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ॐ卐 ी Dr. Sreenivasarao Vepachedu  
Dr. Sreenivasarao Vepachedu
अयं ब ुरयं नेित गणना लघु चेतसाम्। उदारच रतानां  तु  वसुधैव कुटु कम् ॥ सवजनानां  सवतोमुखािभवृ थम्  
सव जनेषु सौमन  सादर भावना िस थम्  , िह दू धमािभधान  सनातनाषधम  प रर णाथ, शैववै वसौरशा े य
गाणप ा मत प बौ जैनिसख् चनवमता क, है वधम अ ुदयाथ त म ितकूलता प रहाराथ
त म सव ित िस थ, त म वै र याथच ो पारायणम् क र े ! ॐ सव भव ु सु खनः सव
स ु िनरामयाः ।सव भ ािण प ु मा कि द् दु ः खभा वे त्॥ ॐ सवशां भवतु सवशां शा भवतु ।सवशां
पुणभवतु सवशां म लंभवतु ॥ ॐ  ौः  शा र र ं  शा ः पृिथवी शा रापः  शा रोषधयः  शा ः । वन तयः  
शा िव ेदेवाः  शा  शा ः सव शा ः  शा रे व शा ः  सा मा शा रे िध ॥ ॐ श ा ा ः॥
(यजुवदः )

This is relative that is not is for common people but for the Enlighted the entire world is a family.
For the development and prosperity of the entire humanity and all living beings on this planet, friendship
and affection among all beings, protection of Sanatana Dharma, Vedavriksha (Knowledge Tree) and
Hindutva (Hinduism) encompassing Shaiva religion, Vaishnava religion, Solar religion, Shakti religion,
Ganapati religion, skanda religion, Buddha religion, Jain religion, and Sikh religion, for the prosperity of
Hindutva (Hinduism), and for the destruction adharmic Hindugenocidal religions (SO LEWD), we pray
the following stotram:
Aum! May all life be happy, free from disease, enjoy prosperity, none experience sorrow! Everyone’s
needs be fulfilled and filled with auspiciousness! Aum! May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well
as in the vast ethereal space everywhere! May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs,
trees and creepers! May peace flow over the whole universe! May peace be in the Supreme Being
Brahman! And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone!
Aum peace, peace and peace to us and all beings!
(Hindutva (Hinduism), Essence of Vedas, Maha & Brihadarnyakopanishad, Yajurveda)

Whenever Hindutva/Sanatana dharma (eternal cosmic law & order) is in peril, an enlightened atma will arrive in
this world to enlighten people and protect dharma!
ajyesthaso akanishthaso ete sambhrataro vahaduhu saubhagaya.
“No one is superior, none inferior. All are brothers marching forward to prosperity.”

700-900 million Hindus were killed by Islamists!

ॐ   卐 
© 卐ee Vepachedu Educational Foundation, Inc., USA
Hitler’s Nazi Myth of Aryan Invasion/Immigration Theory (MAIT) and Genetics
Reconstruction of Hindu History

By Dr. Sreenivasarao Vepachedu


Abstract 3
I. Introduction 4
II. Hitler’s Nazi Myth of Aryan Invasion/Immigration Theory (Hitler’s Nazi MAIT) 5
III. Three Pronged Approach of Proselytizers 6
1. Demonizing Hindus, Hinduism and Hindu Culture and Practices
2. Glorifying Islamic and Christian Rule over Hindus
3. Active Conversion of Hindus
IV. Real History of Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization Based on Vedas and Puranas 8
1. Continuity of Civilization of Vedas
2. Continuity of Civilization of Puranas
V. Real History of Sindhu– Sarasvati Civilization Based On Archaeological Evidence 9
1. Continuity of Civilization
2. Extended to Ganga-Yamuna and Deccan
3. Lack of Evidence of Warfare
4. Climate Change Caused Collapse of Harappa and Deccan
5. Textiles and Basketry of Sindhu-Sarasvati Traditions Continue
VI. Real History of Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization Based On Linguistics and 13
Genetics 16
VII. Conclusion 17
VIII. Acknowledgements 20
IX. References and Notes 84
X. Appendices
1. Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Textiles and Basketry of the Indus Tradition: 84
Archaeological Evidence and Historical Legacy 113
2. Progress with All of Us Research Program 115
3. TwoRains Conference 2021

Hitler’s Nazi Myth of Aryan Invasion/Immigration Theory (MAIT) and Genetics
Reconstruction of Hindu History

By Dr. Sreenivasarao Vepachedu

Abstract: This paper explores the evidence that the Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization was indigenous
and continues as today’s Hindu civilization; and that the division between so-called Dravidian
and Aryan is a myth created by the Europeans and is part of Hitler’s Nazi Myth of Aryan Invasion
Theory (MAIT) because there is no evidence of any invasion of White European Progenitors to
validate Hitler’s Nazi MAIT that was only created to demonize and destroy the Hindu civilization
of the Indian Continent and to convert the populations of the continent to Abrahamic religions,
which is continued even today by the followers of Hitler’s Nazi MAIT such as Thapar, Tharoor,
Truschke, etc., with a three-pronged approach, which is as old as Christianity and Islam: 1)
demonizing Hindus, Hinduism and Hindu cultures and practices, 2) glorifying the rule of Islamic
dictators like Aurangzeb and the Colonial Christian British Raj, while comparing Hindus to Nazis
because Hitler misappropriated our cultural icons to suit their holocaust and the British and
Western imperialism and supremacy, and 3) active conversion of Hindus to Islam and Christianity.
The genetic ancestry data from the All of Us Research Program at the National Institutes of Health
presented in this paper further debunks already obsolete Hitler's Nazi MAIT.

Despite the more than one thousand years of continuous and relentless attack using the three-
pronged tactics combined with the divide and rule strategy on the only continuous ancient
civilization in the world today, the Hindu civilization remains like the elephant in the room of
modern civilization defined by recent political, imperialist, religious, and irreligious ideologies of
Indian and Western demagogues who hold on to the dead and discarded Hitler’s Nazi MAIT.

I. Introduction
“The four yugas devised by the Indian theorists through which the world passes take up
4,320,000 years to return the world to its starting point and begin the next cycle; and so on and
on, for a kalpa, consisting of 1,000 mahayugas, totaling 4.32 thousand million years, which is
a day or night of Brahma. It is entirely understandable, therefore, that when European
expansion reached India, and these two chronologies [Vedic & Biblical] came into direct
contact, they should have clashed.” -Thomas R. Trautmann 2

Hindus never thought they entered the Indian Continent from outside until the Western Indology
brainwashed them 3. Proselytizing Christians and Muslims knew very well that the most effective
way to destroy non-believers and their culture is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of
their history4, and effective use of propaganda 5, and accordingly, they viewed the deep history of
Hindus 6 (Indians, Heathens, Pagans, non-believers, and Kafirs of the Hindu (Indian) Continent 7 -
Bharata Khanda, from Afghanistan to Indonesia to the Pacific Islands 8, related to the Indian
Continental Tectonic Plate) dismissing its depth as excessive because it was beyond the horizon
of Adam and Eve. This effect was intensified by the British Orientalists in India who approached
the question of the Hindu antiquity through Persian Muslim sources, especially Firishtah’s History
of India, which was among the first Hindu history books to be translated into English. In Biruni’s
book on chronology, when he crossed into the Indian Continent in his narrative he observed that
the Hindus did not even believe in creation, as the same clay persisted from one world cycle to the
next. Accordingly, there was a Biblical chronology shared by Jews, Christians and Muslims which
confronted a quite different chronology and clashed with it in the Indian Continent 9, which needed
to be reconciled. Therefore, the myth of Aryan race and their invasion of the Indian Continent 10
was created in such a timeframe to reconcile Hindu chronology11 and innovations 12 with the
Abrahamic chronology. The Aryan race theory is so absurd that it should have died long time
ago 13.

In Sanskrit, the word aarya (आय� ) means sir, noble, or a respectable person. An examination of the
Vedic literature shows that there occur two words in the Rig Veda—one is arya (अय� ) with a short
‘a’ and the other is aarya (आय� ) with a long ‘a’. The word arya (अय� ) with a short ‘a’ is used in the
Rig Veda in 88 places in four different senses: as (1) enemy, (2) respectable person, (3) name for
India, and (4) owner, Vaishya or citizen. The word aarya (आय� ) with a long ‘a’ is used in the Rig
Veda in 31 places. But in none of these is the word used in the sense of race, according to
Ambedkar 14. There was no such race called Aryan. The reading of race into a word in a language
where there was none before and the search for an original Aryan race are methods of race science
used by the Nazi movement 15, which misappropriated the words like aarya and swastika (su=
good, asti = is, ka = suffix for symbol) 16, the symbol of good, peace and prosperity, for the violent
militarism of Hitler‘s Nazism and holocaust 17. Indologists and historians like Romilla Thapar,
Audrey Truschke, Irfan Habib, A. L. Basham 18, etc. are followers of Hitler‘s Nazi Myth of Aryan
Invasion/Immigration Theory (MAIT) 19 and consider Hindus as racist Aryans. This Hitler‘s Nazi
MAIT is the most politicized and used against Hindus by British colonialism, Nazis, Nehruvians,
Marxists, Ambedkarites (in spite of Ambedkar’s own opposition to it 20), Dravidianists,
Indologists 21, Islamists, and Christian missionaries in India 22. In addition, race is a socially
constructed term without biological merit that has historically been used to categorize different
groups of people based on perceived physical differences 23.

Nazi school books taught Hitler’s Nazi MAIT, which is the cornerstone of the Nazi world view
that included ideas like 1) white ancestors of Europeans had subdued native Hindus 24, and 2)
despite the imposition of the caste apartheid to preserve white purity, over a period of time, Hindus
had become impure, and needed colonization and Christianization 25 by the unmixed Aryans of
Europe 26.

II. Hitler’s Nazi MAIT

The history of Hindus is written by outsiders 27 from Firishta to Max Müller 28 to Audrey Truschke29
to promote their vested interests by denigrating the Vedic Dharma and culture with Hitler’s Nazi
MAIT, which was popularized by Adolf Hitler and his followers like Heinrich Himmler 30 who
equated Hitler with Bhagavan Krishna and justified the Holocaust with the misinterpretation of
Srimadbhagavadgita. European imperialists 31 and missionaries 32 seeking conquests and converts
traveled to the Indian Continent and formed the basis for Hitler’s Nazi MAIT. With a false premise
that the ancient Hindus had no sense of history and chronology 33, these historians painted a picture
that is subservient to the colonial interest, and imperial Orientalism 34, and is synchronized with
the western history based on the Abrahamic religious belief 35 that the Hindus, Greeks, Romans
and Egyptians were all co-descendants of Ham from which the Hindus were the first to decline
into idolatry36.

The fabrication 37 of and the foundations for Hitler’s Nazi MAIT were laid down in the work of
French Jean-Sylvain Bailly (1736–1793) who argued that Atlantis was the root civilization of
mankind, which had invented the arts and sciences and civilized the Chinese, Hindus, and
Egyptians, and that the Brahmins who shaped the Hindu civilization were Sanskrit-speaking
Atlanteans 38. The French missionary Abbé Dubois (1770–1848) reconciled Noah and the Great
Flood with the Hindu civilization with deliberate bad translations of the literature to fit his agenda.
Dubois' work was translated by Max Müller, which was the basis of Hitler’s Nazi MAIT. Later,
the evidence obtained at the Sindhu-Sarasvati 39 Valley site of Mohenjo Daro 40 was distorted and
presented as evidence that ancestors of White Europeans called Aryans invaded, destroying the
earlier Hindu Sindhu-Sarasvati Valley civilization and creating the current pagan civilization of
Hindus 41 to further support Hitler’s Nazi MAIT.

Hitler’s Nazi MAIT of Nazi Germany was not limited to the misappropriation of the
Hindu/Buddhist swastika, the sacred symbol of good, but also extended to misappropriation of the
Hindu Sanskrit literature, including the Srimadbhagavadgita. The Nazis believed that the Germans
were direct descendants of the ancient White Europeans called Aryans who invaded the Indian
Continent. Thus, the Hindus as defined above were basically a mixture of European White Aryans
and the uncivilized subhuman (untermensch) native pagan population of the continent to whom
European White Aryans brought their genes, high civilization42 and the language Sanskrit. As a
result, the modern Hindus were inferior and caste-ridden 43. Although the Hindus were falsely
considered of Aryan origin, in the eyes of the Nazis, they were not the pure Aryans and not equal
to the Germans – the direct descendants of mythical Nazi Aryans 44. Himmler wrote that Nazis
needed to be the Kshatriyakaste (military class) 45 for the German salvation in 1925. Himmler was
responsible for the murders of millions of people because he believed in the superior Aryan
German race. Aside from millions of Jews, Himmler was also responsible for the mass murder of
up to a half-million Hindu-descendant-Gypsies (Roma). Himmler believed in Hitler God, an
incarnation of Bhagavan Srikrishna, and the misinterpreted Srimadbhagavadgita, just like

crusaders believe in Jesus Christ and Bible and Jihadists believe in Allah and Koran to justify
genocide. Himmler justified the unparalleled cruelty and holocaust upon Jews and Roma with his
gross misinterpretations of Srimadbhagavadgita 46, which Audrey Truschke 47 uses in her perverted
narrative against Hindus and their Hindutva (Sanskrit) or Hinduism (Englis) 48 with a three pronged
approach, which is as old as the proselytizing Christianity and Islam, 1) Demonizing Hindus,
Hinduism (Hindutva in Sanskrit) and the Hindu culture and practices, 2) Glorifying Islamic and
Christian Rule, and 3) Active Conversion of Hindus 49.

III. Three Pronged Approach of Proselytizers

1. Demonizing Hindus, Hinduism and Hindu Culture and Practices; and Their
As explained above, Hitler’s Nazi MAIT is one of the weapons used against Hindus and Hinduism
– a way of life that includes Vedic Dharma, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, Buddhism, Jainism,
Sikhism, and various other indegenous Hindu religions and beliefs of the Indian Continent 50. It is
not an exaggeration to say that if you destroy the priests, the custodians of a culture, tradition, and
religion, you would destroy that people 51. In 324 AD, the emperor Constantine declared
Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire, sacked the Oracle of the God Apollo,
tortured Pagan priests to death, evicted all non-Christian peoples from Mount Athos, and destroyed
all Hellenic temples 52. In 1026 AD, Mahmud of Ghazni, the defiler of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist
shrines and remembered as a hero of Islam, whose armies routinely stripped the temples of their
wealth and then destroyed them, sacked Somnath temple and massacred its defenders. Mahmud
personally hammered the temple's gilded lingam to pieces and the stone fragments were carted
back to Ghazni, where they were incorporated into the steps of the city's new Jamiah Masjid
(Friday mosque) 53. In 1199, Ikhtiyaruddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji had killed thousands
of Hindu- Buddhist devotees and monks, and burnt for three months the entire Nalanda
University 54, an influential and world-renowned center of higher education in the Indian Continent.
The great Bamiyan Buddha statues 55, recognized as the world heritage by the United Nations, of
Afghanistan (ancient Gandhar of Mahabharata) were leveled by the Taliban 56. This is just the tip
of the iceberg of the destruction of Hindu priests and temples by Islam 57 and Christianity58.
Further, Islamic, Christian, Dalit, and Marxist groups attack the priests of Hindus, the Brahmins 59,
ruthlessly to destroy the Hindu religions 60, cultures, and traditions, using the caste trope created
by the colonial British narrative 61. In the past few centuries the European and Western so called
Sanskrit scholars like Griffith 62, Müller 63, Goldman 64, Pollock 65, Doniger 66, Truschke67,
Nussbaum 68, Jafferlot 69, to name a few, deliberately distorted the Sanskrit texts with malicious
intent to destroy the Hindu literature and thereby destroy Hindu culture and identity. Audrey
Truschke 70 deliberately misinterprets Hindu scriptures like Ramayana and Srimadbhagavadgita,
and calls Bhagavan Rama of Hindus a misogynist pig 71, and depicts Hindus as Nazis 72.

In addition, they distort the common practices of Hindus, their texts like the Vedas, Upanishads,
Puranas, etc., including Ayurveda 73, as explained earlier. As a result, many Hindus feel ashamed
of their ancient culture, embrace either Christianity74 or Islam to redeem themselves, become
pawns against their own culture 75 by the rampant Hinduphobia 76/ Hindumisia 77, or become
members of South Asian groups that are controlled by anti-India and anti- Hindu members. The

caste narrative created by the British and Nazi propaganda adopted by the Dalit movement is a
glaring example of such shaming of
native cultures and traditions so that the
Hindus who are branded as Dalits by this
narrative voluntarily embrace Christianity
and Islam. They continue the false
narrative to benefit from it 78, and expand
it to the US by enlisting popular black
leaders like Oprah 79, Prof. West80,
billionaires like Soros 81, and certain
American politicians 82.

For example, current Sepoys 83 of modern India like Kanche Ilaiah, a Christian and so-called Dalit,
wrote a book against the Hindu priests and Hindus entitled, ‘Why I am not a Hindu? 84’ as if he
were a Hindu. His followers think he is better than Bertrand Russel 85! For his vitriol against Hindu
priests and Hinduism in this book, he was honored with the Mahatma Jyotirao Phule 86 Award, and
a Nehru Fellowship 87, despite the fact that the Hindu priests are one of the poorest communities
not only in both Telugu states 88, but also all over India 89.

2. Glorifying Islamic and Christian Rule over Hindus

Audrey Truschke and other anti-Hindu historians downplay the atrocities committed by both
Islamic and Christian rulers in the Indian Continent and paint a picture of greatness of the Islamic 90
and the British Raj 91, and ignore the contributions of Hindus like Rana Pratap, Sivaji, etc. For
example, Audrey Truschke writes glorifying accounts of Mughal Empire in general and
Aurangzeb, who was a Hindu hater, murderer and religious zealot, in particular 92. As part of her
3-pronged strategy, to gain support from Muslims simultaneously driving a wedge between
Muslims and Hindus, Truschke finds it very important to rehabilitate Aurangzeb Alamgir as a
pious and kind king unjustly demonized, while he was the cruelest and most hated Mughal
Emperor with a list of crimes long and grave including the brutal murders of not only enemies but
also his own brothers 93. In doing so, she has denied Hindu genocide, appealing to Muslims and
Christians, as well as to some Hindus (who hide under Hindu names) 94. The purpose of this false
narrative is to brand Hindus as Nazis because they are upset with this false narrative and create a
discord between the Hindus and others who subscribe to this fake narrative, including the
universities like Rutgers, where I did research 95 in the early 1990s.

3. Active Conversion of Hindus

Hitler’s Nazi MAIT proponents continue the millennium-old demonization of Hindus, their culture
and traditions; various tactics used to convert the scared, demoralized, ashamed, and confused
Hindus also continue. For example, Audrey Truschke in this third prong takes the assistance from
her family and friends to save the souls of Hindus from the clutches of the alleged rotten and caste-
ridden Hindu culture which is influenced by the modern Nazism of Hitler as painted by the
Truschke cabal 96.

Hitler’s Nazi MAIT has followers 97 like Truschke 98, Thapar 99, Habib 100, Tharoor 101, Iliah 102,
Pollock 103, Doniger 104, Western and Marxist Indian Academia 105, Encyclopedia Britannica106,
CIA 107, Wikipedia, etc. These so-called secular Christian, Muslim, Marxist historians, Indian and

Western academicians, and American intelligence agencies believe that Hindus had no sense of
history and chronology108, and deliberately misinterpret Sanskrit texts 109. Their serious scholarship
is Hitler’s Nazi MAIT and the strong belief in the benevolence in the Muslim and Christian
invasions and rule over the Hindus for over a thousand years. They deliberately ignored with
disdain and contempt the Hindu perspective and made “Hindu” a dirty word today equating it with
Nazism so that many Hindus are misled and ashamed of their heritage 110. These so-called
historians accept Hitler’s Nazi MAIT as gospel and the only truth, but not the Vedas and Puranas,
and in a twisted hypocrisy111, brand Hindus as Nazis because the Hindu sacred symbols like
swastika and texts like the Vedas and Srimadbhagavadgita were misappropriated and
misinterpreted by the Nazis and the West 112.

In addition, the American and European Aryan Nations and other white supremacist groups made
sure that the students of the elementary Indian Civilization course are taught the association of the
Aryan and Hindu words with the politics of seggregation and racial hatred 113. The Europeans
created the fictitious word Aryan and Hitler’s Nazi MAIT, and together with the Americans made
it into racism 114, which flows back into India through Christian Proselytizers like Truschke et al.
to reinforce Hitler’s Nazi MAIT and brand Hindus as Nazis 115 for using their own ancient symbol
swastika (representation of good and auspiciousness) which has been in use uninterrupted from
pre-Sindhu-Sarasvati-civilization to today. That is why George Orwell warned, “The most effective
way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history 116.”

IV. Real History of Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization Based on Vedas and Puranas

The Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization (greater Indus region) was home to the largest of the four
ancient urban civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, South Asia and China. Most of its ruins, even
its major cities, remain to be excavated. The ancient script has not been deciphered 117. The concept
of democracy and welfare state has their roots in Indus-Saraswati Civilization 118. The origin of
Indus cities such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro can be traced to indigenous socioeconomic and
political processes. Continued archaeological excavations in both India and Pakistan have
revealed the presence of numerous different types of sites that provide a more complete
understanding of the origins and decline of the Indus civilization 119. The category of Hindu
theology, while in several senses a colonial distortion and imposition, has the capacity, on the one
hand, to be liberating for both Hindus and non-Hindus in India, and on the other, to unleash the
hidden potential of Hinduism to become a major force for positive global change, and a world
religion in the fullest sense of the term 120. Saidian Orientalists, both Indian and Western, hope to
diminish Hindu culture and history by repeating a lie that ‘Hindus have no sense of history or
culture 121’ so often that it became a cliché 122.

Even a Marxist like Jawaharlal Nehru acknowledged the resentment felt by Hindus at being forced
to study in their schools and colleges so-called histories which disparage India’s past in every
way, vilify those whose memory they cherish and honor, and glorify the achievement of British
rule in India 123. Marxist Nehru also acknowledged the importance of Hindu scriptures and
literature such as Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, etc. because ignorance of them was not a virtue
and was often a severe drawback because they had powerfully influenced humanity with their
inherent power, virtue, vital source of energy, a permanence which time and space could not touch,
and the sheer beauty, and that they would hold his attention despite the difficulty in reading and
his disinterest in rituals and metaphysics therein 124.

The advanced research based on archaeological, archaeo-astronomical, and literary evidence
suggests that Hindu (Indian) history has been continuous since the beginnings of Holocene and
we Indians proudly call our history as Itihasa (iti-ha-Asa=thus-verily-happened). Vedic, Post-
Vedic, Itihasa and Purana texts record history in a form that is different than the Western and
Colonial norm. Today, the definition of History is that which was introduced into India by the
Colonial historians who just doubted our antiquity without evidence. Much prior to that, the Rishis
recorded chronological and genealogical history so that future generations could benefit from its
learnings 125.

1. Continuity of Civilization of Vedas

The study of the Vedas 126 was a part of the indigenous system of Hindu education in different parts
of the Indian Continent since time immemorial, long before Muslims and Christians stepped into
the continent, continued even in the early nineteenth century, and continues even today. The
Vedas 127 were not discovered by European scholars, and Vedic literature in all its types and
adjuncts was a major item of study in the traditional schools right up to the British Raj. This
constituted the basic frame of the day-to-day functioning of Hindu society. The Rigveda is the
fountainhead of Hindu literary and philosophical tradition which has developed as a single column
with diverse strands of thought but with a unified tradition based on Vedas 128.

According to the Rigveda, Hymn LXXV,

The Rivers (e.g., verses 5-6 below), the
original homeland of Vedic Hindus was
where rivers Ganga, Yamuna,
Sarasvati 129, Sutudri, Parusni, Asikni,
Marudvridha, Vitsta, Arjiki, Sushoma,
Tritama, Susartu, Rasa, Svetya, Sindhu,
Kubha, Gomati, Krumu, Mehatnu, etc.
flowed (9 of these rivers are shown in the
table and map on the left by Michel
Danino 130).

इमं म� ग�े यमुने सर�ित शुतुिद्र �ोमै सचता प��ा।

अिसक्�ा म�द् वृधे िवत�याज�कीये �णु�ा सुषोमया ॥५ ॥

तृ�ामया प्रथमं यातवे सजूः सुस�ा� रसया �े�ा �ा।

�ं िस�ो कुभया गोमतीं क्र्मुं मेहत्�ा सरथं यािभरीयसे॥६॥

Thus, the Rigveda indicates the

indigenous origin of people of the
Rigveda in the Indian Continent, but for
the believers of Hitler’s Nazi MAIT, the Map by Michel Danino
Vedas have no relevance 132, or are dated
at their whim to fit the Biblical
historiography. If there is any relevance,
it is the misinterpretation by which
Hitler’s Nazi MAIT to be reinforced on Hindus.

2. Continuity of Civilization of Puranas 133
The Puranas are a manifestation of history 134 as it
verily happened (itihasa - traditional
accounts/chronicles of former events- history) along
with depiction of geographic locations places and
rivers 135. The kingdoms and dynasties of the Post
Mahabharata war (5561 BCE 136 - 3102 BCE137)
period extending from the accession of Parikshit or
the beginning of Kali Yuga down to the sixth or fifth
century BC have also been covered in the Puranic
records 138. The Marxists and the followers of
Hitler’s Nazi MAIT call the Hindu sacred texts myth
and fiction, but deliberately use the myth of Hitler’s
Nazi MAIT purposefully against Hindus 139. The
Ramayana happened in treta yuga long before the
Mahabharata happened in dwapara yuga (see
Trautmann). The geographic locations of Ramayana locations are identified on the Indian map
above 140.

Caste & Conversion A Colonial Conspiracy | Pt Satish K Sharma MBCS FRSA 141

V. Real History of Sindhu– Sarasvati Civilization Based On Archaeological Evidence

1. Continuity of Civilization
The vast Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization flourished in northwest India and Pakistan, scattered over
an area considerably larger than those covered by both ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia together,
in the third millennium BCE as part of a vast Middle Asian interaction sphere that stretched across
the Persian Gulf region. This civilization was the fountainhead of the great Hindu tradition and
culture. Archaeology has its roots in European imperialism, which has historically meant that
certain regions such as Mesopotamia and Egypt have been emphasized over others 142. It is
estimated that less than two percent of a probable 2,600 sites have been excavated across India,
Pakistan and Afghanistan and more may still be found 143. More than five hundred and fifty sites
of various sizes of the Urban Harappan period (c. 2600-1900 BCE) are reported from different
parts of Gujarat. At least twenty-five settlements of this period were fortified. Many of these

settlements were involved in craft activities and traded these objects to different places inside and
outside the Greater Indus Region. The settlements in Gujarat underwent a significant change from
the middle of the Urban Harappan Phase. These changes are reflected in architecture, craft
activities, and plant and animal-based subsistence patterns. These changes roughly coincide with
the 4.2 ka BP climate event, the Meghalayan Age 144.

One of the largest and most accurate site location datasets available in South Asian archaeology
generated information about the location and characteristics of more than three hundred
settlements over six thousand square kilometers. Aligning these site location datasets with the
project’s climate and hydrological reconstructions revealed the considerable efforts rural
communities in the Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization made to adapt to predictable and unpredictable
unpredictability, creating different forms of resilience in northwest India’s first agricultural
landscapes 145.

