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Effect of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy

on Outcome in Pediatric Acute Liver Failure*

Akash Deep, MD, FRCPCH1; Claire E. Stewart, MBBS, BSc1; Anil Dhawan, MD, FRCPCH2;
Abdel Douiri, BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA3

Objectives: To establish the effect of continuous renal replace- earlier use of continuous renal replacement therapy for both renal
ment therapy on outcome in pediatric acute liver failure. dysfunction and detoxification.
Design: Retrospective cohort study. Measurements and Main Results: Of 165 children admitted with
Setting: Sixteen-bed PICU in a university-affiliated tertiary care pediatric acute liver failure, 136 met the inclusion criteria and 45 of
hospital and specialist liver centre. these received continuous renal replacement therapy prior to trans-
Patients: All children (0–18 yr) admitted to PICU with pedi- plantation or recovery. Of the children managed with continuous
atric acute liver failure between January 2003 and December renal replacement therapy, 26 (58%) survived: 19 were success-
2013. fully bridged to liver transplantation and 7 spontaneously recovered.
Interventions: Children with pediatric acute liver failure were man- Cox proportional hazards regression model clearly showed reduc-
aged according to a set protocol. The guidelines for continuous ing hyperammonemia by 48 hours after initiating continuous renal
renal replacement therapy in pediatric acute liver failure were replacement therapy significantly improved survival (HR, 1.04; 95%
changed in 2011 following preliminary results to indicate the CI, 1.013–1.073; p = 0.004). On average, for every 10% decrease
in ammonia from baseline at 48 hours, the likelihood of survival
*See also p. 1949. increased by 50%. Time to initiate continuous renal replacement
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, King’s College Hospital, London, United therapy from PICU admission was lower in survivors compared to
Kingdom. nonsurvivors (HR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.916–1.007; p = 0.095). Change
Pediatric Hepatology, Gastroenterology and Nutrition Center, King’s in practice to initiate early and high-dose continuous renal replace-
College Hospital, London, United Kingdom.
ment therapy led to increased survival with maximum effect being
Department of Primary Care and Public Health Sciences, NIHR Biomedi-
cal Research Centre at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, visible in the first 14 days (HR, 3; 95% CI, 1.0–10.3; p = 0.063).
King’s College, London, United Kingdom. Among children with pediatric acute liver failure who did not receive
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations a liver transplant, use of continuous renal replacement therapy sig-
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions nificantly improved survival (HR, 4; 95% CI, 1.5–11.6; p = 0.006).
of this article on the journal’s website (
Conclusion: Continuous renal replacement therapy can be used suc-
All authors declare that the answer to the questions on your competing
interest form,, are all no and therefore cessfully in critically ill children with pediatric acute liver failure to pro-
have nothing to declare. vide stability and bridge to transplantation. Inability to reduce ammonia
Dr. Deep is the supervisor who conceptualized the project and supervised by 48 hours confers poor prognosis. Continuous renal replacement
data collection, interpretation and has reviewed and edited the article. He
is the corresponding author. Dr. Stewart collected the data, analyzed the therapy should be considered at an early stage to help prevent fur-
initial data and wrote the article. Dr. Dhawan is the hepatology consultant ther deterioration and buy time for potential spontaneous recovery or
who has helped in the discussion of the results and interpretation of data bridge to liver transplantation. (Crit Care Med 2016; 44:1910–1919)
and article revision. Dr. Douiri is the statistician who performed the data
analysis and statistical inferences. Key Words: acute liver failure; children; outcomes; renal
Dr. Abdel Douiri acknowledges financial support from the National Institute for replacement therapy
Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research and from the NIHR Collabora-
tion for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care, South London, at
King’s College Hospital, National Health Service Foundation Trust though not
for this project. The views expressed are those of the authors and not neces-

sarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health. The remaining ediatric acute liver failure (PALF) is a rare but often
authors have disclosed that they do not have any potential conflicts of interest. fatal disorder. Although some children spontaneously
Address requests for reprints to: Akash Deep, MD, FRCPCH, PICU, recover, mortality remains high due to the high risk of
King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, United Kingdom. E-mail: sepsis, cerebral edema, and multi-organ failure that follows
Copyright © 2016 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters the abrupt loss of hepatic function. Mortality rates of up to
Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 70% have been reported without a liver transplant, which is the
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001826 only known curative treatment (1). However, knowing which

