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All of us are familiars with the word force as we use it in our everyday

life to stop motion, to start motion, to change direction or to change size

or to change shape of a body.

the study of cause of motion, and come from the
Greek Word 'dynamikos' meaning force or poWer.
Dynamics: Is the

The Force Concept

Force: Is a pull or a push exerted on a body which changes
the state of motion, or shape and size of a body.
Force is a vector quantity measured in Newton (N) and causes a
body to move, to stop, to change direction of motion or to change
size or shape of the body.

Resolving a Force
Since force is a vector quantity, it can be
decomposed into components.
i) A force in xy plane can be resolved as


The magnitude of the force is,


The angle the force make from the

horizontal is,

tan =→0= tan




A force in space, that is xyz plane can be resolved as:

And, its magnitude is

X4.2 Basic Laws of Dynamics
Newton's lew of motions are the basic laws of. dynamics. It was in l686
that a great English Physicist Sir Issac Newton Summarized the basi.
principles which govem the motion of a body in the form of three \aws.
These lawS are known as Newton's Laws of motion and are as follo
First Law or Law of Inertia, states that; "A body will continue
in its state of rest or uniform nistion unless a net force acts on it»
The first law implies that, in he absence of external force, a body
at rest will remain at rest and a body moving with constant speed
in a straight lin will continue moving at that speed forever.
That is,
A book lying on a table renain there forever. and
A ball given a constant velocity will move forever.
Important points to remember
Inertia: Is the ratural tendency of a a body to remain at rest
or in motion at a constant velocity. The mass of a body is
measure of inertia. Therefore, the bigger the mass the
greater the inertia.
Newton's first law is also known as the law of inertia,
which is appropriate since the literal meaning of the word
inertia is Laziness". Speaking
1oosely, we can say

when its en
friction, drag force or
Eaplanatian: No. in
spaceship cannot stop.
When a car stopS, suuddenly, the passengers tend to move forward
and I wl
when a car makes a sharp turn, the passenger tend to slide to
one side of the car. Why is this happening?
laplanatian: This s is due to inertia. The passenger's body wants
to be in its original state of motion.
Is it possible to have motion in the absence of a force?
Erolanatian: Yes. Motion requires no force.
While dusting a carpet, we give a sudden jerk or beat it with
stick. Explain how dust particles are removed, from the carpet in
this process.
Eaplanatian: Before the carpet was beaten, the carpet and the
dust particles were at rest. When the carpet is given a sudden
jerk, it moves away and due to inertia of rest dust particles remain
in their position.
Newton's Second Law or Law of Acceleration: states that:
The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the net
force acting on the body and inversely proportional to the mass
of the body."
Mathematically, we can write it as,

IF= ma

vector form, we can have,

F=mã = m(a, +å, +a,)|, F, =ma,, Fy = may, F, = ma,

F-Fi+Ēj+Ek and ā =a,i+a,j+a,k

Important point to remember

The direction of the acceleration is always in the direction
of the net force.
When solving problems involving forces and Newton's
second law, it is essential to begin by making a sketch that
indicates each and every external force acting on the given
body. This type of sketch is referred to as a free - body
The second law can also be stated as the rate of change
of momentum is directly proportional to
the force,4.3
If you place a ball on a horizontal surface and give it a kick, it will move
Erictional Force
for a short distance and come to
ball should have continued to move with a uniform velocity. But this is

what you observe.
we call friction.
rest. According to Newton's 1 law, the

Friction: Is a resistive force that opposes the motion of a surface

over another surface.
The external force that opposes motion is what

Eriction is a surface phenomenon. That is the origin of friction is

due to surface irregularity. Even a highly polished surface when
viewed under a microscope reveals a series of hills and valleys.
As a result the irregularities interlock when surfaces tend to make
relative motion on each other.