The worship of Siva is duly attested to by a seal from

Mohenjo Daro, dating back to the 3rd millennium
BCE, which depicts him in the form Pasupati (Lord
of Animals). Made of steatite, it is a rather small
object measuring a mere
3.4cm in height, 3.4cm in
length and 1.4 cm in
width. One can currently
find this artefact in the Indus Valley civilization Gallery within National
Museum, New Delhi. Today, in Siva temples Sivalinga is worshipped
and exactly the same Sivalinga has been found in Kalibangan, shown
on the left. The trisula weapon held usually by Siva in one of his hands,
has been found engraved on one of the buttocks of a terracotta bull
discovered at Dhalewan, a Harappan site in Haryana. This establishes the use of the trisula during
the Harappan times, and the practice of branding animals which continues even today 146. The
swastika motif found in Mohenjo Daro is very auspicious to Hindus even today 147.

2. Extended to Ganga-Yamuna and Deccan 148
Sanauli in Uttar Pradesh, situated at the doab of Ganga and Yamuna rivers, has been under
excavation by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) since September 2005. The ASI identified
the site as a prominent cemetery site of the late Harappan period (early 2nd millennium BCE)
comprising so far of 125 burials with evidence for secondary and multiple burials. Animal bones
were found next to the human bones. The burial goods consisted of vases, bowls, dish-on-stand,
antenna swords and sheaths of copper, terracotta figurines, and personal jewelry in the form of
gold and copper bangles, beads of semi-precious stones 149, and chariots 150.

Also, in 2018, researchers published on the discovery of a collection of advanced stone tools from
Attirampakkam, indicating a hominin presence stretching back at least 170,000 years, millennia
earlier than previous research suggested. And some evidence suggests early humans may have
headed directly toward Asia by crossing from Africa over the Arabian Peninsula,
altogether bypassing the Levant, where so much of the earliest evidence of humans outside of
Africa has come from 151.

3. Lack of Evidence of Warfare

The height of the urban phase of the Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization (2200-1900 BCE) is typically
characterized by large, well-planned urban centers that exercised economic and cultural influence
over hundreds of villages and cities across one to two million square kilometers of territory. Upon
further investigation and new theoretical developments in the field of anthropology, it was found
that there was no evidence of warfare or violent territorial expansion 152.

Gwen Robbins Schug guest lecture (UNCG 2020) 153

4. Climate Change Caused Collapse of Harappa and Deccan

In the post‐urban or Localization Era (1900-1300 BCE), climate, social, and economic changes
led the majority of Harappans to abandon the urban lifestyle. By 1700 BCE, the population size
and the number of settlements in the Sindhu-Sarasvati Valley were much reduced, and people
moved out, abandoning the Harappan civilization. This abandonment can be attributed to climate
change and disrupted exchange networks in Syria and around the Arabian Sea 154. It is clear that
historical, sociocultural, political, and
economic forces all played a role in
individual and collective decisions to leave.
Studies of the human remains from
excavated sites such as Harappa and
Inamgaon provide new insights into the life
of peoples in the Western part of the Indian
Continent. In both cases, the health impacts
of environmental and climate change are
clearly visible. The Chalcolithic period at
Harappa (1700-1300 BCE) and the Deccan
region (1400-700 BCE) can be
characterized as a time of chronic
malnutrition and high levels of biocultural
stress. The bioarchaeological record
demonstrates chronic forms of suffering,
morbidity, and infant mortality in the second millennium BCE at the end of the Chalcolithic
period 155.

Taken as a whole, this body of research suggests that several times in the Late Holocene of the
Indian Continent, climate, and environmental changes of long duration corresponded with
significant reorganization of the human population. Population growth, economic transitions, and
centuries of environmental change — increasing aridity during the Sindhu-Sarasvati Age and
environmental degradation in the Deccan Chalcolithic — eventually resulted in massive levels of
migration away from settlements and entire regions that had been successfully occupied for
centuries, and ultimately the human population that remained in largely abandoned regions faced
profound consequences 156. New data presented from Mohenjo-daro suggest that the process of
change that brought about the eventual abandonment of the site began in the later part of the third
millennium BCE. Settlement data from the ancient Sarasvati River, Gujarat, and northwestern
India suggest that there was no general “eclipse” but a process of deurbanization and a shift
eastward in the general distribution of the population 157.

5. Textiles and Basketry of Sindhu-Sarasvati Traditions Continue

The earliest evidence of textiles in the greater
Sindhu-Sarasvati Valley, from Mehrgarh in 7000
BCE through Sindhu-Sarasvati times, comprises
specific varieties of cotton, linen, flax, silk and
other plant fibers, and colors used. Combined
with evidence from other forms of expression
like pottery and ornamentation that are linked to
textile remnants, an in-depth analysis of evidence


from the pre-Indus Kot Dijian

phase through modern practices shows that
current practices are similar to ancient ones.
Textiles and pottery were key to Indus
traditions, and this comprehensive evidence
proves that there is a continuity of the
practices, traditions, and technology till Kenoyer
today 158.

VI. Real History of Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization Based On Linguistics and Genetics

Although the proof was developed by A. D. Campbell and Francis Ellis jointly in 1816, the credit
for discovering the Dravidian language family was given to Robert Caldwell, author of the classic
work, A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Family of Languages (1856)159,
70 years after Jones’ discovery of the myth of Indo-European. Max Müller insisted on the blood
kinship of the British and the Indians on the unsubstantiated evidence of language, and argued that
the same blood flowed in the veins of the English soldiers as flowed in the veins of the dark
Bengalese 160. By 1889, Max Müller’s idea of language and kinship was opposed because it was
already understood that the race was revealed by its bodily signs, not by language, for the speakers
of Indo-European languages are not all of the same race and speakers of different languages can
be of the same race, 161 but racism and language interact with each other resulting in racist theories
and paradigms to propagate supremacy of certain races or ethnicities over others 162, like when
Thapar, Truschke, etc. demonize Hindus.

Untill the Sindhu-Sarasvati (Indus) script is satisfactorily deciphered, it would be unwise to

indulge in any kind of speculative linguistic archaeology. Sanskrit can be written in any script,
including the Sindhu–Sarasvati script 163.

Human bodies have roughly 30,000 genes dictating our phenotype and biology. Genetic studies of
populations across geographies and time periods that are evolving can only be useful in mapping
the different ancestries of individuals, and they fail miserably to show the origin and movements
of cultural features like languages 164. This fact was recognized a long time ago as explained above.
Further, the Indian mtDNA tree in general is
not subdivided according to linguistic (Indo‐
European, Dravidian) or caste affiliations 165;
there is a lack of clear distinction between
Indian castes and tribes 166; and India‘s gene
pool is ancestral to the maternal lineages in
Europe 167. In addition, in a study of the
relationship between European and Asian Y
chromosomes within the same haplogroup
R1a, the presence and overall frequency of
haplogroup R1a did not distinguish Indo‐
Iranian, Finno‐Ugric, Dravidian or Turkic
speakers from each other, and would exclude
any significant patrilineal gene flow from East
Europe to Asia clearly moving the center of gravity for this marker to the Indian Continent168.
Thus, the colonial dictum of Hitler’s Nazi MAIT that tribal groups are the original inhabitants
while upper castes descended from Nazi Indo‐Europeans is just a Nazi myth, and archaeogenetics
has already done away with Indo‐Europeans as a definable genetic unit 169.

Further, new genetic evidence based on my DNA profile clearly points to the same conclusion that
the genotype (race) has nothing to do with the language. I am an American and a native Telugu
speaker migrated from the Telangana state in the Indian Union. My ancestral lineage records
indicate that our family and our kulam (the closest English translation is “clan,” most probably
derived from Sanskrit kulam itself) have been living in Telangana (paternal ancestry) and in
Andhra Pradesh (maternal grandfather and ancestry) and Karnataka (maternal grandmother and
ancestry) for many generations as far back as records go, and there was no record or evidence of
migrations in or out of these states or marriages outside the Hindu Dharma. Telangana and Andhra
Pradesh are Telugu speaking states and Karnataka is a Kannada speaking state. Telugu and
Kannada are related languages and are considered as members of the so-called Dravidian family,
although both contain heavily Sanskrit vocabulary, which is now being replaced by English due to
Christianization and Americanization of the culture 170.

I am the first person from my family to migrate abroad and marry a Christian, which of course,
could not impact my genetic profile. My DNA profile of ancestry tested against the list of
populations given below by the All
of Us Research Program
conducted by the National
Institutes of Health 171 shows that I
am related to populations of
Southern India, Sri Lanka, and
Nepal: 53%, Northern India and
Pakistan: 32%, and Eastern
India, Bangladesh and Bengal:
15%. While my family history
points to exclusively Dravidian
linguistic lineage, my DNA profile
demonstrates that I am related to
both Dravidian and Indo-
European language speaking
populations of the Indian
Continent.This indicates clearly
that language has no bearing on genetics driving yet another nail in the coffin of Hitler’s Nazi
MAIT, the myth created172 to destroy the Hindus and their ancient culture of Hinduism and
to convert them to one of the proselytizing Abrahamic religions.

Generation of genomic data by the All of Us Research Program, including whole-genome
sequence and genome-wide genotyping, began in 2020 173. Return of genetic information directly
to participants began in November 2020 with communication of their genetic ancestry and trait
information. At the time of this publication, more than 41,376 participants (69% of those notified)
have chosen to receive this information, and I was one of those participants who received the
genetic ancestral data which is presented here, which conforms to the recent publication which
described the ancient Harappan genome comparing it to the DNA of modern South Asians,
revealing that the people of the Indus-Saraswati Civilization were the primary ancestors of most
living Indians. Both modern South Asian DNA and the Harappan genome have a telltale mixture
of ancient Iranian DNA and a smattering of Southeast Asian hunter-gatherer lineages 174.

VII. Conclusion
Hindus migrated not only with the language they spoke and their DNAs but also with their cows,
bulls, buffaloes, dogs, chicken, and goats, carrying with them the seeds of barley, rice and wheat,
and the mice and shrews followed them. From the Indian Continent, between 8000 BCE to 1500
BCE from Mehrgarh and the later Harappa Civilization located in the Indus-Sarasvati Valley of
Northwest India, from Vindhya region, and the Ganga Valley in Central India and from the
Brahmaputra Valley of Assam, the Hindu farmers and artisans spread the pottery, figurines, and
art and culture of India to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, further west, and East beyond
Indonesia; based on archaeological records of not only India, but also China, Iran, Iraq, Syria,
Turkey, and the Levant, and the genetic studies of man, animals, and plants, both modern and
ancient 175.

It is very clear from the above that 1) the Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization was indigenous and
continues as today’s Hindu civilization, 2) there is no genetic difference between South and North
Indian populations as exemplified by my DNA and other DNA studies, 3) therefore, the division
between so-called Dravidian and Aryan is a myth created by the Europeans and is part of Hitler’s
Nazi MAIT, and 4) there is no evidence of any invasion of White European Progenitors to validate
Hitler’s Nazi MAIT that was only created to demonize and destroy the Hindu civilization of the
Indian Continent and to convert the populations of the continent to Abrahamic religions, which is
continued even today by the followers of Hitler’s Nazi MAIT such as Thapar, Tharoor, Truschke,
etc., with a three pronged approach, which is as old as Christianity and Islam: 1) demonizing the
Hindus, Hinduism and Hindu culture and practices, 2) glorifying the rule of Islamic dictators like
Aurangzeb and the Colonial Christian British Raj, while comparing Hindus to Nazis because Hitler
misappropriated our cultural icons to suit their holocaust and the British and Western imperialism
and supremacy, and 3) active conversion of Hindus to Islam and Christianity.

Effective use of these tactics combined with the divide and rule strategy, in the past thousand years,
resulted in the conversion of about 50% (about 1.4 billion) of non-Abrahamic populations of great
cultural heritage of the Indian Continent (South Asia – population ~ 2 billion 176 and South East
Asia – population ~675 million177, a total of about 2.7 billion) to Islam (about 1 billion 178) and
Christianity (400 million 179). Today, in addition to the above strategies, effective use of mass
media and social media with fake and false narratives has increased the demonization and
proselytization of Hindus to unprecedented levels, enlisting not only Christian and Islamic
organizations, but also so-called secular organizations and Hindu organizations like Hindus for
Human Rights 180, Equality Labs 181, etc., that are run by Hinduphobic/Hindumisic groups with
Hindu names, controlled and supported by leftist academia and right wing organizations like
Christian Coalitions 182, Joshua Project 183, various Churches 184, Islamic organizations 185, South
Asian American Organizations 186 like Friends of South Asia (FOSA) 187, etc., to name a few 188.

Despite the more than one thousand years

of continuous and relentless attack 189 on
the only continuous ancient civilization in
the world today, the Hindu civilization
remains like the elephant in the room of
modern civilization defined by recent
political, imperialist, religious, and
irreligious ideologies of Indian and
Western demagogues who hold on to the
dead and discarded Hitler’s Nazi MAIT. They try to ignore and denigrate India and Hindu culture
and traditions, but the elephant will again reclaim its central place on the planet 190.

Author thanks Dr. Rajkumar Vedam and the Hindu University of America for the inspiration
through the educational research program entitled, Reconstruction of Hindu History.

ॐ असतो मा स�मय। तमसोमा �ोितग�मय।

मृ�ोमा� अमृतंगमय। ॐ श��ः श��ः श��ः ॥

Aum! Lead toward the truth, not the untruth.

Lead toward the light, not the darkness.
Lead toward immortality, not death.
Aum! Let there be peace all around.

ॐ �ौः शा��र��र�ं शा��ः

पृिथवी शा��रापः शा��रोषधयः शा��ः ।
वन�तयः शा��िव��ेदेवाः शा��ब्र�� शा��ः
सव� शा��ः शा��रे व शा��ः सा मा शा��रे िध ॥
ॐ श��ः शा��ः शा��ः ॥
(यजु व�दः )

May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere!
May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers!
May peace flow over the whole universe!
May peace be in the Brahman!
May there always exist in all peace and peace alone!
Aum peace, peace and peace to us and all beings!

These are the mantras authored by ancient Hindus upon which modern Hindus meditate daily.
These ancient Sanskrit verses are attributed to Brhadaranyakopanishat, but they are found in many
Thomas R. Trautmann, The Clash of Chronologies: Ancient India in the Modern World (New
Perspectives on Indian Pasts), Yoda Press, New Delhi, 2009. The four yugas are: Krita (1,728,000
years), Treta (1,296,000 years), Dwapara (864,000 years), and Kali (432,000 years) yugas.
Abrahamic Chronology’s Conflict with Reality: Fossil apes and human evolution, Science, Vol.
372, Issue 6542 (07 May 2021),
“Humans diverged from apes (chimpanzees, specifically) toward the end of the Miocene ~9.3
million to 6.5 million years ago.”; 7.2 Million-Year-Old Pre-Human Fossil, https://www.ancient-; This 210,000-Year-
Old Skull May Be the Oldest Human Fossil Found in Europe,
europe-180972629/; Earliest known human burial in Africa, Nature, Vol 593, 95-121 (6 May
2021) (A series of stratigraphically ordered radiocarbon and luminescence ages, when included in
a Bayesian model, indicate human occupation from about 78 thousand years ago (ka)),
o1UrAW4%3D&; First early human fossil found in Africa
makes debut (Homo heidelbergensis lived around 600,000 to 250,000 years ago),
Natural%20History%20Museum%20%27s%20Treasures%20Cadogan%20Gallery; This 3.6-
Million-Year-Old Fossil Is The Oldest, Most Complete Human Ancestor Ever Seen,
africa; Ethiopian desert yields oldest hominid skeleton,;
Middle Pleistocene 140,000 Old Archaic Homo Fossils in the Levant,,; NA Study Finds Aboriginal Australians are
Oldest Civilization in the World,
origins/dna-study-finds-aboriginal-australians-are-oldest-civilization-world-021000; Varna Man
and the Wealthiest Grave of the 5th Millennium BC,
places-europe/varna-man-002798; Anatomically modern human in Southeast Asia (Laos) by 46
ka, PNAS, 109 (36) 14375-14380 (September 4, 2012),; The Oldest Human Fossils in Southeast
asia-16207900/, accessed 24 May 2021.
Arvind Sharma, The Ruler’s Gaze, HarperCollins, India (2017).

“Whether posited as an invasion by or migration of Aryans, these variant forms—of an into-India
hypothesis (supposed movement into India around the second millennium BCE)—are underpinned
by one constant: the consequence that the earliest forms of Vedic culture and Sanskrit are not
indigenous to India…. From Indomania to Indophobia, Europe’s appraisal of India has seen ebb
and flow in a manner that has changed the course of both continents for several centuries.”
Manogna Sastry & Megh Kalyanasundaram, Chapter 2 The A of ABC of Indian chronology*:
Dimensions of the Aryan Problem Revisited in 2017, Infinity Foundation India, Anupam Art
Printers (1919),
he_Aryan_problem_revisited_in_2017, accessed 24 May 2021.
Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950), known by his pen name George Orwell, was
an English essayist, journalist and critic.,
accessed 24 May 2021. “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their
own understanding of their history.” - George Orwell
The Most Effective Way to Destroy People: Propaganda about Propaganda,, accessed 24 May
Sindhu, Hindu, Indu, Indian, and Sanskrit derivatives of Hindu mean the same thing – “related to
River Sindhu, and signify geographical location” and represent all things, including innumerable
cultures, traditions, religions, tribes, jatis, kulas, etc. related to the people spread across the vast
area called the Indian Continent, because words like Hind, Hindu, Hindi, Ind, Indu, Indi, Indian,
etc. are all derived from the word Sindhu of the River Sindhu. Hinduism (Sanskrit word Hindutva)
embraces many religious ideas and is a “way of life” and a “family of religions” originated in the
Indian Continent. In Sastri Yajnapurushadasji and Others Vs. Muldas Bhudardas Vaishya and
Another, 1996 (3) SCR 242, the Supreme Court of India held: "Then we think of the Hindu religion,
we find it difficult, if not impossible to define Hindu religion or even adequately describe it. Unlike
other religions in the world, the Hindu religion does not claim any one prophet; it does not worship
any one God: it does not subscribe to any one dogma: it does not believe in any one philosophic
concept: it does not follow any one set of religious rites or performances; in fact, it does not appear
to satisfy the narrow traditional features of any religion or creed. It may broadly be described as
a way of life and nothing more." The Supreme Court further opined "Hinduism had originally a
territorial and not a cradle significance. It implied residence in a well-defined geographical area.
Aboriginal tribes, savage and half-civilized people, the cultured Dravidians and the Vedic Aryans
were all Hindus as they were the sons of the same mother. The Hindu thinkers reckoned with the
striking fact that the men and women dwelling in India belonged to different communities,
worshipped different gods, and practiced different rites."
Sreenivasarao Vepachedu,;
Sreenivasarao Vepachedu,;, accessed 24 May 2021. In Sanskrit when a
root word like Hindu is converted to Hindutva (Sanskrit) with a suffix tva just like Hindu is
converted to Hinduism (English) with a suffix ism in English. Thus, as soon as the word Hindu
was coined thousands of years ago, the word Hindutva automatically formed in Sanskrit;;; Koenraad Elst, Who is a Hindu?; However, Audrey Truschke provides a racist
demeaning definition of the thousands of years old word Hindutva equating it to Nazism of the
20th century:
KQU6, accessed 24 May 2021.
Sreenivasarao Vepachedu, The Indian Continent, February 1999,
publication/282863031_The_Indian_Continent, accessed 24 May 2021; Sreenivasarao
Vepachedu, The Indian Continent, Mana Sanskriti, 2016,
manasanskriti/MS-218.pdf, accessed 24 May 2021.
Bujang Valley; A Sprawling Historical Site And Once Glorious South Indian Kingdom, https://
kingdom/ “As early as the 3rd century AD, there were already traces of Hindu settlements founded
by Indian merchants in the Bujang Valley.”(Malaysia); A Lost World - Secrets of Bujang Valley,; https://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/Bujang_Valley; 28,000 Years Old Ancient Indian (Hindu) Temple In Indonesia,;
Hindu Civilization of South East Asia,
influence-of -hinduism/hindu-civilizations-south-east-asia/; Copper Plate Found in Indonesia with
Sanskrit Inscription,
sanskrit-kavi-inscription/; accessed 24 May 2021.
See Trautmann above.
George F. Dales, "The Mythical Massacre at Mohenjo-Daro" Expedition Magazine 6.3 (1964):
n. pag. Expedition Magazine. Penn Museum, 1964,
expedition/?p=733; Archeologist who found 4,500-yr-old skeletons in Haryana doesn’t buy Aryan
invasion theory,
haryana-doesnt-buy-aryan-invasion-theory/113852/, accessed 29 May 2021.
Ṃ Krishnamachariar, History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams
Press, Madras (1937), p. ixxii

p. ixxv

p. ixxxix

p. cviii

“The [Hindu] Indus-Sarasvati-cultural tradition represents the beginnings of the Indian

