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This portfolio comprises a quarter’s worth of work of Practice Teaching in

Saint Tonis College Inc. This portfolio should be read as an overview of the
importance of Practice Teaching in Teaching Career. Also, it should be seen as an
evolving set of documents. As the world changed, so too must the pedagogy that
surrounds it.

This portfolio is founded upon two essential ideas. The first is that the
primary purpose of teaching is to enhance students' learning, thinking and
development. Teaching and learning are interdependent endeavors, and to me it
makes no sense to examine one without examining the other. Therefore, I have tried
to make this a "learning-centered" portfolio. The second indication is that teaching
career is an ideal context in which to explore the relationships between teaching and
learning. Teaching field represents coherent entities in which teachers integrate
content and teaching practices to accomplish the specific aims within a particular
time period.

In addition to that, this portfolio coherent views my teaching and learning

experiences throughout the entire quarter and semesters. It also mirrors my goals
intended to accomplish with my students, how I used various teaching strategies and
approaches to address these aims and the results of the experience in terms of
students' learning, thinking and development.

Likewise, as this semester progressed, my understanding of the utility of

strategies and approaches in the classroom grew with my understandings of the
educational theories that surround them. I developed this portfolio to help me
understand, document, assess and enhance teaching and learning in preparation in
my teaching career.

Lastly, this portfolio provides a way to document the substance and

complexity of teaching as a teaching career, and can be used to structure self-
assessment as well as peer-review. This portfolio helps me to document and assess
students' learning and thinking, and development.

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