kinetic friction.
Commonly, we focus on two types of frictions called static friction and
Static Friction (f,): Is the force of friction between two surfaces
that are in contact and at rest relative to each other.
Mathematically, we have
Where; u, (read as "mew" "s") is called coefficient of static friction.
Fy is called the normal force

For instance,
Normal force (FN), Is a force that is always acting perpendicular
to the surfaces in contact.ii)

Remember, the magnitude of static

friction is equal to applied force
tending to cause the relative motion
and its direction is always opposite to
that of the applied force.
Note also that, the maximum static friction is called
and it arises when the body is on the verge of motion.
Kinetic friction (f): Is the friction force betwcen two surface
that are in relative motion to each other.

Mathematically, we have

Where: is called the coefficient kinetic friction

Important points to remember
Kinetic friction is usually less
than static friction.
Friction doesn't depend on the
area of the surfaces in contact.
Friction depends on the nature
of the surfaces in contact that
their roughness
Limiting Frictio

smoothness and the normal force.

If a body is at rest on a horizontal surface and no extemal
force is applied, the force of friction is zero.
The variation of friction with the applied force can be visualze
graphically as shown. From the graph, it can be seen that, it requires
larger force to start motion than it does not maintain a constant velociy


Ot usually body of considerable mass. The

Zqua:aty of
difficult to stop a moving body
motion possessed by such moving body is called momentum.
ntum (P): Is the product of the mass of a moving body
with its velocity.
Orbe lincar momentum of a body of mass
Qnoving with a velocity of Vin a straight line is
given by, P= mỹ
kg m's.
Important points to remember
Momentum is a vector quantity.
When a body is moving with a velocity of
V=vİ+ vyj t v,k

P=mv= m(v,it vjt v,k) = Pi+ Pj+ P_k

its unit is

Impulse (J): Is the product of an average force and the time

interval for which the force acts.
From Newton's 2 law,

F=ma =

FAt= mAv = AP- Impulse
Important points to remember
Impulse is cquals to the change in momentum.
The same impulse may result from a small force acting for
a longer time or a larger force acting for a very short time.

4.5 Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum

1Che net force acting on a objeCt 1S Zero, Its momentum is conserved
Therefore, the law of conservation of linear momentum states that;
wThe total linear momentum of an isolated system remains

Now, consider two bodies with masse m and
m, and velocities uj and u before impact and
Vị and v; after impact respectively, then we

Important points to remember


Newton's 1 law.

Conservation of momentum is another way of

Unit Four D Dynamics

Isolated system is a system which is not interacting with its

Concentual Examnlo



Conservation of momentum is an alternative and more

general statement of Newton's 3" law.


Now, it may seem surprising at first but the fact that the momentum of
a System 1s, conserved đuring collisions does not necessarily mean the
System 's kinetic energy is conserved. In fact most, or even all, of a
System 's kinetic energy may be converted to other forms during a
at the same tinme, not one bit
Is an event

Type of collisions
contact for a very short time and experience impulsive forces.
Based on Conservation of Kinetic energy
elastic and inelastic
Based on what happens to the kinetic energy, collisions are of two types,
where two or more bodies make physical

So here, kE, = kE
Unit Four Dynamics

Elastic coollision: Is a collision in which both momentum and kinetic

energy of the system are conserved.

In this case, kE, kE

of momentum is lost.

Inelastic Collision: Is a collision in which the momentum iS

conserved, b but the kinetic energy is not conserved.
Important points to remember
For both, elastic and inelastic collisions, momentum is
When two bodies collide and stick together, the collision is
said to be perfectly inelastic collision.
Kinetic energy may change during a collision. Usually, it
decreases due to losses associated with sound, heat,
vibration and deformation. Sometimes it increases, if the
collision sets off an explosion.
Newton's experimental law of impact

coefficient of restituion
It states that, the ratio of the relative speed of two objects in direct
Impact is constant. This constant is called coefficient of restitution e and
is given by:


Relative velocity of separation
Relative velocity of appraoch

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