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OPINION Update on the management of acute liver failure
Francesca M. Trovato, Liane Rabinowich, and Mark J.W. McPhail

Purpose of review
This review describes the current intensive care management of acute liver failure (ALF) and the latest
evidence for emerging therapies.
Recent findings
Mortality from ALF continues to improve and in some cases, medical therapy can negate the need for liver
transplantation because of protocolized management in specialist centres. Liver transplantation remains the
cornerstone of management for poor prognosis ALF. The reduced use of blood products in ALF reflects
growing evidence of balanced haemostasis in severe liver disease. Prophylactic therapeutic hypothermia is
no longer recommended for neuroprotection. In cases not suitable for liver transplantation, high-volume
plasma exchange (HVP) has potential benefit, although further research on the optimal timing and dosing is
needed. Although sepsis remains an important complication in ALF, the use of prophylactic antimicrobials
is being questioned in the era of emerging bacterial resistance.
ICU management of ALF has improved such that liver transplantation is not required in some cases. HVP
has emerged as a potential therapy for patients who may not be good liver transplantation candidates.
Nevertheless in suitable patients with poor prognosis liver transplantation remains the optimal therapy.
acute liver failure, fulminant hepatic failure, hepatic encephalopathy, intensive care management, liver

INTRODUCTION (HAV)-related ALF [6]. Other causes are rarer and

Acute liver failure (ALF) is a rare syndrome, character- described in Table 1 and may require specialist inves-
ized by acute derangement of liver biochemistry tigations. Recent analysis of long-term outcomes has
(without underlying chronic liver disease) with jaun- suggested that women are at higher risk for develop-

dice, coagulopathy [International Normalised Ratio ing ALF for many causes [4 ], particularly, DILI-ALF
(INR) > 1.5] and altered level of consciousness from potentially because of different drug metabolism and

hepatic encephalopathy [1]. ALF leads often to a a greater use of hepatotoxic medications [4 ].
severe and rapidly progressive multiorgan failure with Urgent decision-making for emergency liver
unpredictable complications. ALF is further stratified transplantation, is crucial for those with advanced
into hyperacute, acute and sub-acute liver failure disease [7], although only 8% of all transplants have
dependent on the time interval between develop- ALF as primary indication. In those not trans-
ment of jaundice and progression to encephalopathy planted, a progressive rise in hospital survival over
(J-E period) of 1, 2–4 and 5–12 weeks, respectively [2]. time is now evident, rising from 17% in 1973–1978
For paracetamol (acetaminophen or APAP)-ALF, to 48% in 2004–2008 [8]. It has recently been
where jaundice develops later, the interval between reported that spontaneous survivors may have a
the first presentation of symptoms to development of better long-term outcome compared with patients
hepatic encephalopathy is used [3].
The most frequent cause of ALF in Europe and
Liver Intensive Therapy Unit, Institute of Liver Studies, King’s College
North America is drug-induced liver injury (DILI), Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, UK
particularly from APAP overdose [3,4 ]. The inci- Correspondence to Mark J.W. McPhail, Senior Lecturer & Honorary
dence of virally induced disease has dramatically Consultant in Liver Critical Care & Hepatology, Institute of Liver Studies,
declined in Europe and North America [3] whereas 3rd floor Cheyne Wing, Kings College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London
worldwide hepatitis A, E and B remain the common- SE5 9RS, UK. E-mail:
est cause of ALF [5]. Vaccination programs dramati- Curr Opin Crit Care 2019, 25:157–164
cally reduced the incidence of hepatitis A virus DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000583