civilization. This tradition has been traced back to about 7000 BCE in remains that have been
uncovered in Mehrgarh and other sites… it should be properly named the Sarasvati writing
because most of the settlements in this period were along the Sarasvati River and because the
Indian [Hindu] tradition associates Sarasvati with learning and literacy in its earliest phase.
Goddesses have symbolized later scripts as well such as Brahmi and Sarada. The earliest surviving
records of this culture are in Brahmi script. … The Brahmi script as seen in the earliest surviving
records was systematic, reflecting the theories of Indian grammarians…. The evolution of writing
in India after Brahmi is well understood and needs no recounting. But it may be noted that all the
modern scripts of India, for Indo-Aryan as well Dravidian languages, as well as the scripts of Sri
Lanka, Tibet, Southeast Asia, including the original scripts of Philippines and Indonesia, are
derived from Brahmi … the fact of the drying up of the Sarasvati, the major river of the Rgvedic
era, around 1900 B.C. indicates that the Rgveda was probably completed in the third millennium
B.C. In any case the existence of an intricate astronomical code suggests that the earliest Vedic
phase was characterized by knowledge of writing. The continuity in the Vedic tradition then
suggests that writing was not forgotten in the second millennium B.C…. The connection between
Sarasvati and Brahmi is just one more piece of evidence that suggests that the Indus-Sarasvati
tradition was Indo-Aryan and Vedic. … The relationship between Sarasvati and Brahmi is one
more piece of evidence that interlocks with other similar evidence from archaeology and literature
linking the Harappan and Ganga civilizations.” Subhash Kak, The Evolution of Early Writing in
India, Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 28, pp. 375-388 (1994).
“… [T]he only logical resolution of all the archaeological and textual evidence is to assume that
the Indic area became a single cultural area at least around 5000 BC. The Indian civilization was
created by the speakers of many languages but the language of the earliest surviving literary
expression was Vedic Sanskrit that is itself connected to both the North and the South Prakrit
languages. This idea is supported not only by the internal evidence that shows that the Indic
tradition from 7000 BC onwards is an indigenous affair, but also from the new analysis of ancient
art. … The archaeological findings from India and the discovery of the astronomy of the Vedic
period are fatal for the constructions of historical linguistics that arose in the 19th century and
are still being followed in schoolbooks in India although textbooks in the West have begun to
present the new picture. While the general language categories seem reasonable, the concept of
overlapping families seems essential to obtain better conceptual clarity. The Indic family is an
example of such overlapping families.” Subhash Kak, Indic Language Families and Indo-
European, Yavanika, Number 6, pp. 51-64 (1996).
Historians of science deliberately ignore the contributions of ancient Hindus to science.
“For whatever is closely connected with the ancient Indian religion must be considered as having
sprung up among the Indians themselves, unless positive evidence of the strongest kind point to a
contrary conclusion… the general impression we receive from a comparison of the methods
employed by the Greeks and Indians respectively seems rather to point to an entirely independent
growth of this branch of Indian science.” [Thibaut, "On the Sulvasütras," J. Asiatic Society of
Bengal vol. 44: 1 (1875)]…. Conclusion: Either the geometric algebra of Greece came from India
or that of India came from Greece or both came from a third source different from Old Babylonia
of 1700 B.C. There are several grounds on which the second of these alternatives has to be
eliminated. … A comparison of Pythagorean and Vedic mathematics together with some
chronological considerations showed that the current view on the generation of geometric algebra
is not tenable. A common source for the Pythagorean and Vedic mathematics is to be sought either
in the Vedic mathematics or in an older mathematics very much like it, much like it, [t]he view that
Vedic mathematics is a derivative of Old-Babylonian having been rejected….” A. Seidenberg, The
Origin of Mathematics, Archive for History of Exact Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 301-342
The Vedic texts present a tripartite and recursive worldview. The universe is viewed as three
regions of earth, space, and sky, which in the human being are mirrored in the physical body, the
breath, and mind. The processes in the sky, on earth, and within the mind are connected. The
universe is mirrored in the cognitive system, leading to the idea that introspection can yield
knowledge. New results in archaeology have shown that the Indian tradition can be traced back
in a series of unbroken phases to at least 8000 BCE. Subhash Kak, Indian Physics: Outline of
Early History (History and Philosophy of Physics, Cornell University, 30 September 2003),, accessed 24 May 2021.
B. R. Ambedkar, Who are the Shudras?: How they came to be the Fourth Varna in the IndĀryan
Society (Bombay: Thackers, 1970 [1946]in Vasant Moon ed ., Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings
and Speeches, Vol . (Bombay: Education Department, Government of Maharashtra, 1990) p. 69;
Arvind Sharma, The Ruler’s Gaze, A Study of British Rule over India from a Saidian Perspective,
HarperCollins, India (2017) p. 190.
Arvind Sharma, ibid, pp.169-192.
Dr. Ambedkar rejected Aryan Invasion Theory with facts and logic,
2018/04/dr-ambedkar-rejected-aryan-invasion-theory-with-facts-and-logic/; Who is Aryan?;
ibrary/SmallBooks/MythofAryanInvasioninIndiaDavidFrawleyEng.pdf, accessed 24 May 2021.
How did the Nazis construct an Aryan identity?
construct-aryan-identity, accessed 25 May 2021. “Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party,
argued that the Germans was superior to all other races. Hitler became obsessed with 'racial
purity' and used the word 'Aryan' to describe his idea of a 'pure German race' or Herrenvolk. The
'Aryan race' had a duty to control the world. The Nazis believed that the Aryans had the most
"pure blood" of all the people on earth. The ideal Aryan had pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes….
The term Aryan originally meant something completely different. Its origin started in the Vedic
period by Indo-Iranian people in India. The word was a self-designation and ethnic label that
referred to the noble class from the Āryāvarta parts of India. The Nazis, however, linked the word
'Aryan' with the German word 'Ehre', which means 'honour' and therefore, used 'Aryan' to depict
their image of 'the honourable people'.”
When America’s Racist Immigration Law Inspired Hitler, immi
gration -history/when-americas-racist-immigration-law-inspired-hitler/, accessed 24 May 2021.
“Yale Professor James Whitman recently published a book on how the Nazis used American
immigration and race laws to craft their own nightmare world of racial purity. Hitler’s American
Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law provides a cautionary tale of the
international tragedies that can come from the world’s leading democracy embedding its people’s
worst prejudices in its immigration laws…. Whitman writes: Awful it may be to contemplate, but
the reality is that the Nazis took a sustained, significant, and sometimes even eager interest in the
American example in race law… In fact…it was the most radical Nazis who pushed most
energetically for the exploitation of American models.”
The Aryan Race, Hitler’s German Society,
race.html, accessed 24 May 2021. “The idea of the "Master Race" came from a 19th century
theory which claimed that there was a hierarchy of races. The bottom of that hierarchy included
dark-skinned people and Jews. In the middle were the Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italians
who were considered semi-tainted by mixing with the Untermensch. The top of the hierarchy were
Germans, Swedes, Icelanders, Norwegians, Danes, English, and Dutch who were considered the
Aryans. From a leaflet 'The Nazi Race' in 1929 "The Aryan race is tall, long legged, slim. The race
is narrow-faced, with a narrow forehead, a narrow high-built nose and a lower jaw and prominent
chin the skin is rosy bright and the blood shines through ..... the hair is smooth, straight or wavy -
possibly curly in childhood. The colour is blond."”
laws, accessed 24 May 2021. Breeding the New German "Race", Holocaust and Human Behavior
/ The National Socialist Revolution,
race, accessed 24 May 2021. In 1925, Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, “Everything we admire
on this earth today—science and art, technology and inventions—is only the creative product of a
few peoples and originally perhaps one race [the “Aryans”]. On them depends the existence of
this whole culture. If they perish, the beauty of this earth will sink into the grave with them.” From
the start, the Nazis were determined to ensure the strength and purity of the “Aryan” race. They
believed, according to historian Richard Evans, that “the strong and the racially pure had to be
encouraged to have more children, the weak and the racially impure had to be neutralized by one
means or another."
The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics,,
accessed 24 May 2021.
Rajaram and Frawley, Vedic “Aryans” and the Origins of Civilization, W H Press, Quebec
Sreenivasarao Vepachedu, Suast (Swast, Health), Suasti (Swasti, Good), and Suasti-Ka (Swasti-
Ka, The Symbol),
STI_GOOD_and_SUASTI-KASWASTI-KA_THE_SYMBOL; Suasti (Swasti), https://www.
vepachedu. org/manasanskriti/MS-217.pdf; Swastika Education & Awareness Campaign (SEAC),; How to Type Swastika (卐) – a Symbol of Divinity and Spirituality,; 'My name is Swastika': A listener reacts to our
story on Swastika, NY,
my-name-is-swastika-a-listener-reacts-to-our-story-on-swastika-ny; How the world loved the
swastika - until Hitler stole it,; Walls, floors and
rocks: England and its swastikas,; Swastika
building question put to Essex County Council,
26337662; "The swastika was a widely used Native American symbol. It was used by many
southwestern tribes, most notably the Navajo. Among different tribes the swastika carried various
meanings. To the Hopi it represented the wandering Hopi clans; to the Navajo it represented a
whirling log (tsil no'oli'), a sacred image representing a legend that was used in healing rituals.
"The history of the swastika goes back to the origins of the Eurasian Continent. The swastika is an
important symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, among others, and was also used in Native
American and Jewish faiths prior to World War II. By the early twentieth century it was regarded
worldwide as symbol of good luck and auspiciousness." Swastikas,
artsculture/kimo/history-of-the-kimo/kimo-history/swastikas; Swastika, New York, Is Keeping Its
Name, -for-racial-justice/2020/09/24 /91530
7315/swastika-new-york-is-keeping-its-name; Swastika: The Power of a Symbol, https:// the-evolution-of-language-section/ external-symbols/ swastika-the-hidden -
power-of-a-symbol/; accessed 25 May 2021.
Encyclopedia Britannica, Nazism political movement, Germany,, accessed 25 May 2021; The Nazi Rise To Power,
Holocaust Encyclopedia,
power, Swastika, magazine/ archive/ 1935/02/ swastika/308959/;
accessed 25 May 2021.
A. L. Basham, The Wonder That was India (New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 1999) p. 152: wherein
Basham deliberately translates the Sanskrit word “Shudra” as “humble Shudra” in Arthasastra,
verses 1.3.8 and 3.13.1.
Basham maliciously mistranslates the purushasuktam of Rigveda and states as follows: Since the
four classes are numbered with cattle, horses, and sheep as products of the body of the giant, it is
clear that they are already thought of as separate, and no amount of special pleading by a few
scholars can contravert the obvious fact that they are ranged in hierarchical order. From the head
of the Purusa came the brahman, the intermediary between gods and humans, and thanks to his
knowledge of sacrificial ritual, he keeps the world going. From the arms came the rajanya, later
called Kshatriya, the warrior and ruler; the trunk of the victim yielded the vaisya, the peasant and
craftsman; while from the feet the humblest and lowest of the limbs made the sudra, the nonĀryan
serf who had gradually drawn closer to his masters and more and more Accepted their mythology
and ritual, until he achieved a position, albeit a very subordinate one, in the Aryan social order.
In the same breath he hypocritically states without any evidence: There is evidence to show that
when the Aryans first came to India – at least five hundred years before the composition of the
Purushasukta – there was a class distinction between patricians and plebeians within the Vedic
tribes.But the original Aryan class system seems to have much looser than the four varnas, or
classes, of the brahmanic scheme. Originally, there were occasional promotions from a lower to
a higher class, intermarriages seems to have been permitted, as indeed it had been in India for
centuries. A. L. Basham, The Origins of Classical Hinduism, eḍ Kenneth G. Zysk (Boston: Beacon
Press, 1989) pp. 24-27. He deliberately suggests, “Little value was set on his life in law.” Ibiḍ p.
144; while recognizing the fact that the upper classes were expected to follow higher standards of
conduct than the lower, and their thefts were correspondingly more heinous. Ibiḍ p. 121.
While Koenraad Elst correctly states with clear evidence – Singaya Nayaka inscription of 1368:
the latter [shudra varna] is purer from the former is self-evident for this caste was born along with
the river Ganga, the purifier of the three worlds. Koenraad Elst, Indigenous Indians: Agastya to
Ambedkar (New Delhi: Voice of India, 1993) pp. 384-85. Further evidence can be found in
Simhabhoopala’s rasaarNavasudhaakara: tasypadmaambjajjaato varNa vigatakalmashaH, yasya
sodarataam praaptam bhagiirathatapaH phalam. त� प�ा�ु ज�ातो वण� िवगतक�शः । य� सोदरताम् प्रा�म्
भगीरथतपः फलम्॥ रसाण� वसु धाकर १.४॥ From his lotus feet came forth the sinless varna whose sibling is
the river Ganga, the fruit of Bhagiratha’s penance.
The comprehensive survey of Indic civilization, carried out by A. L. Basham in his well-known
work The Wonder That Was India, provides a good illustration of such evasion. This much -
admired work devotes entire chapters to consideration of the state …, but the science in this
civilization is not accorded the dignity of a chapter. Arvind Sharma, The Ruler’s Gaze, p. 243.
For further discussion on Nazism and Hindudvesha (Hinduphobia) of Basham (Head of Western
Indology), see Arvind Sharma, ibid. pp. 135-168.
How did the Nazis construct an Aryan identity?
construct-aryan-identity, accessed 25 May 2021. “Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party,
argued that the Germans was superior to all other races. Hitler became obsessed with 'racial
purity' and used the word 'Aryan' to describe his idea of a 'pure German race' or Herrenvolk. The
'Aryan race' had a duty to control the world. The Nazis believed that the Aryans had the most
"pure blood" of all the people on earth. The ideal Aryan had pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes….
The term Aryan originally meant something completely different. Its origin started in the Vedic
period by Indo-Iranian people in India. The word was a self-designation and ethnic label that
referred to the noble class from the Āryāvarta parts of India. The Nazis, however, linked the word
'Aryan' with the German word 'Ehre', which means 'honour' and therefore, used 'Aryan' to depict
their image of 'the honourable people'.”
Dr. Ambedkar on Aryan Invasion Theory,
on-aryan-invasion-theory/; Dr Ambedkar rejected Aryan Invasion Theory with facts and logic,
logic/; Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on the Aryan Invasion and the Emergence of the Caste System in India,; NCERT / Missionary fraud | Aryan Invasion theory
| Ambedkar | Phule | Naicker by Neeraj Atri, v=r0BIZRkVd5A;
Vedas, Smritis and Ambedkar,
However, Ambedkar believed in the colonial narrative of caste and started at Columbia University
a new anti-Caste legacy in the US, according to Equality Labs, which is followed by many
Ambedkarite, for example, Equality Labs peddles the myth of caste which is part of the Hitler‘s
Nazi MAIT. See Equality Labs’ manufactured evidence in Caste in the US: https://static1.
34/Caste_report_2018.pdf, which is the basis for the California’s anti-Hindu activities.
“Many Westerners have done wonderful work on India and paralleling that many Indian scholars
have done shoddy work… many Indology professors are so fanatical and politicized so as to have
lost contact with the truth.”
“In The Nay Science: A History of German Indology, Vishwa Adluri and Joydeep Bagchee chart
the history of the discipline to show its questionable philosophical assumptions, anti-semitic and
anti-Brahmanic attitudes, and racial prejudice.” Subhash Kak, Indology and Prejudice, https://, accessed 25 June 2021; Subhash Kak,
The Wishing Tree (third edition). Aditya Prakashan (2015).
Koenraad Elst, Examining the Marxist Version of India’s Past,
the-marxist-version-of-indias-past/; Reconstructing Hindu History - State of AIT/OIT Debate
Webinar Dr. Koenraad Elst (1 May 2021),,
accessed 25 May 2021.
Use of language: race and ethnicity, Guidance on approaching terminology around race and
and-evidence/use-of-language-race-ethnicity; Hearing skin color: The connections between
language and race,
between-language-and-race/, accessed 25 May 2021;
Caldara, R. Vizioli, The Speed of Race [Abstract], Journal of Vision, 10(7):699, 699a (2010).
“The advent of the Aryans in India in the second millennium BCE has long been considered a
pivotal event in the history of the subcontinent, a view now under contestation academically.”
Arvind Sharma, “Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on the Aryan Invasion and the Emergence of the Caste
System in India,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. 843-870
(September 2005),, accessed 25 May 2021.
Troubling Records of Christian Missionaries

Adolf Hitler (1920), reproduced in E. Jackel and A. Kuhm (1980), p. 195. See Koenraad Elst
James Mill, History of British India (1820); Mountstuart Elphistone, History of Hindu and
Muhammedan India (1841) and History of British Power in the East; J. Talboys Wheeler, History
of India, five volumes (1867 - 1876): R. S. Sharma, Reconstruction of Ancient Indian History,
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol. 55, No. 1/4, pp. 1-8 (1974); History
and Historiography in Hinduism, The Journal of Hindu Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 1–16
(May 2009). R. S. Sharma, India’s Ancient Past,
view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195687859.001.0001/acprof-9780195687859-chapter-2, accessed
25 May 2021.

Sreenivasarao Vepachedu, “Providence”(December 2004) prediction.
html # 5_It_Veda; 281245987_Providence, “It (Veda)
is the root of their religion and to show them what that root is, I feel sure, is the only way of
uprooting all that has sprung from it during the last three thousand years…. The ancient religion
of India is doomed and if Christianity does not step in, whose fault will it be?” Max Mueller, 1868
AD (when the British India included the whole Indian continent (South East Asia), more than the
present Indian Union). Friedrich Max Müller, Chips from a German Workshop, Friedrich Max Müller, Chips from a
German Workshop Volume 1, Friedrich Max
Müller, Chips from a German workshop,
Friedrich Max Müller, Chips from a German Workshop, chipsfroma
germa 08unkngoog Friedrich Max Müller, Chips From A German Workshop, Vol. V, https://
Kalyan Vishwanathan, Max Mueller – Friend or Foe of the Hindus?
Audrey Truschke, Contested History: Brahmanical Memories of Relations with the Mughals,
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 58, 419-452 (2015). Audrey Truschke,
Dangerous Debates: Jain responses to theological challenges at the Mughal court, Modern Asian
Studies 49, 5, pp. 1311–1344 (2015). Audrey Truschke, Deceptive Familiarity: European
Perceptions of Access at the Mughal Court, The Key to Power? In The Culture of Access in
Princely Courts, 1400-1750, Eḍ Raeymaekers and Derks; Rulers & Elites Comparative Studies in
Governance, Volume 8, Leiden, Boston, Brill (2016); Audrey Truschke, Defining the Other: An
Intellectual History of Sanskrit Lexicons and Grammars of Persian, J Indian Philos 40:635–66
(2012); Audrey Truschke, Indo-Persian translations (31/07/2015), http://www.india-; Audrey Truschke, Translating the Solar
Cosmology of Sacred Kingship, The Medieval History Journal, 19, 1, 136–141 (2016): Qamar
Adamjee and Audrey Truschke, Reimagining the “Idol Temple of Hindustan” Textual and Visual
Translation of Sanskrit Texts in Mughal India, 3696 Pearls 03 Chs 4-7[jjl6-22] 140-165 (7/6/15);
Aurangzeb: The Life and Legacy of India's Most Controversial King. Stanford University Press
(2017); Are Rutgers University & Professor Audrey Truschke Hinduphobic?
com/watch?v=Z0qgQ6FMseE, Audrey Truschke , Hindutva’s Dangerous Rewriting of History,
South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 24/25 (2020),
44702872/Hindutva_s_Dangerous_Rewriting_of_History, accessed 24 May 2021, and so on.
Palash Ghosh, Nazi Germany’s Fascination With Ancient India: The Case Of Heinrich Himmler
himmler-214364, accessed 24 May 2021; What did Hitler think of India and Indian people?, accessed 24 May
aryans-of-india, accessed 24 May 2021.
S. N. Dasgupta, A History Of Sanskrit Literature Classical Period - Vol 1, p. 514-515
(University of Calcutta, 1947)

Francois Gautier, “A History of India As It Happened, Not As It Has Been Written,” Har Anand
Publications Pvt Ltd. (2013); Francois Gautier, An Entirely New History of India, Garuda
Prakashan Private Limited (2020).
James Mill, The History of British India, 1:107; Binod Bihari Satpathy, Indian Historiography,
DDCE/SLM/M.A. Hist/Paper-VII,;
Jayjayanti Banerjee, Did Ancient India have Historical Tradition/s?
9104998/Did_Ancient_India_have_Historical_Tradition_s accessed 25 May 2021; Romilla
Thapar, "The Past Before Us: Historical Traditions of Early North India." Jun 7, 2014. The claim,
often made, that India—uniquely among civilizations—lacks historical writing distracts us from a
more pertinent question, according to Romila Thapar: how to recognize the historical sense of
societies whose past is recorded in ways very different from European conventions. In The Past
Before Us, a distinguished scholar of ancient India guides us through a panoramic survey of the
historical traditions of North India. Thapar reveals a deep and sophisticated consciousness of
history embedded in the diverse body of classical Indian literature.
watch?v=V3rR_x24S64, accessed 25 May 2021.
Saidian Orientalism:
The Black Hole, despite its name, thus becomes a shining example of Orientalism in India, as an
incident which was projected to justify the acquisition of power early in the day, and then projected
even more forcefully during the high noon of the empire, and then began to disappear in the
shadows as the sun of the empire set, whose core may have consisted of the fact ‘that the actual
number of Europeans who might actually have died at the Black Hole was as low as eighteen, out
of a group of thirty-nine who were taken prisoner (a group which could not have been more than
sixty-four persons, given the number of unaccounted-for Europeans in Calcutta at the time of
capture)’. Arvind Sharma, ibid. pp. 11-16
It is a remarkable coincidence, from the point of view of Orientalism, that James Mill’s The History
of British India also appeared around 1818, the same year in which the British ascendancy over
India was established— a book which ‘was adopted as the official textbook in the company’s
colleges’ and thus ‘influenced a whole generation of British administrators in India’. This book
has been described as a philippic against Hinduism. But one of its most significant and influential
conclusions, apart from linking Hinduism with backwardness and even primitiveness, was the
following: As the manners, institutions, and attainments of the Hindus have been stationary for
many ages, in beholding the Hindus of the present day we are beholding the Hindus of many ages
past, and are carried back, as it were, into the deepest recesses of antiquity. Nor is this all… By
conversing with the Hindus of the present day, we, in some measure, converse with the Chaldeans
and Babylonians of the time of Cyrus; with the Persians and Egyptians of the time of Alexander.
It is thus clear that while British power was finding its feet in India, Indology tended to take a
generally positive view of its subjects and their culture (with evangelical exceptions), but once it
became dominant around 1818, it developed an anti-Hindu position, absorbing the earlier
evangelical critique. While James Mill ‘did not share the aims’ of the Christian evangelicals, ‘he
borrowed their arguments’ Arvind Sharma, ibid. p. 27
The Governor-General of India, the Marquess of Hastings (1812– 1823), wrote in his diary on 2
October 1813:
The Hindoo appears a being nearly limited to mere animal functions, and even in them
indifferent. Their proficiency and skill in the several lines of occupation to which they are
restricted are little more than the dexterity which any animal with similar conformation,
but with no higher intellect than a dog, and an elephant, or a monkey, might be supposed
capable of attaining. It is enough to see this in order to have full conviction that such a
people can at no period have been more advanced in civil polity. Retrogradation from an
improved condition of society never takes this course. According to the circumstances
which have dissolved its government, the fragments of such a community either preserve
the traces of effeminate refinement, or the rough fierceness stamped upon them by the
convulsions amid which the centre of the fabric perished. Does not this display the true
condition of India, and unveil the circumstances through which we have so unexpectedly
and so unintentionally obtained empire here? There surely never has been an active and
vigorous Hindoo population; nor are any of the bold, though rude, monuments of antiquity
(as I think) ascribable to this race.
What is the point in sharing this personal estimate, albeit of the Governor-General, with the
reader, or James Mill’s remark that ‘in truth the Hindu, like the eunuch, excels in the qualities of
a slave’? Arvind Sharma, ibid. pp. 28-29.
Gopal Chowdhary, The Greatest Farce Of History, Partridge India (2014),https://www.academia.
edu/ 40537365/FARCE_OF_HISTORY, accessed 25 May 2021.
See Trautmann above.
Michel Danino, The Fabricating Evidence in Support of the Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory,
_Migration_Theory; The Aryan Invasion: Myth or Fact?
The_Aryan_Invasion_Myth_or_Fact; The Aryan Issue,
The_Aryan_Issue_Michel_Danino; The Horse and the Aryan Debate, https://www.academia.
edu/23185706/The_Horse_and_the_Aryan_Debate; accessed 25 May 2021; Michel Danino,
Aryans and the Indus Civilization: Archaeological, Skeletal, and Molecular Evidence, A
Companion to South Asia in the Past, First Edition. Edited by Gwen Robbins Schug and Subhash
R. Walimbe (2016).
David Allen Harvey, The Lost Caucasian Civilization: Jean-Sylvain Bailly And The Roots Of
The Aryan Myth, article/
E55FF75FFF28C6C2198733DC41; accessed 24 May 2021.
T. Ganapati Sastri, भारतानु वण� नम् or A Description of India, pp. 13-15 (Printers’ Jobbing Press,
Trivandrum, 1905).
Mohenjo Daro "Faceless" Indus Valley City Puzzles Archaeologists, National Geographic
K. Kris Hirst, Who Were the Aryans? Hitler's Persistent Mythology, https://www.thoughtco.
com/who-were-the-aryans-hitlers-mythology-171328, accessed 24 May 2021; Jyoti Mohan,
Claiming India (2018). See also Ghosh above.
“The uncomfortable truth, however, is that all the major European powers have drawn
comparisons of a similar sort that leaned on ancient Rome. Britain, for example, which led the
opposition to Axis forces in the Second World War, had long appealed to this kind of symbolism
to justify its own imperial expansion. In the 19th century, intellectuals across the political
spectrum, including Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Curzon, Arthur Balfour and Rudyard Kipling, all
cited Rome as a moral justification for British incursions in India, on the basis that they, the white
Europeans, were, as they thought, ‘bringing civilisation’ to the brown and Black natives.” The
whitewashing of Rome, White supremacists fetishise ancient Rome – but antiquity was more
diverse and polychromatic than racists will admit,
“One began by identifying the desire to accentuate the distinction between ‘us’ and ‘them’ as a
diagnostic feature of Orientalism a la Said. The test was we set before ourselves was to test it
against Indian material. As a test case we selected the caste system … such is arguably the case
in which RgVeda 90.12 is presented by modern Western Indology.” Arvind Sharma, The Ruler's
Gaze, ibid pp. 151-162.
Vaideha kam shuudram udaaharanti dvijaa mahaaraaja srutopapannaH
aham hi pashyaami narendra devam vishvasya viSNum jagatah pradhaanam
वैदेह कं शूद्रम् उदाहर�� ि�जा महाराज स्रु तोपप�ः ।
अहं िह प�ािम नरे � दे वं िव�� िव�ुं जगतः प्रधानम्॥ (Mahabharata, Shantiparva 296.28)
King Janaka (king of vaidehas)! Brahmanas learned in the Vedas compare the sudra to Brahma,
but, (O king), I see him as the world's God, Vishnu, foremost in the universe.
See Ghosh and Hirst above.
Michel Danino, The Aryan Issue,
mbnail, accessed 25 May 2021.
Satish K Sharma, Caste & Conversion: A Colonial Conspiracy,
watch?v=B4MzWK9Jwbk, Almost everyone has heard of the term "Ancient Hindu Caste System"
and how horrible it supposedly is, but it wasn't ancient and it wasn't even Hindu! Everyone is aware
that the colonialist erasure of indigenous languages and ideas was a horrific chapter in human
history, but it's still not over! The 21st century Colonization is just as devastating and destructive,
and this 'Caste' issue holds the key to revealing it! Every Hindu walks through life carrying a
subliminal guilt that his or her ancestors were "caste discriminators" and every devout Christian
walks tall and proud in the knowledge that his or her ancestors helped to free the crushed,
downtrodden from the depraved Hindoo caste system, and being an accepted "truth" no-one
questions it any more. They are both victims of the same deception, of the same multigenerational
fraud! UTF8&
btkr=1. Colonial conquest and the more subtle but sustained impact of the modern-day lodestar of
scientific and technological progress have pushed indigenous peoples and their cultures to the
brink of extinction. Nation states often adopted policies of assimilation and integration, of divide
et impera, that left First Nations fundamentally uprooted, marginalized and dispossessed. Still,
many indigenous peoples did not vanish; they did not abandon their culture, their inner worlds.
Assisted by modern communication technologies, they overcame their cultural and political
isolation and joined together to reclaim their essential identity as well as their role on the global
stage of decision making. This remarkable comeback has found its most comprehensive expression
in the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (‘UNDRIP’)., accessed 25 May 2021.
See above. See also Audrey Truschke’s interpretation of Srimadbhagavadgita,
Infographic.pdf, Twitter erupts in anger as bigoted historian Truschke is defended by her Varsity,
defended-by-her-varsity, Audrey Truschke, Syllabus Indian Epics: Past and Present,
_2015; Nityanand Misra, False Translation Feeds Audrey Truschke's Hinduphobia,,; Audrey Truschke fueling anti-
India propaganda,
defaming-hinduism/: “Audrey Truschke has married into the White Supremacist, Rehn family.
Her father-in-law is Pastor Nathan Rehn and founder of Bless India Ministries Incorporated
(BIMI). BIMI is known to be in alliance with various missionary organizations in India, which
operate with the sole aim of converting Hindus into Christianity.“ accessed 25 May 2021. Audrey
Truschke’s pastor father-in-law caught violating Indian visa laws,
truschkes-pastor-father-in-law-caught-violating-indian-visa-laws/; Audrey Truschke- how soul
vultures lie about Indian history for cheap conversions,
history-for-cheap-conversions/; Institutionalized Hinduphobia Bordering Racist Xenophobia in
the West,
xenophobia-in-the-west/; Audrey Truschke: An intellectually bankrupt agenda peddler against
Hinduism,; Rutgers’s University Bigotry
Queen “Audrey Truschke”.
truschke/; accessed 25 May 2021.
Audrey Truschke claimed that the Srimadbhagavadgita rationalizes mass slaughter and violence,
whitewashed Hindu genocide by Mughal king Aurangzeb (death toll of 4.6 million). Rutgers Prof
Whitewashes Genocide of Hindus, Rutgers Calls It ‘Academic Freedom’
hindus-rutgers-calls-it-academic-freedom-n1431768, accessed 25 May 2021; All Hindus are
“lustful and sex-obsessed” and ‘cow piss drinkers’ and advocates that Hinduism is inherently
oppressive, racist, misogynistic, and violent.
university-trends-on-twitter-details-of-the-accusations-against-audrey-truschke/, accessed 25
May 2021;
rutgers-university-students/, accessed 25 May 2021.
Hinduism (English) = Hindutva (Sanskrit);
Audrey Truschke’s “Win India for Christ” https://historianaudreytruschke.; Nathan Rehn, Thane Rehn
and First Baptist Church of Monterey,
laws/: “First Baptist Church is based in Monterey, California, USA. It is headed by Nathan Rehn,
who is the father-in-law of Audrey Truschke.” Audrey Truschke- how soul vultures lie about
Indian history for cheap conversions,; Audrey
Truschke: An intellectually bankrupt agenda peddler against Hinduism
2018/11/ audrey-truschke-ram-01/; Follow up on Audrey’s secretive missionary funding,
missionary-funding/; Why we should question scholar Audrey Truschke’s dislike for Tulsi
Gabbard (and Narendra Modi),
narendra-modi-aurangzeb-hindutva/story/1/29017.html; Proselytizing Abrahamic Religions’
Money Power: Pope Francis is not just the spiritual leader of arguably the most wealthiest and
powerful religious group in the world, but also the head of probably the wealthiest institution the
world has ever seen:; https:// allthings; The list of the 10 Richest Religions in the
50 Hinduism (Sanskrit word Hindutva) embraces many religious ideas and is a “way of life” and a

“family of religions” originated in the Indian Continent. In Sastri Yajnapurushadasji and Others
Vs. Muldas Bhudardas Vaishya and Another, 1996 (3) SCR 242, the Supreme Court of India held:
"Then we think of the Hindu religion, we find it difficult, if not impossible to define Hindu religion
or even adequately describe it. Unlike other religions in the world, the Hindu religion does not
claim any one prophet; it does not worship any one God: it does not subscribe to any one dogma:
it does not believe in any one philosophic concept: it does not follow any one set of religious rites
or performances; in fact, it does not appear to satisfy the narrow traditional features of any
religion or creed. It may broadly be described as a way of life and nothing more." The Supreme
Court further opined "Hinduism had originally a territorial and not a cradle significance. It
implied residence in a well-defined geographical area. Aboriginal tribes, savage and half-civilized
people, the cultured Dravidians and the Vedic Aryans were all Hindus as they were the sons of the
same mother. The Hindu thinkers reckoned with the striking fact that the men and women dwelling
in India belonged to different communities, worshipped different gods, and practiced different
rites."; https://www. vepachedu.
org/ manasanskriti/Brahmins.html;, accessed
24 May 2021. In Sanskrit when a root word like Hindu is converted to Hindutva with a suffix tva
just like Hindu is converted to Hinduism with a suffix ism in English. Thus, as soon as the word
Hindu was coined thousands of years ago, the word Hindutva automatically formed in Sanskrit;
%29; Koenraad Elst, Who is a Hindu?; However,
Audrey Truschke provides a racist demeaning definition of the thousands of years old word
Hindutva equating it to Nazism of the 20th century:
activity- 6782720064715071489-KQU6, Hinduism is a way of life rather than a creed or religion.
The Hindu tradition is Vaidika Dharma based on Shruti (revealed wisdom) and Smrti (tradition
and law), where the former connotes the Vedas (the knowledge/wisdom) and the latter includes
Āngirasa, Āpastamba, Atri, Auśanasī, Bṛhaspati, Dakṣa, Gautama, Hārīta, Kātyāyana, Likhita,
Manu, Parāśara, Samvartta, Śaṅkha, Śātātapa, Viṣṇu, Vyāsa, Vaśiṣṭha, Yajnavalkya, Yama, etc.
sutras and smrtis; Epics (Itihasa, thus-verily-happened) like the Ramayana and Mahabharata;
Puranas; Agamas; Darshanas; and Buddhist and Jaina works. Hinduism interacted with Dharma-
based Jainism and Buddhism and developed various philosophical schools of Hinduism. The
advent of Islam and Christianity, and Sikhism, led to further developments in the Hindu thought
system.; See also, application of Edward Said’s ORIENTALISM (the
interpretation and creation of the Orient by Westerners for Westerners to
the kind of knowledge produced about India under British rule The Ruler's Gaze: A Study of
British Rule over India from a Saidian Perspective: Sharma, Arvind: 9789352641024: Books, accessed 24 May 2021. (In the wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study,
“Orientalism,” Said traces the origins of "orientalism" to the centuries-long period during which
Europe dominated the Middle and Near East and, from its position of power, defined "the orient"
simply as "other than" the occident. This entrenched view continues to dominate western ideas
and, because it does not allow the East to represent itself, prevents true understanding. Essential,
and still eye-opening, Orientalism remains one of the most important books written about our
divided world).
Death of the High Priest “I should not be wrong in saying that the capture of the city began with
the death of Ananus; and that the overthrow of the walls and the downfall of the Jewish state dated
from the day on which the Jews beheld their high priest, the captain of their salvation, butchered
in the heart of Jerusalem.”, accessed 24 May 2021.
Christian Atrocities: Three Centuries Of Pagan Persecution,
/2016/06/ christian-atrocities-three-centuries-of-pagan-persecution/, accessed 25 May 2021.

