive learning

experiences through live streams or video tutorials.”

This corresponds to developing a sub-theme that analyzes the "infinite network of resources

from experts’; in that state, the purpose of knowledge transfer expands to either “Educators

or co-students."

Finally, this area of tackling education involves the process of using social media platforms

as a platform for sharing educational content such as articles, videos, and podcasts,

allowing students to access diverse perspectives and enhance their knowledge in various


QUESTION 7.2 In what ways have you developed new skills using social media platforms
like Facebook and Twitter? Can you describe a particular experience?

Major Theme Sub Theme Sample Statement

“ I have been more "in-the-moment", with little to no

apathy. I am always updated and act accordingly with the
Developing Skills in
status quo.”
Using Social
Media to Social Apathy, and “ I developed my communication skills in writing, listening
and speaking. I’m an introvert but social media helps me
Enhance their Expression. to be confident to make new friends online and also in
Skills [the] real world.”

“It developed my communication skills, I just became

more expressive about my feelings.”
network interaction “ Personally, my experience with social media has been
quite enriching. For instance, by following industry
and gaining insights
experts and thought leaders on Twitter, I have gained
for the latest news insights into the latest trends and developments in my
and trends. field of work. Also, I have joined groups on Facebook
where I can network with people having similar interests
and learn from them. Social media has, hence, proved to
be a great learning tool for me, allowing me to enhance
my skills and knowledge.”

Copying Inspo and “Creativity, a lot of inspo is on social media so whenever I

am doing pub mats or infographics, I search on Facebook
and Twitter.”

I've developed a lot in editing videos because of watching

videos that helped me a lot in developing this skill

Through tutorials on Facebook and informative posts on

Twitter, I have learned how to polish my writing style.

Using social applied learning “Socmed allowed me to develop new skills, such as
media to digital marketing, graphic design, and digital content that
while providing
practice their was my job when i was a marketing specialist”
“Mentioned social media platforms really developed my
skills especially in management, marketing and
communication. Actually I'm an email manager of a
private client owning a business with [a] Facebook page.
In this field of work, this made me develop skills in social
media management, including content creation,
engagement strategies, and analytics for his professional
branding and develop skills in digital marketing, including
audience targeting, advertising, and lead generation, and
also develop skills in research and data analysis,
including gathering and interpreting data, identifying
trends, and analyzing engagement metrics which is really
important thing to do when having a business.”

Developing Skills in Communicating, Social Apathy, and Expression; Social media platforms
such as Facebook and Twitter have become indispensable in our daily lives. They provide
several opportunities to gain new talents and improve our present ones. One way that these
platforms have helped me build my skills is by strengthening my communication abilities.
Regular interactions with friends and followers allow for this, and this answer from the
respondents seemed to understand "learning in the moment."

“ I have been more "in-the-moment", with little to no apathy. I am always updated

and act accordingly with the status quo.”

Additionally, social media has helped me overcome social apathy by exposing me to diverse
perspectives and ideas that I may not have encountered otherwise. This has broadened my
horizons and allowed me to engage with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
But this might also change behavior, which could lead to personal improvement.

“ I developed my communication skills in writing, listening, and speaking. I’m an

introvert, but social media helps me be confident to make new friends online and
also in [the] real world.”

and expression is a part of this given how codified they are. These answers bring harmony
to the unique way people share their feelings. Another respondent remarks on his
development by also being as expressive:

“It developed my communication skills, I just became more expressive about my


They have learned how to express themselves more clearly and effectively. Additionally,
social media has helped to overcome social apathy by exposing people to diverse
perspectives and ideas that they would not have otherwise encountered

Another sub theme inspired by the computer’s command ‘copy and paste’ while it is used as
"Copying Inspiration and Tutorials," gives insight on their answer from the survey that
copying is always a way of learning and gaining inspiration. However, it is important to note
that copying should not be the only method of learning.

" Creativity, a lot of inspo is on social media, so whenever I am doing pub mats or
infographics, I search on Facebook and Twitter.”

To stand out in a crowded online space, it is essential to also develop one's own distinctive
style and voice. Additionally, making sincere connections with people who share your
interests can result in fruitful partnerships and opportunities. Social media can be a powerful
tool for networking and self-expression, but it's important to use it wisely and purposefully.
appears to be accustomed to this response.

" I've developed a lot in editing videos because of watching videos that helped me a
lot in developing this skill."