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Gastrointestinal system

aminotransferase levels, variable hyperbilrubinae-

KEY POINTS mia and lactic acidosis) are fundamental to make
 The epidemiological trend in ALF is of improving the diagnosis [10]. Abdominal imaging, ultrasound
prognosis and reduced rates of intracranial with Doppler or computed tomography (CT), can
hypertension; female patients may have a more severe provide important information regarding the
clinical course. chronicity or cause of liver disease [10].
Returning to premorbid hepatic function and
 High-volume plasmapheresis can improve prognosis in
patients not undergoing liver transplantation but optimal preventing the development of complications are
modalities and timing remain unknown. the aim of ICU organ-system support [7]. Although
in some cases, treatment can be tailored according
 Although sepsis is an important, life-threatening to the cause with additional specific measures aimed
complication, universal antimicrobial prophylaxis is
at identification and removal or amelioration of the
now in question and the most high-risk groups
need redefining. insult that caused hepatic injury (see Table 1), the
general ICU management closely follow the modern
 Prophylactic hypothermia for all patients is no longer management of sepsis and acute brain injury (see
recommended as standard management against Table 2).
intracranial hypertension.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is currently used to pre-
vent hepatic damage and promote regeneration
& &
[11 ,12] in both APAP and non-APAP ALF [11 ].
treated with emergency liver transplantation [9] Patients with drug-induced ALF showed improved
questioning the supremacy of liver transplantation outcome compared with other causes. NAC is well
compared with medical management of poor tolerated and decreases encephalopathy, hospital
prognosis ALF. stay, ICU admission and failure of other organs
& &
Thus, intensive care management remain cru- [11 ,13 ]. An older meta-analysis failed to demon-
cial for patients affected by ALF and we discuss strate an improvement of the overall survival.
current recommendations and latest developments. The insertion of a nasogastric tube allows gastric
decompression and facilitates enteral feeding. Gas-
trointestinal prophylaxis with H2 blockers or proton
ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL ICU pump inhibitors is recommended [14]. The optimal
MANAGEMENT timing for initiation of enteral feeding, particularly
The clinical history, physical findings of jaundice with early severe hyperammonaemia, is not known.
and altered mental status, together with laboratory Renal replacement therapy is used not only for
abnormalities (coagulopathy, exceedingly elevated standard reasons associated with acute kidney injury

Table 1. Nonsurgical treatment based on cause of acute liver failure

Cause Treatment

Acetaminophen N-acetylcysteine (NAC)

Mushroom (Amanita) poisoning Silibinin
Penicillin G
Drug-induced liver injury Discontinue offending agent
Consider NAC
Steroids only if drug reaction with eosinophilia or systemic symptoms (DRESS syndrome)
or positive autoimmune hepatitis features
Hepatitis B Nucleoside analogues (e.g. Entecavir, Tenofovir)
HSV or VZV hepatitis Acyclovir, Valacyclovir
Wilson disease Continuous hemofiltration
Copper chelation
HELLP, pregnancy-related Delivery, supporting care
Budd–Chiari syndrome Anticoagulation
Revascularization (angioplasty, stent)

CMV, cytomegalovirus; DRESS, Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms; HELLP, Haemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelet count; HSV, herpes
simplex virus; NAC, N-acetylcysteine; TIPSS, Transjugular Intrahepatic PortoSystemic Shunt; VZV, varicella zoster virus.

158 Volume 25  Number 2  April 2019

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Update on the management of acute liver failure Trovato et al.

Table 2. Organ specific general ICU measures in acute liver failure

Organ system and common conditions Specific elements of care

Cardiovascular system
Hypotension Correction of volume depletion
Vasodilatation Vasopressors
Low cardiac output and right ventricular failure Inotropic support
Respiratory system
Risk of aspiration Early tracheal intubation for depressed level of consciousness
ARDS Lung-protective ventilatory strategies
Avoid hypercapnia in high-grade hepatic encephalopathy
VV-ECMO recently described
Metabolic and renal system
Hypoglycaemia Maintain normoglycemia
Hyponatremia Active fluid management/hypertonic saline
Renal dysfunction, lactic acidosis, hyperammonaemia Renal replacement therapy
Central nervous system
Progressive encephalopathy Endotracheal intubation for high grade hepatic encephalopathy
Elevation of the head of the bed to 15–308
Minimizing painful stimuli including suctioning.
Treatment of sepsis
Aim PaCO2 34–38 mmHg;
Maintain serum sodium 145–150 mmol/l
High-volume hemofiltration
Bolus osmotherapy for ICP surges
Hematologic system
Coagulopathy No routine correction of coagulation abnormalities, Only for
significant invasive procedures (e.g. liver transplant)
Immunologic system
High risk of sepsis Antibiotic prophylaxis
Antifungal prophylaxis (in high-risk cases)

ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ICP, intra-cranial pressure; VV-ECMO, veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

