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Syed Ali
Reg : 04152114102
Alkarm Studio:
The journey started in 1986 when Alkaram Textile Mills was setup to provide innovative textile solutions
across the globe. Soon, Alkaram Textile Mills emerged as one of the leading textile manufacturing and
exporting companies of Pakistan, with a global footprint in the US, UK, France and Portugal. For more
than 35 years, Alkaram’s reputation and distinctive image have been consistently developed across an
expanding number of products, brands, and international markets. Currently, Alkaram Textile Mills is the
largest vertically integrated textile setup in Pakistan.

Building on the global identity of Alkaram Textile Mills, Alkaram Studio came to life in 2010 with the idea
of showcasing the depth, range and creativity of Alkaram’s Product Portfolio. With fashion fabrics and
apparel to cater to the style and sartorial choices of men, women and kids, to home textiles and home-
ware to accessorize your home, Alkaram Studio is the ultimate destination for the aesthetically-inclined,
modern woman looking for a style language for herself, her family and her home.

Brand Logo:

Brand aims and objectives:

The business aims of Alkaram brand can vary based on their specific strategic goals and objectives.
However, here are some common business aims that many brands, including Alkaram, may strive to
The business aims of Alkaram brand can vary based on their specific strategic goals and objectives.
However, here are some common business aims that many brands, including Alkaram, may strive to

1. Market Leadership:

One of the primary aims for Alkaram could be to establish and maintain a leading position in the
textile and fashion industry in Pakistan. This involves capturing a significant market share, being
recognized as a preferred brand by customers, and outperforming competitors.

2. Profitability and Financial Growth:

Alkaram's aim would likely include achieving sustainable profitability and consistent financial
growth. This can involve increasing sales revenue, optimizing costs and efficiencies, and
delivering healthy financial performance year over year.

3. Brand Expansion:

Alkaram may have the aim of expanding its brand presence both domestically and
internationally. This can involve opening new stores, increasing distribution channels, entering
new markets, and growing brand awareness and recognition in different regions.

4. Product Innovation and Differentiation:

Alkaram may aim to continuously innovate and differentiate its products to stand out in the
market. This can involve developing unique fabric designs, introducing new collections,
leveraging technology advancements, and staying ahead of emerging fashion trends.

5. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty:

A key aim for Alkaram would be to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This
can be achieved through delivering superior product quality, providing excellent customer
service, personalization, and fostering long-term relationships with customers.

6. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

: Alkaram may aim to integrate sustainability practices into its operations, supply chain, and
product offerings. This involves minimizing environmental impact, promoting ethical sourcing,
and actively engaging in social responsibility initiatives that benefit communities and

Alkaram's mission is to provide customers with stylish, trendy, and high-quality products that
reflect the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan. The brand aims to create a positive and memorable
shopping experience for its customers by offering a wide range of products that meet their
fashion and lifestyle needs.
Alkaram's vision is to become a leading textile and fashion brand in Pakistan and globally. The
brand aspires to continuously innovate and improve its products and services while maintaining
its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Alkaram also aims to contribute to the
growth and development of the textile industry in Pakistan.

.Brand Layout:
Alkaram operates through a network of retail outlets, both standalone stores and shop-in-
shops, across major cities in Pakistan. The brand also has an online presence, allowing customers
to shop conveniently from anywhere. Alkaram's stores and online platforms are designed to
provide a visually appealing and user-friendly experience, showcasing the brand's products in an
organized and attractive manner.

PESTL Analysis OF alkarmarm brand:

Political Factors:
 Government Policies: Alkaram operates in Pakistan, and political stability and
government policies can significantly impact the business environment. Factors such as
import/export regulations, taxation policies, and labor laws can affect the brand's
operations and profitability.

 Political Stability: Any political instability or unrest in the country can disrupt the supply
chain, production, and distribution of Alkaram's products.

Economic Factors:
 Economic Growth: The overall economic growth of Pakistan can impact consumer
purchasing power and demand for Alkaram's products. A growing economy with rising
incomes can contribute to increased sales and profitability.

 Inflation and Currency Fluctuations: Inflation rates and currency fluctuations can affect
the cost of production, sourcing raw materials, and pricing of Alkaram's products. This
may impact the brand's profitability and competitiveness.