1910 October 2016 • Volume 44 • Number 10

Copyright © 2016 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pediatric Critical Care

children will recover and in how much time, and which ones
will rapidly deteriorate, remains an enigma for intensivists
(2). In the wake of organ scarcity on one hand and subjecting
children to unnecessary transplantation with risks of surgery
and life-long immunosuppression on the other, the role of
supportive therapies to stabilize a child to help facilitate these
decisions is an area of growing importance (3–5).
One of the most significant achievements in intensive
care medicine in the last 40 years has been the development
of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) (6). CRRT
is now the mainstay treatment for managing acute kidney
injury (AKI) in PICUs and has significantly reduced mortality
(7–9). AKI is a common multifactorial complication of PALF
that occurs in approximately 55% of all cases (10–12). Renal
dysfunction pretransplant determines the degree of renal dys-
function posttransplant. Therefore, tackling AKI pretransplant
Figure 1. Study profile. CRRT = continuous renal replacement therapy,
should improve the condition of the patient posttransplant. PALF = pediatric acute liver failure.
In these patients, CRRT has also been shown to successfully
reduce ammonia (13), reduce lactate (14, 15), and optimize were included in the CRRT treatment group (Fig. 1). Factors
fluid balance (16). However, all of these observations have affecting survival in children with PALF treated with CRRT were
been reported in adult patients. Recent research on critically studied. Due to preliminary findings, the guideline for CRRT in
ill children with PALF has demonstrated that high ammonia PALF was changed in 2011; therefore the clinical outcomes in
(17, 18), high lactate (19), and fluid overload (20) are associ- these two eras, pre- and post-2011, have been compared.
ated with increased mortality. In addition to the risk of AKI
in PALF, hyperammonemia contributes to the development Data Collection
of cerebral edema, and there is a strong risk of fluid overload Medical records, laboratory data, and observation charts were
especially after fluid resuscitation due to the systemic inflam- reviewed for all patients in the PALF registry. Patient charac-
matory response syndrome. This raises the question whether teristics including age, gender, height, weight, details and dura-
the use of CRRT should be extended to nonrenal indications in tion of presenting symptoms and signs, time to first medical
patients with PALF, as a detoxification mechanism. contact, time to PICU transfer, and prereferral care were also
Despite its rapidly increasing uptake, evidence to evaluate recorded. Etiology of PALF was classified into seven categories:
whether CRRT is of justifiable benefit in these situations is cur- indeterminate, toxic, infectious, metabolic, ischemic, infiltra-
rently lacking (21), and there are no agreed guidelines on when tive, and autoimmune.
or what dose it should be initiated in PALF. This study aimed For clinical observations and laboratory data, admission and
to describe our experience on the use of CRRT in PALF from peak values within the first 24 hours were recorded from the
over a decade of data. unit’s Clinical Information System. Pediatric Logistic Organ
Dysfunction (PELOD) score and Pediatric Index of Mortality
MATERIALS AND METHODS (PIM) 2 were calculated for each patient (23). Timing of list-
ing for liver transplantation and indication along with trans-
Study Population plant date, type, and details of any postoperative complications
King’s College Hospital is a supra-regional centre for liver refer- and the date that the child was removed from the list due to
rals in the United Kingdom and operates one of the largest liver spontaneous recovery or clinical deterioration were included.
transplantation programs in Europe. All children admitted to the Duration of PICU stay, survival on hospital discharge, and sur-
PICU at King’s College Hospital that met the criteria for PALF vival at 6 months postdischarge were also recorded.
from January 2003 to December 2013 were entered into the PALF For children commenced on CRRT, time from PICU admis-
registry. PALF was defined according to the criteria used by the sion to initiation of CRRT, indication, duration, and markers of
PALF Study Group (22): “1) No evidence of preexisting chronic disease progression at 0, 24, and 48 hours after starting CRRT
liver disease; 2) Biochemical evidence of acute liver injury (eleva- including arterial ammonia, lactate, mean arterial blood pres-
tion in aspartate aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase) sure, percentage fluid overload, and creatinine were recorded.
within 8 weeks of the onset of symptoms; 3) Hepatic-based coag- Indications for CRRT were classified into the following
ulopathy (prothrombin time [PT] > 15 or international normal- eight categories: oligo-anuria, hyperkalemia greater than 5.5
ized ratio [INR] > 1.5 in the presence of hepatic encephalopathy mmol/L, fluid overload greater than 10%, hyperammonemia
[HE] or PT > 20 or INR > 2 in the absence of HE) within 8 weeks greater than 200 μmol/L, hepatic encephalopathy grade greater
of the onset of symptoms.” Children with PALF admitted to the than 2, hyponatremia less than 130 mEq/L, lactate greater than
PICU for only posttransplant care were excluded. Children who 2 μmol/L not responding to fluid therapy, or metabolic acido-
were commenced on CRRT prior to transplantation or recovery sis pH less than 7.1 resistant to fluid therapy. Importantly, not