but also for metabolic and neurological support for considered and mean arterial pressure should be
lactate and ammonia clearance as described below. maintained above 75 mmHg particularly in high-
grade hepatic encephalopathy [3]. Hyperlactatemia
is a common finding and, at least initially, is proba-
HAEMODYNAMIC SUPPORT bly a consequence of volume depletion, and
Mortality in ALF is usually caused by multiorgan responds to volume loading. Its persistence is asso-
dysfunction syndrome, sepsis and, with reducing ciated with poor prognosis. Early echocardiography
incidence, cerebral oedema [11 ]. The haemody- rules out low flow states contributing to hepatic
namic profile of distributive shock is common in hypoxia and allows cardiac risk stratification for
ALF and similar to sepsis, with systemic vasodilation liver transplantation.
resulting in low systemic resistance [14]. Moreover, Relative adrenal insufficiency may be present in
patients with ALF are at risk of hypovolaemia patients with cardiovascular instability and is asso-
because of poor oral intake and vomiting and ciated with increased mortality, but whether sup-
decrease in effective circulating blood volume. plemental corticosteroids improve survival is
Thus, maintaining effective circulating volume, unclear [12,15,16]. Hydrocortisone is often empiri-
mainly with crystalloids, is required to preserve cally included in the management of these patients
kidney and brain perfusion [10]. If hypotension on the basis of previous results in septic shock
persists, treatment with vasopressors is required [17,18] and difficulty in interpreting SynACTHen
(noradrenaline being preferred), with or without test. Massive hepatic necrosis triggers an innate
adjunctive use of vasopressin or vasopressin ana- immune response, with inflammatory cell recruit-
logues. Arterial pressure monitoring should be ment and pro-inflammatory cytokines production,

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which exacerbates the initial liver injury [5]. The risk monitoring was historically associated with hemor-
of increasing the incidence of infection has been rhagic complications. In fact, the risk of reported
cited as a rationale to avoid corticosteroids in this intracranial haemorrhage is decreasing and ranges
patient population but is not borne in recent evi- between 3 and 15%, depending on the degree of
dence [15,16] with some authors suggesting faster invasiveness used as a monitoring method (epidural
disease resolution with corticosteroids without < intraparenchymal < subdural) [22,24,25].
increasing infective complications [5]. Noninvasive ultrasonographic techniques are of
widening interest. Optic nerve sheath diameter
measurement is promising [26], although neither
RESPIRATORY SUPPORT this technique nor middle cerebral artery pulsatility
The prevalence of lung injury is relatively low in index on transcranial Doppler reliably detected con-
acute liver failure, where 21% fulfilled acute respi- current ICP elevation [27]. Estimation of ICP from
ratory distress syndrome criteria in one series, and transcranial Doppler flow velocities using the esti-
appeared to have a limited impact on outcome [19]. mated cerebral perfusion pressure technique is,
Nevertheless, endotracheal intubation and sedation however, associated with concurrent ICP elevation
are recommended in patients with progression to with AUC of 0.90 [27].
agitation or coma, in order to better control oxygen The severity and prognostic implications of
and carbon dioxide levels, prevent aspiration pneu- developing hepatic encephalopathy are reflected
monitis, and facilitate general care [12]. Sustained in a recent Japanese study attempting to define a
hyperventilation should be avoided [12], to avoid probability score to better identify patients with
cerebral vasoconstriction [14] and in contrast to the more than 20% probability of developing hepatic
management of acute respiratory distress syndrome encephalopathy that should potentially be trans-
permissive hypercapnia is contraindicated. ferred to a tertiary transplant centre [28].
Ammonia level more than 100 mmol/l predicts
the onset of severe hepatic encephalopathy with
NEUROLOGICAL MANAGEMENT 70% accuracy and a level more than 200 mmol/l
One of the most feared complications of hepatic correlates with development of ICH [29]. There is
encephalopathy is the progression from cerebral a correlation between the level of ammonia on
oedema towards intracranial hypertension (ICH), admission and risk of neurological mortality
with the risk of herniation and death. The incidence [30 ]. Thus, ammonia lowering remains a therapeu-
of patients developing ICH has decreased, from 76% tic goal. Lactulose and Rifaximin, used in chronic
in the 1980s to 20% more recently [8] although liver patients, have no proven value in ALF patients.
some degree of cerebral oedema is inevitable. Furthermore, lactulose might precipitate an
The comprehensive package of care underlying increased risk for ileus and bowel dilatation [3]. L-
this improvement includes airway support, sedation, ornithine L-aspartate (LOLA) does not improve sur-
targeting PaCO2 levels between 30 and 45 mmHg, vival in ALF patients [31] but may lower circulating
elevation of the head of the bed to 15–308 and ammonia as may L-orinithine phenylacetate [32].
minimizing painful stimuli (e.g. suctioning). Meta- Optimal ammonia control is by continuous renal
bolic aims are to maintain serum sodium between 145 replacement therapy (CRRT) [30 ]. Ammonia clear-
and 150 mmol/l and normoglycemia [12]. Induction ance is closely correlated with ultrafiltration rate
of moderate hypothermia targeting core body tem- [33], even if no association between CRRT intensity
perature of 348 C, aimed to decrease cerebral meta- and mortality has been demonstrated [34,35] until
bolic activity has no clinical benefit over a target recent evidence in a large cohort from the USALFSG
temperature of 36 8C and on the basis of a negative [30 ]. Patients with ALF and hyperammonaemia,
randomized controlled trial is now not recommended especially those at greater risk for cerebral oedema
prophylactically [20 ]. It remains a potential bridge and intracranial hypertension should be considered
to transplant in patients with uncontrolled ICH [21]. for early CRRT [30 ], and IRRT should be avoided in
Rescue measures include mannitol bolus, hyper- these patients because of the lack of association with
tonic saline, seizure treatment, short-term hyper- ammonia clearance and the suggestion that IRRT
ventilation for maintaining pCO2 level in the may in fact be detrimental to survival.
range of 25 and 30 mmHg [10] and rescue therapy,
such as indomethacin and thiopentone [12].
The use of invasive intra-cranial pressure (ICP) MANAGEMENT OF COAGULOPATHY
monitoring is rapidly decreasing. Although it is Both bleeding and thrombosis can complicate the
considered the gold standard allowing accurate course of ALF patients [36]. The apparent lack of a
and timely measurement [22,23], invasive ICP high risk of haemostasis-related bleeding seems