Sociocultural Factors:
 Cultural Preferences: Alkaram's success depends on its ability to understand and cater
to the diverse cultural preferences and fashion trends of its target market in Pakistan.
Cultural shifts and evolving fashion preferences can influence the brand's product
development and marketing strategies.

 Demographic Factors: Factors such as population size, age distribution, and urbanization
rates can impact the size and characteristics of Alkaram's target market. Adapting to the
changing demographics is crucial for the brand's long-term success.
Technological Factors:
 : The fashion industry is influenced by technological a Technological Advancement in
manufacturing, e-commerce, and marketing. Alkaram needs to stay updated with new
technologies to remain competitive and meet customer expectations.

 Online Presence: The growth of e-commerce and the importance of online retail
channels have become increasingly relevant. Alkaram needs to have a strong online
presence and leverage digital platforms to reach and engage with its customers

Environmental Factors::

 Sustainability and Eco-friendliness: Consumers are becoming more conscious of

environmental issues. Alkaram needs to consider sustainable practices in its supply
chain, production processes, and materials sourcing to align with customer expectations
and enhance its brand image.

2. Legal Factors:

Intellectual Property: Protecting intellectual property rights is crucial for Alkaram to safeguard its
designs, trademarks, and copyrights. Legal compliance with regulations related to labor, health and
safety, and consumer protection is also essential for the brand.

SWOT Analysis:
1. Strong Brand Image: Alkaram enjoys a strong brand reputation in the Pakistani market for its
high-quality textiles, trendy designs, and attention to detail.

2. Diverse Product Range: The brand offers a wide range of textiles, ready-to-wear clothing, and
home accessories, catering to various customer segments and preferences.

3. Manufacturing Expertise: Alkaram has developed expertise in textile manufacturing, ensuring

the production of high-quality fabrics and garments.

4. Retail Network: The brand has an extensive retail network with standalone stores and shop-in-
shops, providing convenient access to customers across major cities in Pakistan.

1. Limited International Presence: Alkaram's international presence is relatively limited compared
to its domestic market, potentially limiting its exposure to a broader customer base.

2. Dependence on External Suppliers: The brand may rely on external suppliers for raw materials,
which can affect the supply chain and product quality.

Pricing: The pricing of Alkaram's products may be higher compared to some competitors, potentially
limiting its appeal to price-sensitive consumers.
1. E-commerce Growth: Alkaram can capitalize on the growing trend of online shopping by
enhancing its online presence and offering a seamless digital shopping experience.

2. International Expansion: Exploring new markets beyond Pakistan can help Alkaram tap into a
larger customer base and increase brand visibility globally.

3. Sustainable Fashion: The rising demand for sustainable and eco-friendly fashion presents an
opportunity for Alkaram to incorporate environmentally responsible practices into its supply
chain and product offerings.

1. Intense Competition:

The fashion industry in Pakistan is highly competitive, with numerous local and international
brands vying for market share. Alkaram must stay innovative and differentiate itself to withstand

2. Economic Factors:

Economic fluctuations, inflation, and currency devaluation can impact consumer purchasing
power and affect demand for Alkaram's products.

3. Changing Fashion Trends:

Rapidly changing fashion preferences and trends require Alkaram to stay abreast of evolving
consumer tastes and adapt its designs and collections accordingly.

Brand equity:
Brand equity refers to the intangible value and strength of a brand in the marketplace. It represents the
value that a brand holds in the minds of consumers, which can influence their perceptions, preferences,
and purchasing decisions. Brand equity is often built over time through consistent brand experiences,
customer satisfaction, and effective marketing strategies.

For Alkaram, its brand equity can be assessed based on several factors:

1. Brand Recognition and Awareness:

Alkaram's brand equity can be measured by the level of recognition and awareness it enjoys
among its target audience. A strong brand will have high levels of familiarity and recall among

2. Perceived Quality:

The perception of quality associated with the Alkaram brand is an important component of its
equity. If consumers perceive Alkaram's products as high-quality, reliable, and well-crafted, it
enhances the brand's value.

3. Brand Association:
The associations consumers make with the Alkaram brand can contribute to its equity. Positive
associations, such as uniqueness, fashion-forwardness, cultural heritage, and customer
satisfaction, can strengthen the brand's equity.