This includes being mindful of the content we consume and share, as well as respecting the
privacy and boundaries of others. Ultimately, the key to success on social media lies in
authenticity, creativity, and meaningful engagement with our audience.

QUESTION 7.3 Have you ever participated in an online course using social media? Can you
share your experience? How did social media contribute to your learning?

Table 7.3

Major Theme Sub Theme Sample Statement

Social media “ Personally, I have participated in an online course using

courses and its social media and the experience was both enjoyable and
The Comfort of
cons informative. Being able to connect with other learners and
Online Learning in instructors through platforms such as Facebook and
Social Media Twitter provided a sense of community and collaboration.
Additionally, the ability to access course materials at any
time allowed for flexibility in my schedule. Overall, social
media played a significant role in enhancing my learning
experience and allowed me to gain knowledge in a more
interactive and engaging way.”

“ I already participated in an online course using social

media and it went so well. I enjoyed being online and it
makes me more productive and comfortable. I like online
than personal interaction.”

How did social “Through Facebook and by watching webinars hosted by

media contribute to bpsu. I learned the difference between misinformation
your learning and disinformation, and it's a great help because, during
my research, I was able to differentiate the two and learn
how to properly use the words and apply their meaning.”

“Posting infographics on Facebook and LinkedIn for a


“Definitely yes, I enrolled in an online course with regards

to freelancing and this course really helped and
contributed a lot to my learning as a Communication
student, learnings from my course has really helped me in
studying my current course/program.”

During the “Yes, I participated in an online course during pandemic.

pandemic The meeting went well and the instructors shared they’re
knowledge about research. And later on we had to leave
a review about the meeting. Social media contributed to
my learning by having easy access to obtain information
about what I want to know.”

“During the pandemic, I participated in a limited online

animation course that our church established. We
communicated through telegram and held our live
discussions on WebEx. It's fun but I think I'll learn more if
it happens face to face.”

The Comfort of Online Learning in Social Media

Participation in a social media-based online course can be a comfortable and easy method
of study. It not only allows for scheduling flexibility, but it also fosters a sense of community
through interaction with other students. and this can be observed in several of their answers.
according to the respondent:

“ I already participated in an online course using social media and it went so well. I
enjoyed being online and it makes me more productive and comfortable. I like online
than personal interaction.”

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be used to share
resources, ask questions, and collaborate on projects. gives emphasis on comfort; it
contributes to their capability and preferences.

“Through Facebook and by watching webinars hosted by bpsu. I learned the

difference between misinformation and disinformation, and it's a great help because,
during my research, I was able to differentiate the two and learn how to properly use
the words and apply their meaning.”
Additionally, the use of multimedia content, such as videos and infographics, can enhance
the learning experience. The ability to interact with instructors and peers in real-time through
live chats or video conferencing also adds value to the overall learning process.

“Posting infographics on Facebook and LinkedIn for a subject.”

However, it is crucial to emphasize that social media should not be relied on completely for
learning because it may lack the depth and rigor required for some disciplines.(Elisa,
Gemma, Martin, Johan, & Mark, 2015) Ultimately, when used wisely and in conjunction with
other resources, social media may be a helpful tool for online learning.

During the pandemic, people started to change their phase online as we embraced the new
normal. Students used this opportunity to gain knowledge through the use of social media.
and it hit like a banger, as it allowed us to connect with experts and professionals from all
over the world, giving us access to a wealth of information that we may not have had
otherwise. Social media also provided a platform for students to collaborate and share
ideas, allowing for a more interactive and engaging learning experience. Participants
describe their experience'

“During the pandemic, I participated in a limited online animation course that our
church established. We communicated through telegram and held our live
discussions on WebEx. It's fun but I think I'll learn more if it happens face to face.”

Additionally, social media allowed us to stay connected with our peers and instructors,
providing a sense of community and support during these challenging times. However, it is
important to note that social media should be used responsibly and in moderation, as it can
also be a source of distraction and misinformation. Overall, social media has played a
significant role in enhancing our learning experience during the pandemic, in this case, it is
important to use it wisely and in conjunction with other resources.

QUESTION 7.4 What do you see as the advantages of using social media for education?
How has it helped you or others in your experience?