Critical Care Medicine 1911

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Deep et al

one single indication was considered a sole reason to initiate expressed as the mean ± sd and categorical data as the actual
CRRT; it was a clinical decision and all contributory factors count with percentages unless stated otherwise. The primary
were recorded. The daily percentage fluid overload prior to and outcome of this study was survival up to 60 days after the PICU
post initiation of CRRT was calculated using the formula by admission with or without liver transplantation: 1) death await-
Goldstein et al (24). ing transplantation, 2) death after transplantation, 3) alive with
Any complications secondary to CRRT including catheter native liver, and 4) alive with transplanted organ. Secondary
malfunction, anticoagulation problems, bleeding, thrombosis, outcome measures included the trend in markers for disease
infection, or shock were also recorded. progression after initiating CRRT. The data were analyzed to see
what, if any, variables at admission were associated with mortal-
CRRT ity and to identify prognostic markers in children with PALF
The duty consultant pediatric intensivist determined the on CRRT. Univariate analysis was performed to compare vari-
requirement for CRRT. CRRT was commenced according to ables between survivors and nonsurvivors at hospital discharge
a local protocol with predilution to achieve required ammo- using the unpaired t test for continuous data and Fisher exact
nia and lactate clearances and electrolyte and fluid homeo- test for categorical data. For analyzing trends in markers of dis-
stasis (Table 1). All children had ultrasound-guided venous ease progression, regression lines and box plots were used and
access via a high flow double lumen catheter (“Vascath”; compared by primary outcome. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Gambro, Stockholm, Sweden) placed either in the internal and covariance was used to compare disease severity markers
jugular, subclavian, or the femoral vein. The sizes of the double at 0, 24, and 48 hours after initiation of CRRT. Kaplan-Meier
lumen venous access catheters used were predefined accord- curves and Cox model were used to look at survival of children
ing to body weight—6.5F (14%), 8F (28%), 10F (15%), 11.5F up to 60 days after admission. Data were adjusted for severity of
(32%), and 13.5F (11%). Children with less than 10 kg were illness using the PELOD scoring system. A p value of less than
filtered using HF03, 10–50 kg using HF07, and greater than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
50 kg using HF1200 (membrane surface area: HF03 = 0.3 m2,
HF07 = 0.7 m2, and HF1200 = 1.2 m2). All the filters were made Ethics
of polyethersulfone fiber. Predilution was incorporated in all Since it was a retrospective analysis of already collected routine
filtration episodes using “Accusol 35,” a lactate-free electrolyte data, ethical approval was not deemed necessary.
solution. The net delivered dose varied and on an average was
8.2 ± 1.1 mL/kg/hr less than the prescribed dose.
The machine used for CRRT was “Aquarius” (Nikkiso Europe
GmbH, Hannover, Germany). Details of CRRT recorded Baseline Characteristics
included vascath size and location, anticoagulation dose, filter From January 2003 to December 2013, 136 patients with PALF
life, dose of CRRT, and complications. Blood flow rates ranged met the inclusion criteria of being managed on the unit prior
from 50 to 250 mL/min depending on age (Table 1). Predilution to transplantation or recovery. Forty-five of these children
continuous venovenous hemofiltration was the most commonly received CRRT as part of their management (Fig. 1). A com-
used modality. Anticoagulation used was prostacyclin (2–6 ng/ parison between patient demographics and selected physi-
kg/min) if the activated clotting time (ACT) was 160–220 sec- ologic and laboratory values on admission to PICU are shown
onds and low-dose heparin if the ACT was less than 160 sec- in Supplementary Table 1 (Supplemental Digital Content 1,
onds unless contraindicated. If ACT is more than 220 seconds, Among the patients who
no anticoagulation was used. To facilitate toxin removal, CRRT underwent CRRT, the common etiology was indeterminant
dose was sequentially increased to a maximum of 100 mL/kg/hr. (53%) followed by metabolic (20%) and toxic (13%).
Baseline characteristics between survivors and nonsurvivors
Statistical Analysis treated with CRRT were compared (Table 2). Nonsurvivors were
Statistical data were analyzed with STATA software version significantly younger (p = 0.017) and weighed less (p = 0.006).
14 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). Continuous data were They also spent on average 10 days more on the ward prior