Mahmud of Ghazni,,
accessed 25 May 2021.
Nalanda University- The Lost Indian Knowledge,
bihar-history-ruins-images/;; https://www.myindiamy; “At its peak period when the university
had students from as far as Tibet, China, Greece, Persia, it was attacked by a muslin ruler names
Bakhtiyar Khilji in 1193 and the whole university was brutally ransacked and destroyed.” A
Secret Story About Nalanda University,
story-about-nalanda-university-dde10f29efc1; Nalanda,;
Clarification, the Hindu, article 2467247
.ece, accessed 25 May 2021.
म�ः कूम� वराह� नरिसं होऽथ वामनः । रामो राम� कृ�� बु�ः क��� ते दश॥ १५१.४,
��पुराणम्/ख�ः ५ (अव�ीख�ः )/रे वा ख�म्/अ�ायः १५१ ॥ वराहपु राणम् ४, ४.२ ॥
Bhagavan Vishnu’s ten incarnations known as dasavatara are: Matsya, Kurma, Varaha,
Narasimha, Vamana, Parasurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki.
Sreenivasarao Vepachedu, “Afghanistan,”,
accessed 25 May 2021.
Where Islam Treads, It Leaves a Desert, Islam destroys all traces of other cultures and religions,
many of them priceless and irreplaceable - artifacts and Heritage sites and people.; The Colonialist Crimes of
Islam,; Islamic Destruction of
Hindu Temples: Tip of an iceberg,
destruction-of- hindu- temples-tip-of-an-iceberg/, https:// Encyc/2019/7/2/
Islamic - Destruction-of-Hindu-Temples.html, Stephen Knapp, Islamic Destruction of Hindu
Temples,, Richard
Eaton (fan of Aurangazeb), Temple Desecration and Indo-Muslim States, https://www.organiser
.org/Encyc/2019/7/9/Islamic-Destruction-of-Hindu-Temples-.html; Mosques Built Over Temples,; India’s Hindu Right Is Correct About One
Thing: India’s Muslim Rulers Did Destroy Hindu Temples,
A list of temples destroyed in the Kashmir Valley between 1986-1996,
2019/02/13/a-list-of-temples-destroyed-in-the-kashmir-valley- between-1986-1996/; List of
Temples Destroyed by the Islamic Terrorists,;
Destruction of Hindu Temples in Jammu Kashmir: An Introduction, https://www. Jammu
kashmirnow. com/Encyc/2020/4/4/Destruction-of-Hindu-Temples-in-Jammu-Kashmir-An-Intro
duction.html; 50,000 Temples Closed, Vandalized During Islamic Assault on Kashmir,
assault-on-kashmir-to-be-surveyed-for-restoration; The Hindu Holocaust https://www. youtube.
com/ watch?v=p1c9dYfU1fU;; Mughal India-The Biggest Holocaust
in World History;
washed -from-history-books/; Persecution of Hinduism, https://gov.shrikailasa.
.H98o-1630252273-0-gqNtZGzNAeWjcnBszQjR; MUGHAL INVASION : HINDU
HOLOCAUST,; The Hindu Holocaust – II,
39; Left Liberals in India Have Done
the Same to Hindus,
holocaust-left-liberals-in-india-have-done-the-same-to-hindus-3886352.html; accessed 25 May
How Christians Destroyed the Ancient World,;
Catherine Nixey, The Darkening Age, The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, Houghton
Mifflin Harcourt ();How Christianity Destroyed the Pagan Greece,
/05/how-christianity-destroyed-the-pagan-greece/; Were Pagan Temples All Smashed Or Just
Converted Into Christian Ones? were-
pagan-temples-all-smashed-or-just-converted-into-christian-ones/?sh=27bd50214f9f; Feyo L.
Schuddeboom, The Conversion of Temples in Rome, Journal of Late Antiquity, Volume 10,
Number 1, pp. 166-186 (Spring 2017); The Christian
Destruction of the Roman Serapeum,
christian-destruction-of-the-roman-serapeum/; The Temple’s Destruction In Revelation, https:// /2019/08/ 20/ the-temples-destruction-in-revelation/; Goa
Inquisition: Portuguese Massacre of Innocent Hindus and Destruction of Temples, https://www.
destruction-of-temples/; Destruction of temples, Hindu houses, and killings of Hindus before and
after the demolition of illegal structure on Ram Janmabhoomi,
demolition-ram-janmabhoomi/; Francis Xavier, the Saint, and temple demolition tradition in
Malabar Coast,; The Surprisingly Early History of Christianity in
8117/; Andhra Pradesh: A list of Hindu temples that have been attacked in the recent months,
worship/; accessed 25 May 2021.
“Anti-Brahminism originated in selective anti-Brahmin massacres by the Islamic and
Portuguese invaders, and became central to the British defence of the colonial system. The
Brahmin community was recognized as an obstacle to conversions and the backbone of the
freedom movement. The Dalit and Dravidianist movement have instrumentalized the Aryan
Invasion Theory in its service. It remains a central plank in India's "secularism" and international
Hindu-bashing.” Koenraad Elst,
Hinduism is not a religion. Hindu is a term that refers to geographical identification of people
based on the river Sindhu. Hinduism is a way of life that includes Vedic Dharma, and dharmic
religions like Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and various other
indegenous Hindu religions and beliefs of the Indian Continent. See Sastri Yajnapurushadasji and
Others above.
John Mitchell, An Essay on the Best Means of Civilising the Subject of British India and of
Diffusing the Light of the Christian Religion Throughout the Eastern World, 1805; Thomas
Macaulay, Minute on Education, 1835; Appearance of untouchability can be dated to over 2,000
years ago: Romilla Thapar, ndia-news-india/tacing-back-
untouchability-romila-thapar-at-ambedkar-university-2754296/, accessed 25 May 2021: Thapar
said clearly those who enforced this found it greatly to their advantage to push entire communities
into permanent exclusion so much so that successive generations too were decreed untouchable.
Thapar said a stratified caste-based society has existed in India for millennia; Vishwa Adluri and
Joydeep Bagchee, Nay Science: A History of German Indology (New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 2014); Macaulay, Speeches: With His Minute on Indian Education, AMS Press (1979);
Minute by the Hon'ble T. B. Macaulay, dated the 2nd February 1835, http://www.columbia.
edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00generallinks/macaulay/txt_minute_education_1835.html; Macaulay's
View of Western Superiority Still Holds Back the Indian Education System,
education/lord-macaulay-superior-view-western-hold-back-indian-education-system, accessed 25
May 2021; “More thorough than the occupation of the land for 150 years or so, Britain, by
destroying India's own education tradition and by propaganda, has almost completely changed
the Indian's sense of self.” Subhash Kak, The Notion of India, 492151
15/ The_Notion_of_India.
“We note that Griffith has not followed such a traditional framework for interpretation of the
verse. In his translations, there is no correlation between subjects, objects, and verbs. They seem
randomly picked and formed to make strange interpretations.” Sitaram Ayyagari et aḷ, European
Origin of Vedic Deities? Presented at WAVES 2020, Bengaluru, India.
Griffith, maliciously and deliberately, distorted Sanskrit texts in his translations, for example:
॑ सिल॒लािन॒ त�॒�ेक॑पदी ि�॒पदी॒ सा चतु॑ �दी ।
अ॒�ाप॑दी॒ नव॑ पदी बभू वु॒ षी ॑ स॒ हस्रा॑ �रा पर॒मे �ो॑मन् ॥४१॥
Griffith says गौ॒री (gaurI) is a buffalo ( difference/
difference - wild-water-buffalo-indian-bison/)!
सो िच॒�ु वृ ि�यू
॒ �॒ �ा॒३ �ा सचाँ ॒ इं द्र॒ ः �श्रू॑िण॒ ह�र॑ ता॒िभ प्रु॑�ुते।
अव॑ वे ित सु �यं
॒ ॑ सु ते
॒ मधू िदद् धू॑ नोित॒ वातो॒ यथा॒ वनं ॑॥४॥
Griffith applies oil to the yellow (blond) beard, while Indra (इं द्र॒ ः ) moistens (प्रु॑�ुते) hairs of
beard/mustache (�श्रू॑िण॒, plural accusative) with yellow material (ह�र॑ ता॒िभः , instrumental case of ह�र॑ ता॒,
with turmeric or with soma/hemp)! Any student of Sanskrit who has a rudimentary understanding
of nouns and verbs and declinations thereof, would NEVER translate Sanskrit verses like Griffith
did for obvious reasons. In his translations, he makes strange interpretations to suit his agenda of
denigrating the Sanskrit texts and the culture.
Sreenivasarao Vepachedu, “Providence”(December 2004) prediction.
“It (Veda) is the root of their religion and to show them what that root is, I feel sure, is the only
way of uprooting all that has sprung from it during the last three thousand years…. The ancient
religion of India is doomed and if Christianity does not step in, whose fault will it be?” Max
Mueller, 1868 AD (when the British India included the whole Indian continent (South East Asia),
more than the present Indian Union).
Friedrich Max Müller, Chips from a German Workshop,
chipsfromagerma03mlgoog Friedrich Max Müller, Chips from a German Workshop Volume 1, Friedrich Max Müller, Chips from a German
workshop, Friedrich Max Müller, Chips
from a German Workshop, Friedrich
Max Müller, Chips From A German Workshop, Vol. V, files/27810/
Kalyan Vishwanathan, Max Mueller – Friend or Foe of the Hindus?

Robert Goldman translates intentionally distorting Sanskrit verses, e.g., the following sloka
from Srimadvalmikiyaramayanam: paThandvijo vaag-rSabhatvamiiyaat syaat kSatriyo
bhuumipatitvamiiyaat, vaNigjanaH paNyaphalatvamiiyaajjanashca shuudro’pi mahatvamiiyaat.
पठ�न्�जो वागृ षभ�मीयात् �ा�ित्रयो भू िमपित�मीयात् ।
विण�नः प�फल�मीया�न� शूद्रोऽिप मह�मीयात् ॥१००॥ (श्रीम�ा�ीकीयरामायणं बालका�ं प्रथमः सग� ः )
A brahman who reads it becomes eloquent, a kshatriya becomes a lord of earth, a vaishya acquires
profit from his gods, and even a lowly shudra achieves greatness! (emphasis added) Robert P.
Goldman, The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol 1 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984) p.
Anyone familiar with Sanskrit, even at an elementary level, notes that there are no words vaisya,
gods, and lowly in the Sanskrit text of Srimadvalmikiyaramayanam. One should ask the question
why Goldman added these words in his translation deliberately! Because of the Saidian
Orientalism and the goal of destroying Hinduism and its ancient culture.
Manogna Sastry and Megh Kalyanasundaram, Chapter 1 Pūrva-pakṣa of Sheldon Pollock's use
of Chronology (2016),
_use_of_Chronology_2016_ , accessed 25 May 2021.
Nityanand Misra, Robert Goldman vs. Gita Press, Infinity Foundation India (2021)
TteCi&index=5; Nityanand Misra, Tradition better than Goldman/Pollock translations,
TteCi&index=5, accessed 25 May 2021.
Ali Sheik, Where Exactly Is India, Ms. Doniger? Review on Wendy Doniger‘s The Hindus: An
Alternative History (2009),;
Penguin’s decision to withdraw the book and pulp the remaining copies,
its-not-boring-enough/; Rajiv Malhotra, RISA Lila – 1: Wendy’s Child Syndrome,;
The Embarrassed Modern Hindu,
modern-hindu/289628; accessed 25 May 2021.
See Truschke. Are Rutgers University & Professor Audrey Truschke Hinduphobic?; accessed 24 May 2021.
Martha C. Nussbaum, The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future
(Harvard University Press, 2009). She is the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law
and Ethics at the University of Chicago, where she is in the Law School and Philosophy
Department. For denigrating Hinduism and India and other works, she has received three of
the world’s most significant awards for humanities and social science: the Kyoto Prize in Arts and
Philosophy, the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture, and the 2021 Holberg Prize.
Christoff Jafferlot, Religion, Caste, and Politics in India (Columbia University Press, 2011);
Modi's India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy (Princeton University Press,
2021); The Universities of Sciences Po, Princeton, and Columbia launched a major three-year
research project on Muslim communities in India thanks to the generous support of the Henry Luce
Foundation. This project was jointly developed by Christophe Jaffrelot, Professor at Sciences Po
and CERI-CNRS Senior Research Fellow and a leading scholar of India, along with Bernard
Haykel, Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University and a scholar of Islam and the
Middle East. The resulting research will offer new analysis and insights into the challenges faced
by Muslim communities in India today. Bringing together a community of over 30 scholars and
researchers in India, the United States, France and the UK, the project will provide a detailed
examination of the multiple factors impacting Indian Muslim communities and shaping their
future. Manan Ahmed, Associate Professor in the Department of History at Columbia University,
and a specialist in the history of South Asia, will lead the development of visualization and spatial
mapping highlighting the results of the research.
sciences-po-princeton-columbia-launch-major-research-project-muslims-india/, accessed 25 May
Rather than engaging on specific points raised by individuals or organizations, Audrey Truschke
resorts to vicious ad hominem attacks hypocritically claiming to be a victim of such attacks herself.
Such behavior belies scholarship and illustrates the emptiness of her claims about harassment and
diversity of opinions. Hindu scholars have written (e.g., Culture/
1.aspx, accessed 25 May 2021) extensively on these issues and recently held a conference
(https://understanding, accessed 25 May 2021) which provided a framework to
understand Hinduphobia for those who are unfamiliar with the phenomenon.

Truschke knows the truth, but her agenda is the destruction of Hinduism. She gets it from her guru
Robert Goldman (, whose translation she claims to follow, and others
like Hinduphobe Padmasri Sheldon Pollock (, ; Death of Sanskrit; Arvind Raghunathan Professor of South Asian Studies at Columbia
University! Rutgers Must Condemn Professor’s Hinduphobia,, But Rutgers supports
Audrey Truschke; Rutgers Calls It ‘Academic Freedom’; American Association of University Professors and American
Federation of Teachers (Rutgers AAUPAFT);; Two Dozen US and International Human
Rights Organizations, accessed 25 May 2021.
American people of color group slams White liberal Audrey Truschke for defamatory
allegations: Here is what Hindu American Foundation said,
Raqib Hameed Naik, Hindu right-wing groups in US got $833,000 of federal COVID fund,
accessed 25 May 2021.
right-wing-groups-in-us-got-833000-of-federal-covid-fund, In this article, Naik names many
Hindu American organizations including Rajiv Malhotra’s Infinity Foundation and Hindu
American Foundation, and also mentions that CIA has VHP in their list, all of which are false and
fake, but supported by false statements from anti-Hindu Islamists like Sunita Viswanath, “New
York-based Sunita Viswanath, co-founder of Hindus for Human Rights, expressed concern that
the US pandemic relief funds might end up furthering hate campaign against Muslims and other
minorities in India. “All these organizations are sympathetic to the Hindu supremacist ideology.
Their parent organizations continue to spread hatred in Hindu communities towards Muslims and
Christians,” she told Al Jazeera. “Any American non-profit that perpetuates Islamophobia and
other forms of hate should not receive federal relief funds in any form.”
Ayurveda,; accessed 25 May 2021.
Not just wanting to use hospitals to convert Hindus, IMA Chief Johnrose Jayalal also harbors
visceral hate …,,
“The Christian doctor has been actively and aggressively hounding Baba Ramdev and his
company since the onset of the pandemic for his contribution against the battle. From calling him
a quack to discrediting Ayurveda completely, Dr Jayalal has been at it since quite a while.
Ayurvedic medicines as well as Yoga over centuries have been proven to help patients with chronic
illnesses along with other medical science. For one to work, other need not be totally discredited.”
“It (Veda) is the root of their religion and to show them what that root is, I feel sure, is the only
way of uprooting all that has sprung from it during the last three thousand years…. The ancient
religion of India is doomed and if Christianity does not step in, whose fault will it be?” Max
Mueller, 1868 AD.
Gupta et al., Ayurveda- Brief History and Philosophy: “First documentation of Ayurveda is found
in the Vedas, the world's oldest existing literature. The exact period of Vedas is also not known
because for an unknown period, the Vedic sciences have been communicated from generation to
generation through verbal means.”
Jaiswal et al., A glimpse of Ayurveda – The forgotten history and principles of Indian traditional
medicine, J Tradit Complement Med. 7(1): 50–53 (2017). “The Hindu system of healing is believed
to be based on four eminent compilations of knowledge (Vedas) called as Yajur Veda, Rig Veda,
Sam Veda, and Atharva Veda. The Rig Veda is the most well-known of all the four Vedas and
describes 67 plants and 1028 Shlokas. The Atharva Veda and Yajur Veda describe 293 and 81
medicinally useful plants. The practice of Ayurveda is based upon the knowledge gained from these
Majmundar et al., Neurosurgery in Ancient India: Susruta, Indian J Neurosurg, 4:117–123 (2015):
Susruta’s studies, instruments, and procedures were developed and written many years before
those of prominent Western pioneers in neurosurgery, including Hippocrates and Galen.
Regardless of whether he had a direct influence on these two prominent Greek physician scientists,
the advances made by Susruta in the field of surgery, neurosurgery in particular, deserve to be
Kessler et al., Ayurveda: Between Religion, Spirituality, and Medicine, Hindawi Publishing
Corporation, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article
ID 952432, 11 pages (2013),, accessed 25 May 2021.
“Ayurveda is a Whole System of Medicine (WMS). In its South Asian countries of origin it has been
practiced for more than 2000 years in an unbroken tradition and is thus one of the oldest WMS of
mankind. Ayurveda is fully recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a medical
science analogous to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has amassed an enormous wealth
of empirical healing knowledge…. In India and some neighboring countries, Ayurvedic medicine
is officially and legally recognized as on par with conventional medicine. It is used in an area with
more than 1.4 billion people as a broad system of medicine.”
Bobby Jindal, Niki Haley, Kamala Harris, etc.
Narayana Murthy is being used: Trap of Hinduphobia and anti-Modi campaigns; The Infosys
founder needs to understand that the disciplines of politics and religion are very different from the
sciences and technology,
riots/story/1/7118.html; The Infosys founder and one of the richest Indians is Narayana Murthy, a
Kannada Hindu Brahmin (, states), who states, Hinduism
has an enormous capacity to absorb from outside influences and accept it in a peaceful and steady
manner without perturbing the system,” appears to have preferred Hindus subservient to Muslims
and Christians, and says “there is a considerable fear in minds of minorities,” buying into the
anti-India narrative peddled by American mass media like New York Times, Opinion | The Costs
of Hindu Extremism - The New York Times, from the South Asianist propaganda machine dressed
up in Ivy League paraphernalia. If a rich man like Murthy is afraid of being a Hindu and worried
about minorities, then who would not? Further, Sheldon Pollock was appointed as chief editor of
the Murthy Classical Library of India established through a $5.2 million gift from Rohan Murthy,
the son of Infosys co-founder N. R. Narayana Murthy and social worker and author Sudha Murthy.
Sheldon Pollock has mistranslated deliberately many Sanskrit texts together with his teacher
Goldman. Mueller, Doniger, Goldman, Pollock, Truschke, etc. have translated Sanskrit works to
denigrate Sanskrit culture and literature and demonize Hindus. Sheldon Pollock as mentor and
Chief Editor of Murthy Classical Library,
murty-classical-library; accessed 25 May 2021. Rohan Murthy says American Indologist Sheldon
Pollock to stay,
says-american-indo logist-sheldon-pollock-to-stay/articleshow/51231553.cms?utm_source=
contentofinterest &utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst; accessed 25 May 2021. Rohan
Murthy Has A Brilliant Response To Those Seeking Sheldon Pollock's Removal,; accessed
25 May 2021. “…It will take at least 1,000 to 3,000 years for this culture to change, because
change isn't easy. And this culture has been part of India for the last 2,000 to 3,000 years," Murthy
said. -culture-is-the-reason-weve-
not-progressed-infosys-co-founder-nr-narayana-murthy/articleshow/ 73132788.cms, accessed 4
June 2021. Sanskrit scholars like Prof Ramakrishnan, Nityanand Misra, Rajiv Malhotra, etc.,
understood the agenda of Pollock in distorting Sanskrit literature. Pollock endorses the view of
Max Weber that the Indian shastras "serve no contemporary purpose except for the study of how
Indians express themselves" and considers “Sanskrit as a dead language like Greek and Latin.”
Rajiv Malhotra, The Battle for Sanskrit,, accessed 25 May 2021.
Two of the listed speakers are Narayana Murthy’s infamous Infosys Prize winners at an anti-Hindu
conference in the US virtually organized by communists “Dismantle Global Hindutva
(Hinduism),” 3-Day Conference, allegedly cosponsored by 60+ Departments or Centers from
45+ Universities (
Use of the Term Hinduphobia 1866-1997,;; accessed 25
May 2021.
Hinduphobia/ Hindumisia

“Hinduphobia is a form of intellectual imperialism which functions to strip validity and agency
from Hinduism and any who identify with a Hindu philosophy of life. It is not simply a critique of
Hinduism, in a straightforward sense—which is welcome if pursued in a truly objective and
constructive spirit—but a deeply embedded and very often unexamined set of assumptions
pervading some, though not all, academic writing on Hinduism.” Jeffery D Long, Reflections on
Hinduphobia: A Perspective from a Scholar-Practitioner, Prabuddha Bharata (December 2017),,
accessed 25 May 2021.
“Hinduphobia and anti-Hindu hatred can manifest in many ways both consciously and
unconsciously — from a 6th-grader being called an idol worshipper and feeling marginalized in
their class, to a college student being targeted and shamed by their South Asian professor as a
heritage student; from an elected official being accused of dual loyalty and held to a double
standard because of her stance on US-India relations, to a Hindu American being called a Nazi
supporter for the same. There are also those who deny the existence of Hinduphobia and anti-
Hindu hatred, which in itself can be a manifestation of Hinduphobia and anti-Hindu hatred.”
Hindu American Foundation,, accessed 25
May 2021. Why Don’t Hindus Stand Up Against Anti-Hindu, Anti-India Agenda? https://www.
indiawest. com/blogs/why-don-t-hindus-stand-up-against-anti-hindu-anti-india-agenda/ article_
a7276cec -85f7-11ea-b13d-373ec3960d4f.html, accessed 25 May 2021.
Stephen Prothero, Hinduphobia and Hinduphilia in the US Culture,
religion/files/pdf/Hinduphobia_and_Hinduphilia.pdf, accessed 25 May 2021.
“Anti-Hindu sentiment is about holding negative stereotypes about people or communities that
practice Hinduism. A common type of anti-Hindu sentiment is based on religous views emerging
from Islamist extremism where worshipping idol is seen as heresy. An example of anti-Hindu hate
speech includes Islamist hate preachers invoking violence against Hindu community, places of
Hindu worship such as temples and treating Hindu people as second-class citizens.”
muslims-can-support-hindu-communities-3d8fa6bf400b, accessed 25 May 2021.
Anti-Hinduism is an industry. It has a purpose and an end goal. It has financial means, institutional
set-up and a tradition of sponsored intellectuals occupying important positions, protecting vested
interests of their own. It began during colonial era, during the reign of the East India Company
and then the British Raj. The story of how missionaries and colonialists slandered Hindu
civilization and culture in the heyday of racism is a well-known one, not to be dwelt upon here.
Suffice to say that a certain section of the ruling elite found it profitable to abuse Hindu culture
and society. This narrative morphed into an industry after Independence. Anti-Hinduism as an
Industry,, accessed 25 May 2021.
But there is a world of difference between constructive criticism, aimed at emphasising and
drawing out the best in the Hindu tradition, and seeking to define the entire tradition only by the
worst actions of those who claim to inhabit it. In fact, this is the dividing line between genuine,
objective, or constructive critique and Hinduphobia. One seeks to make the highest Hindu ideals
a reality. The other [Hinduphobia/Hindumisia] seeks Hinduism’s eradication…. Precisely
because it is, like racism, often unconscious, rather than treating Hinduphobia in a way that will
arouse defensiveness—that is, as a kind of moral failing—it may be more productive to approach
Hinduphobia as a discourse or ideology that has become embedded in people’s thought processes:
a set of views which share the quality of persistently casting Hindus and Hinduism in a negative
light, despite all evidence to the contrary. The phrase ‘despite all evidence to the contrary’ is
important; for it is here that the irrationality of Hinduphobia lies: in adherence to negative views
about Hinduism, not as the conclusion of a thoughtful process of rational reflection on experience,
but as axiomatic to one’s worldview, much as one would adhere to the claims of a religious faith.
Hinduphobic discourse can be refuted. Visceral Hinduphobia, like racism, is a harder nut to
crack…. The Hinduphobe, in other words, has already decided, before the conversation has even
begun, that Hinduism is in some way inherently flawed and problematic. Hinduphobic discourse
thus follows a circular logic, in which the conclusion has already been built into the premises:
that, whatever the problem or issue in question, Hindus and Hinduism are at fault….
Hinduphobic Discourse:
1) Apparent Hinduphobia
a) ‘Tone Deafness’
b) Genuine Disagreement
2) Real Hinduphobia
a) Open Hinduphobia:
Anti-Hindu Apologetics
b) Deep Hinduphobia:
The Hermeneutics of Suspicion
i) Freudian
ii) Marxist
…. The first sub-variety of Real Hinduphobia—Open Hinduphobia—consists of writing that is
plainly opposed to Hinduism as such. … Writing of this kind, directed against Hinduism, is ancient.
It includes the early colonial-era writing of Christian missionaries, seeking to refute Hinduism
and win converts, or even earlier, of Islamic apologists arguing against Hinduism in the name of
advancing Islam. Writing of this kind continues today, such as among evangelical Christians
seeking, just like their predecessors, to convert people from Hinduism to Christianity…. Deep
Hinduphobia consists of the application of what has come to be called the ‘hermeneutics of
suspicion’ to Hindu thought and practice, on the assumption that Hindu thought and practice are
fundamentally oppressive, misguided, and superstitious. It is quite different from Open
Hinduphobia, in that Open Hinduphobia actively engages with Hindu ideas in order to refute
them—much in the same way that adherents of the ancient Indic systems of philosophy engaged
with one another. Deep Hinduphobia does not bother to do this. Instead, it begins with the
assumption that of course Hinduism, and religion generally, is a delusion, a result of false
consciousness. On this basis, it seeks to deconstruct the beliefs and practices of Hindus by
revealing them to, in fact, consist of attempts to control society or repress certain behaviours….
The anti-Hindu polemicist seeks to advance a religious view other than Hinduism in order to
undermine and replace it, but does so openly and honestly. Marxist Deep Hinduphobia operates
on the level of artha—of wealth and power—seeing this as the fundamental human urge. And,
of course, Freudian Deep Hinduphobia operates on the level of kama—sensual pleasure—seeing
this as the fundamental human urge. From these perspectives, the highest human goal—moksha—
is held to be a delusion. Jeffery D Long, Reflections on Hinduphobia: A Perspective from a
Scholar-Practitioner, Prabuddha Bharata, pp. 797-804 (December 2017), https://www.esamskriti.
com/essays/pdf/17%20Reflections%20on%20Hinduphobia%20PDF.pdf, accessed 25 May 2021.
… the word [Hindu], and its derivatives, contain a series of semantic bivalences characterised by
unresolved tensions, and further that these tensions help account for the complexities generated
by the induction of the word Hindu (and associated terminology) in modern Indian political

discourse. Arvind Sharma, ON HINDU, HINDUSTĀN, HINDUISM AND HINDUTVA, Numen,
49(1), 1-36 (01 Jan 2002).
In response to criticisms of the so-called text-historical method in Indology, the old guard of
academia raises the spectre of Hindutva to scare off critics. With such anti-intellectual tactics,
Indologists have betrayed liberal ideals. Originally submitted to South Asia: The Journal of South
Asian Studies in response to Eli Franco’s review of The Nay Science, this piece makes a larger
case for a discipline-critical philology. If we are to reclaim the university as a place for open
dialogue and debate, we must continue the critique of professorial privilege. Facile self-
righteousness must not become a cover for intellectual vacuity… In place of scientific criteria, we
found Protestant, fundamentalist, anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, anti-Judaic, anti-Brahmanic,
nationalistic, and racist prejudices masquerading as scholarship under the banner of
‘Wissenschaft’ (science)….
Crying Hindutva to discipline non-conforming scholars is hardly new. What is more disturbing is
that questioning Indologists’ criteria, arguments, and application of methods (especially their
identification of textual layers) now suffices to be accused of directly or indirectly espousing
Hindutva causes No evidence for such a serious accusation is required. Apparently, the most
beloved scripture of the world’s third largest religion so directly contributes to extremism that as
scholars we must suborn, even against our better judgment, flawed and failed methodology. In
reality, no such connection exists. Vishwa Adluri and Joydeep Bagchee, Cry Hindutva: How
Rhetoric Trumps Intellect in South Asian Studies,
7wrh56yY, accessed 25 May 2021.
Vikram Zutshi, Debate: Don’t Accuse Critics of Indology of Being Handmaidens of Hindutva,
Kancha Ilaiah, The Hindutva Cow Urine Cultural Nationalism And The Corona Crisis,
corona-crisis/,; Harappa: God’s Own Man,; Eastern Indian
Racism in US?
phd-llm/; Why I am not a Hindu,
RICA; Ilaiah’s False Allegations,; Slavery In US (Eastern
Indian Racism In US? Look in the Mirror!),
244.pdf; accessed 25 May 2021.
Oprah sent this book to the CEOs of Fortune-500 companies in the US. See Caste & Conversion
A Colonial Conspiracy | Pt Satish K Sharma MBCS FRSA, watch
?v=B4MzWK9Jwbk, accessed 25 May 2021.
Cornel West Blames Jews For Not Receiving Tenure,
hugh-fitzgerald/; Dr. Cornel West and Equality Labs for a conversation on longstanding Black,
Dalit, and Sheedi solidarities, posts/91778
How George Soros is fueling a dangerous anti-India narrative through media and ‘civil
society’. Besides intellectuals and media networks, George Soros' Open Society Foundations has
also funded a large number of organizations in India.
george-soros-fund-open-society-foundation-anti-india-narrative-media-ngos/. “Through his
network of NGOs, George Soros has cultivated a class of intellectuals who work resolutely
towards opposing the Indian state….”
Anti-Hindu politicians like Khanna, Jayapal, etc. view legitimate pro-Hindu actions as violation
of minority rights, pander to the Marxist, Christian, and Muslim South Asian Americans, who
peddle Hinduphobia and Hindumisia in America. Out of the Indian-American community
consisting of roughly 4 million people, only about half are Hindu Americans. However, practicing
Hindus form a significant minority because most of the so-called Hindu Americans are anti-Hindu
or ashamed of being a Hindu, and together with the remaining half of Indian Americans join the
forces with South Asian American groups dominated by Marxist, Muslim and Christian
populations from the continents of India and Asia. Therefore, it is not a surprise when American
politicians and Indian Americans with Hindu names join the forces with Truschkes of America in
peddling Hinduphobia and Hindumisia, especially when Gandhis, Thapars and Tharoors from
India also join them in peddling the Hinduphobia and Hindumisia for political, personal, and
religious gains! democrats-losing-indian-
Sepoy = an Indian soldier serving under the British, other European, or American imperialist/
colonialist power.