Table 7.4
Major Theme Sub Theme Sample Statement

“The advantages of using social media for education is

that we can be technology literate, will showcase our
the convenience of
communication skills and [be] more convenient.
having access to It helped me to improve my communication skills.”
free education of
“It is a user-friendly environment, with interfaces we are
Social Media all accustomed to, so using it as a learning platform is
somehow a good idea.”

Advantages of “There are many insights or comments from those

using social platforms that can help you improve on something.”
media for
efficient and cost
“For me, the examples of advantages of using social media
for education includes access to diverse perspectives,
collaboration opportunities, flexibility, engaging content,
and cost-effectiveness. Social media can be a powerful
tool for education, making it accessible to a wider audience
and providing users with opportunities for interactive

“Improves students' ability to express and share their ideas

in a wide range of print and electronic media, including

Pandemic and the “Based on experiences, I think that social media has an
advantage in organizing school files. It minimizes the
online courses:
papers being used from notebooks or bond papers, if all
saving a lot than of us could just submit / present our school works
digitally. Personally, it helps me save transportation
money because everything is just one tap away”

“The advantages of using social media for education are;

easy access to information, quick awareness about news,
and it’s free for everyone. Using social media for
education helped me to finish my school tasks because I
was able to search for information quickly.”

In education, social media provides a platform for students to connect and share
information, as well as a personalized learning experience. It also allows educators to reach
a larger audience and spread information more quickly and efficiently.
“The advantages of using social media for education is that we can be technology literate,
will showcase our communication skills and [be] more convenient. It helped me to improve
my communication skills"

deemed from the answer of the respondent

Social media can be used as a tool for collaboration and group work, providing access to
resources to supplement traditional classroom learning. Given the navigation based on the
experience of the respondent:

“It is a user-friendly environment, with interfaces we are all accustomed to, so using it
as a learning platform is somehow a good idea.”

The convenience of having access to free education on Social Media platforms such as
YouTube, LinkedIn Learning, and Coursera has become increasingly popular. These
platforms offer a wide range of courses and tutorials that can be accessed from anywhere
with an internet connection, making it easier for students to learn at their own pace and on
their own schedule (Michael, 2013)

Many people find it efficient and cost-effective, especially if they do not have the richest
assets. When it comes to providing the information we require, we cannot underestimate the
power of social media.

“For me, the examples of advantages of using social media for education include
access to diverse perspectives, collaboration opportunities, flexibility, engaging
content, and cost-effectiveness.

spilling the tea, the response has

" improves students' ability to express and share their ideas in a wide range of print
and electronic media, including internationally."

and as far as the reach and frequency of your content have grown, it is guaranteed that you
can also find success in using social media properly. especially social media managers.
proven from another statement
“Based on experiences, I think that social media has an advantage in organizing
school files. It minimizes the papers being used from notebooks or bond papers, if all
of us could just submit / present our school works digitally. Personally, it helps me
save transportation money because everything is just one tap away”

Pandemic and online courses: saving far more than expected media is available online, and
you can access it as long as you have a stable internet connection. Most of us struggle to
make sense of our expenses, and this opportunity has proven to be a good fit for being
recognized as one of the respondents to the survey. The convenience of online media has
revolutionized the way we consume information and opened up new avenues for businesses
to reach their target audience. However, it is important to be mindful of the credibility and
accuracy of the sources we rely on.

Additionally, budgeting apps and online tools can help us stay on top of our finances and
provide valuable insights into our spending habits. The availability of online media has
transformed various aspects of our lives and presents both opportunities and challenges
that require careful consideration.

“The advantages of using social media for education are; easy access to information, quick
awareness about news, and it’s free for everyone. Using social media for education helped
me to finish my school tasks because I was able to search for information quickly.”

QUESTION 7.5 On the other hand, what do you see as the potential disadvantages of using
social media for education? Have you encountered any challenges or negative

Table 7.5

Major Theme Sub Theme Sample Statement

disadvantages Maybe, a lot will be more dependent on social media,

of using social become lazy, just gonna search everything and will not
dependency on
media in think critically and maybe be a distraction for others.
using social media In my own experiences, maybe the negative impact on
me is that I don’t wanna go outside and just be on my
phone at home and do my school task. It’s hard to get
along with the people, I’m losing so much energy. So I
wanna stick online.