Table 1. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Set Up Using Continuous Venovenous

Weight (kg) < 3.5 3.5–4.9 5–14.9 15–29.9 30–49.9 > 50

Filter size HF03 HF03 HF03 HF07+ HF07+ HF07+

Aqualine size S S S S S Adult
Blood flow rate (mL/min) 50 50–80 100 150 200 250
Effluent flow rate (mL/kg/hr) 60 60 60 60 60 3,000 maximum
Priming volume (mL) 96 96 96 118 159 159

1912 October 2016 • Volume 44 • Number 10

Copyright © 2016 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pediatric Critical Care

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics on Admission to PICU for Children Started on

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for Pediatric Acute Liver Failure
All CRRT Survivors Nonsurvivors p (Survivors vs
Parameter (n = 45) (n = 26) (n = 19) Nonsurvivors)

Age, mo 68 ± 9.8 88 ± 13.4 41 ± 12.1 0.017

Female, n (%) 18 (40) 10 (38) 8 (42) 0.811
Male, n (%) 27 (60) 16 (62) 11 (58) 0.811
Weight (kg) 23.5 ± 3.9 32.8 ± 5.8 11.9 ± 3.2 0.006
Time on the ward prior to PICU transfer, d 10.7 ± 2.8 6.5 ± 1.2 16.3 ± 6.1 0.051
Etiology of pediatric acute liver failure, n (%)
 Indeterminate 24 (53) 16 (62) 8 (42) 0.206
 Toxic 6 (13) 6 (23) 0 (0) 0.024
 Infectious 3 (7) 2 (8) 1 (5) 0.754
 Metabolic 9 (20) 2 (8) 7 (37) 0.015
 Ischemic 1 (2) 0 (0) 1 (5) 0.247
 Infiltrative 2 (4) 0 (0) 2 (11) 0.086
Encephalopathy grade ≥ 2, n (%) 12 (27) 5 (19) 7 (37) 0.078
Mean arterial pressure, mm Hg 66 ± 2.4 65 ± 3.3 67 ± 3.8 0.717
Urine output, mL/kg/hr 2.6 ± 0.5 2.3 ± 0.6 3.0 ± 1.0 0.552
Lactate, mmol/L 5.1 ± 0.7 4.6 ± 0.9 5.8 ± 1.1 0.366
Ammonia, μmol/L (0 hr) 173 ± 14.9 153 ± 13.7 212 ± 33.1 0.061
Ammonia, μmol/L (24 hr) 159 ± 17.8 110 ± 11.5 198 ± 24.7 0.009
Ammonia, μmol/L (48 hr) 165 ± 34.1 90 ± 11.1 253 ± 54.9 0.009
Bilirubin 283.09 ± 25.8 314 ± 37.3 246.2 ± 31.6 0.200
Creatinine 68 ± 9.6 72 ± 10.1 62 ± 18.0 0.593
Aspartate aminotransferase, μmol/L 2,486 ± 547 3,075 ± 892 1,741 ± 488 0.229
International normalized ratio 4.8 ± 0.2 4.0 ± 0.4 5.5 ± 0.3 0.062
Platelets, 10 /L9
194 ± 20.2 212 ± 28.0 170 ± 28.5 0.403
Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction score 9.6 ± 1.1 8.4 ± 1.3 11.1 ± 1.9 0.228
Inotropes, n (%) 42 (93) 23 (88) 19 (100) 0.131
Intubated and ventilated, n (%) 45 (100) 26 (100) 19 (100) Not applicable
Time to initiation of CRRT (hr) a
27.0 ± 6.9 15.8 ± 3.0 32.4 ± 6.9 0.023
CRRT = continuous renal replacement therapy.