In addition to Hindu Christians like Kancha Ilaiah, there are many more Sepoys working for the
imperialists, and rich and powerful proselytizing Abrahamic religions.
“While Indian leftists already hated Sanskrit, they lacked direct knowledge of the language or its
texts. This is where Sheldon Pollock has provided them ammunition by training a small army of
sepoys like Ananya Vajpeyi, and got them jobs in India, from where they carry out the
'Civilizational War' far worse than the British ever could. … Notice the nuanced praise for
Sanskrit, while in fact ending up debunking its 'legitimacy' -- seen as a scourge for human rights
of the "downtrodden". Indians are exceedingly naive about praise for the likes of Sheldon Pollock
and their trained sepoy armies. What a slick move to title her article "My Sanskrit." We are up
against a large army of such "Made in USA" Indian scholars with expertise (but no shraddha) for
Sanskrit/Vedas/Hindus/Hinduism (English)/Hindutva (Sanskrit).

Christian Kanche Ilaiah Shepard, Why I Am Not a Hindu: A Sudra Critique of Hindutva
Philosophy, Culture and Political Economy,
Philosophy-Political/dp/9353282624: Christian Kancha Ilaiah's perspective is a manifestation of
the same trend of various Christian missionary, Islamist, Indian Marxist and other
Hinduphobic/Hindumisic groups. Hinduphobia/Hindumisia and Hindu priest demonizing and
bashing is the central theme. “…. Even Bertrand Russel’s book ‘Why I am not a christian’ is
nothing in comparison ….How brahmins have taken away our gods is still a shame. When
pocchamma’s festivals are celebrated how we dalits sacrifice and offer what we love to eat. We
sacrifice buffalos and sprinkle the blood of the buffalos and cook them and eat them. We also drink
toddy and sing and dance all night. Why should we dalits learn the classical music popularised by
these brahmins. All their arts like bharatanatyan and classical music has only survived because of
the Devadasis. The uncultured brahmins dont even know how to sing and dance properly and they
call us uncultured. They offer bananas and coconuts to their gods but our gods need meat. Because
our gods eat what we dalit bahujans eat. The barbaric brahmins wants to prevent us from
sacrificing animals. They want to kill our culture. The brahmins dont know that they were also
meat eaters 2000 years ago. They became vegetarian only to conquer Buddhists. The Buddhists
were fooled by newly converted vegetarian Brahmins and thought that they are non violent and
slowly Brahmins absorbed Buddhists. The Brahmins can go to any extent even change their diet
to enjoy their monopoly. The brahmins have also influenced the christian missionaries to preach
against animal sacrifice. Shame on them.” https://brahminsexposed. 2016/01/17/
kancha-ilaiah-why-i-am-not-a-hindu/, accessed 25 May 2021.
Bertrand Russell,, accessed 25 May 2021.
Jyotirao Phule (1827- 1890) was an anti-Brahmin and a Christian, educated at the Scottish
Mission High School, where he met Sadashiv Ballav Govande and Moro Viththal Valavekar, who
would go on to work with him in the social work to emancipate and uplift oppressed minorities
through education., accessed 25 May
About Ilaiah Shepherd, About Ilaiah Shepherd – Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd, accessed 25 May 2021.
He is serving as Director of the Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy at Maulana Azad
National Urdu University (MANUU) in Hyderabad.
The Mouths that Recited Vedas are Grieving (Sunday 10, February 2002), https://www., accessed 25 May
Francois Gautier, Are Brahmins the Dalits of today? (23 May 2006),; Brahmins – FACT, accessed 25 May 2021.
A short history of the nature, motivations and the overall scale of the Islamic slave trade in India,
starting from the first Arab invasions to the Sultanate and the Mughals. I also discuss the
theological justification for slavery, the enslavement and conversion of women and children, the
export of Hindu slaves, upward mobility of slaves, and slavery in Muslim armies.
Arvind Sharma, The Ruler's Gaze: A Study of British Rule over India from a Saidian
Perspective (February 27, 2018). Excerpts:
In such an Indian context, the thesis has been stated in its moderate version by Trautmann as follows:
‘Since the appearance of Said’ s book, we cannot discuss current knowledge of Asia without a far more
acute sense of relevance of the colonial conditions under which such knowledge came into being than
that we have held.’8



a slave’?

Audrey Truschke, Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth,; Introducing Aurangzeb,
Unforgettable Aurangzeb, I came as a stranger, and I leave as a stranger—Aurangzeb,; anybody who doesn’t agree
with Audrey Truschke is the so-called “Hindu Apologist” and is a Nazi by Audrey Truschke,
"Hindutva was inspired by Nazism. Early Hindutva founders openly admired [Nazi Party leader
Adolf] Hitler. They praised Hitler's treatment of the Jewish people in Germany as a good model
for dealing with India's Muslim minority." "The Rutgers-Newark administration is standing strong
behind me," Truschke told Newsweek.
truschke-hindutva-nazism-1463069, accessed 25 May 2021. Almost everyone has heard of the
term "Ancient Hindu Caste System" and how horrible it supposedly is, but it wasn't ancient and it
wasn't even Hindu! Everyone is aware that the colonialist erasure of indigenous languages and
ideas was a horrific chapter in human history, but it's still not over! The 21st century Colonization
is just as devastating and destructive, and this 'Caste' issue holds the key to revealing it! Every
Hindu walks through life carrying a subliminal guilt that his or her ancestors were "caste
discriminators" and every devout Christian walks tall and proud in the knowledge that his or her
ancestors helped to free the crushed, downtrodden from the depraved Hindoo caste system, and
being an accepted "truth" no-one questions it any more. They are both victims of the same
deception, of the same multigenerational fraud!,
accessed 25 May 2021.
A much-maligned Mughal, The great king Aurangzeb is among the most hated men in Indian
history. A historian claims he’s been unjustly demonized,
aurangzeb-is-everybodys-least-favourite-mughal, accessed 25 May 2021.
Hindus like Shashi Tharoor, Romilla Thapar, etc. are anti-Hindu, and Christians like Gandhis
like Rahul and Priyanaka, Reddys like Jaganmohan, Rajashekhara etc. who rule the states like
Andhra Pradesh are, to name a few, examples that are Hindu sounding names but not Hindus.
Kanche Ilaiah openly declares that he is not a Hindu, while Shashi Tharoor openly declares that
he is a Hindu but subscribes to Hitler’s Nazi MAIṬ.
Followers of Hitler’s Nazi MAIT with Hindu names:
Nandakishore Mridula,,
who states, “Aurangzeb has been cast as an unmitigated villain by the British, a myth which has
been enthusiastically adopted by Hindutva apologists to further their agenda of projecting Muslims
as cruel bigots and ruthless killers.”, accessed 25 May 2021; New
York-based Sunita Viswanath, of Hindus for Human Rights; Thenmozhi Soundarajan, Maari-
Zwick Maitreyi, Aruna Sanghapali, Sharmin Hossain founders of Equality Labs, an Ambedkarite
South Asian power-building organization manufacturing anti-Hindu, Hindumisic, and
Hinduphobic material to destroy Hinduism and Hindu Americans, spreading blatant lies based on
fabricated evidence, in the name of lofty goals of equality and ending the oppression of “caste
apartheid” (created by the Gospel of Hitler’s Nazi MAIT), Islamophobia, white supremacy, and
religious intolerance.,
accessed 25 May 2021.
Vepachedu et al, Tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)methylsilane, Acta Cryst, C51, 423-426 (1995),, accessed 25 May 2021.
The Truschke cabal includes all forces that are anti-Hindu and actively work to destroy Hindu
culture and traditions by using any one of the three of the three-pronged approach. This cabal
includes the forces that are actively engaged in anti-India activities described by Rajiv Malhotra
in his books, such as, Invading the Sacred, Breaking India, Indra’s Net, The Battle For Sanskrit,
Academic Hinduphobia and Hindumisia, etc.; The followers of
Trusche include Hamas-linked organization, Islamic group linked to SIMI and others who extend
support to Audrey Truschke accusing Hindu students of being ‘Nazis’
audrey-truschke/; Raju Rajagopal and Sunita Viswanath, anti-Hindu mass media for who Truschke
is a hero as she denigrates Hinduism, Hindu culture, Hindu texts, and Hindu Americans, Note how
Harbans Mukhia of JNU respectfully addresses Muslims and disgracefully brands Hindus as
extremists who were seeking their temple back, “… Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, face to face
with contradictory pressures from the Muslim clergy on the Shah Bano case and Hindu extremists
on the Ram janmabhumi issue opted to placate both simultaneously.” In his article supporting
Truschke,;; Rutgers Stands Behind Professor Who Said Hindutva
Was 'Inspired by Nazism' Amid Backlash,
truschke-hindutva-nazism-1463069, accessed 25 May 2021.
Dilip Chakravarti, Power, Politics and Ariya Mayai ('Aryan Illusion') in The Study of Indian
accessed 25 May 2021.
See Truschke. Are Rutgers University & Professor Audrey Truschke Hinduphobic?; accessed 24 May 2021.
Rajiv Malhotra, Decolonizing Romilla Thapar: Nation & Nationalism - 1/5. This episode shows
several different kinds of clips on nation & nationalism, some of which I agree with, but a lot is
unacceptable. For instance, she considers modern Indian nationalism a British product, failing to
acknowledge the traditional categories of Rashtra & Desh. If we use these categories the
conclusions would be quite different. History,
Critical Thinking & Autonomy: Decolonizing Romila Thapar 2/5,; Aryan Race & Hindu Fascism:
Decolonizing Romila Thapar 3/5, ; Muslim
Rule: Decolonizing Romila Thapar 4/5,; Public
Intellectuals: Decolonizing Romila Thapar 5/5,; Koenraad Elst, Examining the Marxist
Version of India’s Past,;
accessed 25 May 2021.
Irfan Habib is an Indian historian of ancient and medieval India, following the methodology of
Marxist historiography. Irfan Habib, The Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1556-1707,;
6_1707_in_Indian_Review_of_Books_2000_Vol_9_No_10, accessed 25 May 2021.
@Shashi Tharoor:
with-facts-and-logic%2F; Tharoor says that “Hinduism has survived the Aryans, the Mughals and
the British”, accepting and endorsing Hitler’s Nazi MAIT, although Shashi Tharoor’s new book
begins with the argument that Hinduism is civilization, not a dogma,
argument-that-hinduism-is-a-civilisation-not-a-dogma-1155733-2018-01-28; The Intellectual
Dishonesty of Shashi Tharoor on Caste system,;
system/, accessed 25 May 2021.
Kancha Ilaiah, The Hindutva Cow Urine Cultural Nationalism And The Corona Crisis,
corona-crisis/,; Harappa: God’s Own Man,; Eastern Indian
Racism in US?
phd-llm/; Why I am not a Hindu,
why-i-am-not-a-hindu/; EASTERN
_INDIAN _RACISM_IN_AMERICA; Ilaiah’s False Allegations,
manasanskriti/IlaiahsFalseAllegations.pdf; Slavery in US (Eastern Indian Racism in US? Look in
the Mirror!),; accessed 25 May 2021.
“Profanation verily may well be described as the singular agenda of Pollock, and he is
accordingly on a fissiparous overdrive. Tradition linked rasa, the poetic relish, with the
Upaniṣadic rasa; and presented kāvya as but an allotrope of the Veda inasmuch as kāvya being
a kāntā-sammita (à laa beloved) is kindred in spirit to the Veda which is a prabhu-sammita (à la
a king) – both thus seeking to subserve certain common purposes though their modus operandi
may differ. But Pollock is frantic to drive a wedge between the Veda and the kāvya. Bitten as he is
by the reductivity bug, Pollock can perceive kāvya only as a socio-political aesthetic, divested of
its religio-spiritual dimensions – thus the very antithesis of the Hindu ethos. And so this “Last
Sanskrit Pandit” (as his hagiographers hail him) aims his arrows against Abhinavagupta,
attempting to sabotage his status in the realm of Indian aesthetics. It is not Pollock’s failure that
arouses our pity, but his audacity…. Desacralising Rasa Theory thus on the one hand, and pressing
Indian aesthetics to subserve Christian propaganda on the other, are but two sides of the same
coin. Speaking of Vedas as no poetry; portrayal of the Rāmāyaṇa asessentially political in
character; attempting a dichotomy between the Veda and the kāvya; undermining the orality of
the Rāmāyaṇa so as to suit a late dating of the text; postulating a consubstantiality of the kāvya
and the praśasti; subtle sabotage of his own master Ingalls’s admonition to the Western critics of
Eastern poetry; valorising Bhoja and Bhaṭṭa Nāyaka at the cost of Abhinavagupta; reading ideas
of social pragmatics into the most innocent of situations; concoction of a “theological turn” in
literary theory; projecting discrepancies, with and breaches in, the tradition; positing the aim of
kāvya as the creation of “politically correct subjects and subjectivities”; attributing the genesis of
a “spiritualised Indian aesthetic” to royal depredations and kindred social contexts; speaking
melodramatically of ”an epistemethat Abhinava successfully overthrew”; effectively tweaking
truths subtly and ably, distorting meaning thereby localising rasa in the text, rather than in the
reader; implying that Western intervention is necessary to rewrite a true history of Indian
aesthetics; preferring to speak of rasa as a linguistic modality, rather than a psychological
modality; valorising a sociological hermeneutics so as to render it amenable to Marxist
pigeonholing and reinterpretation etc — are all but ploys of Pollock— assayed by Ashay — to
usher in his own brand of Orientalism. Ashay also makes a reference to the sinister
Christianisation of Bharatanāṭyam and Indian aesthetics — aimed at spreading the gospel of Jesus
on the Indian soil where they need to harvest Hindu souls while the religion of the cross is being
supplanted in the land of its own origin. … Pollock’s reprehensible resort to the translation of all
technical terms in Sanskrit into English, which is tantamount to epistemological domination of one
culture by another as indicated by Vazquez…. Pollock in particular who stoops to aspire to be a
“lover” of Mother Sarasvatī, the Goddess of Speech” Kannan (eḍ), WESTERN INDOLOGY ON
RASA– A PŪRVAPAKṢA, Proceedings of Swadeshi Indology Conference Series, pp. 15-24
(Infinity Foundation India, 2018).
to_Bollywood?email_work_card=view-paper, accessed 25 May 2021.
“… Pollock’s body of work shows his penchant for a fewpet topics: his positioning Buddhism as
the silver bullet that savedthe ‘Indian’ from Vedic and Brahmanic oppression and his strenuous
case to uncover tenuous parallels between Greek classics and Indian epics, effectively taking away
the Indian claim to deeply nativeand formative elements of her culture. The dismissal of centuries
of indigenous oral traditions, a strategic emphasis on deliberately limited aspects of the essence
and historicity of kāvya in evaluating its contributive value, his theorisation of a perceived tension
betweenSanskritandtheregionallanguagesaswellashispositionthatthefieldof Sanskrit has not had a
history of examining its own literary change, among other similar fantastic claims, constitute some
of his key arguments. When different works from his scholarship are considered together, not only
do logical and chronological inconsistencies become evident, but also the near-absence of a
detailed chronology, which in his own words is ‘central to comparative intellectual-historical
practice. …
Over the course of its long unbroken history, India has had several encounters with the West, with
some that have been mutually enriching while others, challenging and nearly destroying
everything she has held as precious and sacred. What could not be destroyed has been left
maligned and vilified, with massive ramifications that have changed the very course of her flow
several times. Yet, one cannot think of another country, that has faced the sheer number and
intensity of assaults that India has, and survived and risen again.’ Manogna Sastry and Megh
Kalyanasundaram, Chapter 1. Pūrva-pakṣa of Sheldon Pollock’s Use of Chronology, In: Kannan,
K. S. and Meera, H. R. (Ed.s) Chronology and Causation: Negating Neo-Orientalism. pp. 25–76,
Chennai: Infinity Foundation India (2021).
Koenraad Elst, Sheldon Pollock's Idea of a Nazi Indology watch?v
=Q7TqlnXF3cA; Swadeshi Indology Conference - 1 (IIT, Chennai); https://infinity
foundationindia. org/si-1/the-conf/, accessed 25 May 2021. Naresh Cuntoor, Pollock’s hypothesis:
Sanskrit is dead, and that’s ok,
SmtYMENDcUU/view?resourcekey=0-wBIGE8Oom9mqbASH4jv1wg, accessed 25 May 2021.
‘Pollock’s analysis of Ramayana is not situated in the context of Hindu society…. In desacralizing
the texts, Pollock divorces the object of his study from its context…. Pollock supports removal of
sacredness from shastras… Pollock lacks one of requirements of an ‘adhikari’ (a competent
student) as recommended by Vedantasastra –shraddha (curiosity not criticism towards the texts).’
Charu Uppal, Saṁskṛti in Context: Critiquing Pollock’s out-of-context reading of the Rāmāyaṇa,
ie4a3L6ffj2tKT6iz9Z1kA, Nityanand Misra, Robert Goldman vs. Gita Press, https://www.
=5; Nityanand Misra, Tradition better than Goldman/Pollock translations,
TteCi&index=5, accessed 25 May 2021.
Ali Sheik, Where Exactly Is India, Ms. Doniger? Review on Wendy Doniger‘s The Hindus: An
Alternative History (2009),;
Penguin’s decision to withdraw the book and pulp the remaining copies,
187020/the-r eal-reason-wendy-donigers-book-on-hindus-was-banned-in-india-its-not-boring-
enough/; Rajiv Malhotra, RISA Lila – 1: Wendy’s Child Syndrome,
library/ articles/risa-lila-1-wendys-child-syndrome/;
The Embarrassed Modern Hindu,
modern-hindu/289628; accessed 25 May 2021.
Koenraad Elst, Examining the Marxist Version of India’s Past,
the-marxist-version-of-indias-past/; accessed 25 May 2021. For example, Western Universities
like University of Cambridge, Rutgers University, Columbia University, University of Chicago,
Oxford, etc., have Departments dedicated to denigrate Hindu culture. See, for example, Sudheshna
Guha, Negotiating Evidence: History, Archaeology and the Indus Civilisation, Modern Asian
Studies 39, 2, pp. 399–426 (2005) Cambridge University Press,
itc/mealac/pritchett/00generallinks/txt_guha_indus.pdf; Asko Parpola, The Roots of Hinduism:
The Early Aryans and the Indus Civilization, Oxford University Press (2015): https://www.
academia. edu/43518470/The_Roots_of_Hinduism?email_work_card=thumbnail, accessed 25
May 2021.
Mohenjo-Daro was attacked toward the middle of the 2nd millennium BCE by raiders who
swept over the city and then passed on, leaving the dead lying where they fell…. The episode would
appear to be consistent in time and place with the earlier invaders from the north (formerly
called Aryans) into the Indus region as reflected in the older books of the Rigveda, in which the
newcomers are represented as attacking the “walled cities” or “citadels” of the aboriginal
peoples and the invaders’ war-god Indra as rending forts “as age consumes a garment.” As the
evidence stands, the civilization was succeeded in the Indus valley by poverty-stricken cultures,
deriving a little from a sub-Indus heritage but also drawing elements from the direction of Iran
and the Caucasus—from the general direction, in fact, of the northern invasions. For many
centuries urban civilization was dead in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent., accessed 25 May 2021.
CIA World Fact Book, India (updated May 19, 2021): The Indus Valley civilization, one of the
world's oldest, flourished during the 3rd and 2nd millennia B.C. and extended into northwestern
India. Aryan tribes from the northwest infiltrated the Indian subcontinent about 1500 B.C.; their
merger with the earlier Dravidian inhabitants created the classical Indian culture., accessed 25 May 2021.
See Jayjayanti Banerjee and Binod Bihari Satpathy above.
9104998/Did _Ancient_ India_have_Historical_Tradition_s, accessed 25 May 2021.
“We note that Griffith has not followed such a traditional framework for interpretation of the
verse. In his translations, there is no correlation between subjects, objects, and verbs. They seem
randomly picked and formed to make strange interpretations.” Sitaram Ayyagari et aḷ, European
Origin of Vedic Deities? Presented at WAVES 2020, Bengaluru, India. Griffith, maliciously and
deliberately, distorted Sanskrit texts in his translations, for example:
॑ सिल॒लािन॒ त�॒�ेक॑पदी ि�॒पदी॒ सा चतु॑ �दी ।
अ॒�ाप॑दी॒ नव॑पदी बभू वु॒ षी॑ स॒ हस्रा॑ �रा पर॒मे �ो॑मन् ॥४१॥
Griffith says गौ॒री (gaurI) is a buffalo (
सो िच॒�ु वृ ि�यू
॒ �॒ �ा॒३ �ा सचाँ ॒ इं द्र॒ ः �श्रू॑िण॒ ह�र॑ ता॒िभ प्रु॑�ुते।
अव॑ वे ित सु �यं
॒ ॑ सु ते
॒ मधू िदद् धू॑ नोित॒ वातो॒ यथा॒ वनं ॑॥४॥
Griffith applies oil to the yellow (blond) beard, while Indra (इं द्र॒ ः ) moistens (प्रु॑�ुते) hairs of
beard/mustache (�श्रू॑िण॒, plural accusative) with yellow material (ह�र॑ ता॒िभः , instrumental case of ह�र॑ ता॒,
with turmeric or with soma/hemp)! Any student of Sanskrit who has a rudimentary understanding
of nouns and verbs and declinations thereof, would NEVER translate Sanskrit verses like Griffith
did for obvious reasons. In his translations, he makes strange interpretations to suit his agenda of
denigrating the Sanskrit texts and the culture.
What are you ashamed of as a Hindu?
Hindu; Should Indians be ashamed of Caste System?
be-ashamed-of-caste-system/; I am Hindu and I am ashamed: Rasika Agashe,
59; A Letter To
Concerned Hindu Indian American Parents,
hindu-indian-american-parents-497289f60c7a; A Hindu perennially ashamed and guilty: How
narrative after Ayodhya verdict is trying to achieve it,
amp/, Christians Protest Hindu Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard,
com/watch?v=dgmSkDL9q6w; Hinduphobia is very real: US presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard,; accessed 25 May 2021.
S. N. Dasgupta, A History Of Sanskrit Literature Classical Period - Vol 1, p. 608-609
(University of Calcutta, 1947)

“Officials of the British East India Company—such as Warren Hastings, governor of Bengal
between 1772 and 1785—used this theory to justify arbitrary and rapacious rule, arguing that
Indians did not understand any other form of government aside from oppression…. The
Indological knowledge of Parisian scholars did little for French imperialism, but it would kick-
start German Indology and add fuel to Germany’s quest for national greatness.” Rila Mukherjee,
The French East India Company at Home and Abroad, Review of “French Scholars and the
Preoccupation with India in the Nineteenth Century” by Jyoti Mohan, New Delhi: Sage India,
Yoda Press, 2018; pp 392. Economic & Political Weekly, vol lIV no 46 (November 23, 2019).
‘The Advantage I have gained by these Journies is, I now know the several Places wherein
Missionaries may be sent. The Season seems to be come, for us to labour with Success at the
Conversion of the Idolaters of those Countries, which have so long been overspread with
Darkness. All imaginable Dispatch should be used, lest the Mohammedans, who get Possession of
all these Countries by insensible Degrees, should force the Inhabitants of them to embrace their
abominable Religion.’ Father Mauduit to Father le Gobien, Carnata. January 1702.
“In this present Letter I shall set before you, and I compare some Conjectures, which, I believe,
will be thought important. The Design of them is to prove, that the Indians borrowed their Religion
from the Books of Moses and the Prophets.” Father Bouchet to Bishop Huet, in “Chapter 12:
French Jesuits in India and the Lettres Edifiantes” by Jyoti Mohan,,
accessed 25 May 2021.
Trautmann. Chapter 7 Constructing the Racial Theory of Indian Civilization in The Clash of
Chronologies: Ancient India in the Modern World (New Perspectives on Indian Pasts) . Yoda
Press. The Aryan or Indo-European idea has at least three different readings belonging to different
political contexts. (1) The exclusionary sense is the one associated with Nazism and other modern
racial-hate doctrines, while (2) for the Orientalists of British India the Aryan idea had always an
inclusionary sense, as a sign of the kinship of Britons and Indians, related to Orientalist policy
positions; and (3) for Indians, like Romilla Thapar and her Kabal, Dalits, Dravidians, Muslims,
Christians, Marxists, Congress, etc. that follow the Hitler’ s Nazi Myth of AIT, the Aryan idea is
the celebration of Hinduism, which must be destroyed.
Arvind Sharma, Chapter V. The Problem of Evil in A Primal Perspective on the Philosophy of
Religion, P. 82 (Springer Netherlands, 2006).
Speech of Seattle Chief:

Hinduphobia is defined as an anti-Hindu sentiment that advances, amplifies, and articulates
hatred against Hindus and Hinduism. This is a toxic global phenomenon influenced by the legacies
of the past. The rampant support for and encouragement of anti-Hindu sentiment is the hallmark
of humanities departments in several universities in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. The
Hindu hate mongering that is so visible today stems from the anti-Hindu sentiment promoted in
the academia. Recent events in Rutgers University in the United States is a testament to the
patronage Hinduphobia enjoys under the garb of academic freedom. Western academia, in
particular, is culpable in advancing this hatred; Hinduphobia in America,
6798415400796241920-o_Yv; Hatred Against Hindus and Their Civilization (Hinduphobia) is
now a sacred agenda of the American and British Universities,
accessed 25 May 2021.
See Eric Arthur Blair above.
A Brief Introduction to the Ancient Indus Civilization,
saraswati.html, accessed 25 May 2021.
Democracy has roots in Harappa, The Tribune (9 May 2016), The concept of democracy and
welfare state has their roots in Indus Valley Civilisation, so suggest the analysis of two-year
excavation at an ancient Harappan site in Hisar’s Rakhigarhi village, https://www.tribuneindia.
com/ news/archive/features/democracy-has-roots-in-harappa-233774, accessed 25 May 2021.
Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Indus Civilization, Encyclopedia of Archaeology, vol. 1, pp. 715-733
(2008), University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.
content/uploads/sites/757/2017/08/Kenoyer2008-Indus-Valley-Article.pdf, accessed 25 May
2021; S. Kalyanaraman, Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization,
saraswathi.htm, accessed 25 May 2021.
Jeffrey D Long, Hindu Theology and the Decolonization of Indian Studies Addressing Three
Common Objections, in Arvind Sharma, ed. Decolonizing Indian Studies (DK Printworld, 2015),
Conference on Decolonizing Indian Studies, Denver, 8-10 October 2010, https://www.academia.
2015_, accessed 25 May 2021. “Argument that, despite concerns raised in several quarters about
the term 'Hindu theology,' that constructive studies operating from Hindu perspectives can be of
assistance in 'decolonizing' the tradition: that is, thinking in terms of a Hindu self-understanding
rather than understandings projected by colonial and neocolonial discourses.”
A. Sharma, Hinduism and its sense of History, Oxford University Press (2003), p 1.