4. Brand Loyalty

:Brand equity is also reflected in the level of customer loyalty and repeat purchases. Alkaram can
assess the strength of its brand equity by evaluating customer retention rates, repeat business,
and advocacy.

5. Brand Differentiation:

The ability of Alkaram to differentiate itself from competitors through its unique value
proposition, design aesthetics, and customer experience can contribute to brand equity. A
distinct positioning in the market can enhance the brand's equity.

6. Financial Performance:

Alkaram's financial performance, including revenue growth, market share, and profitability, can
reflect the strength of its brand equity. Positive financial indicators suggest that the brand has
successfully built and leveraged its equity.

7. Brand Extensions and Partnerships:

Alkaram's ability to extend its brand into new product categories or form strategic partnerships
can indicate the strength of its equity. Successful brand extensions and collaborations can
enhance brand perception and expand its reach.

Secondary Association of brand:

Secondary brand associations refer to the connections that a brand establishes with other entities, such
as individuals, organizations, or events, to enhance its brand equity. These associations can leverage the
existing positive attributes, values, or reputations of the secondary entity to positively impact the brand.
Here are some examples of secondary associations that Alkaram could consider:

1. Celebrity Endorsements:

Alkaram can collaborate with popular celebrities, influencers, or fashion icons to create a
secondary association. Celebrity endorsements can help create buzz, increase brand visibility,
and enhance the brand's perceived appeal and credibility.

2. Fashion Shows and Events:

Alkaram can participate in or sponsor fashion shows, events, or exhibitions to associate its
brand with the glamour and style of the fashion industry. This can help reinforce its position as a
trendy and fashion-forward brand.

3. Collaboration with Designers:

Collaborating with renowned fashion designers can create a secondary association that brings
their expertise and reputation to the Alkaram brand. This partnership can help attract a wider
audience and add exclusivity to the brand's offerings.

4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives:

Engaging in meaningful CSR initiatives, such as supporting local artisans, promoting sustainable
practices, or contributing to community development, can create positive associations with
social responsibility and ethical practices.

Resonance Model of Alkaram:

The Resonance Model, also known as the Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) model, is a marketing
framework developed by Kevin Lane Keller to understand and measure the strength of a brand's
relationship with its customers. The Resonance Model consists of four key stages that illustrate the
different levels of brand relationship:

A general outline of how the Resonance Model may apply to Alkaram based on its historical reputation.

1. Identity:
 Brand Salience: Alkaram's recognition and recall among customers in the textile and
fashion industry in Pakistan.

 Brand Performance: Customers' assessment of Alkaram's fabric quality, designs, and


 Brand Imagery: Customers' perceptions and associations with Alkaram, including its
cultural heritage, fashion-forwardness, and commitment to quality.

2. Meaning:
 Brand Feelings: Emotional responses and connections evoked by Alkaram's products and
brand experience.

 Brand Judgments: Customers' opinions and evaluations of Alkaram's fashion trends,

reliability, and value for money.

3. Response:
 Brand Resonance: The level of customer engagement, loyalty, and attachment to

 Behavioral Loyalty: Customers' repeat purchases, frequency, and loyalty towards

Alkaram's products.

 Attitudinal Attachment: Customers' deep emotional and psychological connection with

the Alkaram brand.

 Sense of Community: Customers' feeling of belongingness and identification with the

Alkaram brand community.
4. Relationship:
 Intense, Active Loyalty: Customers becoming advocates and brand ambassadors for
Alkaram, actively recommending and promoting the brand.

 Customer Engagement: Customers actively participating in Alkaram's events,

promotions, and social media activities.

 Brand Affinity: Customers' strong preference and commitment to Alkaram, resulting in

long-term relationships.

The Resonance Model suggests that brands need to progress through each stage to build a strong brand-
customer relationship. By creating brand salience, delivering superior performance, establishing
favorable brand imagery, evoking positive feelings, and generating strong brand resonance, a brand can
create loyal and engaged customers who have a deep connection and affinity with the brand.

It's important to note that the Resonance Model is a framework that should be customized and applied
specifically to the Alkaram brand based on its unique positioning, target audience, and marketing

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