to PICU transfer (p = 0.051). Toxic (p = 0.024) or metabolic using prostacyclin, 27 hours (21.1–33.7) using heparin, and
(p = 0.015) etiology was associated with higher mortality. Peak 20 hours (14.6–25.3) using no anticoagulation. Safety and effi-
arterial ammonia in the first 24 hours of admission were also cacy of prostacyclin as an anticoagulant was acceptable with
significantly higher among nonsurvivors (p = 0.025). All chil- 1.9 bleeding episodes per 1,000 hours of CRRT and hypoten-
dren who died on CRRT were ventilated and on inotropes. sion requiring fluids or vasopressors occurring in less than
10% of filter episodes. The site of venous access (femoral vs
Anticoagulation and Complications in CRRT internal jugular) did not contribute to circuit life among this
A total of 198 filters were utilized between the 45 patients subgroup. There was one episode of hemopneumothorax with
receiving CRRT for PALF. Prostacyclin was used in 72% of internal jugular venous catheter insertion and three episodes
these filters, unfractionated heparin in 18% filters, and no anti- of vascular access rewiring due to thrombus; overall the proce-
coagulant in 10%. Median filter life was 59 hours (44.7–60.2) dure was well tolerated.

Critical Care Medicine 1913

Copyright © 2016 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Deep et al

Effect on Outcome
Overall survival of patients
with ALF on CRRT at dis-
charge was 58% (Fig. 2). A
significant increase in mor-
tality was seen in children
who were less than 1-year old
(heart rate [HR], 6; 95% CI,
2.0–18.2; p = 0.001; Fig. 3).
Severity was adjusted for by
the PELOD score as opposed
to the PIM2 score as it does
not accurately reflect out-
comes in PALF (25).
Twenty-six of the 45
patients were bridged success-
Figure 2. Outcome of all children with pediatric acute liver failure (PALF) requiring continuous renal fully to either native organ
replacement therapy (CRRT). recovery (n = 7) or successful
liver transplantation (n = 19).
In total, 24 patients requiring
CRRT underwent a liver trans-
plant and 79% of these sur-
vived. Of the 21 who did not,
only one third spontaneously
recovered. As liver transplanta-
tion interferes with the natu-
ral progression of disease, we
looked at the effect of CRRT
only in those children with
PALF who did not undergo
transplantation, that is, either
had spontaneous regeneration
of native liver or died with-
out a transplant—those who
received CRRT had a signifi-
cantly increased chance of sur-
vival (HR, 4; 95% CI, 1.5–11.6;
p = 0.006; Fig. 4).
Cox proportional hazards
regression model adjust-
Figure 3. Kaplan-Meir curve for 60-d survival of children with pediatric acute liver failure on continuous renal ing for severity of illness
replacement therapy. (PELOD), ammonia at pre-
sentation, ability of CRRT to
Timing of Initiation and Indications for CRRT decrease ammonia by 48 hours, and time to initiate CRRT
The median time to initiate CRRT from PICU admission was from PICU admission clearly shows that in spite of high
27 ± 6.9 hours and one in three were started on CRRT within ammonia levels in both survivors and nonsurvivors at ini-
the first 8 hours of admission to the unit. Median time to initi- tiation of CRRT, a decrease in ammonia by 48 hours of
ate CRRT in survivors was lower compared to nonsurvivors starting CRRT significantly improved survival (HR, 1.04;
(15.8 ± 3.0 vs 32.4 ± 6.9 hr; p = 0.023). Thirty patients (66.7%) 95% CI, 1.013–1.073; p = 0.004). On average, for every
had multiple indications for starting CRRT. The most common 10% decrease in ammonia from baseline at 48 hours, the
indications were oligo-anuria (n = 14; 31%), hyperammone- likelihood of survival increased by 50%. Time to initiate
mia (n = 13; 29%), hepatic encephalopathy (n = 12; 27%), high CRRT from PICU admission was also found to be lower
lactate (n = 10; 22%), fluid overload (n = 6,;13%), resistant in survivors compared to nonsurvivors, although statistical
metabolic acidosis (n = 3; 7%), resistant hyperkalemia (n = 1; significance is borderline (HR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.916–1.007;
2%), and hyponatremia (n = 1; 2%). The mean duration of p = 0.095). For every 1 hour delay in initiating CRRT, likeli-
CRRT was 54 hours. hood of mortality increased by 4%.

