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September 12, 2022

1. Mask-Wearing During Theocratic Activities: Please follow the direction from the
branch office while being careful not to add unnecessary rules. (2 Cor. 1:24) By your words
and example, show how to respect the decisions of others on this personal matter and thus
promote unity. Additionally, please update the modest sign posted at each Kingdom Hall
entrance with the wording below. Include appropriate safety precautions in accord with local
circumstances and governmental regulations, if applicable. If the government allows only
vaccinated persons to attend gatherings, include this requirement.
By attending in-person congregation meetings, you are confirming that (1) you
are not displaying cold or flu-like symptoms and (2) you have not been exposed
to or tested positive for COVID-19 within the past five days. If you do not meet
these requirements, please tie in to the meeting by videoconference. If you have
not received previous instructions regarding how to do so, please call [phone
number listed for your congregation on] or visit for meeting infor-


1. Announcement for Congregations: Please ensure that the announcement for congre-
gations is read at the conclusion of the next two congregation meetings. Once the announce-
ment has been read to the congregation, it should be posted on the information board for at
least one month.

September 12, 2022

1. Mask-Wearing During Theocratic Activities: Starting October 1, 2022, mask-wearing
will no longer be strongly encouraged for those attending congregation meetings. Unless it
is a governmental requirement, it will be a personal choice whether one wears a mask in
order to protect his health while participating in any theocratic activity, whether indoors or
outdoors. This adjustment also applies when in-person theocratic schools, circuit assem-
blies, and regional conventions resume in 2023.

2. We truly appreciate the extra caution that you brothers and sisters have displayed over
the past two years by wearing a mask. However, as we enter a new phase of the pandemic,
we find that the number of those seriously sick and hospitalized because of COVID-19 has
significantly declined in many regions. Vaccines and medical treatments that reduce the risk
of severe disease and death are now more widely available. Therefore, it is appropriate that
we adjust our position on mask-wearing. It is the responsibility of each individual to deter-
mine how best to protect his health based on his personal circumstances. (Gal. 6:5) Of
course, each one should show balance, reasonableness, and love so that we do not unnec-
essarily put others at risk by attending meetings in person if we test positive for COVID-19,
display cold or flu-like symptoms, or have recently been exposed to someone who tested
positive for COVID-19.

3. Some may have strong feelings on mask-wearing. However, we respect one another by
not forcing others to adopt our personal viewpoint. Neither do we judge others for their
choices in personal matters. For example, when shopping we know that it would be unrea-
sonable to demand that store employees or fellow shoppers comply with our personal pref-
erences on mask-wearing. How much more should we show consideration for our brothers
and sisters by refraining from imposing our own opinion on wearing a mask.—Rom. 14:10;
read Romans 12:10.

4. We warmly commend each of you for doing your part to promote unity and peace in the
congregation. Paul wrote: “I urge you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that you should all speak in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you,
but that you may be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.”
(1 Cor. 1:10) By “earnestly endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting
bond of peace,” we avoid conflicts that could divide us.—Eph. 4:1-3.


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