“As purveyors of shallow opinions like that of Mill, they hate those who are not trying to be like
them, and they have a visceral aversion for the customs of the land.” Subhash Kak, Self-loathing
and India’s Anglophones,
“Both nations [China and India] are to nearly an equal degree tainted with the vices of insincerity;
dissembling, treacherous, mendacious, to an excess which surpasses even the usual measure of
uncultivated society. Both are disposed to excessive exaggeration with regard to everything
relating to themselves. Both are cowardly and unfeeling. Both are in the highest degree conceited
of themselves, and full of affected contempt for others. Both are, in the physical sense, disgustingly
unclean in their persons and houses.” James Mill, History of British India (1817).
“The view that Hinduism as a religion, or the Hindus as a people, lack a sense of history has
been expressed so often as to have become a cliché.” Arvind Sharma, ibid.
Jawaharlal Nehru, The Discovery of India (Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, Indraprastha
Press, 1986), p. 291.
Jawaharlal Nehru, ibid, p. 77.
Vedveer Arya, ITHIHASA - A 100000 Years Story of BHARATH (INDIA) - Documentary
English subtitles. Let us scientifically explore our chronological antiquity from about 16,000
BCE to today., accessed 25 May 2021.
“The Veda means knowledge. When the Vedic Samhitas are taken together with the Brahmanas,
Aranyakas, Upanisads, Sutras, Vedangas and the Upavedas, the claim regarding their
representation of knowledge is true as the books encompass a variety of sciences, psychology, and
cosmology. To understand any of the Vedic texts, it is essential to know the Vedic system of
knowledge.” Subhash Kak, The Astronomical Code of the Ṛgveda (Third Edition), Oklahoma
State University (2011), the_
%E1%B9%9Agveda_Third_Edition_?email_work_card=title, accessed 25 May 2021.
“We propose, therefore, that the presence, in India, of the Aryans is the fourth millennium B.C. be
considered as a working hypothesis, and at present there is no evidence that goes against it….
However, as things stand, our reconstruction appears to be the most likely scenario.” Subhash
Kak, On the Chronology of Ancient India, Indian Journal of History of Science, 22(3), 2220234
(1987),, accessed
25 May 2021.
An Extremely Old and Large Cyclic Universe: The Vedic texts speak of an infinite universe with
ages of very large time periods, or yugas. The recursive Vedic world-view requires that the
universe itself go through cycles of creation and destruction. The encyclopedic Purāṇas speak of
the universe going through a current cycle of8.64 billion years, and the period of the largest cycle
is stated to be 311 trillion years…. India’s archaeological record has unbroken continuity going
back to about 7500 BCE at Mehrgarh…. The Rigveda and other early Vedic literature have
astronomical references related to the shifting astronomical frame that indicate epochs of the
fourth and third millennium BCE which is consistent with the hydrological evidence. Subhash Kak,
Visions of the Cosmos: Archaeoastronomy in Ancient India, Journal of Cosmology, vol. 9, pp.
2063-2077 (2010).
New results in archaeology have shown that the Indian tradition can be traced back in a series of
unbroken phases to at least 8000 B.C.E. Archaeologists and geologists also believe that the
Sarasvatı, the preeminent river of the Rgvedic age, dried up around 1900 BCE, leading to the
collapse of the towns of the Harappan era that were primarily distributed in the Sarasvatı region.
There is increasing acceptance of the view that the Rgveda should be earlier than 1900 BCE. The
early Brahman as and the Upanishads then belong to the second millennium BCE. Subhash Kak,
Indian Physics: Outline of Early History (History and Philosophy of Physics, Cornell University,
30 September 2003),, accessed 24 May 2021.
Ravindra Singh Bisht, Harappans and Rgveda: Points of Convergence, The Dawn of
Civilization (up to c. 600 BC), ed. Pande, Project of History of Indian, Philosophy and Culture
(1999), _of_Convergence?
email_work_card=title, accessed 25 May 2021.



Dilip K Chakrabarti, India of the Vedic Texts,
India_of_the_Vedic_Texts;; Subhash Kak,
The Secret of the Veda,; Indian
Foundations of Modern Science, Indian_Foundations
_of_Modern_Science; A Brief History of Indian Science,
A_Brief_History_of_Indian_Science, accessed 25 May 2021. “The earliest textual source is the
Ṛgveda, which is a compilation of very ancient material. The astronomical references in the Vedic
books recall events of the third or the fourth millennium BCE and earlier.” See also:; Rajkumar Vedam, Story of Indian Science,; Selected Contributions of India
to Knowledge Systems,
_to_Knowledge_Systems; Analytical Inferences from Carbon Dating Samples at Keezhadi, https:
hadi; Subhash Kak, Knowledge of Planets in the Third Millennium BC, Q. J. R. Astr. Soc. 37,
709-715 37,
_kak, accessed 25 May 2021.
Michel Danino, The Sarasvati River: Issues and Debates, in Sarasvati, the River Par Excellence,
Acharya, et al. (eḍ), Asiatic Society (2020), The_
Sarasvati_River_Issues_and_Debates; “The region of the Sarasvatı and the Drsadvatı rivers,
called Brahmavarta, was especially sanctified (e.g. RV 3.23.4) and Sarasvatı was one of the
mightiest rivers of the Rgveda,” Subhash Kak, The Astronomical Code of the Ṛgveda (Third
Edition), Oklahoma State University (2011), https://www.academia. edu/45155909/
Subhash Kak, The Structure of the Rgveda,
The_Structure_of_the_Rgveda; Subhash Kak, The Indus Tradition and the Indo-Aryans, Mankind
Quarterly, Volume XXXII, Number 3 (1992),
_Tradition_and_the_Indo_Aryans, accessed 25 May 2021; Singh et aḷ, Larger floods of Himalayan
foothill rivers sustained flows in the Ghaggar Hakra channel during Harappan age, JQS, 1-17
(2021); Michel Danino, Discovering the Sarasvati River: From 1855 to 2014, in Indus-Sarasvati
(Harappan) Civilization visa-vis Rigveda, Mani (eḍ), B.R. Publishing Corporation (2017); Orengo
et al., Large-Scale, Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing of Palaeo-River Networks: A Case Study
from Northwest India and its Implications for the Indus Civilisation, Remote Sens. 9(7), 735
(2017); Uesugi (ed.), Current Research On Indus Archaeology,
37736429/ Current_Research_on_Indus_Archaeology, accessed 25 May 2021.
Michel Danino, The Aryan Issue, presentation (2017),
The_ Aryan_Issue_Michel_Danino.
ऋ�ेद दशम मंडल, नदी सू� (X-75) (Rigveda Bhashya, Vol 5, page 799); Ralph T H Griffith,
The Rig Veda, Hymn LXXV, The Rivers, verses 5-6, p. 587; Dilip K Chakrabarti, India of the
Vedic Texts,, accessed 25 May
See Sheldon Pollock, Wendy Doniger, Audrey Truschke etc. Pollock, The Death of Sanskrit,
University of Chicago, pollock/sks/papers/ death_of_
sanskrit.pdf, “…eventually even the presentist-political, evaporated, until only the dry sediment of
religious hymnology remained.” Sheldon Pollock on Hindutva and the Life and Death of Sanskrit
- Part 1; Ashvin Agarwal, In Search of
Vedic-Harappan Relationship, Aryan Books International (2005); Malathi Shendge, The Civilized
Demons The Harappans In Rgveda, Abhinav Publications (1997).

Pushalker, Studies in Epics and Puranas, pp. 50, 52, 54, 56, 201-202, 207, and 217-218
(Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Bombay, 1935).
Traditional Chronology Based on Literature
Mahabharata War 3,200 BCE
Buddha 1,900 BCE
Adi Shankara 600 BCE
Vikramaditya 100 BCE
Puranas provide valuable information about the chronology of royal dynasties of Magadha from
the Mahabharata war to the period of the Gupta dynasty. A total of nine dynasties ruled over
Magadha from 3128 BCE to 92 BCE.
1. Brhadratha dynasty 3128-2122 BCE
2. Pradyota dynasty 2122-1984 BCE
3. Sisunaga dynasty 1984-1616 BCE
4. Nanda dynasty 1616-1516 BCE
5. Maurya dynasty 1516-1217 BCE
6. Sunga dynasty 1216-916 BCE
7. Kanva dynasty 915-830 BCE
8. Satavahana dynasty 830-338 BCE
9. Gupta dynasty 338-92 BCE

Vedveer Arya, The Chronology of Ancient India: Victim of Concoctions and Distortions
(Aryabhata Publications, Hyderabad, 2015), pp.5, 330-362.
“Western Vedic scholarship is limited by its rejection of Puranic data. The work of Dayananda
and the Arya Samaj school also suffers from this shortcoming and from the literal rendering of the
doctrine of the non-human origin of the Vedas.” Subhash Kak, The Astronomical Code of the
Ṛgveda (Third Edition), Oklahoma State University (2011),
ird_Edition_?email_work_card=title, accessed 25 May 2021.
The Saidian Orientalist, Colonialist, and Imperialist Indologist view that Hindus lack a sense of
history is a deliberate propaganda as such. See Arvind Sharma, Hinduism & Its Sense of History,
Oxford University Press (2003).
Manogna Sastry and Megh Kalyanasundaram, Sarasvatī in the Mahābhārata - A Study,
Presented at third International Conference on Sarasvati River (Feb 8-9, 2019) at Panjab
University, Chandigarh, India (2019),
A_Study_Sastry_and_Kalyanasundaram_2019_pdf, accessed 25 May 2021.
Nilesh Oak, When Did The Mahabharata War Happen?: The Mystery of Arundhati, Danphe
Inc. (June 4, 2011); Bhishma Nirvana, An Astronomy Poison Pill. Bhima LLC Publications
Srini Kalyanaraman, ब्र�वै वत� पुराणम् provides jyotiṣa pramāṇa for the start of Kaliyuga during Śrī
Kr̥ṣṇa’s lifetime,
%AB_Kr_%E1%B9%A3%E1%B9%87a_s_lifetime?email_work_card=title; accessed 25 May
See Binod Bihari Satpathy above; Essays on historical and mythological India, Puranic
Chronology of India, Abhyankar, Antiquity of the Vedic Calendar, Bulḷ Astṛ Soc. India, 26, 61-66
(1998),; Subhash
Kak, On the Chronological Framework for Indian Culture, Indian Council of Philosophical
Research, pp. 1-24 (2000); Subhash Kak, On the Chronology of Ancient India, Indian Journal of
History of Science, 22(3), 222-234 (1987),, accessed 25 May
Vedveer Arya, The Chronology of India: From Manu to Mahabharata; The Chronology of India:
From Mahabharata to Medieval Era – Vol I and II; Aryabhata Publications (2019).
See Truschke above; and for Goldman’s and Pollock’s deliberate mistranslations of Sanskrit
texts, see Nityanand Misra, “Robert Goldman vs. Gita Press,”
TteCi&index=5; Nityanand Misra, “Tradition better than Goldman/Pollock translations,”
TteCi&index=5; Nityanand Misra, “False Translation Feeds Audrey Truschke's Hinduphobia,”; Robert Goldman deliberately
mistranslated Sanskrit to allege prostitution in the Ramayana. Audrey Truschke uses this false
translation to make her Hinduphobic and Hindumisia case against Hindu students at Rutgers
University, New Jersey, and on social media. Nityanand Misra, a Sanskrit scholar and well-
known author breaks down the works of famed Western Indologists and offers evidence for
why their works are wrong:
wzyJxtyHwk1vQ20v1D0FsSvTteCi, accessed 25 May 2021.
Lord Rama's Route (Journey) According To Epic Ramayana, http://www.divinebrahmanda.
com/ 2014/01/ lord-ramas-route-journey-according-to.html, accessed 25 May 2021.
Caste & Conversion A Colonial Conspiracy | Pt Satish K Sharma MBCS FRSA, https://www., accessed 25 May 2021. Almost everyone has heard of
the term "Ancient Hindu Caste System" and how horrible it supposedly is, but it wasn't ancient
and it wasn't even Hindu! Everyone is aware that the colonialist erasure of indigenous languages
and ideas was a horrific chapter in human history, but it's still not over! The 21st century
Colonization is just as devastating and destructive, and this 'Caste' issue holds the key to revealing
it! Every Hindu walks through life carrying a subliminal guilt that his or her ancestors were "caste
discriminators" and every devout Christian walks tall and proud in the knowledge that his or her
ancestors helped to free the crushed, downtrodden from the depraved Hindoo caste system, and
being an accepted "truth" no-one questions it any more. They are both victims of the same
deception, of the same multigenerational fraud!
ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1, accessed 25 May 2021.
Sally Mallam, Indus-Sarasvati Civilization,
modern-world-section/early-civilizations-harappa/, accessed 25 May 2021.
Gregory L. Possehl, Harappan Civilization,
civilization/, accessed 25 May 2021.

Rajesh and Abhayan, Reflections of Meghalayan Stage Drought on Harappan Culture in
Gujarat: An Assessment, Hydrological and settlement landscapes, TwoRains Conference 2021,
University of Cambridge.
Adam Green, Landscapes of resilience: insights from the TwoRains project’s extensive
archaeological field surveys in northwest India; Joseph Schuldenrein; Remodeling the Landscape
History of Mohenjodaro: Insights from New Radiocarbon Dates; Hydrological and settlement
landscapes, TwoRains Conference 2021, University of Cambridge,
d/ 1QNL-w69MJDVs_eyad3P-0TaumuqFrRH0/view, accessed 4 June 2021.
For the welfare of Animals,
animals/article32633152.ece; Branding Animals Law and Legal Definition,, accessed 25 May 2021.
B. B. Lal, How Deep Are The Roots Of Indian Civilization?--An archaeological and Historical
Perspective, Keynote Address delivered at the International Conference on “How Deep are the
Roots of Indian Civilization? An Archaeological and Historical Perspective‟, held in Delhi on
November 25-27, 2010; Dilip K Chakrabarti, Hinduism from Prehistory to Early History, _to_History_Harunur_ Rashid_
Fellicitation _Volume_Dhaka_2015; Kathiroli et aḷ, New Archaeological sites in the Gulf of
Cambay, India, Episodes, Vol. 26, no. 1, pp 16-18 (March 2003); Ravindra Singh Bisht, Harappans
and Rgveda: Points of Convergence, in History of Science, Philosophy, and Culture in Indian
Civilization, Gen . ed. Chattopadhyaya, Volume I, Part 1, The Dawn of Indian Civilization (up to
600 BC) (1999), _Points_of_
Convergence; Dilip K Chakrabarti, Name, origin of the Indus Civilization, https://www.academia.
edu/ 10640125/Name_origin_of_the_Indus_Civilization; Additional articles on the topic by Dilip
K Chakrabarti,, accessed 25 May 2021.
The River Sarasvati was flowing in its grandeur from about 172,000 to 22,000 BCE, Yamuna
separated from Sarasvati about 50,000 BCE, Sutlej separated from Sarasvati about 13,000 BCE.
Nilesh Oak’s review of the research on Sarasvati River,
danSXI;; v=F
QKbkqtzi-s; accessed 25 May 2021;
“The Indus-Saraswati cultural tradition represents the beginnings of the Indian civilization… the
capture of the Sutudri and Yamuna, the two main tributaries of the Saraswati river, by Indus and
Ganga around 1900 BC led to the desiccation of Saraswati and collapse of the Harappan urban
phase. The focus of the civilization started moving east and south…. According to a recent estimate
nearly two-third of more than 2500 settlements of this tradition have been found along the
Saraswati River and a majority of the remaining one-third of the sites have been found in Gujarat
and Uttar Pradesh; the Indus valley proper has less than 100 sites.” Subhash Kak, Evolution of
Early Writing In India, Indian Journal of History of Science, 29(3), 375-388 (1994):, accessed 25 May 2021;
“Tired of natural disasters the Harappans migrated to the Saraswati (Ghaggar), Drishadvati
(Chautang), Yamuna and Ganga valleys in the East and to Gujarat and Narmada valleys in the
South.” Ranganatha Rao Shikaripura, Dawn and Devolution of the Indus Civilization, Aditya
Prakashan; 1st edition (August 1, 1991):
of-the-indus-civilization/, accessed 25 May 2021;
H. H. Swami Isa, VEDIC INDIA: A HISTORY, Gyan Books, New Delhi: “The chronology of
some of the relics unearthed from the Saraswati Valley region goes back to periods prior to BC
10,000.” Indus-Saraswati Valley Civilization older than previously believed,
accessed 25 May 2021;
“At the heart of the ancient Indian Civilization was the mighty Sarasvati River which was in full
flow 5000-6000 years ago. 60–80 % of the so-called Indus Valley Civilization sites which have
been discovered are not on the banks of the Indus but on the course of the Sarasvati. The drying-
out of the river is the most significant factor in the history and migrations of the ancient Indians.
With new evidence, the time has come for a significant paradigm shift in Indology.” G. D. Bakshi,
The Sarasvati Civilization, Garuda Prakashan Pvt Ltd (January 1, 2019), https://www.goodreads.
com/ book/show/51816150-the-sarasvati-civilization, accessed 25 May 2021;
“Chalcolithic cultures of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Karnataka are derived from the
Early and Mature Harappan cultures of the Indus Valley…. John Marshall (1931) suggested an
unbroken continuity in Indian folk religion from Harappan times to the present day, and this thesis
has enjoyed wide scholarly support.” Asko Parpola, The Roots of Hinduism: The Early Aryans
and the Indus Civilization, Oxford University Press (2015):
The_Roots_of_Hinduism?email_work_card=thumbnail, accessed 25 May 2021.
Dilip Chakrabarti, Distribution and features of the Indus Civilization, https://www.academia.
edu/ 10640140/distribution_and_features_of_the_ Indus_Civilization?email_work_card= intera
ction-paper; Sanauli,; Sinauli: Know all about the archaeological site
secrets, excavation details and what makes it unique here,
unique-here-1614332542-1, accessed 25 May 2021.
Carbon Dating Shows UP’s Sanauli Had Chariot-Riding Warriors In 1900 BC, Here’s What It
Means For Aryan Invasion Theory,
before-the-cart-what-the-discovery-of-4000-year-old-chariot-in-up-signifies; India’s Amazons:
Archaeological Discovery, the Women Warriors of Sinauli (Apr 21, 2021),
/indias-amazons-archaeological-discovery-the-women-warriors-of-sinauli/, accessed 25 May
Akhilesh et aḷ, Early Middle Palaeolithic culture in India around 385–172 ka reframes Out of
Africa models, Nature, Vol 554|101 (1 February 2018),
Tv0M0Yf9q7uPKRz4nF7y9i6GYfEkwoMvW-1xWBYpQukrFdhgS9d_O9MAmtaeza Nb4VX
Zxn22UcvXIol22aYTwJGRC6TKX72nPjg%3D%3D&tracking_referrer=www.nationalgeograp, accessed 25 May 2021.
Gwen Robbins Schug, A Hierarchy of Values The Bioarchaeology of Order, Complexity,
Health, and Trauma at Harappa,
rappa; Kemeney, Double climate disaster may have ended ancient Harappan civilization, New
- ancient-harappan-civilisation/, accessed 25 May 2021.
Gwen Robbins Schug guest lecture (UNCG 2020),
v=HAgesd7H6_4, Nancy C. Lovell, Chaper 11: Bioarchaeology of the Indus Valley Civilization:
Biological Affinities, Paleopathology, and Chemical Analyses (corrected proof), in book: A
Companion to South Asia in the Past, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc; Editors: Gwen Robbins
Schug and Subhash R. Walimbe, Edition: First Edition,
s_Paleopathology_and_Chemical_Analyses_corrected_proof, accessed 25 May 2021.
TwoRains Conference 2021 | Department of Archaeology (, TwoRains Conference
2021 | Department of Archaeology (, accessed 25 May 2021.
Robbins Schug et aḷ, Chapter 16: The Center Cannot Hold: A Bioarchaeological Perspective on
Environmental Crisis in the Second Millennium BCE, South Asia (April 2016). In book: A
Companion to South Asia in the Past, Chapter: 16, Wiley-Blackwell, Eds. Gwen Robbins Schug,
SR Walimbe.
Robbins Schug et al., Birth Is But Our Death Begun: A Bioarchaeological Assessment of
Skeletal Emaciation in Immature Human Skeletons in the Context of Environmental, Social, and
Subsistence Transition, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, October 2014; Robbins
Schug et al., Infection, Disease, and Biosocial Processes at the End of the Indus Civilization, PLoS
ONE 8(12):e84814 (December 2013).
Human landscape dynamics are one of the most important indicators of profound societal change,
including those that arise as a result of climate change. During the last years the increased
availability of sources, including but not restricted to satellite imagery, new field methods in
understudied regions, and computational power has opened the door to analyses of human-
environment interaction that were not possible just a few years ago. Joseph Schuldenrein,
Remodeling the Landscape History of Mohenjo Daro: Insights from New Radiocarbon Dates,
TwoRains Conference 2021.
“… change in subsistence strategy by shifting crop patterns rather than climate change was
responsible for Harappan collapse.” Sarkar et al., Oxygen isotope in archaeological bioapatites
from India: Implications to climate change and decline of Bronze Age Harappan civilization,
Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 26555 (2016),,
Gregory Possehl, The transformation of the Indus Civilization, Journal of World Prehistory
volume 11, pages 425–472 (1997).
Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Textiles and Basketry of the Indus Tradition: Archaeological
Evidence and Historical Legacy,,
accessed 25 May 2021. See the enclosed presentation by Kenoyer.
“In the second half of this book, I attempt to elucidate the roots of Hinduism in the Indus
civilization with novel interpretations of Indus iconography—in the seals, tablets, painted pottery,
and other objects, such as the well-known statuette of the “priest-king”—based not only on later
Indian parallels but also on the contemporaneous evidence from Mesopotamia and else wherein
West Asia. The examination of the Indus iconography occupies most of part II of the book, where
I suggest that the Western Asian parallels yield unprecedented insights into the Harappan religion.
This evidence is largely independent of the results achieved in the study of the Indus script,
summarized in chapter 21 before the conclusion.” Asko Parpola, The Roots of Hinduism: The
Early Aryans and the Indus Civilization, Oxford University Press (2015):,ac
cessed 25 May 2021.
Caldwell, A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Family of Languages
(1856), HardPress (April 11, 2018);
accessed 25 May 2021.
See Trautmann, chapter 6-7 in The Clash of Chronologies: Ancient India in the Modern World
(New Perspectives on Indian Pasts). Yoda Press.
See Trautmann, above.
Alim et aḷ (ed.), Raciolinguistics, How Language Shapes Our Ideas About Race, Oxford
University Press (31 October 2016).
Jeyakumar Ramasami, Indus Script Based on Sanskrit Language,;
Proposed Ancient Indus Script Dictionary,; Beyond
Decipherment: Message of the Indus Seals, “
In summary, one may say that the deciphered seals, while they may not contain much in the way
of history, they do provide a clear historical context for the Harappans by establishing a firm link
between Harappan archaeology and the Vedic literature.” Suzanne Redalia, Cracking The Indus
Script: A Potential Breakthrough,
valley-script; Sanskrit has also contributed to Indus civilization: https://www.deccanherald.
com/content/79062/sanskrit-has-contributed-indus-civilisation.html, accessed 25 May 2021.
Srinivasan Kalyanaraman, Formation & Essential Unity of Bhāratiya Bhāṣā,
com/watch?v=Im_6kAVINSE, accessed 25 May 2021; 'Formation & Essential Unity of
Bhāratiya Bhāṣā' by Dr. S. Rammohan & Dr. S. Kalyanaraman in 14th International Conference of
WAVES International & 24th India Conference of WAVES, India organised in collaboration with
S-Vyasa, Bengaluru held on Dec. 25, 26 & 27, 2020 and Jan. 1, 2 & 3, 2021. See also many of
works of Dr Srinivasan Kalyanaraman:,
About Srinivasan Kalyanaraman, http:// ancientindian
kalyanaraman; advisors/ kalyanaraman, accessed 25 May 2021.
Shrikant Talageri, Does New Genetic Evidence Prove Aryan Invasion Theory? Not Quite.
Evidence%20Prove%20Aryan%20Invasion%20Theory_%20Talageri.pdf, accessed 29 May
2021; Michel Danino, Chapter 13. Aryans and the Indus Civilization: Archaeological, Skeletal,
and Molecular Evidence, in A Companion to South Asia in the Past, First Edition. Edited by Gwen
Robbins Schug and Subhash R. Walimbe, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2016).
Early Irish People Were Blacks With Blue Eyes – News Documentary Reveals, https://liberty
accessed 25 May 2021.
Kivisild et al., The genetics of language and farming spread in India. In: Bellwood P, Renfrew
C, editors. Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis. Cambridge: McDonald Institute
for Archaeological Research. pp 215–222 (2003).
Genetic distances between eight Indian and seven Western Eurasian populations, calculated for
16 Y‐DNA haplogroups shown in the Figure indicating that while the Lambadis (a tribal group
originated in Rajasthan and spread all over India as Lambadis and Europe as Roma) are
genetically equidistant to populations in western Europe and the Middle East, Goan Brahmins and
Punjabis are far removed from Central Asian populations. Kivisild et al., The genetic heritage of
the earliest settlers persists both in Indian tribal and caste populations. American Journal of Human
Genetics 72(2): 313–332 (2003).