160 Volume 25  Number 2  April 2019

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Update on the management of acute liver failure Trovato et al.

because of the parallel decline in pro-haemostatic following the introduction of prophylactic antibiotics
and antihaemostatic factors and has led to the con- [43], later studies have questioned the survival benefit
cept of ‘rebalanced haemostasis’ [36]. or the likelihood of patients to have positive cultures
Few bleeding complications in patients with ALF [46]. Practise is not consistent with prophylaxis used
are major or even clinically significant and, between 39 and 94% of cases [22,46], with greater use
although postprocedural bleeding complications in ICUs and tertiary centers [50]. The use of prophy-
remain a significant concern for clinicians, data lactic antifungals is similarly debated [50]. European
suggest that they are rare [37 ]. Moreover bleeding Association of the Study of the Liver (EASL) guidelines
complications were the proximate cause of death in recommend empirical broad spectrum antimicrobial
only 5% of cases mainly for spontaneous or post- treatment for ALF patients with systemic inflamatory
procedural intracranial haemorrhage (related to ICP response syndrome, refractory hypotension or wors-
monitor placement) [37 ]. The same study showed ening hepatic encephalopathy; as well as patients
an association between low platelet count and listed for super-urgent liver transplantation [3]. Anti-
bleeding [37 ] but failed to show similar results fungals should be considered in a deteriorating
for INR [37 ]. patient, especially one not responsive to antibiotic
In addition to the lack of clinical benefit, admin- treatment. Generalizing from the chronic liver patient
istering prophylactic blood products may have population, b D Glucan (BDG) levels and Galacto-
important adverse effects, like circulatory overload mannan index may be useful markers to guide anti-
and transfusion reaction [36]. Conversely, in case of fungal therapy in patients at high risk [51].
active bleeding, likely related to defective haemo-
stasis, resuscitation with platelets, fibrinogen con-
centrate or cryoprecipitate, and/or FFP is indicated, EXTACORPOREAL SUPPORT
which may be guided by global haemostasis assays, Only high-volume plasma exchange has been
such as viscoelastic tests [36]. shown to improve transplant-free survival in
patients with ALF [52 ] with no proven benefit in
those who underwent liver transplantation. This is
SEPSIS AND ANTIMICROBIAL USE attributable to attenuation of innate immune acti-
Infection is a common late complication of ALF and vation and amelioration of multiorgan dysfunction
a leading cause of mortality [38]. ALF causes modu- as both monocyte and neutrophil-derived produc-
lation of several important inflammatory pathways, tion of pro-inflammatory mediators was markedly
affecting the function of circulating monocytes and attenuated following HVP [52 ].
hepatic macrophages, as well as impaired bacteri- The combination of plasma exchange and hae-
cidal function of circulating neutrophils and com- modiafiltration (HDF) has been described but is not
plement deficiency [39,40]. used widely. The rationale is that haemodialysis
The most common sources of infection are the removes low-molecular-weight substances, includ-
respiratory and urinary tracts and bacteraemia ing ammonia, and haemofiltration removes middle-
[38,41]. Although earlier studies demonstrate a molecular-weight substances, including proinflam-
majority (56–70%) of Gram-positive bacteria infec- matory cytokines [53]. In general, HVP appears
tions [42,43]; more recent epidemiological data promising and its role and indications require
show that 17% to over 50% of infections are refinement to maximise individual patient benefit.
Gram-negative bacteria-related and 35–56% to
Gram-positive bacteria [44–46]. Bacterial infections
are most common but fungal infections have been PROGNOSIS AND LIVER
reported in up to one-third of the patients [38] in TRANSPLANTATION
early studies and between 4 and 14% more recently Predicting mortality in ALF is a cornerstone of the
[44–46], predominantly candidiasis [45,47]. decision to list patients for emergency liver trans-
Development of infection in ALF patients has plantation. The most widespread in use are King’s
prognostic implications [45,46] with mortality rate College Criteria (KCC) [54,55]. Due to the reduced
increasing to around 60% [41,48,49]. Uncontrolled prevalence of viral hepatitis in the original King’s
sepsis might complicate or impede liver transplan- cohort or concerns over the low sensitivity of KCC,
tation [38]. other criteria are also in use worldwide [56] (Table 3).
Antimicrobial prophylaxis is still debatable con- Novel scoring systems designed to improve on KCC
sidering the uncertainty of the prognostic value for the [57] have been developed for APAP ALF (using
individual patients as well as wider considerations advanced statistical methods) and for ALF related
regarding emergence of resistant organisms. Although to HAV infection [58]. Although the original cohorts
early studies suggested a reduced rate of infection used to derive the KCC remain some of the largest