Too much reliability after all in my opinion, easy is not

always the best solution.

distraction among “ Social media can be a source of distraction and expose

students to unreliable or biased information, and privacy
the Learners and
concerns due to the collection and storage of user data.
issues in using Cyberbullying on social media platforms can negatively
social media affect students' mental health and academic
performance, and not all students have access to reliable
internet or devices, limiting their ability to access
educational resources. It is crucial to be aware of these
potential challenges and take steps to mitigate them
when using social media for educational purposes.”

“As a student, I can honestly say that one of the

disadvantages of utilizing social media for education is
that it quickly distracts me, to the point where I am unable
to easily complete my tasks. Another consideration is that
excessive social media use may make it difficult to
engage with others.”

daily strugles monitoring and The disadvantage is that there's a lot of information but
with that info there's also fake-information where it could
active fact checking
bring misinformation and can bring issues of credibility of
the article. I have acquired a lot of misinformation
because it was rampant in social media. That is why to be
a wise user of social media, you must need to be fact
checker first in order to avoid being a victim of

Disadvantages are obviously the monitoring. Teachers

can't physically reach the students, so as students vice
versa. Learning in school creates a healthy environment,
because school is a place meant for learning. Unlike at
home, we do have easy access to social media but we
tend to get distracted by other factors that are unrelated
to our studies.

Disadvantages of using social media in education; Perhaps many people will become more
reliant on social media, become lazy, simply search for everything, and become a distraction
to others.
" Maybe, a lot will become more dependent on social media, become lazy, just gonna
search everything and will not think critically, and maybe be a distraction for others."

Furthermore, social media can also be a source of misinformation and fake news, which can
negatively impact critical thinking skills and academic performance. In addition, excessive
use of social media can lead to addiction and a decrease in face-to-face communication

This can have long-term consequences on personal relationships and future job prospects.
Moreover, cyberbullying and online harassment are prevalent on social media platforms,
which can have a detrimental effect on mental health and overall well-being. It is important
for students to be aware of these potential drawbacks and to use social media responsibly in
order to maximize its benefits for education and personal growth. Perhaps the negative
impact it has on everyone is not wanting to go outside and instead staying at home on the
phone and completing the schoolwork.
Therefore, being in a classroom with a teacher who is dedicated to teaching us and
ensuring that we understand the material is crucial for our academic success. Additionally,
being surrounded by peers who are also focused on learning can be motivating and
encouraging. In school, we have access to resources such as textbooks, computers, and
other educational materials that may not be available at home. Furthermore, participating in
extracurricular activities and clubs can provide opportunities for personal growth and
development outside of the classroom. Overall, attending school allows us to expand our
knowledge and skills while also building relationships with our peers and teachers.

Part IV: Implications of the Study

The study relied on applied methods based on the respondents' experiences to answer its

research objective. Thematic analysis was used to prioritize the coding samples in order to

support the study's main objectives. Each statement had a significant impact on the findings,

and the best way to represent their answers to the question is to divide them into themes.

Social media enables firms to engage in timely and direct end-consumer contact at a lower
cost and with higher levels of efficiency than can be achieved with more traditional

communication tools. Additionally, educators must not tolerate incorrect use of social media

but rather work with it to improve it. A balanced use of social media has a significant impact

on how students use the course program, but it also increases the platform's value for them

in terms of its purpose. This text discusses the use of social media in education, and how it

can be used for positive things. It explains that conventional privacy theories fail to account

for the ways in which social media modify information-sharing and visible practices. The

respondent also projects that the environment is making considerable progress in applying

these variables to using social media through education. The main theme distinguishes

between “Building environment in social media” and “Finding community in the related field

of interest of Education”. The respondents answer supports this by saying that many

educators and students utilize social media platforms to share educational resources,

engage in discussions, and collaborate on projects. Educators can use social media to

disseminate information, provide updates, and create interactive learning experiences

through live streams or video tutorials. The use of social media for learning and education

has gained significant attention in recent years. Teachers can use social media platforms

like Twitter and Facebook to connect with students outside of the classroom, share

resources and assignments, and facilitate discussions. Additionally, social media can be

used to promote collaboration among students, allowing them to work together on projects

and share ideas. However, it is important to carefully consider its application in order to

ensure that it serves its purpose. Critical thinking skills can be developed through exercises

such as fact-checking and analyzing the credibility of sources. Additionally, social media can

be used as a tool for collaboration and discussion among learners. The key to using social

media for learning effectively is to approach it with a critical eye and an open mind.
Examples provided by respondents as credible sources can help develop new skills in


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