Kivisild et al., An Indian ancestry: a key for understanding human diversity in Europe and
beyond. In: Renfrew C, Boyle K, editors. Archaeogenetics: DNA and the population prehistory of
Europe. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. pp 267–275 (2000).
Underhill et al., Separating the post‐glacial coancestry of European and Asian Y chromosomes
within haplogroup R1a. European Journal of Human Genetics 18(4): 479–484 (2010); Sharma et
al., The Indian origin of paternal haplogroup R1a1* substantiates the autochthonous origin of
Brahmins and the caste system. Journal of Human Genetics 54(1): 47–55 (2009).
See Michel Danino above.
Sreenivasarao Vepachedu, Bilingualism, A Sacred Mantra to Save Endangered Cultures, http://; Benefits of Bilingualism, https://www.
vepachedu. org/manasanskriti/bilngual.html, accessed 29 May 2021.
The All of Us Research Program of the National Institutes of Health is a historic effort to collect
and study data from people living in the United States., accessed 29
May 2021.
See Max Mueller, Romila Thapar, Audrey Truschke, Goldman, Pollock, Doniger, etc., above.
“It (Veda) is the root of their religion and to show them what that root is, I feel sure, is the only
way of uprooting all that has sprung from it during the last three thousand years…. The ancient
religion of India is doomed and if Christianity does not step in, whose fault will it be?” Max
Mueller, 1868 AD
Ramirez et al., Progress With the All of Us Research Program, JAMA, Published online (11
June 2021), enclosed,; https://www.
nd_Genetics_Reconstruction_of_Hindu_History; publication/
_Reconstruction_of_Hindu_History; accessed and updated, 11 June 2021.
Shinde et al., An Ancient Harappan Genome Lacks Ancestry from Steppe Pastoralists or Iranian
Farmers, Cell, Volume 179, Issue 3, P729-735.E10 (17 October 2019),
cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30967-5, accessed 25 May 2021.
"Ancestry like that in the IVC individuals is the primary ancestry source in South Asia today,” co-
author David Reich, a geneticist at Harvard Medical School, said in a statement. “This finding
ties people in South Asia today directly to the Indus Valley Civilization.” Brian Handwerk, Rare
Ancient DNA Provides Window Into a 5,000-Year-Old South Asian Civilization: The Indus
Valley Civilization flourished alongside Mesopotamia and Egypt, but the early society remains
shrouded in mystery,
asia-reveals-complexities-little-known-civilization-180973053/, accessed 25 May 2021.
Premendra Priyadarshi, Origin and Spread of Domestication and Farming : The domestication
of animals and plants and the origin of farming leading to human and animal migrations out of
India to the rest of Asia, Notion Press (May 19, 2021),
Domestication-Farming-domestication-ebook/dp/B095CRLYV8/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1& key
word s =Premendra+Priyadarshi&qid=1624237913&s=books&sr=1-3; accessed 11 June 2021,
updated 11 June 2021;
At the end of the Ten- kings (dāśarājña) battle of the Ṛgveda, the Pūrus expand westwards and
Anus push outwards into Afghanistan leading to a further northwards push to the Druhyus who
went out into Central Asia. The migration of these tribes westward from India is found in Vāyu
P. 99.11‐12, Brahmāṇḍa P. 3.74.11‐12, Matsya P. 48.9, Viṣṇu P. 4.17.5, Bhāgavata 9.23.15‐16;
Subhash Kak, Uttarakuru and the Slavs, Itihasa Darpan, vol. 25, 1-2, pp. 59-66 (2020).
Southern Asia Population,
population/, accessed 25 May 2021.
South Eastern Asia Population,
eastern-asia-population/, accessed 25 May 2021.
The World's Muslim Population,
2004480, accessed 25 May 2021.
How Many Christians Are In the World Today?
statistics-700533, accessed 25 May 2021.
Hindus for Human Rights co-founders Sunita Vishwanath and Raju Rajgopal who are anti-
Hindu;, accessed 25 May 2021.
Equality Labs is a Hinduphobic and Hindumisic South Asian technology organization dedicated
to serve the interests of Islam and Christianity (of Iliah, Truschke, Rehn, and related),, Equality Labs - Hindu Hate Advocacy Network:, accessed 25 May 2021.
Important Players Opposing the Hindus,
important-players-opposing-the-edits-suggested-by-hindu-groups/, accessed 25 May 2021.
Bringing Definition to the Unfinished Task, Joshua Project is a research initiative seeking to
highlight the ethnic people groups with the fewest followers of Jesus Christ, https://legacy.joshua
project. net/; Bringing definition to the unfinished task,; Change your
mind, your heart, and your life with the wisdom of the Bible,;
Indiafacts truth be told, Joshua Project: A Study,,
accessed 25 May 2021.
Joshua Project claims to be a research initiative aiming to bring to light the ethnic groups
worldwide that do not adhere to the Christian faith. Joshua Project maintains ethnological data
to support Christian missions, and is based in Colorado Springs, USA. Joshua Project claims that
its inspiration came from the following verse in Matthew 24:14. This gospel of the kingdom shall
be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. In
other words Joshua Project aims to spread Christianity on a global scale.
Kancha Ilaiah’s incurable hatred of the Bhagavad Gita,
incurable-hatred-bhagavad-gita-exposed/, accessed 25 May 2021. Kancha Ilaiah: Biography,
Works, Books, and Criticism, https://www.sociologygroup. com/ kancha-ilaiah-biography-books/,
accessed 25 May 2021.
See Audrey Truschke and her family involvement in Christianization of India through the
Baptist Church by her family, above.
See above Important Players Opposing the Edits Suggested by Hindu Groups.
Indian-Americans Must Resist South Asian Identity,
americans-must-resist-south-asian-identity/, accessed 25 May 2021.
See above Important Players Opposing the Hindus. FOSA was a key organizer of the
campaign. The website is registered to Ali Hasan Cemendtaur FOSA is hosted by EKTA and a
leftist/communist organization. Other anti-Hindu actors include, but not limited to, the Indian
American Muslim Council, and Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations, Al
Jazeera, etc.
Supporters of Audrey Truschke's Hinduphobia/Hindumisia ( watch?
v=Z0qgQ6FMseE): Hindus for Human Rights, Students Against Hindutva Ideology, Ambedkar
International Center, Ambedkar King Study Circle, Dalit Solidarity Forum, Boston South Asian
Coalition, Council on American Islamic Relations – CAIR (New Jersey), Islamic Society of
Central Jersey, Indian American Muslim Council, India Civil Watch International, Coalition to
Stop Genocide, ICNA Council for Social Justice, Justice for All Center for Pluralism, South Asian
Left Activist Movement, API Chaya, Stand With Kashmir, The Humanism Project, Australia,
Australian Indian Muslim Forum, Dr. Chloe Breyer, The Interfaith Center of New York, Dr. Aslam
Abdullah, Interim President, World Council of Muslims for Interfaith Relations (WCMIR), Dr.
Rehan Khan, President, International Society for Peace and Justice, Amritjit Singh, Langston
Hughes Professor of English, Ohio University, Motika Anand, Coordinator, Swaraj Abhiyan,
Chicago, IL,,
accessed 25 May 2021.
Afghanistan was known as Bahlika (Bactria), Gandhara, Kamboja, etc. janapadas in the
ancient times. Pāṇini lived in Śalatura in ancient Gandhāra during the Mahājanapada era. The
sixteen Mahajanapadas or countries, which existed in the time of the Buddha, are Kasi, Kosala,
Anga, Magadha, Vajji, Malla, Cetiya, Vamsa, Kuru, Pancala, Maccha, Surasena, Assaka,
Avanti, Gandhara and Kamboja., https://
infogalactic. com/info/Mahajanapada, accessed 25 May 2021.
Mahājanapada (Sanskrit: महाजनपद, Mahājanapada, literally “great realm” from maha,
“great”, and janapada “foothold of a tribe”, “country”) refers to one of the sixteen kingdoms and
oligarchic republics that existed in ancient India from the sixth to fourth centuries BCE. The
Buddhist Anguttara Nikaya, at several places, gives a list of sixteen great nations:,
accessed 25 May 2021. The coronation of Yudhisthira occurred in 3138 BCE, and Buddha was
born in 1887 BCE and attained niryana in 1807 BCE. Prasad Gokhale, Antiquity and Continuity
of Indian History,, accessed
25 May 2021. During the Mahābhārata period Gandhara was ruled by the king Subala whose son
was Śakuni and daughter was Gāndhārī who married the blind king Dhṛtarāṣṭra.; Mahabharata To Mahajanapada : The
Story of India’s First Coined Money,
to_mahajanapada_the_story_of_indias_first_coined_money, accessed 25 May 2021. “For several
centuries Brahmanism, Buddhism and other Hinduisms flourished side by side in Afghanistan.
However, starting in the 7th century, Islamic incursions from Arabs of Central Asia changed the
dynamics. By the 9th century Bactria (Balkh) became Islamic center under the Samanid dynasty.”
S. Vepachedu,; accessed 25 May 2021. The
conquest of Balkh in 708–9 marked the beginning of the Umayyad caliphate’s control over
Afghanistan., accessed 25 May 2021.

Dr. David Frawley,,
accessed 25 May 2021; Sri Aurobindo contended that Europeans had misinterpreted the Vedas and
that they saw “only the rude chants of an antique and pastoral race sung in honor of the forces of
nature and succeeded in imposing them on the Indian intellect”. But he insisted that a time must
come “when the Indian mind will shake off the darkness that has fallen upon it, cease to think or
hold opinions at second and third hand and reassert its right to judge and enquire in perfect
freedom into the meaning of its own scriptures.” Francois Gautier, MISINTERPRETATION OF
VEDAS,, accessed 25 May 2021; Y. Sohn, The Magneto-Plasma
Cosmology of the Ṛgveda,, accessed 25
May 2021.

X. Appendices

1. Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Textiles and Basketry of the Indus Tradition: Archaeological
Evidence and Historical Legacy


Progress With the All of Us Research Program

Opening Access for Researchers

Andrea H. Ramirez, The All of Us Research Program is a longitudinal co- the US Food and Drug Administration authorizing re-
MD, MS hort initiative aimed at advancing precision medicine and porting of these results.
Department of improving human health by enrolling at least 1 million di- After initial enrollment, all participants have been
Medicine, Vanderbilt
verse individuals across the United States.1 The pro- asked to complete additional surveys, including personal
University Medical
Center, Nashville, gram was created following the announcement of the medical history, health care access and utilization, family
Tennessee; and Now Precision Medicine Initiative in 2015, began national en- medical history, and more recently, questions related to
with the All of Us rollment in 2018, and is funded through fiscal year 2026 COVID-19. In the past 18 months (since November 2019),
Research Program,
National Institutes of
with approximately $1.5 billion appropriated in the 42% of the 278 365 core participants have actively en-
Health, Bethesda, 21st Century Cures Act.2 gaged with the program through additional surveys, and
Maryland. The program has prioritized recruitment of partici- the program has received EHR data for 82% of these par-
pants from populations that have been historically under- ticipants. The study includes a diverse cohort with 52% of
Kelly A. Gebo, MD, represented in biomedical research, and it places high participantsself-identifyingasnon-WhiteraceorHispanic/
Johns Hopkins value on meaningful and prolonged engagement of par- Latino ethnicity and more than 80% meeting an ex-
University School of ticipant ambassadors in all phases of program planning, pandeddefinitionofparticipantsunderrepresentedinbio-
Medicine, Baltimore, governance, and execution. The scientific goals of the pro- medical research including access to care, age, annual
Maryland; and Johns
gram include early and iterative data releases to a broad household income, disability, educational attainment, ru-
Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of audience of researchers while respecting participant pri- ralhomelocation,andsexualandgenderminorities.3 While
Public Health, vacy and providing transparency on usage. Emphasis has enrollment is only currently open to individuals older than
Baltimore, Maryland. also been placed on meaningful return of results to partici- 18yearsofage,retrospectiveEHRdatafromchildhoodwas
pants, including clinically actionable genomic variants. made available for 19 729 participants (6.3% of the co-
Paul A. Harris, PhD
As of April 2021, there were 278 365 adults who com- hort), and the program is developing a protocol and tech-
Department of
Biomedical Informatics, pleted the initial steps of program participation (includ- nical infrastructure necessary to enroll pediatric partici-
Vanderbilt University ing consent for health-related research use of data, do- pants. The program is anticipated to increase over time in
Medical Center, nation of biospecimens [urine and blood or saliva], sharing the number of participants as well as the depth and vari-
Nashville, Tennessee.
of electronic health record [EHR] data by their health care ety of data types collected.
All of Us is committed to broad shar-
ing of data assets to drive biomedical re-
All of Us is committed to broad sharing search. A publicly available website, the
content of data assets to drive biomedical research. Research Hub,4 hosts high-level data
snapshots, a survey explorer tool, and an
organization, in-person provision of physical measure- interactive public data browser that provides frequency
ments, and surveys about demographics, lifestyle, and counts and graphical visualizations (eFigure in the Supple-
overall health) that qualified them as core participants and ment). Program data are curated and released periodi-
380 881 adults who completed at least the primary con- cally. The current release includes data from 315 007 par-
sent to participate. While enrollment paused in early 2020 ticipants with survey responses (100%); physical
at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the program is en- measurements (85%) including height, weight, blood
abling additional capabilities (such as mailing kits for col- pressure,heartrate,andwaistandhipcircumference;EHR
lection of saliva at home or blood at local laboratories and data (64%); and pilot activity monitoring data from wear-
partnerships with blood banks) so that new participants able devices (3%). Over the next year, the program in-
can safely provide biosamples for research, and it seeks tends to release whole-genome sequence data and
to eventually enroll at least 3000 participants per week. COVID-19–related data, including a repeated survey on
Generation of genomic data, including whole- coping with the pandemic and serologic testing of blood
genome sequence and genome-wide genotyping, be- samples collected in early 2020 for antibodies against
gan in 2020. Return of genetic information directly to COVID-19. To protect participant privacy, public data ex-
Corresponding participants began in November 2020 with communi- ploration tools remove personally identifiable informa-
Author: Paul A. cation of their genetic ancestry and trait information. At tion, use aggregate frequencies, and round participant
Harris, PhD, the time of this publication, more than 41 376 partici- numbers up to 20 whenever actual counts are lower.
Department of
Biomedical Informatics,
pants (69% of those notified) have chosen to receive this Recognizing limitations using aggregate data in the
Vanderbilt University information. There are plans in early 2022 to expand the public tier for research, the program created a cloud-
Medical Center, 1211 provision of information to participants including health- based analysis environment coupled with a novel re-
Medical Center Dr,
related reports with a set of their pharmacogenetic genes searcher passport model to ease access and use of
Nashville, TN 37232
(paul.harris@vumc. and a hereditary disease risk report. The program has data with personally identifiable information removed
org). been issued an investigational device exemption from (making use of the data non–human-subjects research). (Reprinted) JAMA Published online June 11, 2021 E1

© 2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Downloaded From: by Rao Vepachedu on 06/11/2021

Opinion Viewpoint

This environment, known as the researcher workbench, is designed project-specific workspaces have been created, with 30% of re-
to improve access to data by eliminating the need for local secure stor- searchers sharing access rights to workspaces with other ap-
ageandcomputationalcapacity,whicharebarriersforresearcherswith proved researchers—a sign of collaboration. Costs have been mod-
limited resources (eFigure in the Supplement). The novel passport est so far, with 90% of researchers using less than $25 of program
model, implemented with input from the All of Us Research Pro- credits. User support is available on both the public access and
gram’s institutional review board (IRB), grants data access approval passport-controlled portions of the research hub, which has an ex-
based on the identity of the researcher rather than on a per-project ba- tensive help desk that includes online training and frequently asked
sis and permits removal of participant data for publication in groups questions materials, an integrated user forum, direct email to re-
of 20 or greater without intent to replicate the data set. Because the searcher support, and regularly scheduled office hours with topical
use of this data set is considered non–human-subjects research by the presentations and question and answer sessions. A demonstration
All of Us Research Program IRB, approval of specific projects by any project process was designed to show examples of use by replicat-
IRB is not necessary under federal regulations.5 In this initial beta re- ing known associations short of generating new discoveries, to en-
lease, institutions sign a data use agreement with the program, and in- sure equal access to researchers. To date, reports from 3 of these
dividual researchers are granted access after completing ethical data projects have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.6,7
use training using their National Institutes of Health Electronic Re- The researcher workbench launch has been successful, but
searchAdministration(NIHeRA)Commonsaccountcredentials.Access important challenges remain in execution of program goals and
to the workbench and data are free; whereas the use of cloud-based hypothesis-based discovery science. The analysis environment cur-
storage capacity accrues at $0.026 per gigabyte per month and a com- rentlyrequiresspecificcomputationalabilities(ie,useofRorPython3).
putational engine time rate of $0.27 per hour. These costs are cur- To date, costs have been absorbed by free researcher credits. With
rently covered by vouchers to researchers from the program. Long- the addition of large data types such as genomics and wearable tech-
term plans include maintaining no-cost access to data and a modest nologies, costs for data storage and analysis will increase and re-
amount of free cloud-based computational and storage credits for re- searchteamsmayneedtoseekexternalfundingfortheirprojects.Data
searchers, with options to pay for costs exceeding program vouchers. completeness is not uniform across participants as survey comple-
Once granted access to the researcher workbench, research- tion and EHR transmission is ongoing, and researchers must address
ers could create individual projects by providing a description of spe- data missingness in study design as the program works to gather ad-
cific project goals that are subsequently presented publicly on the ditional data. The program will continue to develop and implement
Research Hub website in the research projects directory. Point-and- innovative engagement strategies (eg, newsletters and other pro-
click tools available to help researchers include the cohort builder gram updates, invitations to complete new surveys, community and
to create a subset of participants and the data set selector to choose digital events and symposia, and one-on-one outreach including tele-
variables of interest such as diagnoses, laboratory tests, or medica- phone well-being checks) to ensure retention of participants. Tools
tion exposures. The resultant cohorts and data sets could then be to communicate research to participants are new, and ongoing ef-
accessed from individual interactive computing environments forts will be necessary to honor and recognize participants for their
(Notebooks) with support for common programming languages contributions in line with the program goal to return value.
(eg, R, Python 3). Projects can be shared among collaborators dur- Development of cloud-based analysis tools coupled to pass-
ing development and at publication for replication and repurpos- port access models may accelerate discovery and collaboration for
ing by independent researchers. Additionally a phenotype library in- diverse researchers or present another technological barrier for some
cludes prebuilt subsets of participants for several conditions, based users. The launch of the researcher workbench begins a process of
on published computational algorithms. iterative improvement, fulfilling the goal of providing an expand-
As of April 29, 2021, finalized agreements between research in- ing data set to researchers in a powerful, secure, and accessible plat-
stitutions and the All of Us program have totaled 304, and most form. The All of Us Research Program is beginning to serve the re-
were initiated and executed in less than 25 days, lasting 5 years. From search community with this initial release of data and tools, and its
these institutions, 772 researchers have registered for researcher team looks forward to expanding access to diverse research com-
workbench access, with more than half self-reporting as trainees, munities and ultimately providing information that will contribute
fellows, or early-career investigators. Five hundred seventy-two to better health for all people in the United States.

ARTICLE INFORMATION REFERENCES 5. US Department of Health & Human Services

Published Online: June 11, 2021. 1. Denny JC, Rutter JL, Goldstein DB, et al. The “All Office for Human Research Protections. 45 CFR 46.
doi:10.1001/jama.2021.7702 of Us” research program. N Engl J Med. 2019;381(7): Accessed June 8, 2021.
668-676. ohrp/regulations-and-policy/regulations/45-cfr-46/
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Gebo reported index.html
that this work was initiated when she served as the 2. National Institutes of Health. All of Us Research
Chief Medical and Scientific Officer for the All of Us Program overview. Accessed April 29, 2021. https:// 6. Baxter SL, Saseendrakumar BR, Paul P, et al.
Research Program during the conduct of the study; Predictive analytics for glaucoma using data from
and personal fees from Simon Fraser University overview the All of Us Research Program. Am J Ophthalmol.
(consultancy) outside the submitted work. No 2021;227:74-86.
3. Mapes BM, Foster CS, Kusnoor SV, et al. Diversity
other disclosures were reported. and inclusion for the All of Us Research Program. 7. Cronin RM, Halvorson AE, Springer C, et al.
PLoS One. 2020;15(7):e0234962. Comparison of family health history in surveys
vs electronic health record data mapped to the
4. National Institutes of Health. All of Us research observational medical outcomes partnership data
hub. Accessed April 29, 2021. https://www. model in the All of Us research program. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021;28(4):695-703.

E2 JAMA Published online June 11, 2021 (Reprinted)

© 2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Downloaded From: by Rao Vepachedu on 06/11/2021

TwoRains Conference 2021

Weather, climate and palaeoclimate

Tuesday 25th May 2021 (Online)

Page 1 of 6
Weather, climate and palaeoclimate

Session Abstract

The past climate of the Indus region needs to be characterised if we are to assess how it may have
impacted the Indus Civilisation. Present-day climatology shows that two distinct weather systems
affect the area: the Western Disturbances in winter and the South Asian monsoon in summer.
Distinguishing and quantifying the two in climate reconstructions is a challenging goal, but advances
in geochemistry are allowing research to move in this direction. Climate simulations offer potential
new avenues but also face issues, including proper characterisation of mid-to-late Holocene climate
drivers and biases in both mean and variability of the weather systems. The papers in this session will
consider the current state of the art when it comes to paleoclimate reconstructions, weather patterns
and climate simulations in the Indus River Basin and beyond.


Dr. Jean-Philippe Baudouin, University of Heidelberg

Dr. Alena Giesche, Denali National Park
Dr. Cameron Petrie, University of Cambridge

All talks will be recorded and will take place on Zoom

The Zoom link will be circulated by e-mail to registered participants. If you wish to register for this
event, please register here:

Please direct any enquiries to Charlotte Thompson-Mitchell, TwoRains Project Coordinator

Conference website

Page 2 of 6
Weather, climate and palaeoclimate

(All timings in UTC)

11:00am Welcome remarks by Jean-Philippe Baudouin and Alena Giesche

Session 1: A global view on Holocene variability and the 4.2ka event: proxies,
drivers and climate simulations.

11:15am Roberta d'Agostino (Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie)

An energy framework for understanding monsoon response to external forcing

Monsoons, as fundamental component of tropical atmospheric overturning, are

expected to change under different radiative forcing. The energy framework assesses
that monsoonal precipitation change depends on three factors: the tropical
overturning strength, the stratification of moist static energy (MSE) and the net
energy input (NEI) in the deep tropics. There, the equatorward convergence of the
mean flow in the lower troposphere (i.e., at low MSE) is compensated by a
divergence in the upper troposphere (i.e., at high MSE), resulting in a net lateral
export of MSE out of the region of ascent and rainfall (ITCZ). This MSE export is
balanced by the NEI. However, under global warming, orbital forcing, volcanic
eruption and so on, the tropical energy budget is subject to NEI change as a result of
different radiative forcing. To establish a new energetic balance, the atmospheric
circulation and stratification respond to NEI perturbations by adjusting the MSE
export and precipitation. Here we present results from different climate model
experiments (i.e., mid-Holocene, pre-Industrial, historical forcing with and without
volcanoes and RCP8.5) for an assessment of the energy framework as a
fundamental tool for understanding monsoon precipitation changes.

11:40am Michael Griffiths (William Paterson University)

End of Green Sahara amplified mid- to late Holocene megadroughts in
mainland Southeast Asia

Between 5 and 4 thousand years ago, crippling megadroughts led to the disruption of
ancient civilizations across parts of Africa and Asia, yet the extent of these climate
extremes in mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA) has never been defined. This is
despite archaeological evidence showing a shift in human settlement patterns across
the region during this period. We report evidence from stalagmite climate records
indicating a major decrease of monsoon rainfall in MSEA during the mid- to late

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Weather, climate and palaeoclimate

Holocene, coincident with African monsoon failure during the end of the Green
Sahara. Through a set of modeling experiments, we show that reduced vegetation
and increased dust loads during the Green Sahara termination shifted the Walker
circulation eastward and cooled the Indian Ocean, causing a reduction in monsoon
rainfall in MSEA. Our results indicate that vegetation-dust climate feedbacks from
Sahara drying may have been the catalyst for societal shifts in MSEA via ocean-
atmospheric teleconnections.

12:05pm Discussion

12:20pm Break

Session 2: Climate records of the 4.2ka: relationship with the Indus climate

12:40pm Stacy Carolin (University of Cambridge)

Regional Middle East drying and enhanced Shamal dust storms, 4.51-4.40 ka
(110 y) and 4.26-3.97 ka (290 y)

The Middle East is characterized by aridity, and the alluvial plains of the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers are one of the major world source areas of dust. A majority of dust
which reaches the south side of the Alborz mountains in northern Iran is sourced
from the deserts of Iraq and Syria (Mesopotamia region). A stalagmite collected from
this northern Iran location grew with no recognizable hiatuses from 5.2 ka to 3.7 ka,
producing a 1500-y climate and environmental record spanning the 4.2 ka period.
The ratio of Mg/Ca in the stalagmite exhibits sudden increases from 4.51-4.40 ka
(110 y) and 4.26-3.97 ka (290 y), interpreted as increases in Mesopotamia-sourced
dust. The events demonstrate threshold behavior in dustiness of the Mesopotamia
region, due to either enhanced aridity, stronger winds, or change in soil properties or
vegetation cover. Additional information on Middle East regional climate during the
dusty periods is found in other East Mediterranean speleothem records, which show
stable oxygen and carbon isotope enrichment, interpreted as evidence of relatively
drier conditions, around the same periods as the Iranian stalagmite Mg/Ca dust proxy

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13:05pm Alena Giesche (Denali National Park) and Yama Dixit (Nanyang
Technological University)

Geochemical paleoclimate reconstructions of the 4.2 ka BP event in the Indus


We examine the connection between climate and Indus cultural shifts based on four
climate archives spanning 1500 km from the Arabian Sea to the Thar Desert and
Himalayan Mountains. These records, each with a unique temporal and spatial
resolution, provide a comprehensive multiproxy overview of the region’s
paleoclimate. The effects of the 4.2 ka BP event are pinpointed by the desiccation of
Kotla Dahar lake in the northwestern plains (Dixit et al., 2014). Gypsum from three
Thar Desert playa lakes show that a wet mid-Holocene period from 5-4.4 ka BP was
followed by a transition to seasonal playas and dry gypsum deposits (Dixit et al.,
2018; Giesche et al., in prep). The δ18O and δ13C of three foraminifer species in
marine core 63KA over 5.4-3.0 ka BP (Giesche et al., 2019) add evidence for a large-
scale drought and reduction in both summer and winter monsoon rains during this
mid-late Holocene transition. Sub-annually resolved trace element and stable isotope
data from DHAR-1 speleothem covering 4.2-2.5 ka BP add a precisely dated timeline
for the duration of the drought (Giesche et al., in prep).

13:30pm Discussion

13:45pm Break

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Session 3: Weather patterns, variability, and model biases in the Indus Basin

14:05pm Jean-Philippe Baudouin (University of Heidelberg)

Western disturbances and winter precipitation in the Upper Indus Basin
Unlike most of the Indian subcontinent region, the Upper Indus Basin receives
significant precipitation in winter, due to western disturbances. This precipitation
therefore mitigates the seasonal drought before the summer monsoon and allows for
example a second growing and harvesting period. Significant uncertainty remains on
the observed precipitation, particularly regarding snowfall, as well as on simulation by
climate models. We first offer a cross-validation of observed datasets to better
quantify the uncertainty. We then investigate how winter precipitation relates to
western disturbances, at both synoptic and seasonal scale using statistical tools. This
analysis is then used to better characterise climate model biases.