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Gastrointestinal system

Table 3. The primary prognostic scores in present use (King’s College Criteria/Clichy/ Model for End-stage Liver Disease) or
under consideration (others) in acute liver failure
Score Variables considered References

King’s College Criteria APAP: O’Grady et al. [54]

Arterial pH < 7.3 after resuscitation and more than Bernal et al. [55]
24 h since ingestion
or Lactate >3.5 mmol/l
or ALL of below:
INR >6.5
Creatinine 3.5 mg/dl or >300 mmol/l
Hepatic encephalopathy grades III and IV
INR >6.5 or three out of five following criteria:
Cause: indeterminate cause hepatitis, drug-induced hepatitis
Age less than 10 years or more than 40 years
Interval jaundice-encephalopathy >7 days
Bilirubin >300 mol/l
INR >3.5
Beaujon-Paul Brousse criteria (Clichy) Confusion or coma (hepatic encephalopathy stage 3 or 4) Bismuth et al. [66]
Factor V <20% of normal if age <30 year or
Factor V <30% if age >30-year
Model for End-stage Liver Creatinine Wiesner et al. [67]
Disease (MELD) and MELD-Na Bilirubin Biggins et al. [68]
US-ALF Study Group Index Coma Grade Koch et al. [59]
Bilirubin Rutherford et al. [69]
Phosphorus (3.7)
Dynamic risk score for APAP ALF Age Bernal et al. [57]
Cardiovascular failure

used for prognostic score development in ALF, the until 3 months but subsequently is parallel to that
USALFSG has developed several prognostic indices of elective transplantation [60,62].
from multicentre data, which have potentially use- In the western world, whole, blood-group
ful accuracy, although they require external valida- matched, cadaveric grafts are used in the majority
tion [59]. of cases [60,62]. Given the high wait-list mortality
Over the last four decades, there has been a rate, the use of an extended criteria, such as reduced
dramatic improvement in survival of patients with size, steatotic, elderly, or ABO-incompatible may be
ALF, from less than 20% in the 1970s to over 60% in necessary for deteriorating recipients, given present
the last decade in large part because of emergency organ shortages [3].
liver transplantation [8]. Although survival rates for Auxiliary liver transplantation involves the
emergency liver transplantation were initially placement of a partial liver graft beside the remaining
lower, there has been significant improvement whole or partial native liver. This offers the possibility
and nowadays they are becoming closer to those of future withdrawal from immunosuppression, if
of elective liver transplantation. Overall, the post- the native liver is able to regenerate sufficiently. Out-
liver transplantation survival for ALF patients is comes are improving because of improved technical
estimated at 80–90% 1-year survival, 70–80% 5-year experience and patient selection. In Europe, use of an
survival and 70% 10-year patient survival [60,61]. auxiliary graft is reported in 1–4% of cases [62].
The corresponding graft survival rates are 79, 71, Wherever deceased donor availability is poor,
66% for 1-year, 5-year and 10-year posttransplant, adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is
respectively [60]. A higher mortality rate is seen more commonly performed. LDLT shortens the

162 Volume 25  Number 2  April 2019

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Gastrointestinal system

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164 Volume 25  Number 2  April 2019

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