1914 October 2016 • Volume 44 • Number 10

Copyright © 2016 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pediatric Critical Care

Of note, when the prospec-

tive pediatric CRRT registry
was split into survival rates
according to the diagnoses that
led to the use of CRRT, chil-
dren with liver disease had the
lowest survival at 31% com-
pared to the 58% average for
all other diagnoses (26). In this
study, almost all children who
required CRRT also required
inotropes (91%) and ventila-
tion (100%). This suggests
that the children who went on
to require CRRT in PALF were
much more unstable during
their admission and highlights
just how sick these children
are. As such, it would be mis-
representative to compare out-
Figure 4. Kaplan-Meir curve for 60-d survival of children with pediatric acute liver failure on continuous renal comes of the treatment and
replacement therapy (CRRT) versus those not on CRRT in nontransplanted group. nontreatment group. Likewise,
it would be unethical to with-
Efficacy of CRRT hold CRRT from a critically ill child due to its proven success
To review the efficacy of CRRT in PALF, daily markers of dis- in AKI, a common complication of PALF, and anecdotal and
ease progression including arterial ammonia, lactate, percent- theoretical evidence for detoxification in PALF for the purpose
age fluid overload, creatinine, and mean arterial pressure were of a randomized controlled trial. As such evidence will need to
reviewed using ANOVA at 0, 24, and 48 hours after initiation of be sought through observational studies to establish the effect
CRRT (Table 3). There was a significant reduction in ammonia on outcome.
(p = 0.001) and lactate (p = 0.043) within 48 hours of initiating This study found that children frequently had more than
CRRT among survivors. Although the mean level of creatinine one indication for CRRT prior to commencing therapy.
and percentage fluid overload also decreased, the difference Traditionally, CRRT has been used to manage renal dysfunc-
was not statistically significant. tion, which is a common complication of PALF. It is impor-
Figure 5 is a box plot analysis of the trend in ammo- tant not to forget that AKI is often multifactorial in PALF
nia over time by mortality. This clearly demonstrates that with hypovolemia being the most common precipitating fac-
although ammonia is high at initiation of CRRT in both tor setting the stage for acute tubular necrosis (27). Although
survivors and nonsurvivors, in survivors the ammonia renal impairment was the indication for CRRT in a significant
is significantly lower after 48 hours of CRRT, whereas in number of patients included in this study (oligo-anuria, 31%;
nonsurvivors levels remained high (p ≤ 0.001). As demon- fluid overload, 13%; and resistant hyperkalemia, 2%), more
strated by multivariate analysis, inability of ammonia to be frequently CRRT is being used regardless of the presence or
removed even after 48 hours of CRRT is a poor prognostic absence of renal dysfunction as a detoxification mechanism.
sign (p = 0.004). The potential for recovery of native organ function coupled
Although not a controlled variable change, survival in PALF with the insufficient donor organ supply and risk of death or
increased by 9% from 65% before the change in guidelines in deterioration awaiting a compatible transplant, has focused
2011. Figure 6 shows the trend in survival pre and post guide- attention on using detoxification mechanisms as liver sup-
line change. The most significant difference was seen in the port devices until recovery from PALF or bridging to trans-
first 14 days (HR, 3; 95% CI, 1.0–10.3; p = 0.063). plantation. As such, initiating CRRT in PALF now serves a
dual purpose: 1) for managing the AKI and fluid imbalances,
DISCUSSION which frequently complicate cases and 2) as a detoxification
Despite the increasing use of CRRT in children with acute mechanism for the high ammonia, lactate, and metabolic dis-
liver failure (ALF), there is a paucity of data surrounding its turbances which set in.
effect on outcome and applicability as a detoxification mecha- In this study, two of the indications for initiating CRRT were
nism. The present study examined an 11-year institutional hyperammonemia greater than 200 µmol/L or hepatic enceph-
experience from the PICU at a specialist liver unit to evaluate alopathy greater than grade 2, which was present in a quarter
whether the use of CRRT in these critically ill children is of of children (29% and 27%, respectively). It is well established
justifiable benefit. that when ammonia is not metabolized by the failing liver, it