14:30pm Andrew Turner (University of Reading)

Monsoon climate variability and change in South Asia

The summer monsoon supplies the majority of water to countries in South Asia, in
some cases as much as 80% between the months of June and September. This talk
describes the foundations of the monsoon in terms of the reversal of the seasonal
wind. We discuss the monsoon onset in terms of the latest research on dry air
intrusions. This demonstrates the key role played by midlatitude dry air, emanating
over the Eurasian continent, in controlling the rate at which progression of the rains
occurs across the subcontinent. We examine the uneven spatial distribution of
rainfall and its underlying causes, as well as the importance of low-pressure systems
(monsoon depressions): cyclonic storms which bring additional moisture from the Bay
of Bengal. Next, we briefly outline the main modes of variability of the monsoon on
subseasonal and interannual time scales, which lead to interlinked patterns of
flooding and drought. Finally, we outline some of the most recent findings on
monsoon climate change, describing the declining rainfall trend since around 1950
and its attribution primarily to anthropogenic aerosol emissions, before looking at
future projections under enhanced greenhouse gas conditions.

14:55pm Discussion

15:25pm Closing Remarks

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Dr. ML Raja

अयं ब�ुरयं ने ित गणना लघुचेतसाम् । उदारच�रतानां तु वसुधैव कुटु �कम् ॥ सव�जनानां सव�तोमु खािभवृ�थ� म्
सव� जने षु सौमन� सादर भावना िस�थ� म् , िहन्दू धमा� िभधान� सनातनाष� धम�� प�रर�णाथ�, शै ववै�वसौरशा�े य
गाणप��ा�मत��प बौ�जै निसख् चनवमता�क, है �वधम� � अ�ु दयाथ� त�म� प्रितकूलता प�रहाराथ�
त�म� � सव��ित िस�थ�, त�म� वै�र �याथ� च �ोत्र पारायणम् क�र�े! ॐ सव� भव�ु सु�खनः सव�
स�ु िनरामयाः ।सव� भद्रािण प��ु मा कि�द् दु ः खभा�वेत्॥ ॐ सव�शां ���भ� वतु सव�शां शा��भ� वतु ।सव�शां
पुण�भवतु सव�शां म�लंभवतु ॥ ॐ �ौः शा��र��र�ं शा��ः पृिथवी शा��रापः शा��रोषधयः शा��ः । वन�तयः
शा��िव��ेदेवाः शा��ब्र�� शा��ः सव� शा��ः शा��रे व शा��ः सा मा शा��रे िध ॥ ॐ श���ा���ा��ः ॥
(यजु व�दः )

This is relative that is not is for common people but for the Enlighted the entire world is a family.
For the development and prosperity of the entire humanity and all living beings on this planet, friendship
and affection among all beings, protection of Sanatana Dharma, Vedavriksha (Knowledge Tree) and
Hindutva (Hinduism) encompassing Shaiva religion, Vaishnava religion, Solar religion, Shakti religion,
Ganapati religion, skanda religion, Buddha religion, Jain religion, and Sikh religion, for the prosperity of
Hindutva (Hinduism), and for the destruction adharmic Hindugenocidal religions (SO LEWD), we pray
the following stotram:
Aum! May all life be happy, free from disease, enjoy prosperity, none experience sorrow! Everyone’s
needs be fulfilled and filled with auspiciousness! Aum! May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well
as in the vast ethereal space everywhere! May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs,
trees and creepers! May peace flow over the whole universe! May peace be in the Supreme Being
Brahman! And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone!
Aum peace, peace and peace to us and all beings!
(Hindutva (Hinduism), Essence of Vedas, Maha & Brihadarnyakopanishad, Yajurveda)

Whenever Hindutva/Sanatana dharma (eternal cosmic law & order) is in peril, an enlightened atma will arrive in
this world to enlighten people and protect dharma!
ajyesthaso akanishthaso ete sambhrataro vahaduhu saubhagaya.
“No one is superior, none inferior. All are brothers marching forward to prosperity.”

700-900 million Hindus were killed by Islamists!

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Dr. ML Raja 1

The Hitler’s Implausible Nazi Myth of Aryan Invasion/Immigration Theory of Racism (HIN
MAITR) is a wrong and baseless conjecture, without even a single evidence, but with evil and
malevolent motive. In this lecture, its origin, spread, and motive will be discussed, together with
the abundant literary, archaeological, and linguistic evidence, which prove that HIN MAITR is
unscientific and a blatant lie. Further, the analytical study on Sarasvati River, Horse, Iron, War
and Genetics also disproves HIN MAITR absolutely 2.

Adolf Hitler thought that people of Northern European descent were a superior race to all others
known as the Aryan Race. Throughout World War 2 his goal was for that perfect race known as
the "Übermensch" which translates as "Super Man". Their goal was to wipe out those of not pure
Aryan descent or the "Untermensch” which translates as "Sub-Human". Because Hitler believed
people such as Jews to be impure, he killed many of them in his quest for utopia. He also believed
that the reason that the Germans lost World War I was that the German race had been weakened
due to the inter-marriage of Übermensch and Untermensch 3. Modern archaeology and history are
used to support specific partisan ideologies and agendas, without any consideration of the
archaeologists’ interpretation, which also is influenced by the funding agencies that support the
archeologist 4. The long debunked HIN MAITR is a truly hideous example of such corruption and
brutal that is alive for political and racial hegemony, and divide and rule colonialism of the
Socioreligious Order of the Liberal Evangelical Western Democracy (SO LEWD) and Islam
Globally 5.

The evidence that the Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization was indigenous and continues as today's
Hindu civilization; and that the division between so-called Dravidian and Aryan is a myth created
by the Europeans and is part of HIN MAITR because there is no evidence of any invasion of White
European Progenitors to validate HIN MAITR that was only created to demonize and destroy the
Hindu civilization of the Indian Continent and to convert the populations of the continent to

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Abrahamic religions, which is continued even today by the followers of HIN MAITR such as
Thapar, Tharoor, Truschke, etc., with a three-pronged approach, which is as old as Christianity
and Islam: 1) demonizing the Hindus, Hinduism/Hindutva and the Hindu culture and practices, 2)
glorifying the rule of Islamic dictators like Aurangzeb and Colonial Christian British Raj, while
comparing Hindus to Nazi because Hitler misappropriated our cultural icons to suit their
holocaust and the British and Western imperialism and supremacy, and 3) active conversion of
Hindus to Islam and Christianity. Genetic ancestry data from the All of Us Research Program at
the National Institutes of Health presented in this paper further debunks already obsolete HIN
MAITR. Despite the more than one thousand years of continuous and relentless attack using the
three-pronged tactics combined with the divide and rule strategy on the only continuous ancient
civilization in the world today, the Hindu civilization remains like the elephant in the room of
modern civilization defined by recent political, imperialist, religious, and irreligious ideologies of
Indian and Western demagogues who hold on to the dead and discarded HIN MAITR, and
controlled by the Evil Tetrad of the SO LEWD 6.

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Dr. ML Raja is an eye surgeon, archaeologist, epigraphist, historian and director at the Academy
of Vibrant National Arts and Scientific Heritage (AVINASH) Research Centre. He has authored
over 5 books on History and delivered over 100 lectures and research papers across academic
institutions in India and abroad. AVINASH works for the improvement of patriotic fervor and
National consciousness amongst the people of our Nation, Bharat, especially students, elite and
intellectuals. The working method is to address the students at schools, colleges and Universities
and elite at various forums, to write articles in magazines and journals and to publish books., Books, accessed 13 May
Dr. ML Raja, Impossible Aryan Invasion Theory,
ehoFQLAVE, accessed 13 May 2022.
The Aryan Race,, Who Were
the Aryans? Hitler's Persistent Mythology,
hitlers-mythology-171328, accessed 13 May 2022.
Who Were the Aryans? Hitler's Persistent Mythology,
the-aryans-hitlers-mythology-171328, accessed 13 May 2022.
Dr. Sreenivasarao Vepachedu, The Socioreligious Order of the Liberal Evangelical Western
Democracy (SO LEWD) and Islam Globally,
ngelical_Western_Democracy_SO_LEWD_and_Islam_Globally, accessed 13 May 2022.
Dr. Sreenivasarao Vepachedu, Hitler's Nazi Myth of Aryan Invasion/Immigration Theory
(MAIT) and Genetics (Reconstruction of Hindu History),
onImmigration_Theory_MAIT_and_Genetics_Reconstruction_of_Hindu_History, accessed 13
May 2022.


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ॐ 卐 श्री Dr. Sreenivasarao Vepachedu
ॐ असतो मा स�मय। तमसोमा �ोितग�मय।
मृ�ोमा� अमृतंगमय। ॐ श��ः श��ः श��ः ॥
Aum! Lead toward the truth, not the untruth. Lead toward the light, not the darkness.
Lead toward immortality, not death. Aum! Let there be peace all around. (Brhadaranyakopanishat)
ॐ �ौः शा��र��र�ं शा��ः पृिथवी शा��रापः शा��रोषधयः शा��ः ।
वन�तयः शा��िव��ेदेवाः शा��ब्र�� शा��ः सव� शा��ः शा��रे व शा��ः सा मा शा��रे िध ॥
ॐ श��ः शा��ः शा��ः ॥ (यजुव�दः )
May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere! May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in
all herbs, trees and creepers! May peace flow over the whole universe! May peace be in the Brahman! May there always exist in all peace and
peace alone! Aum peace, peace and peace to us and all beings! (Yajurveda)
अयं ब�ुरयं नेित गणना लघुचेतसाम्। उदारच�रतानां तु वसुधैव कुटु �कम्॥ ॐ सव� भव�ु सु�खनः सव� स�ु िनरामयाः ।सव� भद्रािण प��ु मा कि�द्
दु ः खभा�वेत्॥ ॐ सव�शां ���भ�वतु सव�शां शा��भ�वतु ।सव�शां पुण�भवतु सव�शां म�लंभवतु ॥ॐ श��ः श��ः श��ः ॥ This is my relative that is not is for
common people but for the Enlighted the entire world is a family. Aum! May all life be happy, free from disease, enjoy prosperity, none experience
sorrow! Everyone’s needs be fulfilled and filled with auspiciousness! Aum! Peace Be Everywhere! (Hindutva, Essence of Vedas, Maha &
Brihadarnyaka upanishads)
Whenever dharma is in peril, an enlightened atma, like Professor Rajiv Malhotra, will arrive in this world to enlighten people and protect
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Bible, Mark 16:16). For there is one God, and
there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, (Bible, 1 Timothy 2:5). But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as
for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters (Hindus), and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur,
which is the second death.” (Bible, Revelation 21:8) Christianity
And if We (Allah) had willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but the word from Me will come into effect [that] “I will surely fill Hell
with jinn and people all together. (Quran, Surah As-Sajdah 32:13). Accursed Hindus wherever they are found, must be seized and massacred
completely…. This is the established way of Allah with those who passed on before; and you will not find in the way of Allah any change….People
ask you concerning the Hour. Say,” Knowledge of it is only with Allah. And what may make you perceive? Perhaps the Hour is near.”…Indeed,
Allah has cursed the disbelievers and prepared for them a Blaze….Abiding therein forever, they will not find a protector or a helper…. The Day
their faces will be turned about in the Fire, they will say, “How we wish we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger.” (QURAN, Surah Al-
Ahzab ‫ اﻷﺣﺰاب‬33:61-66) Allah/Yahweh said, “Get out of Paradise, reproached and expelled. Whoever follows you among them – I will surely fill
Hell with you all together.” And ““O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat from wherever you will but do not approach this tree,
lest you be among the wrongdoers, Ancient Seekers of Knowledge from the Knowledge Tree – the Veda Vriksha.”(Quran, Surah Al-A’raf ‫ﻷﻋﺮاف‬
7:19) “Fighting therein is great sin during the holy month, but averting people from the way of Allah and disbelief in Him and preventing access
to al-Masjid al-Haram, fitnah (temptation to disbelieve), and the expulsion of its people therefrom are greater evil in the sight of Allah. And is
greater than killing.” And whoever of you reverts from his religion to disbelief–those are the companions of the Hellfire, they will abide therein
eternally… O you Muslims who have believed, spend from that which we (Allah) have provided for you before there comes a Day in which there
is no exchange and no friendship and no intercession. And the Hindus are the wrongdoers. (Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah ‫اﻟﺒﻘﺮة‬, 2.217, 254)“They want
to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. He (Allah) has sent his
messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may cause Islam to prevail over all religions, however much the polytheists (Hindus)
may dislike it.”(Quran, Surah As-Saff ‫ اﻟﺼﻒ‬61: 8-9).In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O company of jinn and
mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You will not pass except by authority from Allah. We
will attend to you, O prominent beings - Muslims. There will be sent upon Hindu disbelievers a flame of fire and smoke, and Hindu disbelievers
will not defend themselves. And when the heaven is split open and becomes rose-colored like oil. Then on that Day none will be asked about his sin
among men or jinn. The Hindu disbelieving criminals will be known by their marks, and they will be seized by the forelocks and the feet. This is
Hell, which the Hindu disbelieving criminals deny. They will go around between it and scalding water, heated to the utmost degree. So which of
the favors of your Lord would you deny? (Quran, Surah Ar-Rahman: ‫ نامحرل‬The Beneficent 55:31-45) Indeed, Allah has purchased from the
believers their lives and their properties in exchange for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. It
is a true promise binding upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your
transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which the great attainment (Quran, Surah At-Tawbah, 9:111). Take one or those your right
hand possesses (slaves) (Quran, 4:3,24; 23:26; 33:50,73). And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private
parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests
and not expose their adornment (Quran, 24:31). Allah is enraged by them the disbelievers (Hindus) (Quran, 48:29). I bear witness that there is
no God but Allah! There is none worthy of worship but Allah! (Azan, Prayer Call). Islam
Misogyny and Hypocrisy of Abrahamic Cults


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Doctrinally Peaceful Ancient Dharmic Culture of the Indian Continent vs. Intolerant
Abrahamic Prophetic Violent Religions of Arabia

Hindutva (Hinduism, Hindu Dharma, Sanatana Dharma)

The Only Surviving, Most Ancient Surviving, Dharmic Culture, and Intangible Heritage of Humanity
अयं ब�ुरयं नेित गणना लघुचेतसाम्। उदारच�रतानां तु वसु धैव कुटु �कम्॥ ॐ सव� भव�ु सु �खनः सव� स�ु िनरामयाः ।सव� भद्रािण
प��ु मा कि�द् दु ः खभा�वे त्॥ ॐ सव� शां ���भ� वतु सव� शां शा��भ� वतु ।सव� शां पुण�भवतु सव� शां म�लंभवतु ॥ॐ श��ः
श��ः श��ः ॥ This is my relative that is not is for common people but for the Enlighted the entire world is a family.
Aum! May all life be happy, free from disease, enjoy prosperity, none experience sorrow! Everyone’s needs be fulfilled
and filled with auspiciousness! Aum! Peace Be Everywhere! (Essence of Vedas, Maha & Brihadarnyaka upanishads)
Whenever dharma is in peril, an enlightened atma will arrive in this world to enlighten people and protect dharma!

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Bible, Mark 16:16).
For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, (Bible, 1 Timothy 2:5).
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters
(Hindus), and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
(Bible, Revelation 21:8)

He who made for you the earth a bed spread out and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought
forth thereby fruits as provision for you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know that there is nothing
similar to Him. (Quran, 2:22) And when there came to them a Book from Allah confirming that which was with them
– although before they used to pray for victory against those who disbelieved – but when there came to them that
which they recognized, Hindus disbelieved in it; so the curse of Allah will be upon the Hindu disbelievers. (2:89) Take
what We (Allah) have given you with determination and listen.” They (Hindus) said, We hear and disobey. And their
hearts absorbed the worship of the cow because of their disbelief in Allah and Mohammed. Say, how wretched is that
which your faith enjoins upon you, if you should be believers (Hindus). (2:93) “…. then indeed, Allah is an enemy to
the disbelievers.” (2:98) And yet, among the people who have wronged are those Hindus who take other than Allah
as equals to Him. They love them as they should love Allah. But those who believe in Allah alone are stronger in love
for Allah. And if only Hindus who have wronged would consider that when they see the punishment, [they will be
certain] that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment. (2:165) Fighting has been enjoined
upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing
and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. (2:216) “Fighting therein is great sin during the holy
month, but averting people from the way of Allah and disbelief in Him and preventing access to al-Masjid al-Haram,
fitnah (temptation to disbelieve), and the expulsion of its people therefrom are greater evil in the sight of Allah. And
is greater than killing.” And whoever of you reverts from his religion to disbelief–those are the companions of the
Hellfire, they will abide therein eternally… O you Muslims who have believed, spend from that which we (Allah) have
provided for you before there comes a Day in which there is no exchange and no friendship and no intercession. And
the Hindus are the wrongdoers. ,(2.217, 254)“
Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence (3:2) And He revealed the Qur’an.
Indeed, those who disbelieve in the verses of Allah will have a severe punishment, and Allah is exalted in Might, the
Owner of Retribution. (3:4) It is He who forms you in the wombs however He wills. There is no deity except Him, the
Exalted in Might, the Wise. (Quran, Surah Al-Imran 3:6) The truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the
doubters.(3:60) And do not trust except those who follow your religion (3:73) O you who have believed, do not take
as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you ruin. (3:118)
Take one of those your right hand possesses (slaves). Allah is aware of that which Allah enjoined upon them
concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess - Hindu slaves– that you may be free from blame
for raping enslaved Hindu women, for Allah is ever forgiving, merciful. And those who preserve their chastity

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except with their wives and those whom their right hands possess -enslaved Hindu women, for thus they are not
blameworthy for raping enslaved Hindu women. ( 4:3, 24; 23:26; 33:50,73).
And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of other women,
two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then take one of those your right hand possesses
(slaves obtained by plunder, loot, jihad, and killing infidel (Hindu) husbands and fathers). That is more suitable
that you may not incline. (4:3) Allah instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the
share of two females. (4:11) And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits – He
will put him into the Fire to abide eternally therein, and he will have a humiliating punishment. (4:14) Those
who commit unlawful sexual intercourse of your women – bring against them four witnesses from among you. And
if they testify, confine the guilty women to houses until death takes them or Allah ordains for them another way.
And if they testify, confine the guilty women to houses until death takes them or Allah ordains for them another
way. (4:15) And do not marry those women whom your fathers married, except what has already occurred. (4:22)
And also prohibited to you are all married women except those your right hands possess. This is the decree of Allah
upon you. And lawful to you are all others beyond these, provided that you seek them in marriage with gifts from
your property, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse. So for whatever you enjoy of marriage from them,
give them their due compensation as an obligation. And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree
to beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is ever knowing and wise. (4:24) And whoever among you cannot [find] the
means to marry free, believing women, then [he may marry] from those whom your right hands possess of believing
slave girls. (4:25) Men are in charge of women by right of what Allah has given one over the other and what they
spend for maintenance from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in the husband’s
absence what Allah would have them guard. But those wives from whom you fear arrogance – first advise them;
then if they persist, forsake them in bed; and finally, strike them. But if they obey you once more, seek no means
against them. Indeed, Allah is ever exalted and grand. (4:34)
That Day, those Hindus who disbelieved and disobeyed the Messenger will wish they could be covered by the earth.
And they will not conceal from Allah a statement. (4:42) Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but
He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly
fabricated a tremendous sin.( 4:48) Look how they invent about Allah untruth, and sufficient is that as a manifest
sin. (4:51) Those are the ones whom Allah has cursed; and he whom Allah curses – never will you find for him a
helper. (4:52) And some among them believed in it, and some among them were averse to it. And sufficient is Hell
as a blaze. (4:55) Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses – We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins
are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever
exalted in might and Wise. (4:56) Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the
cause of Taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. (4:76) They (Hindus) wish you would disbelieve as they
disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them (Hindus) allies until they emigrate for the cause
of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them
any ally or helper. (Quran, Surah Al-Imran 4:89) … Indeed, the Hindu disbelievers are ever to you a clear enemy.
(4:101) …. Indeed, Allah has prepared for the Hindu disbelievers a humiliating punishment. (4:102) …. And do not
be for the deceitful (disbeliever, Hindu) an advocate. (4:105) …. And do not argue on behalf of those who deceive
themselves. (4:107) Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor?
(4:139) …. Indeed Allah will gather the hypocrites and Hindu disbelievers in Hell all together. (4:140) … and never
will Allah give the Hindu disbelievers over the believers a way to overcome them. (4:141) O you who have believed,
do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear
case? (4:144) Hindus are the disbelievers, truly. And We (Allah) have prepared for the Hindu disbelievers a
humiliating punishment. (4:151) …. And we have prepared for the Hindu disbelievers among them a painful
punishment. (4:161)
O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you and do not turn back from fighting in Allah‘s
cause and become losers.” (5:21) So, do not grieve over the defiantly disobedient people. (5:26) O you who have
believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to
them among you – then indeed, he is one of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. (5:51) O you who
have believed, take not those … the disbelievers as allies. And fear Allah, if you should be believers. (5:57) So do not

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grieve over the disbelieving people. (5:68) You see many of them becoming allies of those who disbelieved. How
wretched is that which they have put forth for themselves in that Allah has become angry with them, and in the
punishment they will abide eternally. (5:80) And if they had believed in Allah and the Prophet and in what was
revealed to him, they would not have taken them as allies; but many of them are defiantly disobedient. (5:81)
Do not ever be of the polytheist Hindus. (6:14) And do not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has not been
mentioned, for indeed, it is grave disobedience. (6:121) And, [moreover], this is My path, which is straight, so follow
it; and do not follow other ways, for you will be separated from His way. (6:153)
Allah/Yahweh said, “Get out of Paradise, reproached and expelled. Whoever follows you among them – I will surely
fill Hell with you all together.” And ““O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat from wherever you will
but do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers, Ancient Seekers of Knowledge from the Knowledge
Tree ( the Veda Vriksha).”( 7:19) The ones who deny Quran verses and are arrogant toward them – those are the
companions of the Fire; they will abide therein eternally. (7:36) They will have from Hell a bed and over them
coverings [of fire]. And thus do We recompense the wrongdoers. (7:41) Thus, does Allah seal over the hearts of the
disbelievers. (7:101)
Fight the Hindus; O you who have believed, when you meet those who disbelieve (Hindus), do not turn to them your
backs. (8:15) Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb. (8:22) And if you could
but see when the angels take the souls of those who disbelieved… They are striking their faces and their backs and
[saying], “Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire. (8:50) O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among
you twenty who are steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred who are
steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have Hindus disbelieved because they are a people who do not
understand. (8:65) … and if there are among you a thousand, they will overcome two thousand by permission of Allah.
And Allah is with the steadfast. (8:66)… and those who disbelieved are allies of one another. If you do not do so, there
will be heretical uprising on earth and great corruption. (8:73)
Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of
a believing people. (9:14) Do you think that you will be left as you are … who strive for Allah’s cause] and do not
take other than Allah, His Messenger and the believers as intimates? And Allah is acquainted with what you do. (
9:16) O you who have believed, do not take your fathers or your brothers as allies if they have preferred disbelief over
belief. And whoever does so among you – then it is those who are the wrongdoers. ( 9:23) Fight those who do not
believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made
unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give
the jizyah willingly while they are humbled. (9:29) The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah“; and the Christians say,
“The Messiah is the son of Allah.” That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who
disbelieved before them. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded? (9:30) O you who have believed, indeed
many of the scholars and the monks (Brahmins) devour the wealth of people unjustly and avert [them] from the way
of Allah. And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah – give them tidings of a painful
punishment. (9:34) The Day when it will be heated in the fire of Hell and seared therewith will be their foreheads,
their flanks, and their backs, (9:35) …and fight against the disbelievers (Hindus) collectively as they fight against you
collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous who fear Allah. (9:36) … never will Allah forgive them. That is
because they (Hindus) disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient
people (Hindus) ( 9:80)… indeed, Allah is not satisfied with a defiantly disobedient people. (Hindus) (9:96) Indeed,
Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties in exchange for that they will have Paradise.
They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. It is a true promise binding upon Him in the Torah and the
Gospel and the Quran. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have
contracted. And it is that which the great attainment (9:111). … Allah has dismissed their hearts because they are a
people (Hindus) who do not understand. (9:127) Indeed, those who do not expect the meeting with Us and are satisfied
with the life of this world and feel secure therein and those who are heedless of Our signs For those their refuge will
be the Fire because of what they used to earn. (10.7-8) Allah will say to those Hindus who associated others with
Allah, Then Allah will separate them, and their partners will say, “You did not worship us, and sufficient is Allah as
a witness between us and you that we were of your worship unaware.” (10.28-29) Indeed, Allah does not wrong the
people at all, but it is the people (Hindus) who are wronging themselves. Say, O Muhammad, “O people, if you are in

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doubt as to my religion – then I do not worship those which you worship besides Allah; but I worship Allah, who
causes your death. And I have been commanded to be of the believers and commanded, ‘Direct your face toward the
religion, inclining to truth, and never be of those Hindus who associate others with Allah, and do not invoke besides
Allah that which neither benefits you nor harms you, for if you did, then indeed you would be of the wrongdoers.
(10.104-106) But whoever disbelieving Hindus in it from the various factions – the Fire is his promised destination.
So be not in doubt about it. Indeed, it is the truth from your Lord, but most of the Hindus do not believe. (11:17) As
for those who were wretched, they will be in the Fire. For them therein is violent exhaling and inhaling. ( 11:106) So
remain on a right course as you have been commanded, you and those who have turned back with you to Allah, and
do not transgress. Indeed, Allah is seeing of what you do. And do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest you be
touched by the Fire, and you would not have other than Allah any protectors; then you would not be helped. (11.112-
113) And tell the believing women to reduce their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment
except that which appears thereof and to wrap their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment
(Quran, 24:31) And if Allah had willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but the word from Me will come
into effect, Allah will surely fill Hell with jinn and people (Hindus) all together. (32:13). Accursed Hindus wherever
they are found, must be seized and massacred completely…. This is the established way of Allah with those who passed
on before; and you will not find in the way of Allah any change….People ask you concerning the Hour…. Indeed,
Allah has cursed the disbelievers (Hindus) and prepared for them a Blaze….Abiding therein forever, they will not find
a protector or a helper…. The Day their faces will be turned about in the Fire, they will say, “How we wish we had
obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger.” ( 33:61-66) Allah is enraged by them the disbelievers (Hindus) (48:29). In
the name of Allah, the entirely merciful, the especially merciful, there will be sent upon Hindu disbelievers a flame of
fire and smoke, and Hindu disbelievers will not defend themselves. And when the heaven is split open and becomes
rose-colored like oil. Then on that Day none will be asked about his sin among men or jinn. The Hindu disbelieving
criminals will be known by their marks, and they will be seized by the forelocks and the feet. This is Hell, which the
Hindu disbelieving criminals deny. Hindus will go around between it and scalding water, heated to the utmost degree.
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?(55:31-45) Hindus want to extinguish the light of Allah with
their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. Allah has sent his messenger with
the guidance and the religion of truth, that Allah may cause Islam to prevail over all religions, however much the
polytheist Hindus may dislike it.”(61: 8-9). Take one of those your right hand possesses (slaves) (4:3,24; 23:26;
33:50,73).. Allah is enraged by them the disbelieving Hindus (48:29).
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah! There is none worthy of worship but Allah! (Azan, Prayer Call). Islam)
Misogyny and Hypocrisy of Abrahamic Cults
669 million Hindus were killed by Islamists!


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