Critical Care Medicine 1915

Copyright © 2016 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Deep et al

Table 3. Analysis of Variance and among children whose level of arterial ammonia rose between
Covariance Between 0, 24, and 48 Hours of the value at admission to PICU to the value at initiation of
CRRT. This suggests that the intensivist should not wait, but
Initiating Continuous Renal Replacement
intervene early at the first sign of rising hyperammonemia.
Therapy; Trend in Mean Ammonia, Lactate, Ability to reduce ammonia after 48 hours of starting CRRT
and Percentage Fluid Overload Between was the most significant factor for survival on multivariate
Survivors and Nonsurvivors Before analysis (p = 0.004). This is important as in rapidly progressive
and After Starting Continuous Renal PALF, the first 24–48 hours are vital to create a good milieu
Replacement Therapy to facilitate spontaneous regeneration or prevent deterioration
while awaiting for a suitable donor organ to become available.
Survivors Nonsurvivors It remains to be seen whether this could be used as a marker of
Parameter (n = 26) (n = 19) p
prognosis to help guide decisions regarding transplantation or
Arterial ammonia, μmol/L prioritization of scarce donor organs.
Other significant risk factors for mortality in children with
  On admission 173 ± 17 201 ± 31 0.402
PALF treated with CRRT at admission included age (p = 0.017),
  CRRT (0 hr) 155 ± 14 205 ± 31 0.115 weight (p = 0.006), time on ward prior to PICU transfer
  CRRT (24 hr) 110 ± 11 198 ± 25 0.001 (p = 0.051), serum lactate (p = 0.003), INR (p = 0.062), peak
levels of arterial ammonia in the first 24 hours (p = 0.009), and
  CRRT (48 hr) 90 ± 11 253 ± 50 0.001
PALF with toxic and metabolic etiology. Age less than 1 year
p (ANOVA) < 0.001 0.1945 lends a significantly worse prognosis to this group of patients
Lactate, mEq/L (Fig. 3) due to their smaller size, rapidly progressive etiolo-
gies, and increased waiting time for liver transplantation. This
  On admission 4.6 ± 0.9 5.8 ± 1.0 0.382
implies in the case of rapidly progressive PALF, early transfer to
  CRRT (0 hr) 4.0 ± 0.9 6.8 ± 2.0 0.169 specialist liver transplant centers is critical especially in younger
  CRRT (24 hr) 3.0 ± 0.6 3.5 ± 0.7 0.590 children with raised ammonia or INR greater than 4 of toxic or
metabolic etiology as mortality is significantly higher.
  CRRT (48 hr) 1.6 ± 0.2 3.1 ± 0.8 0.043
In order to see whether CRRT can alter the natural progres-
p (ANOVA) 0.0535 0.1990 sion of PALF, those patients with PALF who did not undergo
Fluid overload, % transplantation and only received medical interventions were
analyzed. The survival without transplant was much higher
  CRRT (0 hr) 5.6 ± 1.7 5.3 ± 1.3 0.896
among the children who received CRRT versus those who did
  CRRT (24 hr) 4.9 ± 1.3 3.1 ± 2.1 0.448 not (Fig. 4). CRRT in these patients optimizes overall milieu
  CRRT (48 hr) 3.9 ± 1.4 3.1 ± 3.1 0.798 including fluid balance and removal of toxic products to facili-
tate spontaneous recovery.
p (ANOVA) 0.4273 0.7645
Due to reports of increased survival in using CRRT as
Creatinine, mmol/L a detoxification mechanism and earlier initiation in adult
  CRRT (0 hr) 70 ± 8.8 66 ± 19.0 0.836 patients with ALF, and preliminary findings at our PICU, the
PICU guidelines on the indications for CRRT in PALF were
  CRRT (24 hr) 64 ± 7.7 54 ± 10.7 0.440 changed in 2011. In addition to signs of renal dysfunction,
  CRRT (48 hr) 57 ± 7.5 50 ± 9.1 0.554 CRRT was initiated for hepatic encephalopathy (grade > 2) or
p (ANOVA) 0.5910 0.7177 hyperammonemia (NH3 > 150 µmol/L and not getting con-
trolled, or an absolute value > 200 µmol/L) along with meta-
Mean arterial pressure, mm Hg bolic abnormalities including hyponatremia. Higher doses
  CRRT (0 hr) 72 ± 3.2 68 ± 5.4 0.504 of CRRT were also introduced, starting at 60 mL/kg/hr and
  CRRT (24 hr) 68 ± 4.1 68 ± 3.8 1.000
increasing to 100 mL/kg/hr if toxin removal was inadequate,
and bigger-sized vascaths appropriate to all age groups were
  CRRT (48 hr) 76 ± 4.9 62 ± 8.2 0.129 introduced to ensure adequate circuit life and CRRT dose
p (ANOVA) 0.4503 0.7021 delivery. The effect of these changes is seen predominantly in
ANOVA = analysis of variance, CRRT = continuous renal replacement the first 14 days, which is the time critical period to ensure that
therapy. the child is in a stable condition either for spontaneous regen-
eration or liver transplantation.
is detoxified to glutamine in the brain, which is osmotically Despite its increasing uptake, clear-cut consensus is lacking
active and this is now thought to be responsible for astrocyte surrounding optimal CRRT delivery including time of initia-
swelling and cytotoxic edema seen in PALF (28–31). Among tion and dose. There is a growing body of evidence from adults
survivors, CRRT was successful in reducing arterial ammonia with AKI that earlier initiation of CRRT has a significant ben-
(p ≤ 0.001). Interestingly, there was a much greater mortality eficial impact on survival (32, 33). This study likewise found

1916 October 2016 • Volume 44 • Number 10

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Pediatric Critical Care

CRRT in our group. In pediat-

rics, recent reports from France
and Tokyo have demonstrated
improved beneficial effects in
children with PALF undergo-
ing high volume hemofiltra-
tion (35, 36). As such at King’s
College Hospital, CRRT is
started early in the course of
PALF patients who are intu-
bated and ventilated for grade
greater than 2 encephalopathy
with high arterial ammonia
levels, using hemofiltration
as the preferred modality.
The dose is then increased as
required to achieve effective
ammonia clearance due to
the increased risk of mortal-
ity without a delta fall as high-
lighted in this study.
Another area of controversy
is the use of anticoagulation.
Despite the prolongation of
routine coagulation tests in
Figure 5. Box plot of the trend in ammonia level (μmol/L) by survival. CRRT = continuous renal replacement therapy. ALF, Habib et al (37) high-
lighted the need for anticoagu-
lation due to the procoagulant
that delays in initiation of treatment are associated with higher state. Anticoagulation is therefore used in nearly all children
mortality and suggests that the intensivist should intervene at with PALF undergoing CRRT in this study, with prostacyclin
an early stage to have the best chance of survival. Regarding being the most frequently used anticoagulant. No complica-
optimal doses, Davenport et al (34) showed improved cardio- tions related to anticoagulant use were observed. In addition
vascular stability in ALF using high filtration rates in particular to beneficial effects of prostacyclin as an anticoagulant, it
where severe lactic acidosis was present or vasopressors were can help to optimize oxygen delivery and uptake in critically
required, which applied to 93% of the children with PALF on ill patients, which can help improve ultimate prognosis (38).
This study validates the acceptable
safety and efficacy of prostacyclin as
an anticoagulant in CRRT for PALF.
Some centers have started using
citrate despite initial fears of citrate
accumulation as it is now shown
that this can be predicted by the Ca
total-to-Ca ionic ratio. Though this
ratio can rise, equalization of initial
metabolic acidosis is possible with-
out major disturbances of acid–base
and electrolyte status with acceptable
filter lives (39).
This study has its limitations.
First, this is a single centre experience
with a relatively small sample size.
It is extremely difficult to compare
outcomes between CRRT and non-
CRRT groups despite controlling
Figure 6. Kaplan-Meir curve for 60-d survival of children with pediatric acute liver failure on continuous for the severity of illness especially
renal replacement therapy. when the etiology is diverse. Ideally

Critical Care Medicine 1917

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